
Bad Weather, Good Company



03-28-2013, 10:18 PM
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Walk | Talk | Think

Lightning flashed, lighting up the sky and sending shadows across the floor of the forest and between the trees, bright and sudden. Rain cascaded upon the trees in thick sheets, rattling against the leaves and pines and dripping off of everything in the vicinity. There was nothing the rain did not touch, nothing that it had not touched. The bad weather had lurked over the Valhallan lands for days, drenching every inch of it and turning the moist earth into a muddy mess. Little rivulets of water trickled through the forest and fed into streams, which in turn added strength to the large river that wound through the territory and separated it definitively from the rest of the world. Nothing could be heard save the sound of the rain as it fell heavily upon the forest.

All except for the sound of muddy, wet paws as they squished through the mire and traversed the forest. Each of them, including her single white paw, were covered with mud, the mess seeping up between her toes and making her travels tricky since slipping was a constant risk. So far she had managed to keep her feet as she traveled the forest, but that was only a small victory. The rains had begun seeping into her pelt, lending her back and upper sides a darker grey color than it looked when dry. Limply her tail hung against her legs while her ears tucked protectively against her head, gold and purple eyes squinted to ward off the downpour. It was uncomfortable and unwise for Ashtoreth to be out and about now during the storm, risking her health, but it was better than the alternative.

That being, in this instance, idleness. As much as she enjoyed lounging and spending time on things aside from pack duties, she hated the sense that she was shirking her responsibilities. And with the weather horrid as it had been, her task of hunting had been made slightly more challenging. Many animals had gone and hidden from the brunt of the thunderstorm as lightning, thunder, and rain shook their forests and lit the skies for split seconds at a time. It was not prime weather for hunting, and neither, she was beginning to realize, was it weather for a quick patrol. The little grey wolf had sought out the boundary to the pack lands, assuring herself that a short stroll along the border would be perfectly fine, but as the rain began to touch flesh, seeping beneath her coat, she was ready to head back to the heart of the pack lands and dry off somewhere among her pack mates.

Slipping close beneath the rough bark of a tree trunk, Ashtoreth hurried along with cautious attention paid to her steps, blinking against the rain and hoping that she could arrive at her destination before she was fully and completely soaked through.

OOC: Feels like a lame beginning for a thread. /: Sorry.


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Leon I


11 Years
03-29-2013, 11:33 AM

The drumming of the rain and the occasional snare of thunder were the ambiance as he slept. Leon enjoyed storms, and quite loved when they would occur during regular sleeping hours. However, his sleeping hours had been anything but regular lately. Endless wandering and patrolling had left him exhausted but - for one reason or another - unable to sleep. His mind had been restless lately, and he attributed the lack of sleep to this and this alone. He had thought that becoming Lead Warrior would be enough to bring some genuine contentment back into his life, but apparently he had been mistaken. It had been a few weeks since he had been named Lead Warrior, and ever since then it seemed like his mental state had gone downhill instead of up. Leon rolled over onto his back, paws curling systematically above him. He stretched, suppressing a yawn as he tried to remember the last time he'd felt completely content.

The thought that came to his mind was not one that he had expected, and hardly one he could ever share out loud. It was the recollection of the time just after the eruption, before he'd been reunited with Valhalla. It was true, a lot of pain had flooded over him during this time. The pain of losing his home, of losing his family and possibly not ever having a future again. All of this should have brought him to an all-time low, but instead he felt happier than ever.

But why?

Ashtoreth. She was the only thing he could think of that could have made him feel happy and content in such a distressing time. A smile crossed his sleepy maw as he rolled back to his side and ultimately onto his stomach, where he pushed himself up and into a standing position. It was time to stop being lazy and be at least partially productive. Rain or shine, he was Lead Warrior and needed to ensure that everyone was safe. Azure eyes would open to the dramatic strobing of lightning on the sky above, radiating into his den. Emerging from the safe and warm confines of his home, Leon was greeted with a shower of rain on his head and neck. Without hesitation he continued until he was standing completely in the rain. Thunder rolled and boomed, accenting the lightning dance in the heavens. A sweeping glance would tell him that no one was roaming about, at least not in this heavy of a storm. With a pointless shake of his frame, the man pressed on into the heart of his territory, heading toward the border.

Mind wandered to Ashtoreth as he spotted a lone figure a couple hundred yards away. It was not recognizable with the flurry of raindrops that flowed over his face, causing him to squint his eyes. A strolling pace was taken up as he moved in the direction of the figure, curious as to what other Valhallan had chosen to be out in this weather. The last few days had been rainy, gloomy, and stormy. No doubt this wolf was simply sick of being inside. Rain soaked to the core, he would approach, noting that the wolf in question was none other than Ashtoreth. A smile grew on his lips as he came near enough to be heard over the chorus of thunder and rain. "Nice weather, eh?" A twinkle glowed somewhere in his eyes as he came up beside her. "What are you doing out in this mess?" Surely she wasn't trying to hunt in this storm? The food cache was no doubt dwindling down, but prey would be taking shelter - just as she should be doing. There would be no benefit of even trying in this downpour. "Come on, let's get out of the rain." He had just gotten into it, but from the look on her face he could tell she wanted no more part of this storm.




04-03-2013, 09:40 PM
[Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png]

Walk | Talk | Think

She moved along hurriedly but sedately, blinking rapidly as the rain water coursed through her fur and slipped passed her eyes and dripped down her muzzle to feed back into the slippery grounds underneath her swiftly moving paws. Cold, wet, and unable to feel much else besides, the slim grey wolf continued to plod along, mindful of her steps, of her position within the trees, of her direction.

