


04-01-2013, 09:24 AM
Sharpening his blind hunter skills Roman has travelled into the red forest he's been skilled as a pup with simple stuff such as rabbits,small furry animals,and once a deer but not against a bear not to harm it but just pure thrill and for skills of fighting as well he's never clashed with others so this would be a perfect traning session since hunting takes a bit of a fight so why not try with something that will fight back.

he listend to his surroundings and sniffed around to find what he was looking for.he picked up a scent deep within the forest near a river and it seemed perfect the spot where the bear is water wiuld make mud and a chance for messy roman followed the scent and as he came closer and closer he knew he was near for ge could hear the animal hunting or playing in the water so he hid behind the trees and waited for the perfect moment to strike the bear down and see what he could do.he spoke softly to himself and said -you're all mine now this is going to be good- he then positioned himself and leaped towards the bear for a take down.



9 Years
Extra large
04-01-2013, 10:39 AM
She had strolled around these lands many times, still, still searching for Lunaire. She still had hope that he was alive, just, just couldn't find his sister. A heavy sigh escaped the bear's lips as her lumbering movements bringing her through a fores with incredibly large trees. Lunair would have like this, he would be daring her to climb up the tree as fr as she could and for a reward he would get her a deer and some nice berries. "You would do that, wouldn't you brother." She spoke to herself, a small smile forming on black lips as she brought her head up and continued on.

After a couple minutes of walking through the maze of trees she decided to stop for a rest, coming upon a water source just up ahead. The smell of it made her lick her lips, she didn't realize how thirsty she was until now. With a slight hum she lumbered forward, crushing some plants under her large paws. Moving past the treeline and made her way over to the water, paws just going right in, not even bothering to stop. She walked through the shallow end of the water, head down, slurping up the water without a care of who heard her. It's not like somebody would come and attack her for getting a drink, nobody was stupid enough to attack a bear, especially alone.

Not long after she got there the beast was bothered, something to her side caused her head to jerk up, purple gaze falling upon a wolf jumping right at her. Lips pulled back, revealing her canines, and immediately a thunderous roar erupted from her jaws. She moved quickly for being so large, forepaws pushing against the ground, weight shifting onto her back legs as she stood upright. Far larger than the wolf now, standing at seven feet. "Foolish animal!" She roared, bring back a large, clawed paw and bring it down at him.


04-01-2013, 11:38 AM
a quick back step from the claw planting to the ground roman then stopped and thought what to do now but quickly he spoke to calm the bear -whoa whoa i maybe foolish but i need a good spar i wil cease though sorry i did get carried away- he apologized to the bear and thinking what he must do now should he continue or just sit and go catch a fish for then to share as an apology as well though he remained in attacking position as to not startle the bear and get himself killed and hoping he doesnt end up a meal as well so the important thing is to remain calm and offer an apology so ge said to the bear -who are you? and may i offer a fish please don't kill me im just a wanderer-



9 Years
Extra large
04-01-2013, 11:53 AM
She had swung her large paw, expecting to feel the wolf's body bend beneath the weight behind it. She didn't feel it though, her paw slashed through the air, the wolf jumping back just in time to dodge it. Purple eyes glared down at him, taking a step forward and about to drop down and ram into him. He suddenly spoke though, causing her to pause, apologising for suddenly going at her like that. Her snout wrinkled at this, he was so young, an idiot for going at her. What if he had done that to another bear, they would not have stopped, would have continued and possibly killed him. "Consider yourself lucky wolf. Had I been somebody else I would have not hesitated in killing you." She warned him, letting him know just how lucky he was. "A youngster like you would be no match." She added, brows furrowing as she dropped down to all four with a thud, splashing water into the air. Now that he was close, he would see that she easily towered him, taller and around 200 pounds heavier.

She waited for him to say something else, and he did. The wolf asked who she was, asking if he could offer her a fish and to not kill him because he was just a wanderer. It made her smirk, pulling her gaze away and moving past him, making her way onto the shore before looking over her shoulder at the wolf. "Three fish." She told him, turning her body around and plopping herself down. She lifted a heavy paw off the ground and motioned towards the water, an already calm expression worn on her face. "Hurry up now, or I may want to eat something else." She ran a tongue over her lips, purposely looking over hi body with hungry eyes.


