
Talk [Segar]


03-27-2013, 10:11 AM

The ivory fae breathed in deeply the scent of the sea, before exhaling gently. Segar and herself had returned to Seracia and much to her delight they had spent the next several days, mating, eating, sleeping and coming together once again, her body still tingled from where his tongue had brushed and where his claws had pierced her flesh to get a better grip upon her. Despite herself, she shivered. They had yet to tell Gerhardt that they were bonded and they ought do so soon. She yawned and stretched her thin bodice out languidly.

Her lover was gone, but this time she knew where off too, called away on a hunting party, and he could not truly say no. Ghost had assured him she would be fine and would be here well after he returned and reluctantly, he had left her side. She had left his den only a scarce few times, for water and for food mainly, she missed him terribly, but she understood. He had been gone nearing five days and Ghost sighed, she needed him to return, needed him to speak with her.

She craned her body around to nuzzle her barely swollen abdomen. It was still unnoticeable beneath the heavy set of her fur, but she was most assuredly pregnant, his children slowly growing within her womb. She was nervous and slightly scared that she would not be a good mother, with all of her problems, but she would try her damndest. A familiar gait, running footsteps reached her ears... how would he react to her pregnancy? "Segar?" She called out to her beloved, hoping it was he who had returned to her.



03-27-2013, 10:48 AM

He ran with new found exuberance down the beach to his den, pushing himself closer and closer to the array of rocks and driftwood, his pace only increasing after hearing his name on the wind. He skidded to a halt at the mouth of the den and entered "Si mi amor" He chuckled nuzzling her lovingly. "I hope you did not miss me too terribly."
he laid beside her and dropped his head over her arms, nuzzling her chest. This was paradise to him. A warm den, a mate, a pack that accepted him. It was everything he could have wanted and more.



03-27-2013, 11:04 AM

Ghost watched as her lovers visage skidded to a halt at the opening of their den, as promised, she had waited for him, not allowing the voices to interfere with her any longer, the doubts, she forced them away, focused instead on what they would do once he returned. His accent brushed against her ears and she moved to rise to greet him properly but he beat her too it. He darted forward, coiling his body around her smaller frame and buried his maw within her chest. Her heart thundered at such a tender gesture and with a soft hum she licked the side of his cheek, bathing him in tender kisses, her tail thumping the floor of their den.

"My beloved, I have something to tell you." She murmured against the shell of his ear. She waited until he had risen from her chest, biting the inside of her cheek from her sudden nervousness. She had his full attention and he was waiting. "Segar... I'm pregnant."



03-27-2013, 11:28 AM

Time came to a screeching halt as the words reached his ears. Pregnant? He was going to be a dad?....Well. It wasn't the first time he had fathered a litter...No. There was a difference between being a father and being a dad. And for once he would make sure this litter had something he never had growing up. A dad. He was on the road to redemption, and what he needed most of all was redemption for the trail of bastards he had left...Just like his father before him. No. Things would be different now, he wouldn't run from commitment like he had so many times before. Ghost was his redemption, his saving grace, and soon would be the mother of his children. Slowly the blank expression thawed into a wide grin the likes of which had never been seen before on his visage. He sprang up, striking his head against the stone ceiling of the den before running out of the den to dip his head back and proclaim to all of Seracia that new life would be brought to the pack. Life that he had helped bring into the world.



03-27-2013, 12:04 PM

The King was lingering near the dens, in search of his wife and Queen. She had been rather distant lately, he assumed this was because of events that had occurred. He'd gotten an earful of her disbelief in Maverick's ability as the Prince, but all of it had been disregarded. He had chosen Maverick for a reason, and would not go back on that decision no matter what fool thing the boy did. The King wore a frown his tail jutting out behind him without the familiar wave or bobbing motion. His head remained erect and proud, but it was easy to see he was distressed. Adette had never been gone so long as to bring him to worry. Besides her and her obvious distrust of the Prince, Gerhardt also had other problems going on. For starters, one of his Knights had been scarce, and was now believed to be a deserter. The King was displeased with this notion, and still held onto the faint hope that the rumors were not true. Still other rumors wracked the Kingdom, the primary one being that Octavian had lost out on his lady love Ghost, as she had been eyeing another man.