But not so mindful of anyone around her. The sound of the familiar voice brought her up short, caused her to lift her head in a sort of dazed, disbelieving manner. Leon? Sure enough, as her gold and purple eyes settled on his light brown frame, she noticed his piercing blue eyes and warm, friendly grin, and felt an uncharacteristic stirring somewhere in her middle accompanied by a sudden wash of embarrassment. What a sight she must have looked like, strolling around in this horrid weather with no real intent, and soaked to the bone to boot! A sheepish grin stretched across her muzzle in answer to his own accompanied by a low chuckle, though her gaze quickly tore itself away from his, momentarily unable to meet it and see anything to hint at his reaction upon finding her like this. Any other time, Ashtoreth could have happened upon him by chance, but instead it had to be under these circumstances, and her without an excuse to cling to. Well, fate certainly has a sense of humor.

Though he asked her pointedly what it was she was doing wandering about in the storm, she did not want to answer. Stating she was out on an impromptu patrol sounded so feeble and silly now, especially considering the storm that hardly suited it at all. More lightning flashed overhead, but she paid it little mind, using the light instead to glance at Leon and judge how long he had been out in it. It was incredibly hard to tell, what with the rain coming down in such heavy sheets Ash was sure he would have been soaked just as she was the moment he stepped out into it. "Oh, just...admiring the weather," she answered at length with a casual shrug of her shoulders, figuring even such a blatant joke would have been better than admitting she had been trying to work in this weather.

At his coaxing, the slim grey she-wolf nodded eagerly over his suggestion of getting out of the storm, shifting about on her paws as she awaited him to lead the way. He was right; she was ready to be done with the storm. Between the rain and the mud and the cold from being subjected to it all, the dry warmth of shelter sounded heavenly. And if it meant she got to spend more time with the ever amusing, ever optimistic Leon, then all the better.


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Leon I


11 Years
04-05-2013, 08:12 PM

As the rain poured down, he tried to remember the last time he'd been this soaked to the bone. It had to be when he'd gone swimming, but that had been a while ago, a long while. Looking over her frame he could tell she was soaked too, how long had she been out in this storm? More importantly, why was she out in this storm? He knew he would have to wait for that answer, as he'd already asked the question and wasn't about to repeat himself. Her response then came, as amusing and casual as he'd expected it to be. Typical Ashtoreth. A smirk played across his lips. "Well then by all means let's continue walking so you can admire some more." Even he couldn't keep a straight face during the length of that joke. He let out a rolling chuckle as he pivoted so that he was beside her, parallel to the way she stood. The closest place he knew was his den, but was that too personal of a place to take her? He figured - in these circumstances - that it was not. Not bothering to think any more on the issue, he pressed himself onward, leading her toward his den. It was very near the central circuit where all of Valhalla slept - or most of them, at least. However, it was off to the side and very difficult to see - which was most of the reason why he liked it.

As they approached the circuit, he peered in all directions, noting that no other wolves were out in the rain. Good, no one would see where his den was. The man wasn't exactly paranoid - he was more particular about who knew where he lived, breathed, and slept. To the right of the circuit, the far right, there was a pile of three boulders that were moss-covered. Two were the base, and the third rested atop the two forming a slightly off-kilter pyramid. He marched toward the three, and paused before entering. "We can stay in my den until it breaks, or until you get sick of me.. whichever comes first." He winked and grinned before slipping through the gap in the center of the pyramid, coming to rest in a surprisingly spacious den. It was easily large enough for three and a half fully grown wolves, or two and a litter of pups - not that he was expecting that for a while. He went to the very back and turned around, resting onto his stomach and peering at the gap waiting on her to enter. "Welcome to my humble abode," he would utter over the chorus of the pounding rain.




04-08-2013, 07:24 PM
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Walk | Talk | Think

To his credit, Leon played along with the joke rather than declare it false right from the start, but it only went to further prove how thoughtless her actions had been. She tried not to groan aloud at the prospect of weaving around the forest a moment longer than necessary through this soaking rain and only just managed to close her eyes before their roll could be detected, still grinning sheepishly all the while. Thankfully he was already turning, and as his chuckles faded in the air between them, a small spark of brightness in the bleary storm, Ashtoreth followed in his paw steps, keeping close and watching her footing to make sure no accidents were made during the last small leg of her journey while the rains persisted. She only hoped by the time the rain departed that the ground would have soaked up a majority of the moisture. While the soaking effect of the rain would have been minimal then, slipping would still have been a danger, and needing all her faculties for hunting an injury, no matter how slight, would have been detrimental to their pack's two wolf hunting party.

The center of camp slowly began to loom ahead, manifesting through the rain and thunder. Ash stared ahead and around Leon at it with relief, but rather than make for the center of it, where a majority of the pack seemed to gather, the light brown wolf led her away and off to one side. For a moment, she was confused - were they not headed back to camp after all? - but as she still peered around the wolf, could see the rocky structure that he led them toward, her relief came again in earnest. Finally! A dry place to sit out of the rain and warm up.

