
Frankly, My Dear...


03-30-2013, 08:55 PM

He needed a break. So much had happened in the past few days, the King found himself desiring to be anywhere but his home. This was unusual for the monarch, as he was almost always completely satisfied within the borders of Seracia. But as it was, Gerhardt had roamed just outside of his territory to the Rio Grande, the place they'd stopped for the first time in this land. Just before leaving he'd let out a call for his wife, unsure if she was even in Seracia. She'd been pretty absent lately, and he couldn't help but wonder if she was still peeved about Maverick's behavior. He found it all quite amusing but wouldn't dare tell her that for fear of upsetting her all over again. Still, if she was in Seracia she would surely follow him out of the territory and to the river, where they might have a few hours to themselves. He desperately needed it, and he needed her.

Every fiber of his being felt tense, knotted up. He wasn't sure what - if anything - could ever unknot his nerves. The man was happy, sad, and angry all at the same time and he wasn't sure how long he could keep up those three emotions without going mad. He traipsed along at a leisurely pace, arguing with himself in his mind. As he reached the river, Gerhardt would slip into it and await his wife, hoping she had heard his call and would come.




03-30-2013, 11:21 PM

Things were getting much worse. The brunette queen had distanced herself from the others, but she had a good reason to do so. She wasn't sure if what she had was contagious, but if it was, she would never forgive herself if she transmitted it to others. It was absolute hell. She couldn't keep anything down, nor did she have an appetite. Nothing sounded desirable to her, not even a freshly killed buck tickled her senses. Her muscles ached terribly, and her organs felt like they were going to explode any second. Her temperature was high, leaving her body hot and feverish. Muscles tensed and shook rapidly beneath her pelt as she desperately looked for a warm place to keep herself comfortable. Things were getting dimmer, things seemed to fade away. The sound of her husbands voice called out across the territory, and as badly as she wanted to see him, she couldn't bring herself to it. For a moment she ignored his call, eyes closed tightly around her dimming pools of blue. What would he say when he discovered her? Would he regret ever accepting her as his wife? Demote her because she wasn't fit to lead the pack? As badly as she wished she knew this wasn't a fantasy. True love was out there, but nothing worked in your favor. The pack would diminish if she came back to the borders and infected those within it. She couldn't do it.

He needed her, she could hear it in his voice. Her heart ached more than the pain attacking her body. This was going to kill him. But, she needed him. Her head raised a few feet from the earth, brunette muzzle lifting as she attempted to call him. It was a short, raspy sound, but hopefully he would pick it up. Exhausted from even that movement she laid her head back down against the cold earth, body rolling to the side as she laid on the right side of her body. Her rib cadge rose and fell as she inhaled cautiously, and delicately.


OOC: She has Canine Leptospirosis, you can check it out if you want. This is gunna get cray ;3


03-31-2013, 03:33 PM

He ached all over for no reason. The travel wasn't the least bit hard or rough, and it wasn't even that far from home. The Rio was only about a thirty minute walk, and even shorter if you sprinted or loped - which he had. As he waited along the water's edge for his wife - or even just an answering call - he wondered vaguely where she had been all this time. Her scent had all but vanished from their communal den, and was scarcely found throughout the whole of Seracia. Had she left for good? Surely not, he knew his passion for her was dwarfed by her own love for him. There was no way she would leave voluntarily - at least not permanently. Gerhardt's ears twitched as a faint sound was heard from farther down the river - closer to Seracia. It was familiar and sounded all too much like Adette. Was that her response? Springing into motion, the King would trot toward the source of the sound inquisitively, wondering if it really was her.

As he came nearer to the source of the sound, he would call out. "Adette? Where are you?" He hoped she was not injured or sick. Why else would her call have been so weak and frail? Had someone attacked her on her way home from somewhere, or had she fallen ill by means of some foreign disease? The King needed answers, and he needed them now. But where was she?