It would be then, in the midst of all of his thinking - and moping - that a powerful and rather jubilant howl rang out. He was very near to the source, for it was crisp, clear, and incredibly loud. Limbs would pivot to carry the King to the sounder, curious and intrigued as to what news could be so joyous to befit a howl such as that. The notes were familiar sounding, and the King was willing to bet that the caller was none other than Segar, who apparently had caught the eye of the Lady Ghost. Brow furrowed slightly, wondering if this was the announcement of their consummation. He hoped for their sake it wasn't. As he came upon the scene, he noticed a beaming Segar standing just outside of his chosen den, smelling heavily of Ghost. The King's ear would flick back irritatedly as he approached, offering no warm smile. "What news have you, Sir Segar?" He would give the man the benefit of the doubt for a moment, but only just a moment. The King had a sickening suspicion that the two of them had been up to no good, but would allow his Count to explain himself as best as he could. That is, if he had the nerve.



03-27-2013, 12:28 PM

Ghost watched her beloved with quiet anticipation, wondering what the shock of such news might bring him. Of course, it couldn't be completely from his mind, he had taken her countless times, he seemed never to get enough of her body and she could say she felt the same way. She loved him unconditionally and that was not about to change. She was shocked slightly at the exuberance in his reply, bellowing out his joy to the whole of Seracia. It touched her, proved he was truly serious about her, about their family. She rose from her place, surprised to see their king gliding towards them.

He addressed her lover and she glided up beside him, tucking her maw in the curve of his jaw, nuzzling him gently, before her gray gaze shifted to Gerhardt. She was silent for only a moment, before her jaws would open and words as soft as a lullaby would fall from her larynx. "I am pregnant with my mates pups." She purred, remaining quietly at her lovers side.


03-27-2013, 01:44 PM

He froze as Gerhardt a pproached. None too pleased by the looks of it. He knew he had taken Ghost without first gaining permission as Octavian had, and Ghost, having been claimed by a previous male would certainly have caused a stir for changing her mind so abruptly. Before he could answer his king his mate spoke on behalf of him, coiling her body around his lovingly as if to erase all doubt that they had become mates, seemingly overnight. "It is true Gerhardt. Ghost and I are mates, and are now with children." He said, eyes on the ground shamefully. He had made a grave error,letting his emotions stand before the laws of Seracia. And with his rank no less. Gerhardt would have his hide on a silver platter by the end of this, he just knew it. "Octavian chose to stand down, and let me take her as my mate." He explained, avoiding eye contact at all costs.



03-27-2013, 02:13 PM

He smelled of her, and curiously of an added bit of estrogen. Surely their consummation had not resulted in pups this early? A sigh would ring out as the Count remained silent, his lady love taking up their cause with little concern or sorrow of their actions. Lawbreakers, they were, and the King would have to find a suitable punishment. Castration was far too harsh in his eyes, at least for a first offense, though it was common where he came from. Lip would curl as the man explained himself, going about and looking as if he was a disobedient pup. The King hated punishments, and avoided them whenever possible, but it was necessary in this situation. How else would they learn? How else would the entire Kingdom learn if he did not put his paw down? "I see," he would utter with a sour note in his tone. Tail whipped to one side as he advanced a yard closer to the pair, eyeing the Count. He considered the man to be the most at fault, though Ghost would not be without her own punishment. "Stepping down shows great character on the Knight's part." He would paws, drawing in a slow and uneven breath. "While it is not my place nor desire to stand in the way of love, it is my place to see to it that nothing but peace and harmony befalls my Kingdom." A brow raised with mild interest as he queried his Count. "What would you have done, Segar, should Octavian not have shown such obvious control?" He wondered if two of his subjects would have duked it out over the lady. She certainly was a catch, the King could not deny that, but to come to qualms over her seemed almost silly. Then again.. he'd fought over lesser things in his youth. Punishment would come, retribution would come, but for now the King wanted answers, and he wanted them now.