He gave no hesitation as he led her to it, though he did pause outside of its entrance to speak to her, earning a bemused grin from his slim grey companion. Hm, wonder which that will be, she mused wordlessly to herself as she followed the other wolf through the gap in the three boulders and sighed as the rain's consistent drum upon her back at last ceased. Water dripped heavily from her coat, which clung to her body too snugly for her liking, and with the air fully hitting her sides the draft caused her to shudder suddenly. Her gold and purple eyes settled themselves on Leon, who had gone to lie himself in the very back of the den, welcoming her to his home. It was undoubtedly generous of him to invite her here of all places, back to the place that was to be his sanctuary and his sanctuary alone, and though the significance of this was not lost to her she tried not to read any further into it than she had to. He was her friend, really one of the only ones she had, and he was willing to look out for her at the sake of his own comfort and privacy.

Gently so as not to splatter water every which way and further wet the cozy den's owner, Ashtoreth carefully rustled her sides and coat, letting what water could fly off in a half shake, before following Leon's example and curling up against one side of the den close by him. For it only having one occupant, it certainly boasted of a lot of room to move, even with the both of them comfortably placed inside. "You sure know how to pick 'em," she stated admiringly, her two-toned eyes shifting around the small space to rest on the den's entrance as the rains still persisted outside. "Mine's much smaller than this. If I ever decide to move, I'll have to ask for your help in scouting out locations." She turned her head and peeked at him from the corner of her eye, a playful smirk dancing about her lips as she complimented his choice in residency. Though hers suited her solitary lifestyle, and its small size ensured that her tendency to curl up would keep in the most warmth during the colder months, there was little room to stretch in her den as there was here, and because she could she unwound a little from her curled up position on her side, extending a paw in a stretch forward as her body relaxed upon the dry floor. "Thanks for bringing me here," she said appreciatively, lying her head alongside her outstretched paw and closing her eyes momentarily as she shifted her shoulders to hide another small shudder, grateful that warmth was slowly beginning to come back to her.


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Leon I


11 Years
04-09-2013, 01:53 PM

The warmth of his den was intensified by her entry. Whether that was physically possible he was not quite sure, but by any means he felt warmer as she entered. Slipping into the confines of his inner sanctum, he watched her curl much like he had and relish in the warmth and dryness. Already he could feel his fur transitioning from dripping water to merely damp. She would offer up a compliment, her words smooth and gentle, and praising nonetheless. Had there been more light it might have looked like he'd blushed. In all truth he'd never imagined bringing anyone into his den before now, particularly not a female. However, he was glad to be able to share it with someone - and more pleased to share it with her. "Why thank you," She would comment further, and a smile lingered on his lips. "I hate to brag but I happen to be very good at finding suitable real estate. I know every inch of this land, and I even have dens farther out for when I get caught in a storm while patrolling or hunting." He wasn't exaggerating when he said he knew every inch of this land, gods knew he spent enough time patrolling it. It was a small wonder he'd ever even chosen this den to begin with, there were certainly larger ones, and even smaller ones closer to water features, or closer to good hunting grounds. Still, above all of them, this one stood out the most.

As a silence overtook them, she took it upon herself to break it and spoke up, thanking him once more. "Anytime, I consider you a great.. friend, Ashtoreth, and I'm honored to have you here." He had stumbled over the word friend ever so slightly, and an ear flicked back in alarm - wondering if she would catch his fumbling over words. At times, he had considered them more than friends, but he almost felt certain that she did not think of them as anything but friends. It was his most intimate of turmoils, and one that he wasn't sure he'd ever fully get rid of. He needed to distract her from his last statement, but he would need a question that she really had to think about, or at least think about long enough to forget what he'd said. "It must be the rainy season in this part of the continent.. I can't remember the last time I've seen such a downpour." Had he really just mentioned the weather in a normal conversation? Now she was certain to notice his awkwardness. Leon's other ear flicked back momentarily, before he forced both audits forward in attempt to keep her unaware of his state of mind. Why was he so nervous, anyway? He'd been in close quarters with her before, for several days, in fact. But this just seemed so much more... intimate.




04-11-2013, 12:31 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Informed of Leon's spare dens lying about the territory, Ashtoreth tried not to outwardly give a reaction aside from a lazy grin while on the inside she laughed at herself. Caught in a storm while patrolling. Sounds like I should have asked for his help a while ago. No doubt a secret place to hide out somewhere along the outskirts of the territory would have been useful considering the bout of poor weather that had plagued the Valhalla for some days now, the same bad weather she had been caught in when Leon had found her. It would have saved her the trouble of wandering through the wet and getting soaked clean through before needing rescuing. Not that she minded the rescuing too much. Or her rescuer. In fact, if she was being honest with herself, she might have admitted that being saved by Leon was the highlight of her day in more ways than one, but unwilling to give rise to such thoughts she merely accounted it to his generosity and playful disposition that so well suited hers. No need to bring in the fact that she had been thinking about him more at odd moments, or that she seemed to notice more about him than she had before. There was no correlation whatsoever.

And yet, as he stumbled ever so slightly over the label he gave her... What was that, that odd little feeling? Surprise? Disappointment? She was grateful her eyes were still already closed, hiding any sort of outward display they might have given off from view. At any rate, she tried to keep her smiling mask in place, hoping it looked as sincere and genuine as she willed it to. You should be glad he considers you a friend, a voice in her head chided, quietly reminding her of the good qualities the male had. Yes, she was grateful - privileged even - but was that enough now?