03-31-2013, 04:03 PM

She was so weak even small movements took an enormous amount of energy. She felt so drained, so exhausted, yet she barley moved besides crawling a few feet here and there. The days seemed to blur, what was it? Monday? Tuesday? She couldn't tell anymore, she couldn't even tell how long she had been out here. Her delicate frame moved slightly as she curled herself up into a ball, tail resting atop her muzzle as she tried to keep herself warm. She could barley hear Gerhardt calling for her, but she couldn't call back. She was already so tired. She just hoped her would stumble across her, maybe pick up her scent and allow that to lead him to her.



03-31-2013, 04:11 PM

"Adette?" He would cry out her name over and over, seeking her out amongst the thick grasses and shrubs. Only when the wind shifted toward him did he pick up her scent. Rushing toward her perfume, Gerhardt gave a whine as he found her curled in a tight ball, looking positively horrible. "My love, what has happened to you?" She stunk of vomit and other detestable things. He attributed this to disease. He would need Loccian to offer her healing, but he would also need to bring her back to Seracia for her own safety. "How long have you been sick?" A sigh would ring from tight lips as he slipped into a laying position next to her, ears folded back with worry and slight fear. His eyes were soft and compassionate as he rested his head on his paws, watching her carefully.




03-31-2013, 04:22 PM

His voice was getting louder, and before she knew it he had found her. She did not move as she listened to his questions, and as badly as she wanted to, she did not look at him. She was embarrassed that he would ever see her in this condition. "I'm very sick Gerhadt." She shakily spoke. Words hurt almost as much as her organs did. "I.... I don't know. A while. I can't keep track of time anymore." Her breathing quickened, the muscles beneath her pelt shaking rapidly. She felt like she was freezing, but it was only a devilish trick the fever was playing on her. She wanted to feel Gerhardt's warmth so badly, but she remained still. She didn't want to risk infecting him.



03-31-2013, 04:27 PM

The King laid near his Queen, near enough that he could see and hear her, but not near enough as to press his warmth against her own. She was very sick, ill beyond belief, and as much as he loved her the King could not afford to grow ill himself. A sigh rang out, tapered off by the smallest of whines. Could his day get any better? He would need to figure out some way to get her home, or get Loccian here to help her. There had to be something he could do. She was quivering as she spoke, barely choking out words and hardly stringing together sentences. Gerhardt breathed another sigh, unable to look upon her in such a weary state. He would lift his chin and howl as loud as he could muster for Loccian their Marquess. It was time his wife start getting better. "Loccian will come, I've named her Marquess. She will know what to do." Eyes flooded with concern, wanting so badly to chastise her for ever leaving Seracia in the first place, but knowing this wasn't the time to do so. For all he knew, she could be on the brink of death.




03-31-2013, 04:38 PM

She waited for him to speak, but all she heard was him howl, calling for someone. This angered her. She was very ill, and here he was calling another wolf to come into contact with her? No, she wouldn't allow this, she wouldn't be the one to infect others. "Send her back..." She breathed heavily, head laid flat against the earth as she sprawled her body out. She just couldn't get comfortable no matter what she did. "I will not infect my members Gerhardt. Leave me be." It was all she could manage out before darkness began to swallow her. She slept a lot during her illness, and it was consuming her again.



03-31-2013, 04:42 PM

She spoke against what he'd just done, commanding that he send Loccian back to Seracia, if she was even on her way yet. Gerhardt snorted and spoke rather sternly, far more harshly than he would have in an ordinary situation. "I wont hear any more of that, Adette. Loccian is a healer and she will know what to do to help you get better." Deep bassy notes reverberated louder than he'd intended for them to, while another snort ended them abruptly. "If she doesn't come you could.." He couldn't bring himself to say it, but it was the haunting truth in the back of his mind. He didn't know how bad her illness was, or how long it might last, but ultimately.. it could lead in her death. Gerhardt would do everything he could to keep it from reaching that point, even if it meant possibly risking Loccian being infected. This was why he had healers in the first place. He watched as she slowly drifted to sleep, or out of consciousness, which one he could not be sure.




