
You Found Me [Chronos]


04-30-2013, 03:17 PM

Blu would stumble, her awkward gait making the sand a difficult terrain to navigate... nut it improved her stability, it made her stronger, made her able to navigate the forest, her home, much easier. She needed to improve her stamina and her strength, for herself, for Valhalla, for Chronos. She was needed at least by the ebony male that carried her in such a high regard. He adored her for reasons she could not fathom. Her nights were swathed in soft whispered words of affection and love, her mornings were filled with beauty and light and her days were flooded with thoughts of him. Chronos was hers, and she was his.

Golden oculars flickered absently, her gaze falling with curiosity upon the gorgeous spit of paradise before her. Why had she never stumbled upon it before? Such an oasis was rare. A crystalline pool so clear she could see the rocks beneath it, grass a few trees, even a bit of life speckled the earth. How breathtakingly beautiful. It held no candle to her beloved but this place was stunning. She glided down the ravine, drifting over the sand with mild difficulty and stepping down into the oasis.

Her ears swiveled as she tentatively padded forward, dipping her maw to drink her fill of the gorgeous crystalline pool. She allowed her legs to bow beneath her, her bodice coming to rest upon the grass as the sunlight warmed her fur. For a moment she took the time to merely breathe. She had survived, Chronos had come, the two of them had a real shot at happiness. She could live whatever remained of her life within his embrace, his love, his affection. A smile drifted across her maw at such a thought, warmth blooming in her chest as she thought of her beloved.

A smile spread across her maw as hope blossomed within her, giving her strength and fueling the strength of the emotions she felt for Chronos. Why did her world crumble when he wasn't around her? Why did her heart break when he wasn't resting beside her? She thought of him constantly, always and to know he loved her just as she loved him. A laugh bubbled from her larynx, pretty gold eyes flooding with tears. Unable to stop herself and tilted her head to the heavens howling for him, hoping he was close enough to hear her.



04-30-2013, 03:56 PM

He didn?t spend time away from Blu often, not since he had found her again, but today he found himself out walking around alone. He would move with his head aloft and at a steady pace, he carried himself proudly. His black pelt was just beginning to shine again, and slowly but surely he was filling out, his fur no longer clinging to his skeleton as if he hadn?t had a good meal in a long time. He was almost at his normal strength, and slowly but surely his spirits were improving.

When he thought of Blu, he felt a warming sense of happiness bubble in his chest. Blu was his light in the darkness, the only light in the now dark corners of his mind. She made him sane, she kept him on the right track. Ever since he disappeared, his mind had been unstable, and even though he had returned his mind wasn?t completely sound. Even now, as he walked along the sandy paths, he could feel the darkness creeping in his mind.

He tried to keep this from Blu. He didn?t want her to see the mess he had become, the monster that he feared that he was. Flashes would creep over his vision, and fear would consume him when they occurred. He always saw the same thing, flashes of teeth and a blinding red light. He didn?t understand it, and that terrified him.

A howl jerked him out of his thoughts, and he lifted his head to the sky, tilting it slightly. It was Blu. He would then, pick his pace up into a stead lope and turn himself towards the source of the sound. He covered the ground quickly, until he saw her form laying on the ground. He would then slow to a trot as he came near her, and dip his head down to hers to nuzzle her jaws softly.

Then he would ready himself to speak, a small smile would appear on his maw as the words flowed from his mouth. ?Hello, love.?



04-30-2013, 04:33 PM

She would remain in her lounged position, relaxed and at ease, her ever skittish mind scanned the terrain, seeking some invisible phantom that would do her harm, her skittish nature would never leave her she had been the brunt of too many attacks, her missing limb was more than proof of that, but she would relax, because if Chronos had heard her, he would come. She knew this to be fact, to be absolute. She wanted nothing from him save for his presence, his scent, his love, she would never ask him for anything more than to be her everything. A tall order, but one he did not seem to mind filling.

His scent caught with the winds, reaching her sensitive nose easily and her tail would dust the earth, swinging back and forth in excitement, her paws would shift, readjusting and fidgeting. Excitement bubbling through her veins. She had seen him a scarce few hours ago and she was acting like a love sick pup! Ah well... her life was filled with so much darkness, she deserved a bit of childish love didn't she? Finally, finally he broke into her horizon, gliding up to her. She would give him no time to formulate an appropriate hello.