She didn't want to think like that, wasn't ready to think like that, and as Leon changed the subject to the weather, she was happy to play along. "Neither can I," she mumbled, cracking a gold and purple eye to peer sidelong outside the cave and watch as rain continued to drum a steady, heavy rhythm just outside their door. "If it doesn't let up soon, I hope we're all good swimmers." Another joke, some tension relieved. But not enough. "Not sure the gills will come in quickly enough, though," Ashtoreth added as she opened her eyes and turned them on Leon beside her, feeling controlled enough to meet his blue gaze again. A smile played about her face, and after a moment she noticed that the shuddering that occasionally rolled through her frame had abated. She was warming now, drying, but with the storm still raging on outside there would be no chance for a relatively safe dash back to her den just yet.

Which meant she needed to make more conversation. And as she replayed his words through her mind - skipping the ones that had drawn about an unwanted internal confusion - she found something and lifted her head to set her gaze more fully on him. "Nearly forgot, congratulations are in order," she stated, her smile brightening with total sincerity though her eyes remained playful and teasing, "Lead Warrior. Well deserved, I'm sure." Though stated mirthfully, she meant every word. She knew first hand of Leon's strength and determination, his compassion and loyalty. If anyone had deserved it, he certainly did.

Leon I


11 Years
04-11-2013, 10:47 AM

Eyes would rove over her frame before drifting to the exterior entrance of the den where the rain still poured and the lightning still flashed. The occasional rumble of thunder graced the percussion of the rain, but overall it was just a heavy downpour. He wondered how many more days would be like this, how many more hours he'd have to spend cooped up in his den. He doubted she'd linger forever, but he'd take all the time he could get. Perhaps if the storm continued, or even got worse, she'd stay with him overnight. One could only hope that mother nature cooperated. Still quite perturbed with his own slip of the tongue, Leon agonized over the many different reactions she could have as a result of what he'd said. Her eyes were closed, or at least they appeared closed to him, perhaps that would spare him the details of whatever she was feeling after such a comment.

She would respond, ignoring his friend quip and instead focusing upon his discussion of the weather. Was this some form of mercy she was offering him by going along with his weather distraction? She went further, offering up a joke of her own. How clever! Leon smirked and allowed a chuckle to slip from unhinged jaws. "Not sure I'd look half as handsome with a pair of gills... I think you could pull them off, though." Cerulean gaze danced in the darkness, almost half trying to imagine her with gills on either side of her cheeks, just behind that cute tuft of hair that stuck out on either side. Heck, she could grow fins and still be mostly attractive. He met her gaze with certainty, some part of the look stating that he meant what he'd said in more than just a joking fashion.

She would compliment him, sending a rush of blood to his cheeks that he was thankful was not visible in the current lighting. He shook his head dismissively, eyes rolling slightly. She need not flatter him, though he wasn't in total protest of her words either. It was good to be recognized, especially by her. "Hardly, Valhalla was in need and I stepped into position. I'm sure any one of our warriors are capable enough for the task." He paused, remembering some rumors he'd overheard while patrolling. "Have you heard about the new ranking system? Apparently the ranks are going through some changes.. I wonder when they'll be announced?" Yes, that was a rather innocent line of conversation, and would equally see to it that he could naturally segway into asking about her plans for the future. Perfect.




04-11-2013, 09:07 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He laughed. More relief. Whether he knew that she had been affected by his statement or not, it was still good to know she could overcome it and keep up with the witty banter that she enjoyed dishing out, particularly with Leon since he was ready and willing to go along with it, even now. And apparently he thought little of his looks if he imaged a pair of gills might spoil his appearance. Catching herself before anything should slip and unbidden thoughts could be revealed, she let out a quiet, safe sounding laugh and hesitated as he continued, an unexpected compliment tagged along, nearly hidden, within his words. It was hardly so much what he said as the look that accompanied it that seemed to get to her, and Ashtoreth prayed now that, as she met those deep blue eyes of his with a distracted smile, the darkness would cover her surprise, her flattery, and her uncertainty.

And then it was his turn to feel embarrassed, though he took it well. Surely he knew better than to think that Collision would have simply appointed him the job without giving it at least a little thought first? It was how Ash considered every decision their leaders made. None would simply be made out of convenience, or from opportunity. That was not what leaders did. They thought, they planned, they considered all angles. It was why she rarely went against protocol and gave them the respect they deserved. Whatever you say, Mr. Modest.

Bringing up something she was unfamiliar with, news about the ranks that had not yet reached her, the little grey wolf listened closely as Leon explained lightly what it was that was to happen to their pack. Her brow furrowed faintly within the dark, her gold and purple eyes shifting thoughtfully away, but try as she might she could not recall having heard anything about it before. "Hm. No, I haven't heard about them," she admitted, a puzzled sort of look about her as she blinked at her company. "I would think that we'll hear about it as soon as it's all figured out. What kind of changes have you heard of?" Now that the topic had been brought up, she felt her curiosity starting to grow. Was it just a small change, or something big? Would she still get to remain a hunter? Would she simply need to go by a new label? Hoping that her position would still remain when it was all said and done, she made a note to see if she could find any more out about it if she ran into anyone else out in the territory. Preferably after the weather was less stormy. Whenever that would be.

Leon I


11 Years
04-15-2013, 01:28 PM

He would let a curious silence linger in the air, furthering his line of questioning on the ranks. He was perplexed as to many things when it came to that subject. For starters, what on earth was wrong with the ranks that led the leaders to think they needed adjusting? And furthermore, what would be done to correct them, if something had been deemed wrong? It wasn't likely that there was anything serious needing adjusting, perhaps just a change of pace. Leon wondered if his new rank would be affected by the change, but knew that even if it was, there was little he could do about it. Besides - as he had tried to convince himself many times since hearing the talk of ranks - there was the chance that he might like the updates, though he wasn't altogether fond of change. He would find her speaking far before he'd expected it - or perhaps he'd just lost track of time while thinking. Either way, he mustered a reply.