03-31-2013, 04:49 PM

Things continued to dim, but she fought the darkness. Her husbands words boomed within her ears, making the pain even worse. The brunette queen fought back tears, her battle against the black consuming her draining her of everything. She wasn't sure if it was him, or the pain, that drove tears to her eyes, but here they were, tricking down her flushed cheeks. He was right, she felt like she was on the brink of death, and for all she knew she could be. She needed help. "Hold me Ger, please just devour me with your warmth, and I won't say another word." It was a big risk to take, but the fever burning within her demanded warmth. If the healer came soon Gerhardt wouldn't be exposed to the sickness for long; thats if her did what she asked of him.



03-31-2013, 09:46 PM

Worry. It was all he'd done the past few days, and that was before he knew his wife could be dying before his very eyes. She looked so sickly, so frail, so unlike herself. It pained him to see her in this condition, pained him that for at least a day or two she had been dealing with this all on her own - without his knowledge or concern. Gerhardt had just assumed she was taking a break, still peeved at Maverick or one of the other children - or even him. He had never stopped and thought about the possibilities. It could even have been worse than this. His wife could have died, and he didn't even go after her until now! Inwardly the King chastised himself for letting her absence go on for this long. How long had she been forced to try to survive on her own? How long had it been since she'd even eaten? His body was shaking with anger, with ferocity at his own stupidity, his own blatant lack of concern. But she needed him now, he had to be strong for her, had to wait and hope that Loccian came soon. Heck, he'd even settle for Segolia now, anyone would do so long as they could help his wife. She would utter soft words, begging him to hold her. Conflicted. He wasn't sure if he should get closer to her, as the illness could be contagious. What would Seracia do without their two leaders? Could his son step up and handle the pack until they were better - if they got better? Gerhardt wasn't certain what he should do, but he had made too many mistakes already and would not make another. With only a minute's hesitation, the King would settle himself next to his wife, wrapping his warmth around her as best he could, and resting his head on the earth. "Relax, my love. I won't leave you. Help is on the way.." Amethyst eyes would shut as he continued to berate himself in his mind.




04-01-2013, 10:25 AM

Loccian was out looking for herbs that were springing up around the land from this weather, ones that needed a bit more time to grow than others. It is nice having fresh supplies, you never know what would happen at any given moment. Like right now, a howl ripped through the land, reaching Loccian's ears and causing her jump. Who... was that the King? She wondered, stopping where she was and listening to it. His howl was loud, and something about it made her worry, it seemed like he needed something urgently. Did something happen? Is he hurt? She had never heard a call like before which was why it worried her, but instead of going to him she waited a bit, seeing if somebody would answer him that was closer.

After nobody called back for a few moments she rose her head to the sky,jaws ajar and sang back to the King, letting him know she was on her way. Instantly after that she lowered her head and sprung forward, legs working, paws drumming against the ground. She hoped nothing bad had happened, but with a call like that she could not prepare herself properly.

How long did it take till she reached the area the howl came from, a couple minutes, an hour? She hoped it was not that long. Paws moved quickly but carefully along the rivers bank, grey eyes searching, ears swiveling, nose smelling the air for any signs of her King. It took a bit but she finally managed to catch something, his strong scent, but there was something mixed in with it. Lady Adette? She inhaled deeply, pushing Gerhardt's to the side to focus on the Queen's. Something, something about it didn't seem right. It was this that caused her to call out. Sir Gerhardt? Lady Adette? Her voice was loud, paws moving once more along the bank. Looking for the Seracian rulers.


