
Clean slates


03-28-2013, 07:15 PM

There is a place. Like no place on Earth. A land full of wonder, mystery, and danger! Some say to survive it you need to be as mad as a hatter.

A solitary liquid mark of a sentenced passed was left abandoned by the edge of a stream. The eager waters and drank the memories of the fallen and cleansed the body of the victor. She ripped and tugged at every inch until no hint of what had come would raise the others into a revolution. She would indeed break the news of the dearly departed. Express her condolences to those that remained with in the kingdom that she new called her realm. Should they desire to eliminate their ties to the past and seek freedom then she would allow it with no repercussions to follow them. That was as long as they agreed to abide by the law and no longer return to the home they once knew.

Her anchor had gone astray. Perhaps too engaged in severing the ties that would haunt them from the passing of the former queen. It left her with a purpose staring back at her with beady little eyes. It wasn?t a thing she could continue to disassociate herself from. She was responsible for all that resided with in this kingdom and it was high time she showed them all that she gave a damn. The role of queen was a mystery to her. She desired leadership by another means, a master to follow, to do the deeds of. Yet from said deed she now wore the crown atop her head. No matter how many times she shook she could feel it eating into her skull as the days progressed.

Though her mind was plagued with a turbulent and deranged lunacy it was well maintained threw her bloodletting. The memories that haunted her were beginning to fade ever so slightly. She would forever suffer from her episodes but they were less frequent now. She was a cleaver thing and though her body said she would be matched for battle her mind was just as sound as those with the brilliance to be admired for. She could con the fur off a fox?s ass before they even knew they were naked. It was all so curious to her as to show she thought and viewed the world but threw her madness she would find a kingdom worth living in. She would find their home and with their words and her loyalty they would be a realm to be feared and respected. Much was still to be done. She knew nothing of the outside world and its inhabitants. Indeed she had stalked the north and east for those she with knowledge of other kingdoms but still she knew very little. Perhaps, once the order was structured and secure she could visit these realms in person.

She had heard these wolves were fierce. Protected what they thought belonged to them. She smiled warmly at the swelling of her abdomen. The new life that would come from her in the coming moons cycles. She hoped the new life and new reign would bring this realm back into its former glory. She found the lake that seemed to be the heart of the realm. She settled down on her large haunches and pulled her fair face heavenwards. Her voice ripped threw her throat and sailed into the sky above her. It was a summoning for those that still called this realm their home and to meet their new queen. It was not a request for those to come; a small demand that would hold much weight should some not come for judgment. Her ears swiveled as she listened for the approaching ranks. She wondered if her slave had followed close behind or if he were napping inside the safety of her den.

ooc: This is open to current Lentajin wolves and any rogues who wish to join.



03-29-2013, 07:26 AM
The journey to the lands of Lentajin had been long and exhausting. Newt had opened her home to him, and her act of kindness surprised him. Almost immediately upon entering the den the slender male made his way towards the back of the den. He let the darkness wrap its welcoming hands around him as he curled against the cool stone wall. He could hardly bend to nurse the wound on the nape of neck, so he gave up all hope of it healing rapidly. It would be a temporary reminder of who he belonged to, of who had tamed the beast inside him. He remembered the feeling of the rage welling up, the pure anger that had spilled from his lips -- until Newt had calmed him. She was the one who had earned him, and she was the one who owned him now.

His sleep was surprisingly restful. It was a funny thing, sleep, how it could be such an escape from reality. Even though the male was nervous and fearful still upon entering Lentajin territory, he slept like a baby. He was only awoken by his master's fierce howl, ringing out demanding through the air. The creature found himself feeling even more sore as he struggled onto all four paws, though was unwilling to rest any further, lest he anger her. He still hardly knew Newt, hardly knew what he could do to upset or please her. Surely his attentiveness would be noticed and even praised?