"I'm not certain, to be honest. All I've heard is that there's going to be some kind of adjustment. I don't know how big or small it might be." But that wasn't going to keep the conversation going, no matter how truthful and honest the response had been. No matter, Leon had a question to further things along. A smile crossed his lips. "I have a question for you," he let a simple pause take place before continuing. "Suppose Collision came to you tomorrow and said that you could have your pick of any rank in Valhalla.." Another pause. "What would you choose?" It was a simple enough question, but it would tell him a lot about her. If she chose a higher rank it would signify even a tiny thirst for power - which was not horrible, just interesting. If she chose a lower rank, it would signify her satisfaction with where she was, and perhaps even an inner confidence. No matter what she chose, he would learn a thing or two about her. The only problem was, she was sure to ask the same of him. What would he say in return? Leon began to ponder his own answer while awaiting hers.



04-16-2013, 08:24 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was, admittedly, a little disappointed that Leon's explanation about the adjustment and changes to their ranks was so short and full of holes, and undoubtedly would have liked to have heard much more about it, but he had done her a service by letting her know of these changes when she had yet to notice. Small or large, menial or hugely influential, at least she knew what was coming and could prepare herself for it, though how she would need to figure out. Another softly murmured, "Hm," passed through her muzzle as she considered it: the idea of changing ranks, the prospect of keeping the position she held, of possibly taking on more responsibility if it was what the changes called for. She could only hope that their leaders would not take too long in announcing this new plan so that it didn't start to worry her.

From the corner of her eye, Ashtoreth saw a change happen across her company's face in the darkness, the shadow there moving as he smiled, and turning her head to regard him again she listened as he informed her he had a question. For a half a moment, her pulse quickened, all manner of questions swirling about her brain before she made herself smile curiously and tilt her head in a wordless inquiry, encouraging him to go on. But it was only something simple, or so she thought, a "what if" scenario that he was curious about. And it was definitely a good one. She blinked, turning her head a little away from Leon as she thought about it, about her options, about her wishes and dreams. What did she want overall, that might manifest itself in her job within the pack?

Her answer was much simpler than she had a feeling he expected it to be. But, of course, she could not say it without a little dash of her natural humor. "Definitely not anything with the Warriors," she answered with a somewhat sheepish smile as she set her smiling two-toned eyes back on Leon's deep blue ones. "I'd get run over out there." Just a little chuckle accompanied her statement which she took as an honest truth, willing to acknowledge her small stature as being more of a hindrance for a group meant to defend. "Honestly, I'd probably stay where I am. Hunting's respectable work. And it lets me stay busy following the prey." And she did enjoy her job. There were few of them so the work was a little heavier than it could have been, but overall it was satisfying. "And I'm not going to pretend I know more than I do. I've still got some learning to do before I even consider throwing my name in for Lead Hunter."

Feeling content with her response, her smile grew a little wider as she regarded Leon with curious eyes. "And you? Any higher aspirations, Mr. Adravendi?" she asked pleasantly, stretching her head out to lie it upon the floor beside her paw again as she shifted a little to better look at Leon while they conversed.

Leon I


11 Years
04-16-2013, 08:53 PM

He wondered how much thought she might put into his question, and whether or not she would take it as seriously as he desired. Not to say that he would not relish in any feedback from the girl whatsoever, but he was really looking for something he could work with, could somehow use to his advantage. No, he didn't like the word 'use'. He'd never use her, though he was fairly sure he'd never get a chance to anyway. He would shift as she commented with a breathy note, one that hinted that she really was giving some thought to his inquiry. Good, he'd wanted a thoughtful response, it would be all the more beneficial to his cause - whatever that may be. His body was growing stiff remaining in the same position, and it was probably clear with his jarred movements that he was not used to staying still for too long. Perhaps he was a bit too driven for his own good, but no matter what his faults, his bodice would simply not allow him to do anything but move at this precise time. Though his back had been previously pointed directly to the back of the den, curved with the same arch that the wall provided, it now flattened out more as he shifted more of his bodice toward her - whether on purpose or not he was not sure - and allowed his head to rest sideways upon the hard floor of the den. This particular area had not been built up or padded by anything, as some wolves did, in fact none of his den was padded or decorated in any fashion.

When he'd settled he allowed his tail to tap twice upon the earth, noting how much closer in proximity they were now that he'd moved. He now mirrored the way she lay, and if he were to stretch - even innocently - their paws would entangle, and his long lanky limbs might just caress her underside. But he was not quite prepared to make such a move, though every fiber of his body begged him to. He would wait, at least for her response. 'Definitely not something with the warriors' he would hear her remark as the gentle drumming of the rain picked up again. "Pity," he would say truthfully, though with his wit she would probably take it as jest. He would have liked to train closely with her, even for a short while. 'I'd get run over out there,' that one made him laugh. The light, rolling chuckle echoed in the den and he quieted himself to keep from deafening them both. "I'll be sure to warn you before I lead the warriors on our daily stampede." She might be small, but he would never underestimate what speed she must possess - and cunning to boot. "You might be surprised, I bet there's a warrior under there somewhere, she's just waiting for the right moment.." Every wolf had that moment, that breaking point where they merged from meek-minded to knights of the round table. Leon's moment always fell somewhere between a stranger and the need to defend his home or someone he cared about. He'd only fallen into that moment a time or two in his career. The last time had been frightening.