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04-02-2013, 07:27 PM

He lay beside his ailing wife, wondering if it was even possible for his life to get any more depressing. The King was not in his normal mental state, and finding his wife like this had only served to make that decline even further. He rested his head on his paws, feeling the scarce amount of warmth from her frame drifting onto his own. Gerhardt wondered if he was doing any good at all, it seemed as though - if anything - he might be sapping warmth from her, not giving it to her. Still, he had faith that Loccian would arrive soon and he would most likely be put to work finding herbs or anything else that Adette might need. And arrive she did. Gerhardt shifted so his front half was propped up slightly, glancing at Loccian just as she spoke their names. "My wife is very sick.. please, can you help her?" Tone was almost pleading, hinting at his helplessness when it came to these situations. "Tell me what to do and I can try to help too." Curse his lack of knowledge of herbs and remedies! He had ordered two of his children learn, but he had yet to take the time himself to expand his knowledge.




04-02-2013, 07:41 PM

She laid still, her pleading getting to her husband one way or another. He hesitated for a moment, but who wouldn't? Who knows what her illness was, or how contagious it could be. She needed help, and she needed it now. Gerhardt's warmth somewhat surrounded her, feeding the fever, but subduing her shivering. She sighed warmly, a smile creeping upon her features. She couldn't help but smile. Her husband loved her enough to endanger his own life just to keep her warm. Not many wolves could say that about their mate. ""Relax, my love. I won't leave you. Help is on the way.." She allowed her tense body to relax as she inhaled his comforting scent. She become at ease, slipping into a deep slumber before the dusty female could arrive. What would be done to her she wouldn't know until consciousness pulled her back again.




04-03-2013, 09:53 AM

Within seconds she found the two laying together, Gerhardt seemed very worried and Adette didn't look too good. Perhaps just a cold, but Gerhardt's words smashed that idea to bits. Surely he knew what a cold was like so there was no reason to be this worried, it had to be something serious. My wife is very sick... please, can you help her? Tell me what to do and I can try to help too. Her ears had almost lay flat on her head at his voice, almost pleading with her to help the Queen. For the moment all she could do was give a nod of her head, so many thoughts suddenly springing up, trying to think of what she could collect to try and help the Queen. Until I know what is wrong, please try staying calm for Lady Adette. Once I figure out what I need to treat her, then I will ask for you to assist me in collecting the necessary herbs. Her voice was calm, but stern. He needed to be calm for his mate, try making her feel comfortable and not worry her.

She moved away from him and stepped close to the ill shewolf, lowering her head respectfully before examining her body. What is wrong my Queen? Please tell me everything you are experiencing. She asked softly, her nose taking in the various smells mixed in with the Queen's usual smell. Looking for any injuries, any cuts that might have been infected or just open that might have let a bug or something get into her system. When she didn't answer grey eyes looked to hers only to realize she was out. Oh... I did not scent others nearby so she should be fine while we look for herbs. Follow me, quickly." She barked before during and heading away from the water, already her gaze was looking around for herbs she thought she would need. Since the Queen is out, do you know what is all wrong with her? She asked, needing to know so she grabbed the right herbs. She had come to a stop quickly though, sniffing at a plant and inspecting the leaves and flower.


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04-05-2013, 06:11 PM

He was acting a complete fool, but at the same time he was incredibly worried and didn't much care how he appeared. His wife could be dying and he was helpless and lost. Still, with Loccian's arrival he was much less worried than he had been before. A smile lingered on his lips as she spoke, realizing how silly he must've sounded. As she gave him an order he nodded. He may be King but when it came to herbs.. she was Queen. Loccian would question the queen, but no answer was given, only furthering the King's worry. Loccian soon spurred herself into action, commanding the King to join her. Gerhardt obliged and slithered from his place beside his wife, galloping beside Loccian. "I'm not sure. When I arrived she smelled of vomit and she said she was very cold. She must be running a high fever." As she stopped quickly, Gerhardt put on the brakes, coming to a skidding stop next to her as she examined a plant. Perhaps it would be of service to his wife. He looked it over but found nothing special about it with his untrained eye. "What should I look for?" His brow quirked as he waited for a response, adrenaline already pumping through his veins.




