
I love you when you're singing that song



5 Years
09-23-2014, 12:02 AM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2014, 07:21 AM by Novella.)

ooc: As Novella wouldn't have left without any of the children, Aslan, Varda, Herne, Limerick, Envoi and Sonnet will all be here at this point. Myth, Novel I and Dutiron I will have stayed behind to check the pack for Symphony and Gitan

They had crossed around the very edge of Sawtooth's territory, trying to get around the storm and most importantly trying to get to safety. She had been unable to check the lands for the other pack however, concentrating upon getting her children safe and the rest of Threar. Honestly she knew it was rididulous to head this way, there wasn't a definite that the lands would be safe and yet as they moved closer and closer to the shrine, the weather did calm and though it was by no means the pleasant Summer they'd been having, they were certainly out of the worst of it. The Alabastine Shrine had been a miracle for her again it seemed, it was here that she had found Frith after all.

"We'll stay here for a while." She would state as she turned to look around at the pack. With her parents and the pups she certainly didn't want to travel too far though should the storm spread this way then they'd have to make a move again. For now though, this would be certainly be good.



4 Years
09-25-2014, 06:07 AM

She didn't imagine that the whole pack would have to move. She had never gone outside the falls and such distance was tiring for her. So much seemed to be happening, for a very small creature. Staying by her brothers' sides, she would watch as her mother finally announced the place of their temporary home. Amber and blue eyes examined these new lands carefully. They weren't anything like the falls. The trees were uniquely covered in matching white vines and bark. The whole place gave a cold and eerie feeling.

The falls are better than this place. Why are we even here? These trees are weird!

There wasn't any point for the pup to argue. Luckily she could silently argue as much as she wanted to within her thoughts. The girl wasn't staying here forever, was she? It was just temporary. Soon that horrible storm would be over and she would be back in her warm and snug den.

"Speech" Thoughts



2 Years
Extra large
09-25-2014, 06:23 AM

Aslan, like Varda had no idea how important this place had been to their parents however he was certainly more open to exploring the lands. He would continue to encourage his siblings along as best as he could and try keep close to their mother as well. It was rather different to any place the chocolate boy had seen before though it didn't mean to say it was horrible. It certainly wasn't home, the faint smells lingering throughout the lands were of strangers, not one the familiar Destruction scent he had come to know throughout Threar and Sawtooth. On his very first outing into the world he and his siblings had decided the world was big, all it seemed to do was keep on growing with far more wolves as well apparently than he had ever realised.

His days of exploring would pause again here though it seemed as his mother announced they would stop. How could anyone complain anyway when they were out of the way of that storm? He no longer felt like he had to fight the wind to stay on his paws and could certainly hear and smell things better again. One other thing the boy would realise however was how tired he now was, it was indeed the furthest he had travelled and it hadn't been an easy journey either. "What now?" He questioned as he looked to his mother, a part of him certainly hoping for sleep to be the answer, not that he knew where they would sleep, the den hadn't been able to come with them after all.



5 Years
09-26-2014, 12:31 PM

His strength would slowly ebb as he and Feli carried the unconscious boy and the owl out of Threar territory. He had a feeling of where Novella was taking them and internally he would find it a blessing and a curse. They would have to bring the poor boy father, but at the same time he looked forward to seeing the place of his and his wife?s first meeting. They hadn?t set foot there since before he?d come to Ludicael.
Eventually his senses would take in the odd surroundings. The white trees and the pale ruins. He looked forward to staring into the glowing waters with Novella agian, but before that they had to attend to Sorrel. Hopefully the bump on the head would not cause any permanent damage. He?d also wonder what the owl?s plans would be as they stopped. He?d gentle let loose the now slightly bloodied scruff. He?d been as gentle as possible, but eventually his teeth had broken through the skin. He?d lick the wounds softly as he looked up to Novella, seeking guidance as their children were.


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Cerise I


09-28-2014, 11:30 AM

She had internally fretted over her brother when Frith and Feli brought him. And with no sightings of her parents a knot of worry was worming its way in her gut. Sorrel had the most knowledge of healing between her and her brothers. And with no sight of her mother, no one could really help Sorrel. The small girl would cast worried glances back repeatedly as they made their trek out of Threar to someplace safe. She would walk behind the pups, making sure none fell behind and if they did she would give a gentle nudge with her nose. If she needed to she'd help carry them.