04-01-2013, 12:14 PM
he just waited for a few seconds and didn't hesitate and answered as she walked away and setteled down -alright ill get on that right away just don't move or change your mind ill get you three of the biggest fish i can find! ill be right back!- he rushed off to the river and stepped into the water waited and listened to the sound of swimming fish or the jumping of then out of the water patience was little for his life depended on it but luck was on his side he heard the a fish jumo out of the water to the left of him without moving much he leaped to the left and caught the fish in mid air with success he spoke with a mouthfull -yes one down to two to go not much longer and i can live-

time passed and roman had the three of the biggest fish he could find and found the bear waiting patiently he moved slowly and put the fish down at her claws and handed them over -here you go three of the biggest fish i could hear near the river- once he handed the fish to her he sat in front of her face to face and began talking and questioning the bear -so are you new her cause ive never heard of a bear outside in these parts here and i just wandered off from home what brings you to this forest because you seem lost?- sitting patiently and trying to make conversation with the bear -my name is roman by the way- hoping not to become a second course meal he waited and listend for anything she commanded to avoid conflict or him served as lunch.



9 Years
Extra large
04-01-2013, 12:37 PM
A satisfied hum came from the bear when the wolf said he would get her the fish, not to move while he goes to find her the three largest fish he can find. She simply motioned him off with a paw and as he ran off into the water to get her a meal. She slowly let her body slide back until she was laying down on her back with front paws resting on her chest, eyelids closed over her eyes, deciding to just chill until the wolf came back. From the way he acted, she knew he was young. Lunaire acted the same way, all over the place, constantly talking. 'Oh Lunaire... where could you be?' She thought to herself, a heavy sigh coming from her.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed, had to be a bit because she had just begun to doze off when she suddenly heard the wolf come running at her. She didn't move fast, slow was her pace. She rolled onto her side, using her front paws to push her up and turn to face the wolf that had dropped three decently sized fish down at her paws. A tongue ran over her lips, purple eyes running over the delicious little animals at her paws. She was about to scoop one up but the wolf suddenly bombarded her with questions. Her eyes looked to him, a brow raised as he asked her if she was new because he never seen a bear in these parts, he wandered away from home, what brings her to this forest because she seemed lost.

All she did was stare at him kind of funny, head tilted to the side, left eye twitching the slightest. After a few moments the wolf then told her his name, Roman. "Uh..." She shook her head, her nose twitching as she just stared at him, trying to process what he had just all said. "Well," She began after a few more moments. "Well, I'm looking for my brother." She answered his first question, pulling her gaze away from him and down at the fish, a paw scooping it up. "You really shouldn't wander form home, it's dangerous out here. And I'm not lost, just looking around these lands for my brother is all, we got separated." She answered his questions before finally taking a large bite out of the fish, taking most of the meat off it's body. She chewed it up, a growl of pleasure rumbling in her throat before swallowing. "The names' Zanire." She decided to tell him her name since he gave her his, reaching down and crabbing fish in her both, only to set it on top of his head. "You can have that one. It's too early to eat too much for me." She smiled, taking another bit out of her fish.


04-01-2013, 03:08 PM
he spoke to zanire -am i asking too much? because if am i do apologize im just a bit lonely since i ran off and glad ive met someone new that isnt a wolf i find it rather strange to see a bear actually never thought id encounter one i was just hoping to hunt one and sharpen my skills as well- he felt rather bad for zanire she had lost someone because he knows the same feeling he wondered if he could join her on her journey to go seek her brother and see what they both could discover along the way -well i was wondering mind if join you on your journey to seek who you are looking for because you look like you could use a friend to accompany you along i could be of great help to you- he asked with a waggle in his tail seeing if he could tag along with the bear. maybe going along with zanire he could find a new home or someone to mate with as well the possibilities of anything were great for him and zanire as well and have luck finding her brother after all they were both wanderers in this land.



9 Years
Extra large
04-01-2013, 03:41 PM
When the wolf finished talking, Zanire had finished her first fish, just nibbling off some little bits of meat she missed then tossed it behind her. She turned to look at him, boy did he have a mouth. Once he started talking, he didn't stop. It was interesting but a bit much, she didn't mind though. The bear had been alone for awhile now, even though her species were solitary, she found herself wanting some companionship. It was because of that that she didn't say anything when he had stopped for a short moment, just picked up the second fish and started munching on it while he continued talking and asking questions.