03-27-2013, 02:34 PM

Ghost thought her next words carefully, speech had never been her strong point. The voices were oft too frequent, they escaped her against her will, speaking out of turn, she preferred the silence, but realized that this situation demanded more than her lack of tones. Segar looked away ashamed, or so it seemed and that hurt the dame, more than she cared to admit. While she realized it would have been wiser to speak with the king first, she did not regret what they had done. She did not love Octavian and in the length of time she had done him a favor, what would become of a relationship built on only halves? Not in the eyes of any creature would she feel ashamed for claiming Segar as her own and the fact that he was so fast to look away made her wonder if he truly loved her as he said he did.

"While I regret not speaking with you first my liege, I do not regret what Segar and I have become. I love him with every piece of my being and I will have no other." Her words were smooth as glass, soft and gentle. She spoke with respect but feeling as well, she meant what she said. "Octavian told me nothing of his claims or his intentions until Segar had already sought out my name and my body. I adore Octavian, but as a companion, a friend. It is not my fault he announced our engagement before ever speaking to me." While the words were harsh, they were true.



03-27-2013, 03:26 PM
OOC: can't code speech.

"I would fight for her." He said simply. What kind of a man would he have been if he hadn't. If he had been the one to simply belly over to Octavian. While the shame of breaking a law weighed heavily on him, he slowly became encouraged by Ghost's proclamations until finally bold forest green eyes fell upon his harsh amethyst. His only crime was avoiding a bureaucratic law for too long, to hell with how his character looked, he hadn't stolen Ghost. He couldn't steal what didn't belong to Octavian. "While my heart weighs heavily for failing to ask for your blessings I do not regret standing my ground for Ghost's honor. " he said boldly. "And if it is true that Octavian asked for your permission before hers then I stand by my decision. " He would do it again. For Ghost he would break every law in Seracia to be with her. He pressed his head against hers, eyes trailed on Gerhardt "the peace of Seracia...your kingdom, my home, is intact, I had no intention of disturbing that peace, only in finding my own."



03-27-2013, 03:45 PM

They seemed to think that he was more upset about Octavian losing out than the law that had been broken. This was evidenced by the woman's tone and choice of words. He cared not that Octavian had lost out on the woman. He didn't care who she ended up with. The only thing the King cared about was the laws he had set forth, laws that these two should have known well enough by now. He could listen to this no longer. "I care not what part Octavian has in this matter. His request is in the past. What irks me so is the lack of respect you two showed. I know of love, I know it quite well. I also know the desires of the flesh, and I know that they can be resisted until the proper time to divulge in them." He would pause. "There is no question of the love you share, and there is no denying that I am happy for you both. But I cannot rejoice in a union that began with such little regard to your home and family." That is exactly what it had been, disregard to everything but their feelings. Gerhardt knew how strong feelings could run in one's veins, but a wolf had to be stronger than that, stronger than feelings.

"You know I have no other choice but to punish you, Segar." It was time for the King to not just demand respect for his rules - but to take them for himself. He stepped forward, limbs setting themselves for balance, claws gripping the earth tensely. Amethyst eyes would set upon the man. His tail flagged up and out behind him, displaying dominance while preserving balance. Lips curled up to reveal white fangs, while his head slipped downward parallel to his spine and tucked toward the earth ever so slightly to protect his throat. He knew this was no death match, but even a misguided blow to the throat could prove detrimental. "Your choice. Stand and fight me in order to try and escape your punishment, or submit now and take it like a man." The King would have it no other way. He would prefer to see the count stand down and receive his punishment, and the two of them could go about their merry way with no other side-effects or injuries of a fight, but he would not deny the count his right to escape justice. The King would wait.

