


03-31-2013, 04:36 PM
'Those fucks! What the fuck was wrong with them? I leave for one fucking week and shit falls to hell!' Vaas thought to himself angrily as he stomped through the forest with bloodshot blue eyes. His muscles rippled from under his fur with each step. He has been walking for days, and like he said before these boots were made for walking. Although he was rather large he took stealth seriously, making sure not the slightest sound was made as he walked. Blood was everywhere and he was covered in it, honestly he was kind of pissed off to come home to a fucking uprising. All of his 'soldiers' turned against him and his slaves were all released. And they practically told Vaas to get lost, they had bitten the hand that fed them. And that infuriated Vaas, the thing about respect, okay. The thing a out respect is when someone gives something to someone else out of the 'goodness' of their hearts they are expected to be grateful.

But those ungrateful FUCKS! Turned on him. Now what the fuck was he supposed to do? His soldiers were the best of the best, personally trained by Vaas himself and now they were dead. Vaas licked the blood from his muzzle as he walked trough the dozens of dead bodies that were once his soldiers. "Stupid fucks, this is how I'm repaid for generosity? And they call me crazy. Fucking bullshit!" Vaas said stepping over some of the bodies. He paused and took a deep breath. "Ima chill, just chill. Its okay Amico you will just find another...fucking purpose." He said to himself moving on of the dead bodies with his paw. His body was badly wounded during the fight but hey, scars build character right? Shaking his head he decided to leave, he had no reason to stick around. "What a fucking waste." He spat irritably.

He walked, he walked on and on and on and on. He made a few stops, he was getting dirty and took a bath at a waterfall to wash the blood from his fur. When he did that he stepped out of the water, muscles rippling through his fur like water. He shook himself dry before looking around. Were the hell was he now? Apparently some kind of forest, fog surrounded him and many new smells drifted through his nostrils. "Well this should be fun, gotta find a new pack...if there are any that strike my interest at least." He said to himself walking off.


04-01-2013, 04:18 PM

Whispers of promises and memories reached for the female?s legs. Reminding her what it was like to walk with phantoms. The fog seemed to be a living creature and brought her from the drought in search of water. Everything was drying around her kingdom. What had she done to anger Cerberus? Was he testing her new home? She shook her head with a deep sigh as the enticing aroma. She was unsure if it were real what she smelled. Her mind had been wandering to illusions. It was as if her wonderland was becoming something more real. In reality it was a simple case of dehydration.

Warped images seemed to wander along the alluring fog. Beckoning her to follow them but she shook her head. No, she would not dismiss the need for water. Her tail flicked as her tiger size paws pushed into the soft grounds of the soulless forest. She smiled for a moment, as she remembered the prince of snow and blood, she had met him here. Where had he gone? She had hoped to be his savior and yet he had vanished. Perhaps he was only an illusion of something she desperately wanted. She let out a sigh as the mixture of water and blood filled her nostrils. Something awoke in her clouded eyes. Blood was always the key to her memories.

Soon enough the waterfall was a few inches before her. She pushed herself into the depths of it. She moved till it covered up to her shoulders and lapped at the water for what seemed to be forever. She could feel the instant relief of her unborn pups. They were sucking her dry as well as the heat. She relaxed in the depths of the falls for a moment. She closed her eyes and pushed a few bubbles around her.

Dark ears twitched as she caught the lingering aroma of wet male. Who was wandering the soulless forest? She moved towards the bank and shook her velvet coat. Her violet eyes searched for the soggy paw prints and soon enough she was tracking the moving male. She partially hoped it was Hails, but she was certain she would have recognized his aroma. Soon enough the wandering black wolf came into view. She tilted her head. Holly mother of pus buckets, will I meet anyone not shrouded in the color of raven?s feathers? she thought sarcastically as she looked the male over. She cleared her throat, hoping it was no illusion she was stalking. ?I can taste the tension in you from here.? She said neutrally. She held no sort of emotion in her voice and her face displayed nothing but a slight interest in this wolf.