The farther the moved away fro home, the better the weather got. Given though it was not sunny out when the stopped at an odd place. Her bi-colored eyes roamed the area in silence, her paws stuck to the ground as others slowly went inside."I'll stand watch, incase the others managed to follow our trail." She called out. There was no use for her to be in the way worrying over Sorrel and Novella and Frith were both there to look after the pups. With a sigh she turned her back to the mouth of their temporary den to sit down. Her mind wondered where her parents were, if they were safe, over that male Cador she had met. Was the male with purple eyes safe? Though her thoughts would tumble around in her mind she ears and nose were alert for danger and signs of the rest of the pack.



09-28-2014, 08:19 PM

Safety. At least somewhere safer than their packlands. The news given that this would be where they were staying for now would be given and F?licien would release his brother. He was panting, and scared to death. His parents and still yet to join them, and he was terrified something had happened to them as well. Without his mother... who would treat his brother? He knew basically nothing about herbs... the one with that sort of grand knowledge was laying at his paws unconscious. F?licien just felt like crying. Mother nature kept throwing his family for a loop, leaving them powerless to do a damned thing. His mother first... now Sorrel... the boy just wanted to break down.

He would shiver heavily, licking where his teeth too had sunk in due to dragging the other here. His mind was racing, and finally the young male would look back at Novella, speaking in a low, but sure voice. "I'm going back to look for the others." He would glance to Sorrel and then back to his relative. "Sorrel might not have been the only one to be in danger... someone might be trapped. I'll find them... and I'll bring them here." He would turn back the way they came before pausing. "...Just... take care of Sorrel." He knew they would. But those words had to be said. He loved his family dearly... and the immediate ones were his world. With a small sigh he'd begin to walk, hoping none would try to stop him.

-Exit Unless Stopped.-



09-28-2014, 09:18 PM

The storm had been nothing but hell for the woman. When the rain started she had been out collecting more herbs and planning the lesson in the future for the pack. Such things needed good planning, specially when she believed she was not a good teacher. She'd rather show someone than talk about healing. To her it was best that way. To see exactly how the used which herbs, the dosage and the affects the plants took to the body. Atlas was with her and both had been debating how the first lesson for Threar in healing shall go when the weather took a more dangerous note. Both had been outside of the packlands in hopes of hiding plants not growing in Threar lands. That had been successful but now they had to get back to the pack. The trek had been slow going, both wolf and owl carrying a delicate bundle of herbs. Things might have been okay if the winds had not been so fierce. Atlas was fighting as best he could but growing weaker by the moment. Symphony's bad leg was cramped up to the point it hurt her too much to put weight on it. Next thing she knew was she was watching her best friend being whipped up and tossed around in the wind, crashing into trees till he landed with a wet thud.

Panic seized her for a moment as she stared in horror at the still form of her friend. Quickly it washed away as his chest raised in a ragged breath and she hobbled over to him. The angle in which he landed, she knew it was bad. His right wing laid under him in an unnatural sharp twist. No doubt his wing was broken. Her heart broke for him, Atlas loved nothing more than being free in the sky, his domain. Using the most tender care she wrapped his wing to his body using the long blades of reeds. Now they just had to figure out how to carry him safely and their gathered herbs, both too stubborn to lose them. If he rode on her back they risked him losing balance and falling over specially with her uneven gait. So that wasn't a choice. All her mind could plan was her carrying him in her jaws. Simple enough but then there was the two bundles. Atlas couldn't carry them in his talons, he was too faint to focus. With a idea she wrapped the bundles to his body before picking him up.

First she went to the medical den, hoping to find someone like Sorrel and at least safety to treat Atlas properly. But her den was gone, completely flooded out. Dread washed over her much like the water had washed out the den. She prayed her family was safe in the main den. Limping her way there she was greeted with much of the same image as the medical den. Were her pups and Gitan still alive? Were they somewhere safe at least? Brows creased as a whine fell from her lips, maybe Novella's den. Again there was no one there. The most have left the pack lands for somewhere safe to shelter.