With little hesitation the scrawny male would exit the den, following her voice and coming to settle near his master near the lake. He would leave a decent distance between them, giving Newt her space but still nearby if she wished him to remain closer. It was obvious he would not flee now -- if he wanted to, he would've tried in the middle of the night, or better yet, when she had left him alone in the den. Now, he was growing curious as to the pack Newt ruled. He had little idea that none of the wolves had met her yet, no idea that she had effectively slain their former Queen.

He bowed his head in greeting, though his eyes wandered to the waters of the lake. They were tempting, and he was sure they would sooth his still-tender wounds, but he wouldn't leave until Newt allowed him.


03-31-2013, 08:21 PM

Another pack meeting. It seemed like all she did was attend pack meetings. One Alpha after the next. Paws carried her to the source of the call. It had been awhile since her gathering with Zara and the other females. She was still waiting to see Zara's plan take action, but for the time being the dame seemed to be missing in action.

Upon her arrival, there was another wolf already in attendance along with the new Alpha. She was a massive woman. The same woman who had claimed Sade's life. Interesting. There appeared to be something off about this woman. She didn't hold herself as regally as Sade had. She seemed almost crazy? For now the chocolate dame remained silent, nodding to the Alphess and taking her seat. Waiting to see who else would show up. So far it seemed as though many wolves had left Lentajin, fleeing with the death of their Queen, not that she could blame them. She was being to question her own allegiance. Perhaps this one could change that.

Walk "Talk" Think


04-02-2013, 04:54 PM


The like the bear she was, Champion came thundering across the Lentajin lands - her tail swinging high and curled, her pink tongue lolling out, and her massive paws beating out a wardrum's song upon the terra. She could move subtley and quietly when she wished - but only at slow speeds. She preferred an all out run.

She'd been within the borders, well, barely even a day. Seen no one but Newt, and seen nothing but dry streambeds and dying grass. Lentajin was in a drought - and for a Far Northerner like Champion that was serious bad news. Still, she'd gone through hardships before, and now her job wasn't to worry about herself, but to see to the needs of others. Or such she explained to herself.

Champion was under no illusions. This pack had some moral quirks that didn't allign with her own - coldblooded murder, being somewhere at the top of the list - but Champion wasn't going to let that put her off. This was still a pack which Newt planned to turn into a legion of warriors and the Timber cross was proud to be a part of that. Proud to take her place at Newt's side - for, with the grey-lady's recent offer of the post of Chevalier, Champion found herself a Beta at the age of two. As far as experience and strength went though, age was just a number; she truly felt herself up to the task and was ready to prove herself in an instant. Her fangs, freshly stained by a rabbit she'd caught on the way in, gleamed in the bright summer sun.

Now Champion reached the source of the howl. So far three other wolves had gathered around what remained of a stream. One of them was Newt - her violet eyes as unreadable as ever, but the others were strangers - a humble looking white male and a brown she-wolf. They didn't seem to be talking. Just.... waiting.

Of course! This was a pack meeting! Champ's birthpack had been so militaristic that no such thing was ever needed. Every now and then a War Council might form among the elite but most news and orders went down the lines of the rank and file. During her brief stay in Tortuga there had been one such meeting. But it had bored her near to tears. Hopefully this one would be a little more exciting.

Champion slowed to a sway backed trot and showed herself into the ring. She made quiet a figure - bested in size only by the Queen - and there only by an inch. She was a monster of thick fur, coiled muscle and blood red eyes. But for all that she was a welcoming sort - always looking to start a rumble, never looking to make an enemy. She nodded her head in greeting to her leader and sat herself down not far away.

She remained quiet, but flashed Newt a quizzical look. "This all we have to work with?" she seemed to ask silently. Seemed Champ had her job cut out for her. Oh well. She relished a challenge.


