
Bring me back


03-27-2013, 03:31 PM
The black white and gray brute sauntered through the lands of Seracia. Where had he been; he had been out. His paws did not want to set foot in these lands until now.He could not run away from himself; for his paws were part of himself. But as it may be easy to run away from what is, it is not the right thing to do. So here Octavian was back in Seracia after a little down time at the Rio Grande. Onyx ears flattened against his head; such mistakes he had made. Then they perked up as he let out a small snarl to himself. Mistakes were mistakes, he was only canine.But what the wolf had kept to himself was that he can learn from them. Sure it gave him wisdom and knowledge. In the long run there was always something to gain.

With a swish of his tail the male rose his muzzle to the sky and bellowed out a howl for his King. A conversation was much needed and he had to explain himself for his actions. All of his mistakes, actions, and words were to be explained today to his King. Octavian would leave nothing unturned until he was finished.

After calling for Gerhardt the wolf stood proudly ready to confess anything. But was this his fault or had he gotten in the way, but it was he who had brought himself and Ghost here. So Octavian would take the blame for any punishment that was in order. But matters had to be discussed first.


03-27-2013, 05:05 PM

Despite a few minor issues, things were going well in Seracia. The King had just taken a respectful leave of the guests and was now running a perimeter of his land to ensure that no one was lingering too near his borders. He was religious about this, Gerhardt would not let his Kingdom be felled by strangers. Mind wandered to an event a few days ago between he, Ghost and Segar. The two had become a pair almost overnight it seemed, and had left Octavian without a love. The King had not seen his Knight since, and he was beginning to get worried.

It would be then, just as he was thinking of his Knight that a howl would split the air. Gerhardt seized this opportunity to think of anything else and pivoted mid-step to approach the caller. To his absolute surprise it was the very Knight in question. The King approached with a smile and a dip of his head. "Sir Octavian! We have missed you," He was overjoyed that the man had returned to Seracia, despite how awkward it could become. The King would stride forward and come to a halt a yard away from Octavian, a light wag in his tail.



03-28-2013, 03:10 AM
His white gaze landed on his long as Gerhardt appeared. He seemed to welcome him almost with open paws. This event sort of reminded him of the story of the wolf who had two sons that wroekd for him. One son worked very hard while the other one wanted to go out into the world. One day he asked his father to go and he agreed. The brute went out and had a grand time but then he had nothing. So he went back and returned to his father and his father screamed out that his son was once dead but is now alive.

Octavian felt like the son as Gerhardt looked like he fit the father's position. But why should he welch him with open paws; he had fled his mistakes. With a swift bow Octavian began to let it out.

" I apologize my King, I have quite a few things to explain."

Of course he had heard about it, or had he not. Octavian did not know anymore, he was at the Rio Grande trying to reflect on his life. But what was to come, was the brute to be punished. He did not care about that, but at that thought he only saw his father. The abusive brute in all of his glory. No, he would never be the wolf his father wanted him to be. His heart would stay pure as best he could keep it. But it was his choice to pick himself back up and if he didn't have love then he could do setting else. Octavian could make a name for himself and that is what he would do by any good deed. It was hard to do so but it would come with time and effort.

"I have fled from my mistakes until I have realized that it is impossible to run away from my own paws. But hear me out that I would never leave Seracia; this is my home now and has given me a new life. Running away will do nothing so I have decided to try to make a name for myself if I do not have love to occupy me. But with all due respect I am ready to answer any questions you have on the incident that has taken place a few days ago." he said in a straightforward tone; his Ling would know all.


03-28-2013, 03:24 PM

The King would recline to a comfortable sitting position, curling his tail around his hips. As Octavian gave his apology, Gerhardt's brow raised quizzically. Of what did this man have to apologize for? The only thing he could possibly want forgiveness for would be his disappearance, but a few days hardly warranted much ill-will from the King. Gerhardt did not mind if his subjects wandered, so long as they knew where home was. "What could you have to apologize for?" It was possibly rhetorical, but the King did want to know why Octavian felt so guilty.

