
Wicked [Open]


03-27-2013, 09:46 AM

Golden eyes, cold and hard scanned the blood soaked battlefield. Her two-toned pelt glaring at everything, anything. Seemingly indifferent she absorbed the land, memorizing it. What was this place so bathed in death? In decay? Did the sick arrive to spew their last remnant of life upon the ground? Did the injured drag their corpses here to bleed out their last? Her wicked mind danced with images of her so claimed father, the wretch. Had he breathed his last? She cared not.

Banishment, and the world did color her soul, suited her well. She cared nothing for the world around her and even less for the pack she had left behind... well she cared for Glenda, but she couldn't, not anymore. Her soul needed to turn black, twisted and misshapen. Emotions and feelings she could not entertain any longer. If her wondrous pack of Oz thought she was nothing but wicked then so be it, she had had enough. Perhaps one day she would return to strike fear into the hearts of all those who had wronged her.

Vengeance seemed like such a decadent morsel. She stepped forward, each move, calculated, ready. For now she needed to grow accustomed to this new, strange land. To learn the land, the packs, its inhabitants. She needed information before she tread too far into unknown waters. Banished, betrayed, forgotten... she would be generous no more. She sought no approval, no acceptance, they thought they had broken her. taken her fighting spirit, but how wrong they were. Elphaba would make every last one of them pay if it was the last thing she ever did in this life.



03-27-2013, 10:43 AM

Things had calmed down a considerable amount since the pack had regrouped. Ranked had been handed out and most seemed content with that fact. Luce was in high regards to the king at the present time. She'd managed to convince a Valhallan yearling to transfer over to Tortuga. Just the thought made him chuckle with glee. It was sure to grate the nerves of any Valhallan wolf. They weren't pronounced enemies, but Kaien wasn't the kindest of beings. He enjoyed chaos and mischief and Neo had brought all of that.

It wasn't often he traveled to the battlefield, but on this day he had nothing to do. Having a secondary Alpha helped improve things a lot. He could leave the pack to Morphine knowing it was in very capable paws. Duties could get done quicker and perhaps it would help solve the problem of the loyalty issue. At least if there was an Alpha who'd been around since near the start of Tortuga they'd be a bit more accepting and perhaps keep their attitudes under check.

Normally he didn't come here. He let those who truly wished to join Tortuga find their borders and climb the treacherous mountain. He believed that those who came to the battlefield to just let any wolf claim them was pathetic and weak. Indecision wasn't looked upon highly, and yet Kaien still traveled to see if anyone here this day would be worth accepting into Tortuga. Or even wasting time on for that matter.

The scent of blood permeated his nostrils and he inhaled deeply, his chest expanding as the tangy scent filled his lungs. It was a wonderful smell. One that got his heart pumping quickly and his adrenaline rushing through his veins. The scent of a wolf soon caught the behemoth's attention. Curious he headed towards the direction.

She was mainly black with odd white markings dotting her pelt. Alabaster hairs would stick out here and there. The complete opposite of her silver colored pelt. the white wrapped around her neck and behind her head in an odd way. It seemed as though someone had beaten him to her. Neo.

His words were harsh and hardly worthy of inviting someone into the pack. he acted as if he owned the place. Blackened lips pulled into a frown as he padded proudly over to the two. He looked at Neo first. The boy had grown tremendously and was beginning to fill out into a fine adult. He had to fix his attitude a bit first.

"Neo, you must remember. This is not Tortuga. This is the battlefield. We won't gain any members if we're rude."

He scolded the boy softly, almost whispering it into his ear. He didn't want to embarrass the boy. Not this time at least. If he continued to show such behavior in the future he would, but for now he'd play nice. He expected much from Neo, especially since Luce had brought Neo to him. He needed Neo to prove himself and not just show Kaien, but the rest of the pack that his loyalties lay only with Tortuga and nowhere else.

Fiery colored orbs flickered to the female now. He finished his observations taking note of her thin and wiry frame. She would make a good Iscarac. That much was obvious.

"Kaien Shiba. Lord of Tortuga. This here is Neo, a warrior in training. What brings you to the battlefield?

He would play nice for now, learn about her. If she was Tortuga material he would explain about his pack and bait her in. Hell, he'd let Neo do it if he so wished. He wanted to learn, why not let the lad do so?



03-27-2013, 11:29 AM

A snap, the thud of paws springing from the dirt and the two-toned fae would leap backwards, nimbly dodging the male that crushed the earth before her. She crouched low, shoulder blades standing defined against her flesh her body crouched and lowered preparing herself for battle. Her lips curled back over glistening white fangs and her ears pinned back against her cranium, a deep snarl reverberating in her chest. Hatred intensified within the glistening gold of her eyes. She was no one's pet, at least not anymore and she would no longer be treated as such. Least of all by some male with markings as bizarre as her own. Her jaws spread apart to speak, but another arrived before she got the chance.

The two smelled remarkably similar. From the same pack no doubt. Great, this was all she needed. They would tell her how amazing their home was and then stab her in the back as soon as she turned. Wolves were selfish, cruel beings undeserving of the loyalty these packs gave them. Lies and deceit colored them, defined them, Elphaba had had enough of lies. Glenda... was the only exception. She wished her best friend was here now, but unlike her, Glenda had not been banished, quite the opposite in fact, revered. She had no reason to leave that behind for a supposed monster.

She listened as they spoke but her posture did not relax, she did not trust these strangers, these nameless faces. They would be no better than those who outcasted her, and she would not give them the chance to prove her right. Her tail flickered back and forth, the only part of her that moved besides the flickering of her eyes. Neo... Kaien. Both were stored in memory, there scent and their appearance.

"Elphaba." Her voice was hard, cold, she stated her name like a plague. "These lands are foreign to me. You don't learn unless you experience for yourself. What better way to get to know the land than by moving across it." It wasn't spoken as a question. It was a statement, a fact. She had answered their question, regardless but she knew not to trust them, she stayed locked in position.