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


04-03-2013, 10:36 PM
Quote:((forgive me while I work out the kinks))

Head was carried at a tilt, frayed and tattered ears pricked with one always facing forward and the other constantly swivelling about atop her skull. Eyes were half closed and head was carried parallel to her spine. Shoulder blades rolled lazily as she moved through the Lentajin lands with little to no purpose. She had to find Newt... So long they had been apart, she felt numb and like her thoughts drifted lazily through a haze. There was no rhyme or reason for the massive female's disappearance, she justified it in her mind that she needed to go out and see the world. She was finally beginning to notice the loss of her eyesight more and more. The last month it had deteriorated to the point where everything was not just blurry shapes and it was getting darker. She knew her time to drink in those last sights were limited and had gone to see what she could. She finally believed that she had seen all that she could in these lands and now it was time to return home. Back to the warm embrace of her beloved friend, if she could even call Newt that. Though their meetings had been limited her mind swam without the sharp taste of blood in her mouth, the feel of course fur prickling against her and the sensation of flesh parting beneath her jaws. What was wrong with her, had she sunk so low? Deteriorated so much that she couldn't survive without these things? Couldn't survive without this female who now sat in the throw that had changed hands so many times?

A sharp yet familiar voice slithered towards her, a beckoning song that lifted the scarred female's head higher and allowed a lazy smile to curl up the edges of her lips. Funny, it was always like that with Newt, ask and you shall receive. A new found vigour pushed herself forward, head carried higher as she moved forward, following the echoes of that sound like a famished animal reaching for water. She was unsure why Newt was calling this meeting, they had not yet discussed a game plan or anything beyond making Newt their puppet queen. But Zara had left her with a heart in her jaws and that was all there was. She had needed to come to terms with her condition, her loss of sight. Though outwardly nothing had changed, the female had been born with white eyes so nothing physically had changed. She didn't walk any slower then before but she had before or carry her head low to see what was going on with her paws. She could still see enough to keep herself from tripping, but in another few weeks that would be gone as well and darkness would be the only thing before her for the rest of her life.

Massive, scarred female approached the pack with a sly smile, a smile that hinted that she knew something that everyone else didn't... A wink was flashed to Khaos, the female she hadn't seen since their meeting at the river all those months ago. She moved with the ease of a veteran and slithered around Newt, a quick brush of shoulder against shoulder was the only contact she allowed but it was one that promised so much more after this meeting. Curiosity coursed through her as she took a place to Newt's immediate right, sinking slowly to her haunches and cocking her head once more. "It's good to see you dear" she whispered, voice for Newt and Newt alone. Besides that she sat quietly, that sly grin curling up her frayed and tattered lips. This was all working so much more perfectly then she could have ever planned. Newt was developing into something far more useful then she had needed and now Zara just had to sit back and watch, drink in the kaleidoscope of faces that swirled in her diminished vision. This might be fun...


04-04-2013, 12:21 AM
"Come on, what the fuck!" He cursed himself as he wanted through this new territory. He had followed Newt here but honestly he had something to take care of and had to split for a while. And then when he comes back all he can seem to do is think about his past, was he really about to do this? Hell yeah he was. He was so exited to meet some wolves as insane as he was...or at least close, Vaas was on a whole other level of insanity then most, a level all his own. The male made his way ro the location Newt had last left him before he heard a howl. He growled. "THANK YOU!!! Fuck!" He said relived as he just followed her howl. Now he didn't have to be so lost in the multiple scents around him.

It didn't take take very long to come to the clearing with a handful of wolves, he knew about two of them. Champion and Newt he had met, hell he loved them both. Vaas with his insane self just waltzed on in with a crazed grin as he looked around, seeing Newt he laughed and looked at everyone here. "WHOOOO!! Now this is a turn up." He said laughing like a lunatic. "Hello everyone, my name is Vaas, and i have a small announcement. I love all of you, ok? I love every fucking single last one one you." He said with an insane smile before turning around, facing his leader. He chuckled and smiled. "Well this certainly is exiting! Wouldn't you agree? Its like my first day in camp." He said turning to face all of them, seeing they were all quiet. "Fucking god people say something for gods sake, killing the moment!" He said looking to each one of them, glancing at Champion and giving a wink followed by a kissy face before he chuckled again.



