
Forget to Remember



03-29-2013, 01:49 AM

The sleek male shook his head as he headed towards Lentajin's new borders. Things would never get done if he left Kaien to it. Sade had been overthrown, and like an idiot Kaien had neglected investigating. The boy was still young and learning. It was no wonder not all the Tortugan's had accepted the change in power. He had to cut the kid some slack though, he had dumped it on the child all at once and hadn't given him much time to prepare for it. Either way he had expected a bit more common sense from him. Or was that too much to ask from the behemoth?

The ambassador left on his own, speeding up the process that the new Vecaan failed to be doing quickly. Nnoitra wasn't doing this because he was told to. In fact he believed he was doing his adopted son a favor. Nnoitra had a a way with words that was rather entertaining. He could persuade or dissuade fights in a matter of seconds. He could sway an opponent rather easily, cause enemies to doubt their own abilities, stir up trouble in any pack, and then cause distrust among the ranks of the weak. He was a sly devil who wore a mask. He hid behind that mask. No one could truly determine his personality because it was constantly changing. One only saw an act, and an act was all he ever put on. Everyone got their own personal show. They should feel privileged.

He was nothing special to look at. On a good day he appeared to have a bit of meat on his bones. Most of the time he was skeletal-like. Almost every bone could be seen in his lean body. He was a simple 36 inches. It was large for the normal beings of his species, but lately there had been nothing but abnormal sized wolves running around. He was a simple 130 pounds. Lean with compact muscles. He could go anywhere he wanted to go and he could go fast. He was like a white phantom with blue eyes. You never saw him coming until it was too late.

Today though he had no interest in being ghostly. He had business to attend to. He rolled up to Lentajin's borders and stopped a respectful distance away. He remained standing. He would sit if the Alpha proved to be non-threatening. He was only here for a short talk, nothing more. If he/she was interested in an alliance he would see if staying within his/her borders for a short time was necessary. He was curious to see how the new pack was being run with a new leader.

He came to a halt, head high and tail at a relaxed position. Despite having stepped down as an Alpha he still retained his regal composure. It was something he couldn't quite lose. Perhaps it was a good thing. Others seemed to respect him just a bit more for it. It was something he could easily say Kaien hadn't perfected. The male was built like a warrior, not an ambassador like himself. He could make himself look powerful, if only he didn't try so damn hard.

His head whipped backwards and blackened gums formed into an 'O' shape as a low howl left his larynx calling towards Lentajin's new Leader. This would be a private meeting, just between two wolves. If he/she brought somebody he wouldn't say a word against it, but he preferred it if it was just the Alpha and himself. It would be easier that way.



03-30-2013, 04:52 PM

Disarray was a companion that followed her closely. Revolution was what she feared when the kingdom had found her with the little queens crown. Some had fled, abandoned their loyalties with the death of their former queen and others stood by to see what the queen slayer did with their regale realm. She knew that these wolves viewed themselves like the Amazonian wolves. Females rose to the call of high ranks and males protected and breed. Those ideas had disturbed the mad queen. Each wolf was one piece to the puzzle of a kingdom. Each a stone in the foundation and they would be used to each and every one of their individual skills. She sought to find a captain, both male and female to teach the underlings. Sought to make this world into a faceless one. One where they whispered that death came with a price and assassins were as quick as lightening and as fierce and unforgiving as the world around them.

She had so much work cut out for her. First she needed to familiarize herself with those that still lingered in the depths of her kingdom. Know each one by name so she could tell who did or did not belong to her. She would send them all searching for the best, for those that had more to give then just breeding rights and general pack life. She would be unforgiving with lawbreakers and traitors. She would have no qualms with removing heads with her own behemoth fangs. She was determined to make a name for herself. Already she had deemed herself the queen slayer but she was certain after time her subjects would call her something along the lines to the Mad queen.

She was busy removing the fading aroma of Sade. Markings each new border with scat and urine to make sure trespassers knew who she was. Her ears twitched as she stopped sniffing the grounds. Her head pulled upright as she listened carefully. A summoning had been placed for her. Her brows arched with curiosity. Had anyone heard of her achievements yet? She was grateful that whomever wandering the borders had used the proper protocols in requesting an audience with the queen. She was in no mood to put anyone in their place and she was wearier of battle with her unborn cubs growing as each day passed by. She worried that if she engaged in anything physical that she would lose one or all of them.

She wandered to the edge of reality. A phantom lingered in the darkness. Piercing blue eyes watched for anything and everything. She knew that look all to well. She was a perspective being. Analyzing everything for signs of weakness or clues to what it was that haunted them. If she read them just right she could guess their inner secrets and scare them into believing she knew the truth. Her tail flicked as she approached the alabaster wolf. It seemed she had been meeting more and more of them. First the ghost who?s life was chained to another pack and then her wretched brother come back from the depths of his shallow grave. It would do her well to plug her fangs threw his chest and rip out his heart with her own jaws. Never the less he was family and though she had forgotten her parents what they had taught her was still ingrained in the depths of her subconscious.