"Octavian, you need not apologize to me. I know the situation, and I do not find you at any fault other than being a bit overzealous." It was true, the only possible fault in Octavian's actions was that he had not talked over his love with Ghost before asking for permission. But the King did not find much fault in that, after all.. he had at least spoken to the monarch before taking Ghost as a mate. "If anything, I should be explaining things to you." Just returning back, Octavian would not know that Ghost was pregnant, nor would he know that Gerhardt had taken punishment into his own paws and had torn away a good junk of Segar's ear. Perhaps it would befit the Knight to know that even though his heart probably ached, he had done the right thing.



03-28-2013, 07:14 PM
He nodded as he listened to his King...explaining; what was there to be explained to him? But first comes first so the brute just began to ramble the thoughts he had had.

"Well, I see it as my fault for bringing this upon Seracia; I was the one that suggested Ghost and I to come here and leave Valhalla. But look what it has brought; it may have brought harm. That is the reason I have stepped down to Segar. If I had fought then it would have broken the peace of Seracia's inhabitants. It was for the good of the Kingdom and it was worth it. This is my home and We are it's caretakers. And for my mind to even... I have no idea but I wanted it to be a surprise whether Ghost would have turned me down or not. I do apologize in my part for not informing her of my decision. And if either Ghost or Segar Have received punishment for whatever has happened I believe that I deserve punishment as well. I am a part of this and my actions had contributed to it, I am responsible for my actions. So please, if anything has fallen upon them then I request the same; we were all in this together weren't we...." he said as his voice trailed off.

Octavian stood proud in front of Gerhardt. He was taking responsibility for his actions as he should have done so before. So learn shall he do so. The option of fair punishment was either noble, fair, or just plain stupid. But he felt as if it were deserved; then again was it just the lingering memories of his beatings. Had he gotten used to the abuse? Was he not content in this place full of no harm? He should be happy, free, and no one to hurt him. But his father's evil ways of punishment on his actions still lingered in his mind.


03-31-2013, 04:37 PM

Gerhardt would listen intently, curious as to how Octavian could possibly think he was at fault for this. It was true, he had not informed Ghost of his intentions, but even so.. Gerhardt could scarcely blame him for that. How many males gave their females a heads up before proposing? It just wasn't common. What had happened had happened, and there was no going back to change it. The King only wished Octavian would stop being so hard on himself. "There is hardly a chance of me giving you the same punishment, Octavian. They broke my laws, you did not." Words were short and decisive, with little room for a change of heart. The King did not blame Octavian, and he would not. "The Lady Ghost will be leaving us, but I believe Segar remains loyal. He now bears a mark of his insubordination, but it is hardly a big deal anymore." It was true, the rip in Segar's ear had no doubt healed nicely by now and would not cause him any more trouble other than being a cosmetic issue. The King's tail would switch back and forth lightly. "Don't be so hard on yourself. You chose not to fight Segar for her, and you took a few days to let yourself cool off, there's nothing to be upset about."



04-01-2013, 08:32 PM
The Knight listened to Gerhardt's words. As he spoke a sense if contempt overcame him. Why should he worry, why should he make himself so upset. He was too hard on himself indeed but the brute was so accustomed to the abuse he had received. And yet not a claw was to be lain on him. This was a good man; one if a kind heart of which the pack he ruled. This was a new land and a new King with new wolves. This was a new beginning with a new life! Yes so far there have been some ups and downs but it was time for him to pick himself back up. Obviously King Gerhardt had realized his absence; so he was the phantom no more. Octavian's sister Loccian and their brother Pontifex still had some catching up to do as well; they were slowly making their relationship better.

What plagued his thoughts so; was he the one scared of his deceased father. no, he was dead now from the words of his brother's maw. Yes he had been killed but what caused the fear rooted in his mind? His white gaze seemed to gaze off into space as he thought.

The brute was confused as of what it was until an idea came in mind. It was not the abuse but his mind. oh how kind the wolf was; always abused for how he had acted. To never be the kind of wolf Poxiterxo wanted him to be; then settling on his brother to infiltrate his mind with evil thoughts. But Pontifex was here now and trying to let go of the dark thoughts that have been planted in his mind. That was what Octavian was afraid of. Was his mind a ticking time bomb? Was it going to break at one single crack and make those thoughts and lessons come into effect? No! He would not let that happen. But to be a wolf he did not want to be would be torture. Why must one change how oneself is.

