
I was swept away


04-28-2013, 08:16 PM (This post was last modified: 04-28-2013, 08:16 PM by Thane.)
The brute had had a hectic past few days; he barely had time to think before he could act. With a shake of his head Thane cleared his mind. No, he had to think before he made an action. The stress, anxiety, and fear of Ookami's complications of her pregnancy had made Thane feel as if he were on edge all the time. But now the brute decided he would try to catch her something to eat if she could keep it down. Hmmm, what sort of prey would be easy one one's stomach?

Thane's mind was baffled as he thought of an easy animal to digest. Fish had been proven unworthy and he had doubts about red meat. How would snake meat do? Perhaps there was a snake in the grass nearby that was hiding from the hot sun.

White lined ears were pinned back as Thane had doubts of hunting a snake; hopefully he didn't run into a rattler. If only Cyril was here, but he had been helping Ookami as well. A few moments alone wouldn't do harm. Nothing bad could happen in this short while could it?

A small chuckle escaped the male's lips as he crouched down into a hunting position. His tail was straight out for balance as white lined ears were pinned against his skull. The scars on his muzzle and chest were long forgotten but he still wished that they had never occurred. As Thane's aqua blue eyes looked around for a snake, his nose was at work trying to scent one.

Soon enough a small smile spread across the wolf's face as the tail tip of a snake was spotted. With a quick pounce his jaws had found the reptile's neck; and with a quick bite the life had left the snake. Hopefully this would be good on one's stomach. Then the concern and fear came back as they swamped his mind. What if everything wasn't alright? He barely had time to bask in the glory of a father to be! No matters, there would be time for that later if everything went well.

Thane then turned around with the snake still in his jaws set to go back.


04-29-2013, 12:05 AM

It had been weeks since she'd seen him, months had gone by and she hadn't seen hide nor hair of her former crush. It was in part due to her absence in Valhalla. Thane had been given a high rank and yet she had done little to prove herself, too stricken with heartbreak to do....Well...Anything. Most days she lounged about outside of Valhalla trying to avoid the mere thought of Thane...And yet he always seemed to reappear. First he ran into him personally, then his sister, god only knew what would happen today. What unfortunate turn of events would lead her to confront the painful memories of Thane. The soft rustle of grass caught her attention, ears instantly perked at the sound, hair standing on end. It hadn't seemed to notice her, it was far too preoccupied with something else. The flash of ebony caught her off guard, she crouched, ready to pounce if she needed to. But no. Almost as soon as it had arrived it turned to leave. White lined ears sailed through the tall grass and her heart stopped. It couldn't be...She ran after the figure, and of course, there he was, Thane.

She was silent at first, dumbfounded as every painful memory surged through her mind. Her teeth clenched and the pint sized wolf snarled. "Thane." She spat bitterly. Gods! Why couldn't he just leave her alone? Hadn't he hurt her enough? Hadn't he caused enough damage? Now he was just salt in her wounds.



04-29-2013, 07:22 AM
Thane stopped in his tracks as a familiar voice said his name. It could only be the dame he had seen months ago; the dame he had hoped would have cooled down by now. His right ear twitched as he eventually turned around while still holding the snake in his jaws.

"Micha" he said as his voice was a bit muffled by the snake.

The brute put down the snake at his paws and stood before the femme as he cleared his throat. Aqua blue eyes narrowed as she seemed a bit hostile still; the wolf wanted to shake his head but Micha would only be offended. What did the male had to do to have her realize; what did he have to do to have her understand?

No movement or word was shown or given for Thane was at a loss of words. It seemed as if he opened his maw and said anything, she would want to shove whatever he said down his throat. What would happen this time...he did not know nor did he want to find out.

This silence between the two at the moment was full of suspense; so Thane mustered up his thoughts to say something.

"Grand weather there is today..." he said casually with a small nod.

No smile was given for he feared if so, she would think that he had made it that nothing had ever happened, but something did happen for he would not deny it. As much as the brute wanted his maw to curve upwards in a smile he could live with a small respectful nod. Wasn't respect what they had started out with?

Memories of that day flooded back and infiltrated the male's mind. One of his first days in Alacritis as Micha had been his first friend.But...was she his friend anymore? Thane still considered her a friend; but on Micha's side he did not know what she saw him as anymore. Friendship or not there was still respect for the dame as it was well deserved by all wolves.

So Thane stood before Micha waiting for her reply...or reaction. Yet the brute braced himself as well.


04-29-2013, 09:21 AM

She huffed. He was talking about the weather of all things. He didn't seem to do anything right, not that he could to the female. He had secured that by dumping her. She huffed and flicked her rat like tail. "You have caused me much grief." She said seriously. Now was not the time to lose control.No. She needed to confront him, talk with him seriously about what he had done. She was done having fits and being depressed. It was time to end it once and for all.



04-29-2013, 09:42 AM
Thane was surprised that the dame kept her cool this time; but he had a feeling that she blamed him for everything. No, this wasn't all his work; the fault was on the both of them. How could a compliment have led to this. White lined ears perked up as she stated that he had caused her much grief.

Guilty did he feel for he should; yet did she not think of how this had affected him either? Did she not think about how he would feel about everything? But then again why should she care how he felt; she probably hated him.

"Guilty I feel as I should for the grief I have caused you. But look not at one but at both; how do you think I felt as well." he said in reply.

"And for all of this I feel as if you blame it all entirely on me. It was not only I in the act but you as well; it takes two to do so." he added with another small nod.

