
Restless Music



7 Years
09-22-2014, 04:21 PM

Rain lashed the willow grove outside, while inside, the silver and black timber paced restlessly. Her sides bulged with the unborn lives within, and now and then, she paused long enough to cast the bulges a soft look. The stillness in movement never lasted long. To put it bluntly, Surreal was bored. Outside, since the storm started weeks ago, the bad weather hadn?t quite left, and it seemed like anytime she tried to sneak a nap in the fleeting sunlight, rain would be the next thing she felt, instead of warm rays of sunlight. So she had little to do other that pace, plan, and sleep. And eat, of course, when Falk, Alsander, or one of the others in the group residing within the Whistling Willows brought down something to eat.

She had no worries about problems with her pregnancy. According to her mother, Surreal was coming along perfectly. So her mind turned, almost desperately, to her plans for a pack. She was no longer in any condition to challenge for the old territories. She wouldn?t risk the small lives slumbering, or sometimes kicking, in her belly. That left either waiting until she had birthed and they were weaned to retake the home she had been birthed and raised in, or find a new one. A new location had its advantages. It would take longer for others to realize a pack had reformed. It would take far more quickly for trouble to rise up if she challenged, and won, in front of a crowd.

Her rump plonked to the dirt floor of the high den, mismatched blue and gold gaze turning to watch the high water flow by. She had almost decided on a ranking system. Almost. It was roughshod, to say the least, but coming along. Her mind was torn away from thoughts of her plans by the ripple of movement inside her, followed by a strong kick to the bladder. Oomph. Whichever pup that was, he or she would be a strong wolf. It felt like the biggest set of four little paws. Which led her to wonder, again, what they would look like. Silver like herself, of russet, cream, brown and black like Falk. Perhaps even black or white like her father or mother. She had never met Falks mother, and had no interest in seeking out Isardis to learn more about him; she knew too much, thank you kindly. Whether they were like her, or albino, as some of them might possibly be, given the gene ran through Falk via his father, they would be beautiful, every one of them. And they would need a secure home to play and grow up in.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



5 Years
09-22-2014, 06:31 PM

It was rainy all the time. He was tired of being trapped in the den all the time. It got boring really fast, but his mother wouldn't him or his siblings out in the storm. But he woke up from a nap to see his siblings still fast asleep along with their mom. Dad was gone, probably out trying to hunt. Laoch seized the opportunity and quietly slipped out of the den, slashing out into the drenching rain. It was completely soaked him in an instant, but he didn't care. His restless puppy energy was just happy to be able to run around. He slashed through the mud as he moved further out into the trees. He hopped from one group of branches to another, trying to stay out of the rain as much as he could. He spotted a different den up ahead and he ran toward it, catching Surreal's scent coming from it. "Surreal!" he called excitedly as he neared the entrance, but only a inches shy of slipping inside he tripped over his over-sized paws and slid in the mud, causing him to tumble with a yelp. He rolled right into the den with a faint thud, the roll he took across the ground coating him in mud. He flopped onto his back with a huff, blinking his eyes open and realizing he fell right as Surreal's paws. "Surreal!" he said again, grinning and his tail wagging excitedly, quickly forgetting about his accident.
"It's so rainy outside, I don't like it. What are you doing? Oh! Can we play?!"




7 Years
09-24-2014, 07:08 PM

I youngsters voice pulled Surreal out of her thoughts and she looked up to see Cormalins grandson, her second cousin Laoch. He was soggy, dripping, and a full blown bundle of excited puppy. ?Ho, Laoch, Adventurer extraordinaire! How fare thee?? The playful mischief glinted in her mismatched eyes that matched his. He tripped over his own paws, yelped, mud adding to his soggy exterior. She pulled her rump off the floor and stretched, rear rising high into the air as she chuckled at the barrage of puppy questions. They were all ones she had asked her own elder sisters so often as a little pup desperate for play.

