
Steel Magnolias


04-28-2013, 05:10 PM

OOC / Those who wish to be a part of the sparring may show up. Starsight and I will pair wolves from Ludicael with wolves from Seracia. If the numbers are not even we will sort that out as well. Let the sparring commence! Also, spars must be no longer than four rounds and need to be completed as soon as possible. Each spar will take place in it's own separate thread for ease of reading/judging. This is only the gathering portion of the sparring event, and then the wolves will reconvene after the spars are through to celebrate.

IC / A howl rang out, this one echoing from the same place as the first. He was calling those of two packs, Seracia and Ludicael, to alert them to the beginning of the first - and only - competition to be held in Seracia. It had been decided between the two monarchs that one event in each land would be for the best, and so Seracia had chosen the sparring, and Ludicael the fishing. The King was confident the knights of Seracia would be eager to participate. As the howl tapered off he tilted his head to the side, glancing at Jupiter who stood nearby. They had seen every main part of the territory, and had been able to catch up in the time that had been allowed. But now it was time for business, the King only hoped Seracia was as eager as he was.


Image by Ruelle.


04-28-2013, 06:01 PM

Poise would eek from his frame as he skirted across the territory to heed his father's call. It was hot, blazing hot actually, but the boy ignored such a fact. He'd spent the time allotted to them for mingling by introducing himself to various Ludicaelian wolves. He hadn't spent much time with any one of them in particular, though he had hoped to visit a bit more with the one called Cetotorah. However, duty called, and the Prince sidled up beside his father. "I want to spar," the boy would utter, ice in his tone. "My brother if he shows, and if he does not, I'll face anyone else." Head faced his father as he settled at his side, in the place Adette might have taken had she still been with them. "I won't take no for an answer." His father would undoubtedly be intent upon finding the root of his son's fierce words, but Maverick would offer no reasoning. Tail switched behind him restlessly. It would be his first spar, but he wasn't a fool child - he knew the ways around fighting, even if he hadn't actually done it before.


Jupiter I


7 Years
05-04-2013, 11:27 AM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2013, 11:28 AM by Jupiter I.)

"i will spar with anyone who requires a partner," came jupiter's friendly words as she approached, answering the handsome male's call with her presence. her tail flicked as she brought her gaze upon a crimson-furred, alabaster-marked male, and her eyes set upon him with interest as they had at their initial encounter upon arrival. "maverick, isn't it?" she inquired politely, seeking confirmation that her memory wasn't failing her in the way of names like it usually did. "should no more find interest in sparring, i will happily be your partner."


ooc; badpost, sorry. I'll start PMing this thread to people in ludi to remind them about this.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-04-2013, 07:39 PM

Normally, Frino wasn't one for spars. Actually, he still wasn't really one for spars. But the thought of being injured and being sent to Marvel had drawn him out after the Seracian King's howl. All right, so it was a fucked up way to get the attention of the male, but Frino couldn't help himself. He had found Marvel progressively more and more attractive as time wore on. And yet, Marvel had never seemed interested in the male. Still, Frino couldn't bring himself to give up on the white male. He really should have gotten the hint long ago, when Marvel had begun to pant after Jupiter. But he hadn't, and now here he was.

With a sigh, the male approached the few wolves that had gathered with a wave of his plumy tail. He glanced at Jupiter, tongue lolling from his mouth at the sight of the pretty orange female, and then his gaze flickered about curiously. No one that he hadn't seen before. The cute red male, and the deliciously handsome brown male that was the King of Seracia. Yum. I will spar with any who will fight me, Frino spoke lightly, Though I would enjoy sparring with the young Prince of Seracia. Well, if he was going to spar, he might as well go for the gold.

Ears flickering about lazily, the gray male settled back on his haunches a little bit behind Jupiter. Well, it did offer a nice view of her behind. It didn't have much on Marvel, but he'd take what he could get. Somehow, Frino doubted that the Healer would show up at the spar, but hey, if he got hurt, Marvel would definitely have to take care of him! Well, either that or the healer of Seracia would. Hmm. As nice as that sounded, Frino did want Marvel's undivided attention for a little bit.