Once he had stopped talking she finished her second fish and tossed it behind her, tongue running over her lips, giving a shake of her head. Finally she could talk to him and answer his questions, so she shifted how she was sitting before locking her purple gaze on him. "You come off strong, lots of questions you have for me. Try taking a breath between each sentence or you'll pass out." She chuckled, lifting up a paw and pulling out a piece of fish from between her teeth. "If you want to improve your hunting skills, attacking a bear would be the very last thing you wanna practice on." She warned him, a seriousness on her face and in her voice. "Even a full grown male can't take one on by itself, you need a pack for that. You should try with smaller animals first." The bear stuck her tongue out and ran it over her nose briefly before pulling it back into her mouth.

Zanire really hoped this kid was listening to what she was saying and not forget, a bear was definitely not a thing he should be tackling at such a young age. He should be working with smaller animals. "You should try with fish, squirrels, hares, mice. Even though they are small and not much t eat, they are good practice to improve on your speed and agility." Some advice would be good for him, and she knew what she was talking about because of Lunaire's parents. Suddenly she realized what he had last asked her, a surprised look on her face. Should she let him join her? He certainly was no Lunaire but... she was lonely. Maybe if she let him he would be safe, not run off and try attacking another dangerous animal.

The bear sighed heavily, turning her head to the side and rubbing her head with a large paw. She might as well let him join, she had nothing else to do and at least he would be safe with her. She could teach him some things about hunting. "You can come with me Roman, but you must do as I say. Okay?" She asked him, giving him a serious look and tone of voice. Slowly she shifted once again, this time picking herself up so she was standing on all four.


04-03-2013, 07:20 AM
Roman laughed a little at the comment of zanire I don't think that will be a problem i can talk forever without stopping haha he kept hearing her munch on the fish and as she did zanire gave wonderful advice about hunting the advice seem legit and sounded correct a full grown male couldn't possibly take down a bear that size or any bear in particular he glad to hear from that from zanire and warn him of he dangers about hunting maybe this bear is trying to keep him safe from
harm or just keep him out of trouble perhaps who knows all he knows is that he had a friend or travelling companion maybe they could set out on adventures across the land.

Roman seemed delighted when zanire said he could join her on her journey but only if he listened to her words stay out of trouble and just follow along and don't get lost and he agreed Ok agreed let's go!!! and off they went to search for zanire's brother and adventure



9 Years
Extra large
04-03-2013, 08:21 AM

And with that Roman was now with Zanire. She was looking forward to this, finally after being alone for a year she will have somebody to keep her company. He was definitely no Lunaire, but he would do. She wouldn't say that to him, didn't want to compare him. No two wolves, or animals, were the same. They had different appearances, attitudes, beliefs, goals, souls. Her purple gaze fell upon the male, looking him over. She would teach him all she knew, all that Engo and Arya and shared with her during the time that they walked along side her. He was young, needed that guidance. Actually, really needed that guidance. She would show him the dangers of hunting certain prey, how to use basic knowledge of herbs to treat wounds or bod aches. A light sigh escaped her lips as she thought of all that, this would be most interesting.

Roman seemed excited to get going so she gave a nod to him, turning her body around, large paws crushing the small plants beneath her, heading into the forest. Tell me Roman... why you leave? She asked, turning her head to the side slightly so she could look at him while walking into the forest. She was curious as to why he left home, and where it as he came from so she had an idea of what his surroundings would be like. She needed to know, try helping him hunt the type of prey that might have been in his birthplace.


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04-03-2013, 11:19 PM
Followinf along and walking zanire asked why did he leave he had no simple response but he could do the best well see i ran because i neglected by those who loved me because they thought i wasn't of anything due to my blindness and well i left home and wandered off and now im here looking for a home he spoke a long story onto a shorter form of it if you will but was glad she could listen and know who he was and why he came here to the red forest he was happy that he was zanire now because she offered to teach roman to hunt game and sharpen his skills of hunting to a further level than he already is at soon he will learn to be a formidable fighter but for now he enjoyed the adventure with zanire and off they walked.



9 Years
Extra large
04-08-2013, 04:16 PM

So, the kid left his home because they neglected him for his disability. What a shame. Parents that have children with a disability or problem should work harder to make them feel important, useful to the family and/or pack. They jut had to make sure they didn't try too hard or else the child would hate them for treating them better because of their problem. Zanire would help him, not treat him too special for his blindness. If she was him and this new friend treated her differently, then she would be pretty upset. Stay with me, you will. I no treat you bad. She told him with a smile, walking off into the forest on a new adventure with the yearling.



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