She answered him in list of his words, a smile twitching at her lips. ?Yes it is rainy outside. Do your mother and father know you?re out of the den? And I am thinking, staying dry, and feeling my pups kick. As for playing? Hmm. We can?t do much indoors, and it?s raining outside, and I?m thinking of?. Rawr!? She gave a mock roar of battle and pounced toward the youngster, paws slapping the ground, tail waving in the air.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.

Shikoba I


3 Years
09-24-2014, 09:13 PM

She could have laid there all day happily sleeping away another rainy day. After all she had spent yesterday watching her mother and father play with plants. Each one was different, in looks, smells, and colors. She was amazed by it all but not one word was spoken from her. She was a silent learner. She knew these plants were important, to not touch them, and she remained out of the way as she watched them be laid out to dry and stored up high enough out of her reach in the den. One day she would know everything about every plant out there. But all that watching and trying to puzzle everything together was tiring. So this morning she would be sleeping loudly next to her siblings.

But it wouldn't last. It would only take a few moments to notice the absence of warmth next to her. She would frown and whine softly, paws trying to reach out for her brother who had slept next to her. But paws would find nothing but empty air. Eyes flickered open, searching for Laoch, where had her brother gone? Rolling to her paws she looked around before heading out into the rain. It was cold, refreshing and for a moment she let it soak her, eyes closed. A yelp in the distance made her jump, mud splashing into her white fur. She crouched down, heart hammering in fear. That was Laoch! She whined softly before growling to herself. Her brother could be in trouble!

Somehow she found the courage to move and seek out her brother. But she couldn't find his scent in this rain. Panic was making her fret as she paced about, sprinting from on end of the little clearing she knew of to the other side. Her breath was getting short and she collapsed in the far side of the clearing, silently crying. Where was Laoch? Why was she so weak? Why was she crying? She had long ago gained the habit of crying silently from her early days of colic. So if one didn't see here, they would never know she laid out in the rain afraid for her brother who seemingly disappeared.




5 Years
09-28-2014, 10:26 PM

Laoch waited excitedly for Surreal's answer, his tail wagging wildly back and forth. His ears were pricked forward as he listened and when she suddenly leaped at him and roared he squealed happily and jumped back, quickly falling into a similar pose as her, his forelegs flat on the ground and his hind end sticking up in the air. He laughed and jumped up again, playfully attacking one of her paws, swatting at it with a, "Rawr!" of his own, still giggling happily at the fact that someone was willing to put up with his hyperactivity and play with him.

Suddenly a sound outside caught his attention and he suddenly stopped and whipped his head around to peer outside. It sounded like pawsteps, but then they suddenly stopped and there was a small splash sound like something hit the ground. As curious and unable to focus as ever, Laoch quickly turned around and stuck his head out of the door of the den, easily spotting his sister's pale form several feet away. She was easy to see against the dark, muddy earth. "Shi!" he called worriedly, running back out the way he had come toward her. "Shi, what're you doing? What's wrong?" He nosed at her cheek, whining softly. "Don't cry, Shi, it's okay."




7 Years
10-04-2014, 03:29 PM

They bounced and he pounced at her legs, and she playfully attempted to roll Laoch off his feet with a paw. However the fun was swiftly over as both she and the youngster heard the sound from outside. She followed the black pup out into the rain, and there they found Shikoba, shaking and crying. Surreal stepped over the two pups, shielding them from the rain, before gently lowering her head to nuzzle the little female. ?Come on, Shikoba, come inside. Out of the rain.? Her nudge would be a direction to follow as she turned and made her way slowly inside, waiting to be sure both pups were following before settling at the back of the den.

She left room at her side enough for two pups to snuggle into her, waited until they had chosen to curl up or not, then tightened her curl around whomever had chosen to snuggle up; hopefully both. She lent warmth and comfort. ?You two can stay here for a bit, then we need to take you back to your parents, alright, kids?? If IMena and Cael were unaware of their childrens absence, soon enough both mother and father would be frantic with worry.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.