The brute still stood as he waited for her next reply. Even though she had proved to be safe for now he did not want to get caught in anything. Why was this so complicated; how did it get this way. Answers would appear soon enough if the both of them could only realize.


04-29-2013, 03:11 PM

Any sense of composure she had was gone in that moment. He was blaming her?! He was telling her it was her fault he dumped her. Telling her that she was responsible for all the pain and heartache she felt. He was telling her it was her fault, and the more she thought about it, the more her blood boiled. She was going to kill him, right then and there. That was how she planned to wash her hands of him, end him once and for all. "HOW DARE YOU!?" She roared, tail and hackles raised threateningly. "I didn't force you to chase after another female! I didn't force you to forget everything between us! It was all you Thane! You made the choice to leave me behind! And I....I waited for you....And look at what you did...You're happy, you have a mate, how can you expect me to feel sorry for you?"



04-29-2013, 04:33 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2013, 04:35 PM by Thane.)

Thane stood still as he watched the dame's face twist and contort before his very eyes. The brute braced himself until her composure had been lost. A scream, yell, or bellow was given out saying how dare he? It was true, it did take two. The wolf struggled as he himself tried to keep his own composure; he was too stressed to deal with this now.

White lined ears twitched as she rose while posing a threat. Really? Micha was threatening him? There was no way thane could doubt her but it all seemed too odd to want to attack him now; the femme was being a little bit over-reactive on the subject.

Words reached his white lined ears that were of venom. Micha spat out every word as if it were a piece of bone or fur from prey. He had had enough! Everything had all came together and for the first time the brute snapped. For the first time since his family and pack's death did he let his voice be heard!

"Enough! he said as he himself flicked his own tail. I know I made my own choices! And no! I didn't forget everything! But I didn't even know your feelings for me before! I thought we were just friends Micha! It's not your fault either, I didn't mean it that way; I meant that it takes two wolves! two! to make something like this happen. It doesn't take one wolf alone to do this! and by the stars I am sorry! I'm sorry Micha; how many times do I have to apologize even though an apology isn't enough for you! What do I have to do to have you understand! I never knew!!! And how do you know that I am happy? How can you judge or interpret such a thing? Sure I tried to build myself back up but now it seems as if I my self am tearing me down!"

Thane took a breath as he had realized that she had made him crack for the first in two years....why? why did this have to happen?

"Look Micha....the thing is I don't. I don't expect you to feel sorry for me. Right now all that I THINK is that you feel hate towards me, and disdain. I'm sorry as I've said before but I don't know what I can do. You will probably say that there is nothing I can do; heck you might even say it would be better for me to just be dead! No...I don't know what to do anymore. And it seems as if every word I say gets you offended in some way or another. I just don't expect anything anymore and I never did. All I gave was a compliment on that day and I thought it was a nice thing to do...but look what this has led to. I just wanted to be nice....but now I feel as if I'm rambling while my words have no meaning anymore....." he finished as a sigh of defeat escaped his lips

Thane knew nothing of what to do. Every word that left his maw was taken in offense to Micha. But maybe she was just looking at them the wrong way? Yet if she said that she would still be angry. But this was all true; he did not know of her feelings until a while after the disaster. This mess had to be cleaned up....but how?

The brute stood there still on edge yet calmer now that he had let it all out. He knew Micha would be very angry but what other way was there to settling this?

Speech, Thane


04-29-2013, 05:39 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2013, 05:39 PM by Micha.)

She drew back, the snarl still spread across her features. She would not be intimidated by barks. She stood her ground, tail flicking furiously from side to side, eyes locked on his. She entertained the thought of lunging forward and ripping his throat out as she waited for him to make the first move. But it never came. No. There was nothing left to say. With a furious huff she broke her stance. " I cannot forgive you." She said "Not yet. And I'm beginning to doubt that I ever will. But if I ever should, I hope that we will be able to be friends again." She spoke with complete rage and ferocity despite the plea for peace in her words, every word acidic, "Until then. حرق في الجحيم" She snapped. She spat at the ground and turned to leave, disappearing into the tall grass as fluidly as she had entered.




04-29-2013, 06:00 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2013, 06:02 PM by Thane.)
Thane had stood there awaiting a rant of some sorts but it never came. White lined ears perked up as his tilted his head a bit to the side. She said she couldn't forgive him and sh doubted she would ever do so. But yet she said that if she ever did that she wanted to be friends again.

A small smile that was barely visible appeared on the brute's face. His aqua blue eyes glinted in the sunlight for this was the real Micha; the Micha he had found that was on the inside of that tough outside. Although it was a small glimpse he was happy to see that side of her again. It was funny how one or a few small words can change something.

Her words just now had brought a smile to his face; while his few words in a compliment back then had brought this. Then as soon as it had came did it go. The dame had left a parting statement for him. Thane knew all too well from the lessons he had received ever so long ago would ever come in handy. Yes he had learned things like respect, skills, and even education. That is where he understood her little phrase.

a small chuckle escaped his maw as he quickly deciphered her Arabic language into English and Russian, his first language. She had clearly said "Bur in hell", but the brute was sure he wouldn't for now. In Thane's opinion life had already felt like hell. Yet he had endured loss and grief did he really deserve to? No matters, a comment was a comment and he would brush it off.

"And I wish the opposite to you!" he cried out to her in a friendly voice.

"Until then Micha Qureshi!" he added

"Until friend" he said softly to himself

As the femme turned and left the male let out a grunt as he shook his head. Picking up the snake from the ground he went the opposite way as well.

-Exit Thane-

-End of Thread-