?Welcome to my nightmare, what's your type of poison?? she questioned, her head tilting ever so slightly to the left. Her violet eyes flickered across his body so quickly it was as if she blinked and had memorized every inch of him. She would remember this wolf. whom ever he was and she would need just a little blood to help her out, willing or unwilling.



04-03-2013, 10:16 PM

Soon she came and automatically his eyes flickered over her massive body. She was larger than Kaien, and much larger than any other wolf he'd seen before. She surpassed even Cairo and Collision in height. It was an oddity that Nnoitra had yet to encounter before in his life. Still he remained stoic' only an amused light to his eyes as he continued his own evaluation. It was purely habitual now. He could easily see she was strong. Very powerful but he could bet anything that she was slow. Ah, but he was not here to battle her. No. Just merely strike up a deal she couldn't easily refuse.

He couldn't help but to notice she was widening around the stomach. It was prominent enough for him to realize that the behemoth was pregnant. It was an interesting thought, one he'd keep locked away in the dark corners of his frayed mind for future use should he have use of it.

?Welcome to my nightmare, what's your type of poison??

Ah, so did she enjoy words like he did? If she did then this would be an interesting conversation. She seemed to have a nice little ring to her words. A change that most wolves lacked. It was amusing and he appreciated it nonetheless. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips and he gave her a respectful dip of his head. He was near her territory and he was alone. It was best to play nice and hope that this encounter was a good one. If not he'd hightail it out of there. He had no intentions of being mauled by her entire pack and he had no intentions of being captured by them if he did something wrong.

"Pick my poison? Hmmm. Very well. Knowledge. Is that an interesting enough choice of poison for you?"

At this rate he felt as though he wasn't going to easily get on the subject of an alliance. He could bide his time and wait though. He was in no rush. Besides, knowledge about the new Queen and her pack was essential for this. Lentajin could be so different than the way it was. If it was for the better or for the worst, he had yet to determine.



04-05-2013, 11:29 PM

What was it they said about knowledge? Oh that it was power. She knew little of the kingdoms that branched out across the realm. She knew of Seracai. Where the king had abused the lady ghost?s lover for what crime she still knew not of. She had offered the lady sanctuary in her kingdom and a place for her pups if she should decide to abandon them. The lady had asked for time to think of the matter and she had gladly given it to her. What other packs were out there were still unknown to him so his aroma was interesting enough. She smelled like her Kaios, and of his mates second mate, secret. So they all belonged to the same clan.

Her ears twitched as she observed him observing her. She was showing more and more each day of her soon to come family. A slight flick of her lip and show of a solitary fang displayed her knowledge that he could tell she was with child. She was protective over her unborn pups and any threat would be eliminated swiftly and as painfully as possible. ?Ah, a good choice indeed.? She mused; if he wanted to talk then she would oblige him. He had been respectful enough to ask for her audience and she would give him her undivided attention in return. She noticed the gentle nod he had given her and she nodded in return. She had earned nothing from this male and felt no need for bows or dominance displays.

?So what is it you wish to know then?? she asked, straight to the point. She had many things to accomplish still. The pack was small and needed to be nourished. Her tail flicked as she allowed herself to be seated. Her belly seemed to push forward a little more then usual but she dismissed the insecure thought that threatened to creep its way into her mind. Nothing would tarnish her thoughts on her unborn pups and she was eager for them to be born soon.



04-07-2013, 12:08 AM

The man immediately took note of how protective she was as her lip curled upwards to reveal a single tooth in warning. He'd been observing her extended belly and was merely warning him she would attack should he threaten them. That was fair enough. He had no wish to harm them anyways. It'd be pointless to start a fight, especially since he'd come here to renew the alliance (possibly) and just merely gain knowledge.

He appreciated the nod in return. It seemed she was polite enough to those had earned it. It made him wonder how she reacted when she was pissed off. Regardless, she seemed pleased with his answer. Only an imbecile wouldn't be and she obviously was no imbecile. Had he known her a bit better he would know she was maybe a bit crazy, but not stupid.

She was blunt and too the point and he took note of that as well. Anything of importance he stored away in his memory for a later date. It would help determine if this pack would increase Tortuga's potential or not. Hopefully it would. He was aware of the alliances the other packs were making and it was a bit unnerving. Valhalla was the worst. They had aligned with Glaciem, and Glaciem had aligned with Seracia. If Valhalla decided to attack Tortuga it wouldn't end well. Then again Tortuga had no need for war. They were a secretive pack. Regardless, this alliance would be beneficial if it worked.