04-06-2013, 01:56 PM

I'm not sure. When I arrived she smelled of vomit and she said she was very cold. She must be running a high fever... What should I look for? Her ear was swiveled in his direction, taking in and processing what he told her was wrong with the Queen. So she was vomiting and very cold, a possible high fever. She thought for a moment while inspecting the plant before her, remembering it's name and what it was used for. It would come in handy. She was about to start digging it up when Gerhardt asked for what he should look for. Of course he would want to help, but she also needed him. He loved Lady Adette. Alright, this plant here. I need you to dig up the whole plant. It will be very useful, will ease the vomiting and will warm her body. She pointed to the plant then motioned to a few others around him. We're gonna need a few, maybe four so we can crush it up in water and make her drink. With a nod of her head she bounded away a few steps before stopping and turning towards the King. I will find something to crush it with and some seeds to mix into the water, that should be it for now until she wakes up and I find more things to treat her... I will be back in a few moments, just wait beside Lady Adette till I'm back. With that she turned away and ran off, looking for a concave shaped rock.



04-06-2013, 07:19 PM

Table change ftw!

As she instructed him to go about digging up the plant she gestured to, the King sprung into action, descending upon the area around the plant with paws flying. The dirt retreated with far less effort than he'd intended, and as he quickly unearthed the plant he began to look around it to see if there were others. Plants grew in clusters.. did they not? Eyes would search for that particular type and whenever he came across one he would dig it up just like the first. When he'd unearthed three he began to look in her direction, recalling what she'd said she was going to do. She'd told him to wait beside his wife.. that he could do. Taking the plants gingerly in his jaws, he carried them back to where his wife lay, setting them down and watching her as she slept. Such a tragedy, for her to be in a state like this. She must feel awful, but at least sleep would help her recover faster.


Image by Ruelle.



04-08-2013, 07:16 PM

The small shewolf moved quickly, grey eyes scanning the group as she moved. There had to be a good shaped rock somewhere. Why was it then when she didn't need one, rocks of all shapes and sizes were laying everywhere, but now that she needed one there were none in sight? A small growl of irritation escaped the female as she kicked at a small plant, storming past it. Stay calm Loccian, your no help if your acting like this and can't focus. She told herself with a heavy sigh, shaking herself quickly then heading off again to look for the stone.

Finally after a bit she managed to find a nicely shaped stone she could use, and plenty of moss so that Lady Adette didn't have to move too much and a way to cool parts of her body. She had wrapped them up in large leaves, easier to carry without harming her teeth. Quickly she made her way back to the two, stopping right beside them, setting the leaf wrapped things down too check on Adette. That's great, try waking her up. She needs to drink this once I'm finished. She spoke to Gerhardt, quickly grabbing the plants he had collected, breaking it to pieces and grabbing the roots and stalks. She quickly went to work, using the moss to soak up water and drip into the dip of the stone, then using a rock and crushed the plant up.

ooc: Perhaps at the end of this thread he could tell her she has become Lead Healer? Unless that is not needed because of the new ranking system.



04-09-2013, 07:28 PM

He felt utterly helpless, helpless.. and very much alone. It was silly to feel this way, particularly since he lay beside his wife, and had just left the company of another. He was very obviously not alone, and yet he felt as if he was. His wife was horrendously sick, possibly dying, and Loccian was off hunting herbs in order to hopefully spare his Queen's life. Gerhardt might be in the presence of others, but mentally.. he was very much alone. It seemed like it took her hours to return, but when she did Gerhardt was thankful for it. Loccian seemed to have gotten enough supplies, and her mere presence gave off an air of calmness and collection.

The King nodded as she told him to try to wake the Queen. Gingerly he would reach to her cheek, caressing it gently with his muzzle and tongue. His hot breath would tickle at her ear as he whispered to her. "Wake up my love, my queen." Besides the children, she was all he had in this world. He looked to Loccian as she was preparing her supplies, and then set back to work trying to wake his sleeping beauty.


Image by Ruelle.