04-04-2013, 02:14 AM

[Image: TableHeader2.png]

The charcoal-furred and red-marked wolf strolled into the handful of wolves gathering at the purple brute's paws, nearly late to the party. He was Frayer of Lentajin, Lead Vei?i, though not for long. He was surprised at how few wolves came to her call, wondering if perhaps he had even been early. But no, this was all that was Lentajin now, and the male wondered if he had really made so great a choice in joining the weakened pack. If even half of his words of boasting were true, though, the following of Newt would number greater than Valhalla in no time at all.

He nodded a greeting and a smile at the first familiar face in the tiny crowd as he drew close, that is Champion's, as he knew she would hate to see his own smug mug dipping in anywhere near her own direction. But then another wolf caught his attention, an image from almost-long-ago, one of the very first Alacritians to meet him, and the only other member of the classic Lentajin he saw here. "Hello old girl... Remember me, your pal Frayer?" he said as he stepped in adjacent to her, wanting to say more, but being unable to as their mighty leader seemed to be about starting what speech she had prepared for them. He angled himself towards her, then, carrying again his posture of somewhat disinterest as he awaited the words of their alpha.

[Image: TableFooter2.png]


04-11-2013, 06:31 PM


He now ruled. After meeting Newt he knew he had to claim her, but what he didn't know, was that she's a queen. News of Sade's death had reached Tortuga at one point, but he had no idea this woman was the gal who had sucked the life out of the ex queen. It was... enticing. He loved the thought of being tied to a killer, a psychotic soul like himself. He slithered toward the crowd, the sound of his newly claimed wife drawing him out of the darkness. He needed to make an appearance as alpha male just like Newt had told him. Once he had arrived he stopped, taking note of the others around him. The pack was... small to say the least. It's numbers had certainly fallen since Sade's rule, but no matter. Even hell itself could be destroyed and rebuilt again if the devil had enough muse. And he did. Amethyst eyes looked up toward his queen and... Zara. That dumb bitch sat herself next to Newt like she was in power. No, she had lost against Sade in battle. She was a fucking disgrace. Inky lips curled tightly around his fangs as he made his way toward Newt, his displeasure spread plainly on his face. He could only image how pissed Zara would be seeing him here, taking his rightful place as alpha male next to Newt. He nodded toward his wife, then looked over toward Zara. She was the same height as him, maybe not the same weight, but in general, the trio consisted of massive wolves. His attention turned away from her and settled on the crowd as he sat next to his wife, awaiting her speech.


04-14-2013, 05:03 AM

The rumble from a won war had ended with a chilling silence. Players in the game seemed to find their seats to bare witness to what was to come. Violet eyes full of wonder watched as many familiar and unfamiliar faces came to heed the newly crown queens call. First, her little mouse had come wandering after her. She noticed his desire to bath in the waters and she shot him an encouraging smile. She was no jailor though she had told him so. She would allow freedom with strict conditions until their relationship was fully committed. She had promised him her protection and so he would have it. If he wanted to clean the wounds she had given him then he was welcome to do so. His rank would not change on this day but perhaps on a later notion.

The next to wander into the fold was a female she knew nothing of. A former Lentajin wolf and she was grateful to see not all had abandoned the kingdom. She had hoped some would hold a certain curiosity to see and know what had happened to their queen. All would be told in due time. She nodded back her respect to the lady who had given her a no though she felt no need for such things. She had earned nothing but a crown through blood and death. Respect came when earned and she would earn it from them all. She would know them all in time.

Next came her friend and beta, Champion, her eyes seemed to lightly up momentarily at the female as she watched her look around. The question in her eyes was obvious and she allowed a small shrug to show she was unsure. It was still early and many were still coming. At least she hoped.

Next came her master. Her violet eyes displayed nothing. They had conversed for a short time about the death of Sade. She had brought her the bitch?s heart as a token of her loyalty. She was questioning her purpose now. This pack meant something now. she had spent time searching for others to bring into the realm, to rebuild and reform it into something worthy. Her ear twitched as Zara sat beside her. The blindness in her star had not gone unnoticed. She was the type to know these things when others saw nothing wrong. ?I have wondered where you?ve been? she said with a softness. She was fond of the lady who had given her purpose but her world had altered and she was unsure how to follow it.

