
Kasprus Monte


03-25-2013, 11:12 PM
OOC Name: Amanda
How did you get here?: From old site
Age: 26
PvP: Realistic

Character's Name: Kasprus Monte
Age: 1
Season of birth: Summer
Size: Small
Appearance description:

Starting with the skeletal build, Kasprus is small. There isn't any real deformities minus a small kink in his tail near the tip, but it's hardly noticeable while it lays on the ground. All the fur keeps it covered. It's when the tail is actually moving from side to side does anyone see a slight kink.

Moving from the skeletal structure to the muscular structure, Kasprus is fairly thinner and leaner than most wolves, like he hasn't been eating much. This will be because of the fact he will develop himself into a runner. The legs are long and lean, and the chest is large and wide to help with the airflow while running.

Moving from muscular to pelt, Kasprus has a base coat of a tan color that spreads from head to toe. Even on his flopped ears, Kasprus looks like he will be a puppy even into his old age. Whether his ears will straighten out or not will be hard to tell, but it won't matter much. Kasprus is fairly fuzzy and his coat is longer than some, but not by much. More or less, it looks fluffier than a summer coat, but thinner than a winter coat. Starting with the markings, from the front of his face just over his eyes and cheek bones, down the throat and chest area, and along the belly down to the underside of his tail is a light sand color with a stripe of platinum blonde or sand (whichever is more accurate), sticking out on the chest.

The next darker color would be the sand on his legs outlining the inside, but not going on the belly. This color goes down to the near tip of the tail, but does not go on the underside. This sand is also on his face as well, but not on the light sand. Occasionally, you can see an even lighter light sand as the very inner coat, but one would have to be staring at it with the sunshine being reflected off of it in order for it to be seen.

The final color is a dark tan that covers almost all of the sand like a jacket, but it creates the look like the sand is bordering both the light sand, and the dark tan, like a line, around the dark tan. The dark tan goes over the bridge of his nose, the top of his head, down his arms and shoulders just to the wrists, and down his back to the base of his hips and stops there where it runs down the thighs to the ankles. Only his front paws, minus one toe on the left paw, is this dark than. The single toe is the platinum sand or blond as well, and the claws remain black. However on the top of his head, where a tiny mane is growing, a stripe of brown tips them, and ends at the back of his head in a point, where the mane fades into the normal fur length.

The final features of Kasprus would be on the shoulders, cheeks, top of his head, nose, and eyes. On the shoulders only, is a stripe of peach human skin color in a very thin crescent moon shape (though not exactly like a crescent moon) and ends with pointed tips. On his cheek tufts is the same platinum blond/sand on the sand color. His expected to be blackened nose is actually a split of black and pink, and finally his eyes are two different colors. The right eye is a cyan color, and the left eye is a red color reflecting his prankster nature.



03-25-2013, 11:15 PM

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