OOC / Basically, Segar can either fight Gerhardt in hopes of winning and avoiding punishment altogether, or he can take his punishment without the fight and hard feelings that might come with it. If he chooses to fight, you may decide upon the number of rounds, and naturally you may make the first move.
Challenging for the rights to Segar's left ear.
Round 0 / ?
Attacks / None.
Defenses / Balanced securely on all four paws, claws gripping the earth for traction, tail flagged for balance and dominance, fangs revealed, head aligned with his spine and tucked to protect his throat.
Injuries / None.



03-27-2013, 04:05 PM

Ghost watched what transpired with keen eyes, silver hued orbs glittering in the sunlight as the king answered both of them, she was proud to watch her lover gain confidence, some of her worry dissolving. But then the King grew angered, they both knew the laws and she understood they were wrong, but this seemed to be taking it to far, and if either male thought she was going to sit idly by, they were both sadly mistaken.

Moving quickly, she propelled her bodice between the two, protecting her lover with the curve of her body. Surely their king was not so cold as to pounce upon a pregnated female. She did not growl, or bare her teeth, her tail remained limp, head lowered and ears pinned against her cranium. Submissive. She meet the kings gaze without fear.

"It is I who tempted Segar outside of these borders, he wished to return home and I goaded him into claiming me. You will not harm him for a wrong I have committed. I will take my punishment as well as his, now or after I birth these pups, but I will not see another harmed for my actions." Deadly serious her eyes held the King's she was not afraid of him.



03-27-2013, 04:33 PM

Without a word he stepped around her and bowed his head to the king "I will take my punishment." He said "please do not hurt the mother of my children" he begged. He was a pitiful sight, broken like Seracia's law, soon to be marked for his insubordination. He looked back at Ghost silently and closed his eyes, waiting for the surge of pain to assault his body. He had sworn to protect her, and despite who initialized the crime it fell upon him as her mate to face the consequences for both of them. A crime had been committed and it demanded punishment. He whinned softly, ears pointed upward, tail raised at level with his body and legs spread, presenting himself like a dying cow waiting to be slaughtered. His stance was not meant to initiate battle, it was to give his king his choice of flesh.



03-27-2013, 04:50 PM

The King prepared for battle, both mentally and physically. He half hoped the man Segar would not try to scapegoat his way out of this fight, but instead would submit and take his punishment. It would be far less painful for the both of them that way. However, before the fight could scarcely begin, the woman stepped up and in between the two of them. Her stare was non-threatening, but held no ounce of fear, no flurry of reverence. His lip would curl higher, and a slight growl would befall the scene. How dare she interfere. He had so graciously pardoned her and chosen to only take out vengeance upon her mate. Though she confessed her part in the crime, Gerhardt would not harm a pregnant female, even if in his eyes the children were illegitimate. Segar then did something the King had hoped he would. He stepped around the dame and bowed his head. "A noble choice," The King would not soon forget this display. With a swift and deliberate motion he would advance upon the Count, delivering a quick snap upon his left ear in hopes of removing part of it as a mark of his insubordination.



03-27-2013, 05:44 PM

A loud, shriek of a yelp broke the serene quiet of the beach. Blood bubbled up and slid down his face, dropping into the sand. His ear had been split in two,both halves weighed down by the ruby droplets. A long jagged V shaped cut now stood between the two halves of his ear, trailing down to the base. "Thank you sir." He almost sobbed, pain forcing his hutches to the ground as he kept his head bowed to his king. Hopefully the worst was over. Hopefully the pain radiating off his ear was enough to satisfy the king. His body was assaulted by a wave of shivers at the thought that the king might take his other ear as well. He wiped helplessly at his forehead trying in vain to ease the pain but only succeeding in making it worse.