Her hind limb would push off behind her, her two fore limbs working harder to drag her bodice off the ground. An excited bark would rip from her larynx, and she would fly forward, nearly crashing into his chest as she burrowed herself into his familiar warmth. God she loved him. His words would reach her ears and her tongue would bathe a gentle path along his neck, she leaned against his chest, unsuccessfully binding them into one being.

"I love you." Her lyrics would fall, brimming with all of the emotions she had for him. Did he know how amazing he was? How much he meant to her? Did he know he was her world? She would bury her maw in the broad expanse of his chest, to hide her embarrassment as the next words left her maw. "I miss you, I can't stand to be without you." Hopelessly addicted to him? Most assuredly. Chronos was everything to her.



05-02-2013, 09:11 AM

Desire? Passion? Love? Emotions? Physical? Intimate?. Lust? Sex? Compansionship? Words, these words all were simply words that held no meaning until he met Blu. Blu gave each word there meaning to him. Chronos had always been content in himself, and when he found Blu he felt his heart swell with emotions that he could have never imagined. Blu made him feel complete, powerful, and mostly.. happy.

As Blu collided into him, her wrapped his head around her form, pulling her into something like a hug. Tightly he squeezed her, burying his nose into her grey fur an inhaling her scent. Black eyelids closed over his teal blue eyes, happiness burned in his gut. A contented sigh sprang from his maw. A deep breath came from him, at her words. She didn?t want to be without him? For the first time in his life, someone wanted him.. needed him? to be happy. He was wanted.

?Oh, Blu, you never have to be without me again. You?re never going to be alone, from this moment on. As long as you want to be with me, I?ll have you by my side.?He would speak with his muzzle still buried in her coat but his vocalization would be clear and well pronounced so she couldn?t miss any of it. He would then wrap his left paw and fore-leg around her smaller frame and pull her tightly into him. His Blu. <3



05-12-2013, 02:05 PM

Blu could scarcely contain herself around Chronos. Despite her schizophrenia and her three legged gimp, she felt like she could conquer the world, that she could do anything she set her mind too so long as Chronos remained at her side. She wanted for nothing, yearned for nothing, save his gentle countenance and the love that blossomed in her chest every time she happened to catch his visage through the trees. There was never another who loved quite like she loved her Chronos. She had never believed in love until she had met Chronos. her parents had been so utterly cruel... she thought such things existed only in stories, never in real life.

She collided with him and her world fell into its proper place. He curled his head around her, pulling her tightly into his chest. Squeezing her with hidden zeal until she could no more differenciate where she ended and he began. She fit him like a puzzle piece, a missing link to his soul and if she had her way she would never leave this warmth this heart of his embrace. A suspicious purr arose from her chest, a sound of contentment and of love.

His words pulled a loving smile from her, golden eyes flickering with love and admiration. The male was beautiful, absolutely stunning and he was all hers, or at least he would be until he grew tired of her, she hoped that day would never come. She bathed his neck and chest in soft kisses. "Forever then. Never leave me." She would murmur back against him, she had something to ask him, something that made heat pool on her abdamon and her cheeks burn with embarrassment, but she loved him and she wanted him and with a gentle cooing noise, she would speak. "I know my heat dosen't come for another season... but I... I want you Chronos. I want you to take me, to have me body mind and spirit. Make love to me Chronos, please?"



05-13-2013, 08:40 PM

He always thought about Blu, even when his mind was foggy, she was his light that guided his mind back. She kept him steady, and he always thought that she wouldn?t have anything that could surprise him, anymore, yet she continued to nearly knock him off his feet. ?I know my heat dosen't come for another season... but I... I want you Chronos. I want you to take me, to have me body mind and spirit. Make love to me Chronos, please?? Her question stirred something in his gut, and he pulled back to look into her eyes, reading her expression.

Tenderly, he stretched his head forward to nuzzle her, licking at the underline of her jaw, before pulling his head away to nuzzle her shoulder. He took in her scent and could feel his body vibrating with anticipation. He anticipated how their worlds would collide, how it would feel? everything. Taking a deep breath, he spoke, as his jaws moved close to her ears. His warm breath stirring her fur.

?Are you sure?? The question was simple, but he didn?t want to push her before she was ready, and this was a big step for the couple. He was ready for it, but he would never push her for something that she wasn?t a hundred percent ready for. He refused to hurt her like that. His muzzle worked through her fur, as he drew in her scent, waiting for her reply.



05-14-2013, 03:13 PM

She curled into Chronos because he was everything to her. She was completely safe tucked into his strong embrace. She didn't need a title, a home, a den... hell she didn't even need a name. She just needed his warmth pressed up against her and his breath wafting across her fur and she was complete. The rest of the world faded away ceased to matter or exist. Chronos was everything, her lover, her light, her beacon of hope in never-ending darkness, she wanted his love, his touch, his embrace in her darkest of hours and her brightest of days. Nothing could ever compare to his love.