Dark lips slipped upright with amusement as Vaas made his arrival most known. He was the jester of the bunch and she was curious what traits he would bring to the realm. He was not fit enough to be a beta but maybe a spy or theft. Perhaps the jailor for the slaves? That sounded appropriate enough but she kept silent as she watched him parade around announcing his love for them all. She couldn?t help the laugh that exploded from her lips and she shook her head. He was a colorful man and she was excited to know him better.

Next came Frayer and her eyes watched him intently. Where he was going to place himself was a mystery to her but before she could think any more of it her mate came walking over. His gaze narrowed upon seeing Zara but her face displayed nothing in response to that. She was her master and had a right to be beside her as Heir to Lentajin. At least until their young were born to take the title. He moved beside her to show his place as king and she nodded. They were all here, except for fable. Her eyes narrowed at the thought. Her wretched sister would find her way here or she would drag the bitch here kicking and screaming.

?Good day to you all.? She said with a voice more authoritative then she thought she could muster. It startled her a little. She quickly recovered and continued. ?I called you all to tell you what has happened of the former queen of Lentajin and to ask what your opinions are on the change of the packs role.? She said firmly. She wanted them to know she gave a damn about their thoughts and desires. ?I also will allow you to ask for a rank you think will fit you. If you do not hold one currently.? She was trying to hurry her speech. She was aware how aggravating it was to endure long and exhausting pack meetings. Her father had been the king of Voltaine at one time. She had been the heir to the throne back then, along with her sister Fable, so they were required to attend every event.

?I battled the former queen with the intent to simply disarm her and take the crown. It had been a formal spar and the rules were simple. Minimal damage until the other was pinned.? The battled came into play as she spoke of it. She could see Sade?s moved as if they were happening right before her. Her gaze seemed distant as she continued, ?Towards the end I had known I would be the victor. I had caught her off guard and had crushed her ankle. In a desperate attempt to keep what was hers she turned bloody on me.? she remembered the wild look in her eyes, the devastation of losing and the ambition to stop what would happen if she lost. ?Upon breaking our formal arrangement she forfeited her life.? She finished. The gory details Zara and her had agreed to keep between them. She would not explain to them how she had consumed the queen to remember her. How she had plucked the fragile heart from her chest and gave it to Zara as a gift.

?Now then, on to more pressing arrangements. I plan to remove the restrictions of gender roles in this pack. Males and females shall indeed be equal in all they do. I also wish to turn this pack into one of a more neutral role with darker intentions for those who enjoy violence. I want us to be an assassin?s pack. One where each wolf?s skill is used accordingly. Not every member will be an assassin, only a select few, and we will be for hire. Though I shall be extremely picky about the contracts we take. I refuse to partake in killing for the sake of killing. Though some wolves must be stopped by any means necessary. We will also be implementing a rule for trespassers. Those that walk the borders without request shall be captured and brought to the royals for interrogation and judgment. Depending on the reason for their trespassing will determine if they are to be temporarily enslaved.? Her voice betrayed no sadness for the rules. If they were so rude as to wander these borders without just cause then they would lose their freedom for a time to teach them manners.

?I would like to hear the impute of you all on what you think this pack should become. We are only as strong as our weakest wolf and your words and thoughts matter.? She said simply. She wanted to know them all and hear them all. Perhaps someone had something wise to add or a request. Ranks would come after the discussion and the rebuttals to Sades death. It was a lot to process.