"Hunting is more than respectable, you can bet the warriors wouldn't be half their salt if they were starving." A lot of being a warrior meant keeping fit and keeping well fed. Leon prided himself on both, though he rarely took from the pack's food cache. He preferred to catch his own meals, almost feeling guilty for eating what others provided. Only when he needed to, he would steal away just enough to carry him on until he could properly hunt. Those occasions had been few and far between. "You'd be a fine lead hunter, no offense to Thane. You've got the intelligence, the speed, and the agility. I imagine you could lead wolves too, if you tried. I have a feeling though, that you prefer to be led." Some wolves were just followers. Leon had always thought himself one, until one day he'd snapped and asked for the rank of lead warrior. He was still questioning that decision, but was a bit too prideful to relinquish it to someone else. It wasn't the vanity of the title he prided, it was the responsibility behind it. Who else sought after the rank for that reason alone?

As he'd expected, the question was promptly turned back on him, and Leon lifted his head slightly to gaze at her more easily. "I'd have to say I'm happy where I am too. Maybe one day I'd consider something like Beta, but I wouldn't want to be King. I could do it for a while, I suppose, but.. I don't think I have it in me to make those decisions all the time. I don't envy Collision one bit, that's for sure." And he didn't. Leon had never aspired for the rank of King, not even for a second. He relished in responsibility, and a job to do, but that was a step too far for the mild-mannered Adravendi. Everyone had to draw the line somewhere, and Leon's was nowhere near King. "I don't aspire for ranks much anymore, I guess my mind is.. elsewhere." He trailed off, half wondering if he'd done it on purpose to lure her into questioning him further, or if he'd just drifted off for the sake of it, for the emotion behind it. Whatever the reason, his head would fall back to the earth gently and the floor cradled it there as cerulean gaze sought purple and gold.




04-17-2013, 07:54 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He moved, shifted upon the ground...and suddenly the spacious den felt much smaller than it had upon arrival. How had he managed to get so close without her realizing? Had she been so near that just a little shift from where he was lying could draw him close enough to touch? The den is shrinking. Ash knew better than to believe the thought, but it was an apt description of how she felt. She noted the distance with an absent attention, hoping none of her surprise showed upon her face or within her eyes, willing the shadows to hide it from view. And yet, for all their closeness, distance still separated them. The combined heat of their bodies could be felt warming the den, and she was certain her coat was just about dry for it, but still they did not touch, did not share space in that way. She was surprised to feel a little part of her that wished they did.

He laughed first, the sound echoing noisily yet pleasantly through the small enclosed space. It made her smile, especially as he tried to quiet it down when he caught how well the walls sent it back toward them. But his response caught her off guard. If he had thought his laugh loud, her own in response to his stampede statement was louder, so unexpected that she had no time to prepare or give it any subtlety at all. It rang through the stony den for a moment as she grinned, quieting only after the short initial outburst had ended and she had drawn in another breath for a softer chuckle. Only slightly was she embarrassed, but definitely more amused by Leon's reply than anything. Just the thought of it, combined with her statement, sent another little chuckle, nearly a giggle, slipping from her lips, and she was glad once again to have been driven here of all places by the rain. It would not have been remotely as entertaining or companionable alone inside her den waiting out the storm.

His compliments were taken in stride, her gold and purple eyes lowering with a modest yet thankful grin, secretly wondering how he had gathered so much about her. Were they just guesses or perhaps stolen observations? She was certain his job took him out into the territory often, to ensure that things were safe on all borders of the Valhallan land, but how often did they bring him near the hunting grounds that she had been scouting? How often might their paths had crossed while they were both out on the job? It had never crossed her mind until then, but she was sure to be more conscious of her surroundings when she hunted, more curious about the others that shared those locations with her. She replied to his assumption about her with a single word, "Guilty," and openly admitted that the role of follower suited her better. It wasn't so much that she detested the extra work put on those of higher ranks, those who took full responsibility for the actions of everyone who worked under them. If she had been given the Lead Hunter position, she would have had all faith in those who hunted with her, assured of their skill and strong senses to be successful more times than they weren't. But to have to make those tough decisions, to trust her judgment enough to guide others, that was what made her shy from it.

And, as Leon continued and answered the question as she turned it on him, it seemed they were of a like mind about this. The responsibility that they had, to those they worked with and the pack as a whole, was enough to satisfy them. It only made it that much easier to like him, and her smile gentled over the similarity between them. No promotion aspirations, he said, but his attention was set elsewhere. What exactly did he mean by that? Ash continued to watch him as he rested his head upon the floor of the den, meeting her gaze casually with his words hanging between them. He had other things he wanted? Other aspirations that he wished to gain? Curiosity drove her to ask as she blinked her eyes from where her head rested on the floor, though a small part of her grew inexplicably nervous over how he might respond. "Elsewhere?" she prompted, unsure whether he intended to elaborate or just simply leave it as it was.

Leon I


11 Years
04-18-2013, 07:41 PM

He wondered if he'd unknowingly backed himself into a corner by trailing off like he did. She would surely question him - even innocently - about his hidden meaning, the real problem was.. what was his response? Could he open himself up enough to her to tell her his innermost aspirations and goals for life? Could he trust her with such blatant honesty? Leon almost questioned it for a moment, but then assured himself that if anyone was trustworthy enough for such information.. it would be her. Ashtoreth was probably his truest and most genuine friend in all of Valhalla, even if they didn't talk much. He wondered if she thought the same of him, or if she merely had placed him in some vague friend zone, or even just acknowledged him for the sake of being polite. The latter would surely crush him. He wanted to be more than a wolf to be acknowledged, someone who hung amongst the crowd and was only noticed out of the necessity to be polite and kind. Leon wanted to earn the right to be noticed, and so far he felt as if he might have failed. Still, she was here.. wasn't she? That had to mean something, right?