It was pure luck the woman had picked the right direction to go south, away from the storm. Her body was drenched with cold water, her leg unable to be used and an owl hung limp in her soft grip. Call it instincts of a wolf having some unexplainable connection to its pack of pups, but she knew she had to go this way. Her pace was slow, paws dragging but the next thing she saw was Cerise sitting there and Feli stepping out of the shrine. For a moment she had to blink a few times to make sure she was seeing correctly. Yes two of her three pups were here at least. Perhaps Gitan and Sorrel were inside. She skipped forwards lightly, remembering Atlas was still in her jaws. Gently she would lay Atlas down before nuzzling Feli and Cerise."Please tell me everyone is here, Sorrel, your father? The pack?" She asked softly. It was then Atlas woke up, rolling to his clawed feet and chirping."They better be, I don't wanna break another wing mind you. That there wind is not forgiving!"[I] He added as he inspected the oddly wrapped mess on his body, still holding the herbs they gather. [I]"Well i'll be your starting to turn into a weaver bird Sym!" Though he joked his face was contorted in pain.




3 Years
09-29-2014, 06:37 AM

Oblivious to all around him Sorrel had remained unconscious as he was dragged across the lands. Though he hadn't been his prettiest upon F?li and Frith's discovery of him, dragged through the mud and bloodied scruff the boy certainly looked a mess now. Still not ready to awaken he would remain right where he had been left, unaware of his condition, state or even the new little guardian, Ellingham, he had apparently gotten in all of this.

The conditions here were certainly far better, enough so that if he had wished the owl could have quite easily left and flown off elsewhere. He couldn't explain it, but for whatever reason Ellingham had developed quite the attachment to the boy and his family in the journey and now certainly longed to see Sorrel recover before he bid them farewell. That being said he would remove himself from his perch upon Sorrel's body now, although still sticking close to the boy.



5 Years
09-29-2014, 07:19 AM

Unfortunately she hadn't been able to await the entire pack to join them. A quick scan of the area had led to her gathering the children and finding her parents and her sister Myth. The three of them had agreed to stay behind to do another scan of the area whilst Novella led the children to safety and of course got poor Sorrel out of the storm. She had certainly intended for one of the pack to head back and retrieve them but even so she wasn't too sure she liked the idea of F?li heading back alone, of course equally she had hated leaving her parents and Myth there at all, though it had practically been demanded.

The boy would slip back outside before she could stop him though the Author would be swift upon his tail. A sigh of relief would leave her as she spotted Symphony outside, though with no sign of Gitan behind her nor Myth and their parents, Novella could only assume that somehow Symphony had followed them alone. One issue at a time. "F?li, stop. Its too dangerous you heading back out there alone. Myth, and your grandparents are taking care of the last check, I'm sure everyone will be here soon. Now please, either keep watch with Cerise or head back inside and help where you can."

Now she would move to nuzzle her sister in greeting, answering the questions she was bound to have. "It was just you and Gitan that we were waiting to hear from. Sorrel needs you now though, he's unconscious at the moment." She would step aside to let her sister step inside.


09-30-2014, 05:21 PM

F?licien had been prepared, ready to leave this area of sanctuary and head back into the storm, into the danger where he would need to be careful to ensure he made it back, and with the others as well. But he was delied, his gaze falling on two beings familiar. First his mother, then the poor owl, Atlas, was injured. He was wrapped in herbs. As his mother nuzzled him, then his sister, the boy could find only silence as a response to his mother?s question. He tried to find the words, but luckily Novella would step out then, speaking first to him, then his mother.

Bi-colored gaze would lower. He was shaking some. Part of the reason he wanted to head back was because he wasn?t sure how to help. His mind raced... And seeing Sorrel as he was tore the twin apart inside. He felt like he might lose his mind, just start screaming and falling into the endless black abyss of his thoughts. He would shift, slowly moving a bit more away from the entrance of the shrine, giving a deep sigh. He would close his eyes tightly. So his mom was with them now... But... His dad... Where was his dad? Was he safe? ...or the only true casualty of the storm in Threar lands?



5 Years
10-03-2014, 12:24 PM

Most of their family had gathered, only Gitano had yet to appear. Would he be okay? Worry would still fill him as he kept himself close to Sorrells unconscious form. Symphony would appear, her eyes not yet falling on her injured son. Frith had been given some training of healing but it had never been a focus for him. He'd not been given an incredible amount of time with his mother, but the old wolfess had done her best to raise him the best she could. Still he would feel a strong feeling of pride for being trained by her. He only hoped that Sorrel might make it through this ordeal to continue his training with his own mother. He would nudge the boy before leaving him in the care of his mother. Paws would carry him closer to Novella, worry evident on his features but he would stay strong for the pack.

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]