ooc: I hate pack meetings xD

fable by kit

04-14-2013, 06:02 PM

Why the hell was she here again? Oh yeah, because some physcopaths didn't know how to keep their deranged thoughts to themselves. Her encounter with Newt was still fresh in her mind, as was the bloody mess the bitch had left on her shoulder. The wounds were deep, but not crippling, and a constant reminder of just how far Fable has fallen. She'd gone from a cocky loner, going where the winds took her, not a care in the world, to the slave of a mentally unstable freak in a matter of minutes. And to top it all off, she'd been captured by none other than Lentajin's alpha. An alpha who apparently thought her to be her long lost sister, of all things. Feral had a sister, all right. A sweet, timid thing-- the farthest thing from Newt in every way. Packlife had never suited the gold and ginger she-wolf, and now it was being thrust upon her. To say she was pissed would be an understatement. Livid was just scratching the surface. Homicide had crossed her mind more than once. Suicide wasn't too far off, either, but who was she to deny the world her awesome presence?

She'd heard the howl just as all the other inhabitants had, knowing full well that it was a summons for a gathering. But did she care? No. She was perfectly content with staying where she was, brooding within the depths of the packland, but never too far off that the indigo beast wouldn't be ablt to scent her out if she tried. There was no doubt in her mind that she would be beat to a bloody pulp and then tossed in a den like a whipped pup if she strayed too far, so she'd yet to test the matter of distance yet. But ignoring orders? She was more than happy to oblidge that form of rebellion... but damn if she wasn't curious about what the reason for the gathering could be. Maybe she'd just take a quick peek, stick around long enough to get the gist of it all, and then hightail it back to one of her many hiding spots.

Creamy paws carried her at a smooth pace, the graceful movements marred by the limp in her right shoulder, but still alluring nonetheless. She made her way to sit not far off from the majority, but still with enough distance to give off the 'don't talk to me' message she so clearly wanted to express. She'd arrived in the midst of Newt's speech, but was able to gather that she'd somehow killed off the former alpha and then taken the throne for herself. She wasn't surprised, the female was a monster, after all. She had no interest in her plans of 'pack improvement' and 'change', and instead took the time to observe the others with a fiery green gaze. As far as she was concerned, they were all lambs to the slaughter, all ignorant fools who willingly followed another. Didn't they understand that life was so much better without rules or regulations? Had any of them even experianced the thrill of ruling one's own life? She doubted it, and if they had, they were too stupid to remember the exhilaration of it all. Hopeless idiots, the lot of them.



04-15-2013, 09:25 PM

The wolves began to trail in, answering Newt's call to arms. One by one they came to settle in. His interest was piqued, and his anxious green gaze strayed from one wolf to the other. The feminine creature remained placed near Newt, his small body pressed delicately against the earth. One of the larger females -- a massive black wolf who's face seemed as though it had been used as a scratching post -- settled near Newt, whispering something in her ear. Before long another massive black brute settled on his master's other side. His eyes widened a bit, taking in their size silently. They seemed very much like a trio, standing there confidently before the pack, staring the group down. Newt encouraged him to bathe in the stream he had been gazing at so fondly, but he stayed silent and still as she began to speak. He was enraptured by the strange woman, unable to draw his gaze away from her.

She explained how he had taken control of the pack -- she'd killed the former Queen! Domovei stifled a gentle cackle, unsurprised at the way in which Newt had grown to power. Her intensity was obvious and appealing and kept him grounded, when his mind threatened to collapse upon itself.

She finished her speech by requesting they comment on the structure of the pack, on its future. Domovei had nothing to add, no questions or comments to throw in. He was well aware he had no rank, no duties -- he was to answer to Newt when she called, and do what she demanded of him. The role was not entirely familiar; rather he was satiated with the lack of control, the complete loss of power he had suffered at her hands.

One female seemed less impressed by the speech -- a small, tawny girl -- who had entered the speech halfway through. Green eyes danced over her with fierce interest, observing her shoulder, damaged as his own was. Her attitude was peculiar; was she perhaps a slave, as well? Had she gone willingly, like he, or had she put up a fight? He only dared look at her for a moment with wide eyes, before he returned his gaze to Newt, eagerly awaiting what the others might say.