Two-toned blue oculars watched as she sat down. She seemed content around him so he lowered his hind end to the ground and sat as well, allowing his tail to drift idly behind him. He was ready to jump up at a moment's notice if the need arose. Her wouldn't let his guard down completely.

"I wish to know more about the pack you have inherited from Sade. It's quite obvious that things might have changed now that you've taken over. You're much different then Sade or Zara. An alliance had been struck up between Tortuga and Lentajin, but I figured it'd be safe to learn more about you all and then see about an alliance once more later."



04-07-2013, 06:53 AM

His words made her smile a bit. Inherited was not the word she?d have used but was he aware she was dead? She hadn?t spoken a word of it since she met with Zara and gave the heart in omission to her win. At least not until the day she met Champion but she had come with her to her home and had met no strangers since. So she was unsure if the word was out that she had Killed Sade and taken the pack by force. It was such a sad story really. She had hoped to keep the former queen around. Hold on to many of the traditions and keep the pack as relatively the same as it was. Minus the whole males are inferior to female?s bullshit. That shit had to go right out the bloody window.

?Inherited isn?t quite the right word. I rip it from her claws and took my crown with blood and death. Originally I had intended to inherit it as you had said but Sade had other plans and so she found herself dead.? She said mater-of-fact. She felt nothing for the little queens death. No remorse, no sorrow, and no regrets. She had seen the need to end her life when she broke the rules and it was as simple as that. ?As for how things are ran here now yes indeed I have transformed this pack. It is now of equal opportunity to any and all. We are a neutral pack now but we hold a darker taste to her home.? she said slowly, she was unsure if she should speak of the truth of what they were now. How many packs would fear and assassins pack? How many would be thrilled to hear she had wolves for hire to kill those that needed killing?

Alliances were important and if they had once been aligned then they could be again. ?I know nothing of your home, Tortuga. Nothing of who rules it or your wolves and if you want information then I would ask you give some in return.? She said with a smile. A little quid pro quo would help her determine if she could give more information on what they truly did with in the pack. She had to steal many little birds to add to her collection and as it were the slaves were piling up. She hoped soon enough they would prove their worth and grasp onto the ranks that made them more then nothing. A crime was punished. It was simple. Trespass and you were either killed or enslaved. The term of this sentence deepened on the reason for the trespassing. If a child found their way into the border and was enslaved she would release them once explained the situation. But a wolf like Frayer, Cerberus save their souls, she would kill them or beat them into submission and humiliate them until the understood the severity of their crime. She was not a compassionate woman when it came to blatant disrespect.



04-13-2013, 12:12 AM

His words had obviously made the behemoth of a woman smile, for her lips upturned slightly displaying her evident amusement. In turn her words pleased him and brought his own jowls to form a soft smirk. So she had killed the previous Tarkein? Very well. It was interesting news that had failed to reach Tortuga's secluded borders. It was disappointing to hear the old queen had died, but it was the way of life, and Nnoitra wouldn't ponder on such things for very long. Not when there was more pressing matters at hand to contend with.

"How very unfortunate. I commend you for your new rise in power. I wish you the best of luck."

Eyes closed in an odd facade of happiness, yet it seemed genuine praise lied underneath his words. He was an actor at heart and always would be, but he truly did appreciate a woman who could fight bloody battles. Blood and gore was honestly one of the most interesting parts of life to him. Now the question was, what had she done to the body? Had she eaten from her like he would have? Or did she just leave her to rot?

"Perhaps you could tell me the lovely details later. Unfortunately there are indeed more pressing matters and hand, and I can not divulge myself in such unnecessary bantering, at least, not until the other matters are taken care of."

Her words on how Lentajin had changed had piqued his interest. So she had rid the system that males were beneath females. That was a sudden leap. It certainly did explained why it seemed that there were less wolves than before. They had also taken on a more darker tone of life. Eyes lit up with praise and his tail wagged once behind him. How delightful! The news she was providing him was pleasing. Perhaps this alliance would work out even better than the previous ones.

?I know nothing of your home, Tortuga. Nothing of who rules it or your wolves and if you want information then I would ask you give some in return.?

She smiled as she spoke her words and his skeletal head cocked sideways in a brief look of curiosity before it righted itself once more. So she wanted to know more about Tortuga. Very well, he could easily dish out information. After all, she had provided information about her own pack. It wouldn't hurt to return the favor. He would keep the description brief and to the point.

"Tortuga circles around a darker design, but we take on a more neutral aspect of life. We hardly care for the concerns of others and.... well, we like to keep to ourselves. We take in the more darker aligned, ranging from the psychos, blood thirsty murderers, cannibals, and just the darker wolves who won't fit in any of the other packs due to their chaotic natures. It seems as though, with the way things have changed, that a few Tortugans have converted over."

The man paused for a moment, letting silence hang in the air. He remembered each and every face in Tortuga. He felt obligated to do so. That also meant he'd known when members were missing.