03-27-2013, 06:39 PM

The King visibly shook as he tore away a portion of Segar's ear, hearing the shriek from his count. He did not relish in the bloodshed, but it was necessary and would be a constant reminder to both Segar and his mate to beware the laws of Seracia. Half of him almost felt ashamed for what he'd done, but he knew he had to take a stand at some point or he'd be walked all over. Attention would fall to the count as he thanked him for his injury. The King gave a nod and uttered solemn words. "I take no joy in harming you, Segar. I am sorry to have to do it." He would then turn to the woman. "Because of your mate's honorable choice, I will not harm a hair on your head - not today or once the whelps are born." He gazed at her frame, noting no swelling in it yet. "Be sure to inform Loccian of your pregnancy, no doubt she will be able to assist you in birth should anything go wrong." Despite the illegitimacy of the pup's conception, they were still loved pups of Seracia, and would be treated as such even before they were born. Tail waved behind him as his features softened, trying to ease the bad mood that had flooded over the scene. "Segar - you ought to let her tend to that wound as well, to be sure it doesn't get infected." It was not every day he suggested treatment for a wound he'd inflicted, but the King supposed there was a first time for everything.



03-28-2013, 02:13 AM

She could pinpoint the day it began. The day her own brother had pinned her down, body dominating and fierce, teeth, tearing deep into her face and shoulder as he took her body. Delusional in fever and illness she could remember in vivid detail every thrust his body had made against her own, every drop of blood she could remember staining her ivory pelt. It had begun at first not even noticeable, like a small crack on a window... but given time it had grown, branching out like spiderwebs, thin cracks upon her psyche that eventually tore away completely. The dame had a thousand voices, a thousand problems and always they were random, scattered, seperate.

Until today.

Every last voice, every last piece of her personality were zeroed in on these events. Keene eyes of silver hardened into icy gems. Distant, unreadable, callus, cold. He snapped at her mate, tearing his ear like paper, his scream of pain would echo in her heart until her dying day she was quite sure. Hatred filled her eyes like a plague, spreading through the liquid silver like a fire uncontained, but her face remained neutral, and still the king did not leave adding insult to injury... no Ghost was a great many things, but a Seracian she was no longer. She would not be here come the next morn. This self proclaimed king was a monster no better than her brother delusional and sick with fever, at least he had his illness to stand by, what did this wolf who thought he was better than they have? A vendetta because Segar had not first sought permission for attempting to help someone who clearly needed it? This pseudo-king had chosen enemy over ally and the dame would not forgive.

"You think I do not bleed for what you have done to my heart? Any wound you could inflict would hurt less." Venom fell from her tones, hatred that burned her tongue even as it left her jaws. His words of a medic and healing her beloved only increasing her anger and her hatred. Her lips curled back over her teeth, her fury now displaying itself upon her maw but still she spoke no more. She turned her back upon the king, guiding her whimpering mate back to his den, she would kill him if she listened to another God damned word that fell from his mouth.

Seracia would pay for the wrong they had caused her beloved. She would make sure of it.



03-28-2013, 09:50 AM

Words glanced off of him, he looked at the king stupefied from his place on the ground. Everything seemed to be mixing together culminating in the final realization that he had been marred forever. He would wear the mark of an insubordinate for the rest of his life, for a trespass he had committed in his youth. And yet, to him Gerhardt was not the enemy Ghost thought he was, he held no hatred for what the King needed to do. In his mind he had earned the loss of his ear, the whispers that the other packmates would share while his back was turned, the title "illegitimate" over his pups. He had earned it all by refusing to talk to Gerhardt. He allowed his body to be shuffled toward the den. He needed sleep, his heart aching from the pains of failing his Alpha. "Ghost. My love, rest with me." He demanded softly, his voice cracking as the entirety of the situation fell over him.



03-28-2013, 01:39 PM

The King would give a snarl as the woman's combative words split the air. He might've challenged her then and there had she not been carrying the count's children, children that would further his Kindom. He would merely snort in protest, watching her slither back into her den. She would calm down in a few days, when all of this had blown over and Segar's wound had healed. The King watched him follow suit and then pivoted toward his own den to seek out his wife, or someone he could discuss this with.

Exit Gerhardt.



03-28-2013, 02:14 PM

Ghost vanished within Segar's den, Her tongue laving the wound, taking any filth the pseud-king had left upon her beloved, she spoke not a word so angry was she, so furious were the voices that whispered such tempting thoughts to her. She was not happy and never again would she trust the so called King of Seracia.

-exit Ghost-