04-21-2013, 11:05 AM

Others hand entered the clearing shortly after herself. Along with Zara herself, the one who had managed to talk the dame into staying in the pack. And included a large ebony brute that she had never seen before, and smelled faintly of another black. He took his seat beside their Queen before she began her speech. So perhaps he was the new Alpha male? Lyrics of the Queen began to fill the air, telling of how Sade had forfeited her life in battle. This surprised Khaos, having never expected something like that from the former Queen. An equal pack, that didn't so bad. But her next words didn't sit well with the she-wolf. And assassins pack. Ears flipped back, but didn't yet lay flat against her skull. I can't be an assassin. Her thoughts began to race. She didn't want to be part of this pack anymore, how could she survive amongst killers? She only faintly heard the rest of what Newt had to say, to absorbed in her own thoughts. It was a struggle to sit still, and wait for the pack meeting to be over before she could flee and collect her thoughts. She would have to talk to Newt in private.

Walk "Talk" Think


05-04-2013, 07:03 AM

[Image: champion_wanderer_by_kidrylm_writer-d641iq6.png]


More and more wolves assembled. First came A blind giant who seemed on very friendly terms with Newt. Then...Vaas, coming in all blood and balls and glory. Champion felt her shoulders heave with a sigh. It was on some level amusing - but there was confidence, and then there was pointless cockiness. Still, she had no delussions. He wouldn't give so much a mouse tail to know her thoughts. They'd met on bad terms - intending to do some damage, and now it seemed they were to share the same home.

Champion perked an ear and looked over the male's way as he sat down. What exactly did she think on the matter? That was when he turned and shot a wink and a kiss. "Well my day is made." she muttered under breath in a voice as dry as bone.

But there was more to see - next came Frayer. The one with all the ambition and none of the warrior abilities. Perhaps she'd been too hard on him at the border. Perhaps in time she'd get to see a different side of him. Perhaps. For now, though, he wasn't worth anymore of her notice. Now came a black male with purple eyes - hadn't Champion seen him somewhere before? Tortuga? Apparently she wasn't the only migratory creature.

But now her thoughts quieted. More wolves come in - one of them with colors almost perfectly matching her own, but Champion's relaxed red gaze was focused on the Queen. Newt was speaking. It was quite a monologue. In it, Champion learned a bit more of the past pack - which Newt had alluded to when they'd first met. She learned of changing rules, and of new standards for the pack... as well as the plans for the future. Champion digested it all carefully. Yes, if she was careful where she stepped she could fit in here nicely.

After Newt's speech came a silence. Wolves glanced around, holding their tongues. Champion even saw a look of uncertainty tint the eyes of the brownish fae next to her. Though a bold, brash sort of wolf at heart, Champion had been raised in a milita. When in the presence of higher command, she didn't speak unless spoken to... but Newt had asked for comments. Champion took the Grey Lady at her word.

"I should like to speak, Newt." Champion said respectfully. She stood with a nod and glanced abound the gathering. "For those who know me not, allow me to introduce myself as Champion. Formerly I was a wander - hailing from the Far North and old Tortuga - but now I am honored to call Amenti my home." She looked to Newt "And I am pleased to hear these dreams you have for the future of the pack. The world needs a breed of wolf that is not afraid to hunt down and punish the deserving." There the causal listener would've heard only a complement, but Champion was also stating her position on the matter. The 'desrving' were the only ones she would punish. So long as such was the case, she would be the first in line to follow orders and stain her paws with blood, but Champion was a creature of morals, and if she believed the target too hastily chosen she would do her best to advise against it. This was all left in sub context, Champion's own words picked up immediately, and was now directed more towards her packamtes:

"However, 'dreams' are all they will be unless all of us give sweat and blood to achieve them. Newt has seen fit to name me as her Beta, and with her permission and guidance I'll be organizing several training sessions for all those that call themselves warriors. And of course, if every any of you wish for advise, or sparring,or just feel like ripping a little fur -" she glanced temptuously in the direction of the dark, blue-eyed male. "-then I would be most happy to obligue."

Her piece said, Champion resumed her seat.


06-04-2013, 04:00 PM