
Put Your Hand Into The Fire


03-31-2013, 03:22 PM
Paws struck the earth like war drums beaten by hungry and wrathful demons. Tak-Tak-Tak- against the cracked desert floor, dust hiding the rat like sliver he had the excuse of calling a tail. He sun burned relentlessly at his bleached blind eye, impairing the small blobs of darkness and drowning his vision in white. He strained to close the defective organ, but the tight pull on his skin refused him that privilege, no, he'd just have to deal with it like he always did and try to ignore the migraine inducing light penetrating his unblinking eye. He chose to instead focus on his thirst, and the scorching pain of the desert floor as his three sensitive paws drummed against it.

Hope came in the scent of crisp cool water and the small reflection in the distance, he had been fooled before by the shimmering vision of what appeared to be soothing, cool water splayed across the desert floor only to watch it dissolve into the air and reappear several feet away from him. He'd never seen such a thing in his life! Certainly not in his old home and never before in Baltimore. But this time was different. This time he could smell it, hear the soft lapping of water against a sandy shore and see the vivid green of life around it's edges. And sure enough, he soon found himself neck deep in water and kicking through a veritable blizzard of crisp clean water. He stood up to his elbows in the soothing lagoon, lapping at the silvery moisture like he had never seen it before in his life. The ache in his paws dissipated slowly and the throbbing in his head dulled considerably. Bliss. Sheer bliss.



04-01-2013, 08:55 AM

At first she did not realize where her paws were leading her, just was off in her own world. Thinking, wondering how Bronze would be without her. Was he going to be okay on his own, get into any more fights? Would he remember to gather fresh herbs, the right ones and crush them the way she had showed him to treat his wounds. Thinking about it brought a sigh from the small shewolf, paws coming to a stop, grey eyes looking down at the ground and ears laying back against her head. Why should she care? Why did she have to? It sometimes bugged her, she was kind to those who didn't seem to want her company, almost every time.

When she came out of it she noticed that the lands had changed. A sigh came from her as she stood on a small hill, tail hanging behind her and ears forward, grey eyes looking down at the lake below. She had heard about this place, the rocks in the lake confirming where she thought she was. It was shaped in the shape of a paw, Wolfpaw Lake. How did she travel so far without even realizing it? What ever, she swung her head to the right, ears swiveling around, listening for any animals nearby. After listening for a few moments she heard nothing and so turned back forward and moved on. Paws moved carefully over the rocky hill, gritting her teeth whenever she would lose her footing and would slide some.

Once at the bottom she took a deep breath, head held low as she moved on. Paws moved silently over the ground, ears swiveling to the side then forward whenever she heard something moving about nearby. By time her gaze focused on the spot though, it was gone. She shook her head, walked on. What was running through her head? Nothing, really. All she could hear was the forest around her, birds, squirrels, various small animals.

At last she finally scented something on the wind, water. It caused a hum to leave her lips, a small smile forming as she continued on. As she walked a noise started to come from her, not doing it on her own, just sort of happened. It just kept going and going as she got closer to the water source, her head slightly bobbing to it, grey eyes staring straight ahead. After a few minutes she reached the lake, still humming even when she stepped into the water so that it went to her ankles. Not eve noticing there was another wolf nearby.

Hum (click) <-- Loccian' Hum


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04-01-2013, 09:35 AM
Only after he had properly wallowed in the water had he come to realize there was another wolf near him. bliss gave way to shyness, and what few parts he had dropped into a submissive pose, as he searched for the other wolf. Finally eyes locked on the she-wolf who had seemed to be there the entire time, watching him make a fool of himself and frolic through the water. He cleared his throat quietly and turned to leave before his appearance offended her. The water had properly soothed the ache and burn in his skin, and the strain on his muscles and paws. There was no reason to stay. Silently he hobbled onto the shores, his scent, that of smoke and burned flesh wafted off his body, he endeavored to leave faster as his own scent touched his nostrils, embarrassed by the stories it told of his misery.



04-01-2013, 10:10 AM

Finally stopping her hum the shewolf lowered her head, jaws parting slightly to let her tongue reach out and lap up the refreshing liquid. She took in a few drinks before something finally caught her attention, her ear swiveling to the side. Slowly she pulled her head away from the water, her head turning in the direction she heard the noise to find a male standing there. Something was off right away, his appearance was unlike any other she had even seen in her life. His body, it was horribly scarred, covering half of him and he was missing a limb. Wha... what happened to him. She wondered, but knowing how it felt to be stared at and knowing he wouldn't like it, she met his eyes instead of staring at his scarred body. Greys meeting blue and milky eyes, they weren't far apart so it was easy to pick out their colors. She was confused though, why did she not smell him before, or even noticed him when coming up to the water?