"Kaien, is our Vecaan, otherwise known as Alpha, and Morphine is the secondary, but they are not mates. I believe that they have also been informed of a few members that have switched over. A wolf by the name of Champion has left us, which is perfectly fine. Kaios on the other hand, is quite a bit of trouble. He's caused quite a few problems for our pack"

His tone took a turn for the darker side as he spoke about the ebony male. He hadn't been overly fond of the brute, but he'd allowed him to stay simply because things got done. He'd learned that some wolves could accomplish things better than others simply because of the evil in their heart, but there was only so many ranks you could give to those who simply did not have the intelligence to rise. Brute strength could only get you so far. Especially in Tortuga, where cunning, and a quick mind would get you farther.

"Regardless of that my dear, would you be interested in aligning our packs, or shall I give you reasons as to why I believe it would benefit us both?



04-28-2013, 05:32 AM

She watched him as he spoke about the pack. So their moral alignment was similar in nature. She cared for all the broken wolves, not just the darker ones, where her pack was truly neutral. Good, bad, and the in-betweens. She would allow them all to have sanctuary with in the pack. Her ears twitched as he began to speak of her members; first he spoke of Champion. She had once belonged to Tortuga. When she had met the female she had been rouge. They had gone hunting together and they had boded. She was a friend and she was content to have her as her beta. At least for now, but friendship didn?t excuse incompetence. If she became lazy she wouldn?t hesitate to strip her of her title.

Dark ears twitched with the words about her mate. She couldn?t help the growl that followed his statement. Kaios was an alpha in Lentajin. He had claimed her in the battlegrounds as his mate and they were slowly making it work. It was an odd thing and she had been confused on where her loyalties lie but never the less she would protect her mate if anything were to come knocking for him. ?Be that as it may, He is my mate and my second alpha. He is making a name for himself here and I will not tolerate any form of violent backlash to him. I will protect him if it comes to that and if any Tortugans come without requesting an audience then your alliance could be compromised.? She said just as darkly as he did. she may be pregnant and unable to defend her mate with out harming her unborn pups but someday soon he wouldn?t be pregnant anymore and though her mind forgot many things. This wouldn?t be one of them. She would seek vengeance if anyone harmed Kaios.

?I am sure your king might want retribution for his transgressions. He can come and request an audience with me and we will discuss the proper punishment for my mate.? She said with finality. She wouldn?t allow violence in her home and if they stalked him in the Rouge lands. Well, they would understand why she was calling her pack the Assassins pack. She was the deadliest of them all even if her mind was not sound.

?As for this Alliance. I need not know the reasons you desire one. Packs need such things to keep each other supported in times of dire circumstances and possible war.? She said simply, she knew nothing of Tortugas enemies or that they truly were on the brink of a war. All she knew was War happened and having an alliance with another pack would Benefit them both. ?In good faith of this alliance I would like to offer my daughter, should I have one, to come and live with Tortuga when she is 8 weeks old. I will hope your king can take her under his wing and care for her. She will live and be loyal to your pack and perhaps, if an heir is named, then she may wed him to cement our alliance further.? She offered, she knew her unborn child wouldn?t understand the political reasons why she would be sending her away but she wanted a gesture to be grand enough to show her acceptance and support for the idea.



05-10-2013, 07:33 PM

[Ooc: So this is before Secret is raped I think, so just expect a thread in the near future xD]

The brute listened well and nodded at her words about Kaios. He would not argue. It was only logical they seek out her and hold an audience to discuss a proper punishment for Kaios should he cause anymore trouble. Acceptance was written all over his face. They had nothing more to discuss on that matter. She continued to speak and an eyebrow would raise as she offered her unborn daughter, if she had one, to their pack once old enough. This was a certain change in events, but it was a marvelous idea nonetheless.

"The idea is a wonderful idea and I fully accept it. Once a set of Tortugan pups are born from an Alpha pair would you be interested having a pup from us move to your pack at 8 weeks and join your brood? It would only be fair compensation to do the same favor in return. Or do you wish something else from us?"



05-17-2013, 02:37 PM

The alliance was almost settled and she was happy with what was being discussed. Her daughter, if she had one, would be given to Tortuga as a sign of good faith for their alliance. When he had suggested a new pup to be given to them from Tortuga she allowed a small nod. ?Yes, that would be fair. Perhaps we can even discuss a possible arranged marriage in the future. A Tortugan to a Lentajin. May it be my daughter, the heir to this pack, to the son of the alpha pair or someone else, We can figure out the finer details when the time comes. As it would stand I belive we have a deal.? She said with finality. So it would be. Tortuga and Lentajin, the soon to be Amenti, would be come allies. What ever strife Tortuga was facing then her pack would be along for the ride and would help in what ever maters they could.