Foolish, she's here because it's raining. She's here because this is where you led her, because it's dry and warm and offers someone to talk to for the time being. A silence fell between them, and momentarily he thought she might have let his comment fall without a response. He wouldn't blame her for not wondering about his aspirations, why would she? But to his surprise, she offered a querying question, the tone in her voice saying she would like to hear more. She wasn't demanding it, however, just asking. He would lift his head slightly, with a smile with a sparkle of nervousness in it. "Ranks and all that are interesting, and good things to drive you forward in life.. but they aren't quite as inspiring for me as they are for others. Oh, granted, I like being Lead Warrior, but I'd go back to a general civilian if it meant I could have what I really want..." He trailed off - whether to allow the suspense or confidence to build he wasn't yet sure - and then continued. "What I really want is a family. I've dreamt of a wife and pups longer than I can remember, but for some reason that dream has always eluded me." He thought to continue, but quickly cut his own self off. "Forgive me, I'm sure you don't want to hear an eternal bachelor drone on about his lack of a wife and children." He would lay his head back down, eyes unwilling to look at her. He was almost certain there would be sympathy in her bi-colored optics, or even empathy. He loathed the both of them. Leon didn't want her sympathy, he didn't know what he wanted.




04-18-2013, 08:54 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

If she didn't know any better, she thought he might have been a bit nervous about answering her. His smile certainly hinted at it though she supposed in the dark she could have been wrong. Somewhere thunder rumbled unaccompanied by lightning, but in the quiet confinement of the den Ashtoreth heard Leon's answer clear and listened patiently, feeling him tiptoe a little as if avoiding a direct answer. Her smile only twitched upward at a corner, wondering if it had been intentional to draw out more of an anticipation from her or if he truly meant to evade all explanations after all. But after a moment, he answered.

A family. She should have anticipated that, had a little she thought, but it still took her by surprise. Was that all? A family? Her smile widened a little, almost amused, as she considered this new side to the Lead Warrior that she had never really given thought to, the side of him that wished to be a husband and father. But no matter which way she looked at it, it somehow fit. She could actually see him in that role, spending his free time with his beloved mate, doing little things to make her smile, caring for his children, teaching them as they grew, all around being a wonderful family man. He could do it. She had every faith in it.

But considering how well he would fill such a position Ash was suddenly stung by the inadequacies she thought to have when it came to family. She had doubts, strong doubts, in her ability to play that role, particularly of mother. The thought of kids, of young pups depending on her for their livelihood made her nervous, made her question whether she could take care of them and raise them properly. Such a responsibility, those little lives would be, in comparison to the single one she had as a hunter. But Leon could do it. Of that she was certain.

Somewhere during the little trail her thoughts had taken, she had stopped smiling, but she managed a little airy laugh when he had finished. A family, he had said, a wife and kids. Ashtoreth answered him, but she could not meet his eyes. "You're not...worried?" she asked, her voice lacking the typical jesting tone, weighed down by honest feeling instead. Unsure of herself, she forced herself to drag her eyes up and meet his, attempting not to show exactly what was on her mind but fearful that she was failing. "About doing it wrong?" It felt like the wrong thing to say now that she had, and she was sorry there was no way to take it back. Certainly doubt was not what the ever optimistic Leon wished to hear about. And feeling as if she had spoken too much, too close to home for comfort, her gold and purple eyes drifted down and away again, a silly, rueful smile slipping over her face to cover her blunder. "It's a big responsibility. A family."

Leon I


11 Years
04-20-2013, 03:48 PM

Two-toned eyes of hers did not seek his out. Had he touched a nerve with his confession, or somehow made things awkward unknowingly? He knew he probably had, but he couldn't take it back. The rain continued to fall as silence fell over them, only to be broken moments later by a rumble of thunder and her response. Worried? Why should he be worried? But in all honesty, he was very much worried. Though most of his worry concentrated on the fact that he didn't have a family, he knew even after he got one - if that ever happened - that the worry would only shift somewhere else and not go away altogether. She furthered her question, worried about doing it wrong? A chuckle slipped from his lips. "More than I care to admit,"

His head remained down, unable to bring himself to look at her. He'd just admitted that he was a worrier, but then again she'd probably already known that. "But there's always something to worry about, might as well be a wife and children." Oh how he would love to have a family to worry about, little children running amok, a wife laughing beside him as they looked on while the children played. He would protect them with his life, love them with every inch of his heart, and worry about them until the day he died. It seemed like a lot of work, but it was the one thing Leon wanted more than anything else in the world.

"It'd be worth it though.. at least to me." Since he was young he'd wanted a family. Granted, he'd been born into a sizable family already, but he wanted one he called his own. Little pups that looked like him, sounded like him, a wife who stared at him adoringly, who loved him as much as he loved her. A family to call his very own, a family to be proud of, to grow old with, to pour his very soul into. It was all really beautiful - in his mind at least.