She had never done what she not asked of her soul mate. Had never wanted too, in fact most touches made her cringe away, retreating in apparent fear and slight terror. Chronos was one of very few whose touch she did not shy from, and he was the only one, whose touch she leaned into, craving more. He would pull back to lather her in affection, his tongue licking the soft underside of her jaw, his snout, nuzzling into her fur, his eyes brimming with adoration and love... yes she was certain.

"I have never been more sure about anything. I want you to have me, you are my soul mate, the missing piece of me. There was never, nor will there be anyone else, just you. I love you Chronos... please?" She wondered how he would feel wrapped around her and pressed so tightly within her body, she shivered, heat pooling in her abdomen making her tremble in silent anticipation.



05-17-2013, 02:12 AM

A deep breath tasting of the female before him left his chest in a soft exhale at her words. She could say that she loved him a thousand times over and still with every verbalization of her feelings, his heart would stop. As she had been speaking he had been rubbing his muzzle against her, just enjoying the feel of her, though at her words he pulled away from her. Shining blue eyes stared down at the woman before him, his love, as he felt his body squirm in excitement.

Chronos had never been physically with another wolf, but that didn?t mean his body was incompetent. Gently, he stretched his head forward to sniff her from her shoulder to her flank, licking and gently nipping her as he went. He then changed tack, brushing his large form against hers gently, as he gently nuzzled her neck, kissing her as he moved.

?It?s only you, Blu? It?s always been you. I love you?? He murmured into her fur, as he traced her neck and face with his jaws. His eyes shown with adoration of his goddess, his lover, and a shuddery sigh left his body, as he tried to control himself- taking it slow.



05-21-2013, 01:33 AM

Blu would press against Chronos with a vengeance. He was her sunlight, her dip of cool, fresh spring water on a bitter summers day. Her laughter when only sadness weighed her down. The hope that blossomed and gave her strength from the confines of her chest. Every positive attribute Blu maintained was due to this figure of perfection she had pressed against her. This decision was not something she made lightly, but she had never been more sure of anything in all her days.

Gently she pulled from him, divesting herself of his warmth and offering a soft kiss to his snout, before slowly pulling away. She would turn offering him her backside before her head would careen around to gaze into soft blue oculars that she loved and adored with every fiber of her soul. her parents would never hurt her, would never touch her, the earth could tremble, Valhalla could hate them and always, she would have Chronos.

"I love you." She murmured softly into the air, awaiting him with eager anticipation. She wanted him to brand her, to teach her unbridled pleasures, sweet ecstasy, she wanted him to make her understand what it felt like to be loved and not hated. Her muscles quivered in silent anticipation and she trembled, she had never been filled with so much excitement, so much love, so much anticipation, in all her life.



05-25-2013, 07:11 AM

?I love you.? Before Blu, those words held no real meaning to him. Of course, he knew what they meant- it was about two people joining together, and a feeling that ran deep. He knew little of ?love?, he knew that it was a strong force, but one couldn?t possibly understand it?s strength until one was in love. As fucked up, as his mind was now, he knew he had one solid- one constant in his ever changing demeanor. Every time, Blu?s golden orbs landed upon his black frame or when he stared with blue eyes into her gold ones.. he knew. He loved her. He truly loved her, and there wasn?t anything that he wasn?t willing to do for her. He?d fight an army, jump from a cliff, gladly give his life for her- anything. Love for Blu, had become an all-consuming feeling- a dangerous power.

Chronos had never been intimately involved with another wolf. He was not one for meaningless casual encounters, though there had been many an opportunity. He instead had waited for the right one- The One. What she was asking of him wasn?t something bad, or strenuous, but he was nervous. What if he really had no clue as to what he was doing? He desperately wanted this first time, this love that they would make to be perfect for Blu. Taking a deep breath, he forced his feelings down as his body took over of its own volition, prepared to do what the woman before him had asked. Deep in his core, he felt a burning desire, a strange and a wild feeling. He finally understood, that overwhelming animalistic desire, that had been referenced so many times.

She turned her back to him, exposing herself to him, ready for him to claim her. He could sense her desire, and even though she wasn?t in heat, he could scent her lust for him. He stepped forward, nuzzling her hips, his tongue gently licking at the mangled leg, before stepping forward to claim her.

-fade to black-