He should probably focus, however. Turquoise eyes flickered to focus on Marvel, examining the faded red male with curiosity. Marvel was larger than he was, but that was nothing new. Frino was quite capable of handling larger males. In more ways than one. But in all seriousness, most wolves were larger than Frino. He could handle fighting a larger wolf. Not that he'd ever really fought before. Normally he got out of things by flirting it up. But that wasn't really going to be happening any time soon. Not when he was supposed to be sparring.

Ugh, why had this sounded like a good idea? Frino was not exactly a fighter. Damn. Maybe he should have planned this all the way through.




3 Years
05-05-2013, 05:56 PM

Sparring had never particularly interested Kamala, but when Gerhardt had summoned Seracia and Ludicael to him, she was one of the first to arrive, gray tail twitching as she came to stand a little bit behind her brother and father. Only a few others had beaten her; a gray male that was a member of Ludicael, Jupiter herself, and, of course, Gerhardt and Maverick. They would each be sparring a member of the other pack, and Kamala found her emerald gaze flickering about to land on Jupiter. The male had already expressed an interest in sparring her brother, though her brother did seem to be intent upon battling Valkis. That worried her slightly, but the female shrugged it off, figuring she would ask about it later. Right then, she was focused on one thing and one thing only.

Taking a few careful steps forward, Kamala twitched her tail lightly, "I would love to spar Jupiter, if you would not mind." The gray female examined the other with a slight tilt of her head. The leader of Ludicael had surely battled a few times in her life, meaning that Kamala could learn much from a spar with Jupiter. Kamala hoped that she would never have an opportunity to use what she might learn, but it was always worth learning. Better know more than you need than to not know what you needed.

If that made sense to anyone other than herself. Still, Kamala found her tail wagging slightly at the thought of sparring. Perhaps it would be a good way to expend some excess energy, and it would certainly be a learning experience. If Jupiter would actually be willing to fight Kamala. It was always possible that Jupiter would wish to fight her equivalent in rank. Perhaps Gerhardt would be a better opponent anyways.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


05-08-2013, 01:53 PM

Luana blew through the trees, body bounding like a jack rabbit across the terrain before she burst into the clearing, coming to a skidding halt, sending rocks and dirt flinging as her thin bodice came to a resting halt. Displaying the innocence and the excitement that never seemed to leave her, she brushed up against Jupiter, licking her cheek gently in greeting, she even bestowed Mercury a gentle lick between his ears, excited laughter dripping from her maw. "Good morning Jupiter and Mercury of course! I would love to partake in the spar if you would have me!"



05-08-2013, 01:54 PM

Elphaba would slink through the territory, golden eyes gleaming like beacons as the dame approached the place of meeting. Seemingly snake-like, her body would twine through the terrain and appear before the gathered wolves. Ebony fur of the blackest night with a gray color that accentuated her neck and dipped between her eyes stood gleaming in the sunlight. Her eyes would drift over their guests and then back to Gerhardt. Her head would dip in respect for her king, the only wolf who knew really anything about her, before her golden gaze would flicker to the rest of the gathering. She would shift uneasily, shoulders rolling backwards as she moved to recline upon her haunches. "I will spar if you have need of me." Her words were toneless, and rung through the air with utter confidence.



05-09-2013, 06:33 PM

He wondered who would come, who would be brave enough to take on pack members that they did not know in friendly spars. He knew some would not wish to participate, but was confident at least a few would be willing. Maverick came first, uttering his decision to challenge his brother to a spar if he showed. Gerhardt doubted that Valkis would attend. Jupiter offered to be his partner, if he needed one. Gerhardt would continue to wait. A Ludicael man came next, offering to spar with Maverick. Gerhardt appraised him carefully. Kamala came next, wishing to spar with Jupiter. Gerhardt gave her a gentle smile, he knew Jupiter would be a good match for his inexperienced daughter. Then came another female, wishing to join in. Finally, came Elphaba. Gerhardt's eyes followed her as she approached and spoke her agreement to participate.

Feeling as if it was time to get the show on the road, Gerhardt spoke up. "Thank you all for coming. I should like to see my son and you sir," Gerhardt gestured just then to Frino. "Kamala, I think you would be better fit with this young woman, if that's alright. Elphaba, you can spar with Jupiter. I will observe. You may all begin whenever you wish." Gerhardt gave a nod and watched, ready to see some good natured spars.

OOC, Please do these spars inside of Seracia's board, and be sure to do them in separate posts so that we don't get cluttered in here. We'll reconvene in this thread when the spars are through.


Image by Ruelle.