
Whispers in the Dark


04-01-2013, 12:07 AM
"Come on amico stop being a coward just do it, just take a step forward. And do it." Vaas said to himself, looking off the edge of oblivion without fear or hesitation. Yet for some reason he couldn't find it in himself to jump. It was normal to have thoughts of suicide but Vaas took bis thoughts way to seriously sometimes. Often testing himself and his guts to do the unthinkable. "Aggg fuck it!" He cursed himself as he walked away from the edge, his mind was slowly rotting away ever since he took his downward spiral into Insanity. He hated almost everything and he cared for nothing, he was just alone in more ways then one. Only person he ever had to talk to was himself and well after a while of trying to have a conversation with yourself it simply gets old. The psycho threaded away from the edge and to the whispering caves witch he found rather enjoyable. He went deep within the cave and started to talk to himself, his echo traveling through the wide expansion of tunnels. "Come on mother fucker its easy, just fucking smile, go out there and socialize. Why must you always stay here and talk to me?" He said to himself as he began to chuckle. God he was lonely.


04-08-2013, 08:57 PM

She coiled through the caverns, a snake, a serpent, her bizarre coloring making her an outcast even against the hateful gleam of the crystals. Her tail swung behind her, a great pendulum, careening from side to side, her lips curled back over fangs of pearly white and her demeanor became considerably colder. Her paws struck the ground with purpose and wicked intent. Golden orbs flickered as she walked and a snarl threatened to bubble in the back of her throat, for the moment, she held it at bay.

The scent of another reached her nose and her eyes narrowed further, claws scraping against the stones, ears pinned back against her cranium. She could never be left to her own devices could she? He was mad, at least from what she could tell, he spoke in circles, speaking to phantom ghosts that her keen eyes couldn't see... fantastic.

"Talking to ghosts is hazardous to your health." The snarl bubbled up through her vocals like a toxic venom. her eyes trained upon the dark pelt before her. he was colored something similar to her father, the hateful bastard. her lips coiled back over her teeth but for now she remained ready, guarded in case he sprung at her. She had to long taken abuse not to expect it now.


04-14-2013, 08:49 PM
Vaas was caught of guard by the sudden sound of paw-steps behind him, walking behind him suddenly the scent of a female. The male heard her tell him something about his health and Vaas turned his head slighty. "Yeah your probably right about that." He chuckled turning around slowly seeing the girl pulling her lips back and getting into a stance. Vaas cocked an eyebrow at her and smirked. "What am i suddenly a bad guy? What the fuck did i do offend you?" He asked insanely as he sat down calmly and sighed. "Can we have a conversation so you can get to know me before you look at me like i did something to you." He explained calmly.


04-18-2013, 02:33 AM

Eyes revealed nothing, golden gems of topaz glistening in the depths of her soul as she watched him, followed his every movement. her tail coiled around her hock, the tip resting against the back of her pad, beating it gently in time with her own heartbeat. She was ready to attack, ready to flee, or ready to simply stand and listen. She was a highly intelligent creature, but showed it rarely, she seemed to have an aversion to anything that brought attention to her, regardless if it was good or bad.

He answered her in a deep chuckle, but her lips did not part to speak. He had not asked her a question, nor did she wish to continue the conversation and she would broker no response, but all too quickly the calmness in the air about him snapped and he was snarling and hissing at her. The only movement Elphaba made was her ears, they swiveled backwards, pinning against her cranium, golden eyes dilating and narrowing into fine points as she tensed to protect herself if such was necessary.

"Can you speak in soliloquy's rather than spewing curses like an uncivilized, uncouth mongrel?" The retort would come devoid of emotion and as quick as any viper.