Then again....he was his father's son and his brother's brother. The same blood...why not the same mind. No, he and Loccian were pure. There was no insanity there. Oh how the war raged on in the brute's brain. When would it end and how or with what.

So he stood there with his answer.

".....Yes my King, I do believe I have been hard on myself but this is how I may learn. I may not learn by the claw or a sharp strike of the paw anymore; for it has never worked. Even so....I do have my brother and sister. My life is not over until I have died for this land and its inhabitants. And you are right; there is nothing to be upset about. I have my life, my siblings, my home, and my fellow me this life seems perfect as is now. I should consider myself lucky for there are those who have nothing. If I may ask would you have anything else for me to do so that I may focus more on something else? Of course I may go back to my daily duties but I just need something else to take my mind off things for a while. Something else has turned up and I am not sure how I am taking everything all at once." He said with a furrow on his forehead.


04-09-2013, 08:05 PM

Still baffled that the Knight had even requested punishment, the King pondered on his request, realizing just how much it showed about Octavian's character. He was a genuine Knight of Seracia, one that Gerhardt could trust. A silence fell over them as the King began to plan in his mind, adjusting the roster as best as he knew how. Octavian's words would fall into place, and the King listened while still contemplating on his plan. The Knight requested more work, which brought a half-smile to the King's lips. Jaws would unhinge to speak.

"Don't get in the habit of working harder to alleviate your burdens, Octavian, but I shall grant your request. I mean to adjust the way we handle ranks in Seracia, and you shall be one of the first under the new system. Clergy will now be the entry level rank in the Kingdom, and you shall be a step above as Esquire. I can't say the position comes with much more responsibility other than the fact that should you deem it necessary, you may give simple commands to your subordinates. Otherwise, I entrust to you the security of my Kingdom. See to it she comes to no harm."

Words ended in a more serious note, but still held the friendly tone that he had become used to when speaking with Octavian. "Keep my lands safe, and serve the Kingdom as you have been, and you will go far in Seracia." He gave a slight pause before another thought came into his mind. "I should like to give you a special task, if you are up for it. I would be very thankful if you would teach my son Maverick, I want him to be well rounded, and as Prince he'll need to be fair at fighting and the like." The King had a mind to put Maverick through the three basic arts, healing, fighting, and hunting. Hunting was already decent enough, but he knew that his son needed work at healing and fighting. When he was finished, he would be a grand Prince and a marvelous King in his day.


Image by Ruelle.


04-12-2013, 10:15 AM
The Knight stood before his King eagerly awaiting his answer. Would work be given, would he be told otherwise? Octavian's white gaze settled on Gerhardt's half smile that had seemed to form; he wondered what had made him smile or what he was thinking of. No matters, Octavian knew he couldn't know what another was thinking but only know what he was thinking himself. How confusing that was, well of course one only knows of what goes on in their mind. Black ears perked up as his King began to speak.

When his king said to him how "he should not work harder to make his burdens heavier", Octavian nodded. Then he spoke of adjusting ranks in the pack; another grateful nod came as he said he would be ranked as Esquire. Then after his King finished with a statement of keeping it safe Octavian listened for anything else Gerhardt had to say.

And he did, Gerhardt gave him advice and for the extra work said that if he could teach Prince Maverick how to fight.

"Yes my King, I would be honored to teach your son; As I am also gracious of the new position you have bestowed on me. I will look after Seracia as if she were my own kin. This is a grand land King Gerhardt, I will try my best of my abilities." he replied with a finishing nod.

Octavian stood still awaiting anything else that Gerhardt would say, or a dismissal.


04-13-2013, 07:28 PM

"Very well, keep me updated on how he is doing. I know you will do well, Octavian. I hope I get to see you again soon." He said all of this with a smile, and the tone of an adoring King. He loved Octavian, just as he loved Seracia and everyone else within it. He felt like a father or a brother to them all, and hoped that feeling would never go away. With a flick of his tail and a final dip of his head, the King set off to get back to work.

Exit Gerhardt.


Image by Ruelle.