04-01-2013, 04:45 PM
Vaas let the voices of the past clouded his mind, blood, anger, hate, insanity. These were the things that made Vaas Vaas. As the black pirate stalked through the shadows he caught scent of a female. "Ohhhhhh what the fuck do we have here!" He said not turning to face her. But waiting until she decided to reveal herself. Vaas was tolerant of things, he despised as many things as he liked. He liked to lecture wolves...then kill them. But that was weekend stuff. Pausing as the women made herself known she spoke to him in a way that caught his interest right away. Vaas turned to face her and gave a pretty leveled but insane smile. "Distressed nononononononono, I'm no 'distressed. Not right now at least...Just disappointed." He said with a chuckle as he looked the girl over. He noticed her massive size and laughed. "Whoo! Now you are pretty big, i like you already." He said shaking his head enthusiastically.


04-01-2013, 07:14 PM

Violet eyes blinked with detachment towards the male. His colorful words didn?t rile much of a reaction out of her other then ennui from her. Her tail flicked behind her back and forth to the rhythm of her beating heart. His drawl was odd, it was etched the resonance of a foreign tongue. She was curious what his original language was but didn?t allow the thought to be more then what it was. Her ears twitched as he denied the tension she had smelt, though he called it a different word, distressed, she hadn?t said that exactly. No, she simply meant that something was tugging at his mind. She dismissed his use of words and continued to watch him.

Energy seemed to pulse off his body and close to visible waves. He seemed to be jittery, an odd sort of insanity lingered in his eyes. She knew that look. Her dark lips curled upright in respond to her size. Indeed that seemed to be the first many noticed of the Queen. That she was the largest monster to walk this realm. She shook her velvet coat and allowed her head to tilt ever so slightly, just barley noticeable, to the right. ?Luna?s tiny titties, if your skin could physically crawl off your body I think it would take flight. ?She said with amusement. Her violet eyes seemed to be drinking him in. would he be useful?

?What is it your haunting?? she questioned, wondering if he?d admit what it was he desired. If he wanted a home then perhaps she had one open for him or perhaps not. She needed useful wolves, wolves she could train, and who could do the jobs required of them. Her ears twitched as she allowed her rump to take to he ground. Her soft tail curled around her silver paws. She remained neutrally amused as she waited for his respond.


04-02-2013, 12:13 AM

Vaas watched her as she watched him. He noticed how she tried so hard to hide her emotions, just like everyone else. You know what Vaas always said? 'Run with the colors your born with!' That was his motto. Sort of? He didn't fucking know. But he did know he liked the women, the way she carried herself just screamed Alpha, he liked that. Vaas loved women, all of them. Weak and strong, to him women ruled the world and deserved to be pampered. In his eyes if you have a pussy you were goddess. But that was just him and his fucked up point of view, a point of view he took pride in. She said something about his skin that made him laugh, and that was hard to do. "Hahahaha, ohhhh I like you, you can make me laugh." He said insanely as he walked a bit closer and sat down. Looking at her. "Oh my dear goddess...demon...whatever you call yourself i don't give a fuck, ill call you whatever you want me too." He said enthusiassitcly. "What i want nonononono what i want is many things, a family, a decent fucking conversation. Hell ever something to do is nice." He said as if fantasizing it. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before looking back at her again. "Thats about it, so what brings you here to the great shadow fucking forest hu? Just checking the sites?" He asked with a chuckle.


04-02-2013, 01:04 AM
Blood, it dripped into the pool, swirling and churning and twisting in her mind. Who did the blood belong too? She closed her eyes and shuddered at the thought. All she could remember was snow falling with patches of blood or was that a coat? She blinked as the memory pushed against the fogging of her mind. Her face was lost to the illusion. Her ear twitched as she heard muffled words. Who is that? Why can?t I hear their words? the thoughts tugged at her consciousness. She needed to focus but why? The mist was so inviting. If she just walked into the darkness it would claim her. Bring her back to the other side. Where he waited for her.