Loccian took a step forward, jaws ajar to say something but before words could leave her lips he had turned away, trying to hide his body. It was then that she caught his scent fill her nose, the smell of smoke and burned flesh. Did he not want to stay because he didn't want her to question his appearance, reopen old wounds? The reason she thought this instead of him just being shy was because the way he held himself, embarrassed and, scared?

I'm sorry, I did not mean to pop up without notice. Her voice was soft, gentle. Apologising for showing up unannounced. Perhaps she could get him to stay, she didn't mind the way he looked as long as he wasn't some jerk to her like a lot of wolves. She was feeling lonely lately, just wandering around Seracia by yourself was no fun, and time passed slowly when you had no friends to talk to. Hopefully this male would stay a bit, maybe talk with her. I am sorry if it seemed like I was staring, she went on, taking a few steps back out of the water and folding her legs, taking a seat. I am Loccian.


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04-01-2013, 10:24 AM
He turned his head to look over his shoulder at her, she gave him her name and his eyes dropped toward the floor, his paws still in the water. His horrid reflection stared back at him and his eye shut almost instantly, only to open ever so slowly and stare back at the pitiful creature reflected on the water's surface. "Prospero." he wheezed, his voice harsh and raspy from the burn. He could remember a time when wolves would gather around to hear him regale them with poetry and stories from a darker time, about his ancestors and their lives with the humans and their man beasts, his lyrical voice enticing wolves as he weaved them into adventure and beauty...And Helen, against his side, resting her head on his shoulder and listening. Now all that sounded from him was horribly cracked and jaded whispers, and reflections of his own solitude and loneliness.



04-01-2013, 11:43 AM

She watched him in silence, wondering if he would be willing to engage in a conversation. To help pass time, instead of just leaving her, forcing her to just head straight back to Seracia. After a few moments it seemed like he would ignore her, just staring at the water at his reflection. Was he thinking about something? Perhaps asking himself why she was here talking to him. Was she forcing herself to ignore how he looked, to make him feel better. Not at all. She thought to herself, appearances shouldn't matter. What you should like in somebody is their personality, should't ignore somebody just because they look different.

Finally he said something, his voice, harsh and raspy. Maybe it was caused by whatever ever scarred him so badly? Was it permanent, had it since that day or was that just how he sounded. Prospero He gave his name, bringing a small nod from the shewolf. Nice to meet you... If you don't mind me asking. Are you new to these lands? She asked curiously, she could not recall seeing him around her in her days as a loner. If she did, she wouldn't be asking him, she would remember a face like his. She would have added, I don't recall seeing you around here, but she though it might offend him, saying something about how he looked. If she looked like he did, she would have been upset by it.


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04-01-2013, 03:49 PM
He nodded slightly in response to her question. She seemed to be avoiding asking about his scars, he was used to that by now, to the awkward politeness of other wolves who wanted to feel better than the others by their ability to resist judging someone simply by how they looked. Unfortunately it did little to impress him, he knew what he was, how he looked, how others thought of him. And he knew no wolf would ever admit to it. Most of it was true regardless. What burned at him, what ground against his nerves, were the ones that insisted he was some beautiful creature that hobbled with the pride and flourish of a peacock. It was a joke to him, that anyone would dare insist he was anything but horrific. But that was for another time. He turned slowly to face her, remaining at a distance. He could feel the question coming, almost hear it "How did you get those scars?" The question he had heard so many times before and would inevitably have to answer again. He would wait to be surprised, wait to hear what she said next. Wait for her to ask before he answered, the words ready to roll off his tongue.



04-09-2013, 03:59 PM

Grey eyes caught the movement of his head, a nod. Yes, he was new. But from where did he come from? Other side of the mountains, far beyond some forest. She was curious. Or maybe he came from somewhere around the volcano... Why else would he look the way he did? That couldn't possibly be from being attacked, could it? Whatever, perhaps she would find out another time she encountered him. You aren't much of a talker I see. She said with a smirk, pushing herself up onto all fours and taking a few steps towards him. Lately she was feeling more, social around others, mostly males. Obviously she was in heat, but, she didn't really know that. Didn't understand it. So she moved closer, stopping once she was a few feet fro him, grey eyes looking over his scarred body. If your scars are bothering you at all, I am a Healer, I can get you something for it. She offered him, she didn't mind, after all, she liked being able to help those around her.
