
A Break In The Rain



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-31-2013, 12:52 AM
Erani was out on a lazy walk. She had been feeling lazy, heavy. She?d been noticing a great deal of weight gain. It must have been all the meat Nova had been bringing home lately. The stirrings she felt now and then were odd though. She?d never felt anything like them. Her mother had never gotten to tell her or even Anali what those stirrings meant.

She was happy beyond words. Nova was a wonderful mate, a gentle male with a shy soul, but fierce with love. She smiled and padded along a small path that led into a meadow that spread for two miles in either direction. She sat, panting softly and watched the small herds that occupied it. There were no horses that she could see. Was the horse that was a part of their pack and not prey the only horse left?

Her thoughts turned inward. They were warm and fuzzy. It seemed that nothing could upset her contentedness. However, Soleil needed her to be more serious. She ought to be looking for more plants that could help with Soleil?s getting better. She rose, ignoring the heads that listed and stared at her with wary herbivore eyes before the owners moved as one to avoid the predator among them. Their avoidance was unhurried. They sensed that she wasn?t a thread. They knew a threat when they saw it, and a wolf that was alone, pregnant, and wearing peaceful body signs was not a threat. So they gave her a wider berth and dropped their heads back to grazing.

Erani lowered her head and scanned the plant life for anything that might be of use in Soleil?s case. Yarrow? No, not yet. She needed something to stop the Vomiting first, and then she could use the Yarrow. It would prod the Appetite. Her tail wagged lightly, and she nipped a few stalks off anyways. She needed to stock up as much as she could. Winter wasn?t near yet, but she wanted to be ready for anything.

The clouds above that had been parted to allow a wash of sunlight to bathe the lands in warmth closed in again, and soon another down pouring of rain was fast approaching to further drench the land. Erani shook her head. Was this area usually so stormy in this time of the year, at the very tail end of Spring? Or was it just unseasonably stormy? It didn?t seem that any of the local plant life was badly affected by this constant watering. Not many trees had fallen due to any erosion, and not much in the way of flooding had been occurring. She shook her head to clear it of water, and noticed a stand of Balmony. As was her game, she mentally listed off the name, and the plant?s uses. Great for clearing worms, strengthening the body, easing indigestion, stopping Nausea, vomiting and cramps of the intestines. Her ears perked. That was what she could try.

The plant was in bloom, the right stage for harvesting. She began to harvest them. When she was done, she had a sizable mouthful of it. She gathered the harvested plants and turned to pad her way back through the rain toward her den. Her tail wagged happily. She hoped this would work.