She could hear his voice in the distance if she really listened. He missed her. She turned blank eyes back to the male at hand. He was still talking? His mouth was moving but she heard nothing. She read demon on his lips. Her violet eyes narrowed at the word. Perhaps it was appropriate. She was a behemoth, a monster, a freak and she remembered they called her that. Her ears fell back for a moment, as the rage seemed to steal its way into her throat. She could taste the fire in her mouth. She had to swallow it. She tried but she couldn?t. Help the growl escaped her muzzle. It was her only warning as she lunged for the male. She used all her weight to push him over. Her lips were curled backwards as she growled in his ear. The rumble filled her body and made her unborn cubs shiver.

Her jaws snapped once, close enough to grab fur but not enough to grab his skin. Blood filled her mouth as a tooth sunk into her tongue. Her breathing became labored as she listened to the blood in her mouth. It sang to her senses. Brought her memories to the front of her mind and she was left looking at the male she had only moments before been amused by. Why was he below her? Her violet eyes filled with confusion as she stood above him. Her nose pulled in the aromas of woods and male and blood. It was always the blood that brought her back. ?Cerberus?s cum guzzling whore!? she said horrified. She slowly withdrew herself off the male. Embarrassment filled her gaze for a moment until she remembered who she was. She was a queen now. The mad queen but a queen nonetheless.

?The world just broke for a moment.? She muttered more to herself then to him. When did it break? She had thought it was recovering. Apparently her mind wanted to remind her that she was indeed mad and the madness didn?t simply just vanish as the world around her became reborn. Her tail flicked behind her as she remembered the question he had asked her before. ?I was looking for the prince of blood and snow.? She said lamely, though she had other reasons for wandering the free lands. She was queen but she needed subjects and what better way then to look for them herself?


04-02-2013, 08:48 AM
Vaas stared at her as she started making strange faces at him. Vaas blinked and spoke with interest. "Uh ohhh here we gooooooo." He said insanely, just then she lunged as him and pinned him to the ground. Teeth bared as he nipped at her. Vaas smiled wickedly as he did so. "Whoooo now this is a party!!!" He said as he bit her tongue. He smiled and cocked an eyebrow. "That looked like it hurt, are you okay dearest?" He teased as she regained he senses and stumbled off of him Vaas laughed as she spoke and stood back up. "Ohhh its fucking ok just got the wind knocked out of me." He said insanely as he smacked his lips. "Its okay, you are angry, I get that. Come here, give Vaas a hug i make it all better. Come on being it in." He said crazed as he opened one of his arms. "Insanity is shared by all of us, accept me into your heart, and ill accept you as my savior fallen angel." He said insanely.


04-03-2013, 11:14 PM

The laps of mind had sent her into a shudder. She hadn?t meant to assault the poor male. What had he done? He was a good sport about the whole ordeal and she couldn?t help the laugh that escaped her throat. He wanted a hug did he? Well, he earned the damn thing so she felt live being giving at the moment. She moved towards him and pushed her heavy velvet body against his raven one. She allowed their furs to mingle together for a moment before withdrawing from him. Her tail danced back and forth behind her as she heard his last words.

?I am the queen of Lantajin. The assassins pack. If you want to find your way into my heart then pledge your fealty to me. Come home with me and find your place among the mad.? She said with a smile. She needed to head home soon enough and a little company along the way would be nice. She had come to satisfy her thrust and she had done that and more. that was if he accepted her offer.

Ooc: OMG sorry its so tiny but I want to get this thread finished so we can get the pack meeting rolling and get some epic training/sparring threads up and running and maybe start another one on one with newt and Vaas.

-last post-


04-03-2013, 11:39 PM
Vaas stood there not expecting anything to happen, when the huge female came forward and hugged him he gasped. "Oh, well then dont i feel da love!" He said with a crazed chuckle as she let go of him and explained who she was. Vaas jumped up over dramatically and laughed. "Queen! Nononononono Queen i was never aware I was in the presence of royalty!" He said circling her. "Oh don't worry about me taking your heard sweetheart you already got mine!" He said insanely as he trailed off into a laugh. She asked if he wanted to join them and he shrugged while replying quickly. "Why the fuck not, as long as i make plenty of friends, oh this is gonna be great, we can stay up late, tell stories of all the lives we have ever taken, its going to be like game night!" He laughed as he looked at the woman. "My name is Vaas Alterego, occupation...well you will have to get to know me first before you figure out my history!" He teased.