04-22-2013, 12:29 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He was worried? She had to lift her eyes and glance at him then, just to be sure he had spoken plainly, but the nervous lilt to his smile was telling enough. He was worried. Though he seemed to desperately want this dream of his to come true, though he still found it pertinent enough to mention in conversation, he was worried! And despite it all, Ashtoreth was sure he was going to do whatever he could once he found this potential wife of his. He would use everything in his arsenal to win her over. She knew already from experience that he was strong and capable, providing for both herself and him when they had found each other after surviving the volcano that had destroyed their original home. He was smart and trustworthy, as was proven by his promotion to Lead Warrior. His wit easily matched her own - no doubt he could use that for flirting - and who honestly could deny his deep blue stare? Overall, he had a lot going for him. Who, really, would be able to turn him away?

Even as the thought ghosted through her mind, she tried not to think how it might apply to her. They were only friends, weren't they? He had said it himself, in fact, when he had mentioned bringing her to his den, which still felt strangely small and spacious at the exact same time. Just good friends who had helped each other out of a bind, who had banded together to better their odds of survival. And that was how she viewed him, wasn't it? As a friend, a good friend? A very strong, capable friend. A very dependable, considerate... Very charming and witty... Very cute and sweet and fun...friend. Then why does that not sound friendly?

Nervous of the new direction her thoughts had wandered and even more nervous of acknowledging what they meant, she wracked her brain for a new direction of topic or at least an appropriate response. There had to be something, anything, to break the heaviness that she felt in the air, the sudden sense that maybe darting off into the storm would have been a safer alternative to trying to pursue that line of thought. But running was not her style. Avoidance was, but try as she might nothing came to mind: no witty remark, no silly comment, no playful bit of banter. She was, for once, at a loss.

Which meant she needed to go for honesty, as lying outright was just not something she was comfortable with. A part of her worried over the implications this might mean if more than she wished could be read or heard inside of her voice, but she had wasted too much time already. She needed to answer him, and did so though still continued to stare at the space between them. "You'd be great at it," she stated simply and with a sort of quiet resignation, grateful her tone came out more or less casual so that she felt comfortable attaching on a last second smile. He deserved that much. And disliking the sense that she was hiding from him - if they were such good friends then she should have been able to meet his eyes after complimenting him, right? - she forced herself to do so and show him the honesty in her words, all while willing that to be the only thing he saw if he chose to look at her.

Leon I


11 Years
04-29-2013, 12:21 PM

Leon daydreamed quite often, mostly of how he wished his future would end up. He saw himself lying in a field on his back, wriggling pups crawling all over him - pestering him to no end. He saw a wife at his side, jubilantly laughing over the vision of her husband with pups crawling all over him. He saw himself growing old, gray, stiff, as grandchildren frolicked at his heels, yipping at him to move faster, to run farther. He dreamed of a life very much like his uncle Cairo's. Cairo had it all, and then some.. and Leon was still a bachelor. Forever alone. Yes, he daydreamed a lot, but the man knew that there was a chance those dreams might never come true. He might never see children born of his own blood, he might never see a wife who looked at him adoringly. He might never see any of it. That worried him more than anything else.

A silence fell over them, and an ear flicked back in alarm. Had he said too much, let on too much? Had he somehow inadvertently made things awkward between them? Would she want to leave? Would she wish that she'd never come in the first place? Would she think that he was trying to lure her into being his wife? He wasn't, he wasn't trying any of those things, though he feared a few might be coming true - particularly the ones about things being awkward or her wanting to leave. She spoke up, assuring him that he'd be good at it. He forced a halfhearted smile onto his face, meeting her eyes at long last and wondering if that could be some form of kindness in her eyes. No, he must be imagining it. There was no way she could ever fall for him.

"I think you would be too." Ever the gentleman, he could not let a compliment go unreturned. But he spoke it with every ounce of sincerity he was allotted. He knew she would be a good mother, even if it wasn't her dream or goal in life. Ashtoreth was a fantastic and wonderful wolf, and would be good at anything she set her mind to doing. He was sure of it. Just then the chorus of drumming rain seemed to taper off altogether. Leon stretched so that his eyes glanced through the opening of the den. "I think the storm is letting up," It was merely an observation, but he wondered if it somehow might be an omen.




05-01-2013, 11:26 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Of course - of course - he returned the compliment, assuring her that just as well as he would do in the role of husband and father, she would do the same as wife and mother. Her simple smile widened into a disbelieving grin, a short, almost dry chuckle slipping from her jaws as she tucked her and looked pointedly away. He could say that now, knowing only what he did in this moment, with a tentatively good opinion of her. But if he had even a little glimpse into her mind, knew of her nerves, her anxieties, that the subject brought up, then he might think differently. He might think like her. But she hardly felt like enlightening him.

Leon noticed the rain before she did, her thoughts still a little too preoccupied by their conversation. As he noticed its lessening, she glanced his way and then rolled slightly, angling her head back and turning enough so that she could peer behind her. Sure enough, she could hear only now the pleasant sounds of individual raindrops hitting puddles and wet surfaces, the forest outside still and absent of lightning flashes and rumbling thunder. The ground would still be slick and everything would be a muddy mess for a day or so, but it seemed they had survived the worst and would live to tell about it.

"So it is," Ashtoreth answered as she rolled back over to lay on her side comfortably as she had before, stretching her legs just a little. Seeing an opening, she smiled rather impishly and took it. "Was that a...subtle way of telling me my welcome has worn out?" she asked, her tone casually teasing. The lean grey wolf made no move to go, and made sure to look as cozy as she could as she looked at him questioningly. She was sure he had not meant it to be taken the way she had mentioned, but it was just too easy to poke at him a little. Besides, he took it well, and she liked seeing him smile.