
A Kiss With a First


03-25-2013, 01:49 PM


Champion took a step back, filling her lungs with the icy cold air of the north. She'd missed it. She really had. Oh she had nomad blood in her veins no doubt. She had a wanderlust like nothing else. And yet.... the scents of snow and ice and stone never failed to awake the old realms of memory within her. She didn't exactly miss her old home - she was happy to be on her own and going places - but she certainly had loved it.

For one thing she didn't have to worry about overheating up here. Summer was on it's way, and if she was to come out during the day and stay as active as she liked, she'd have to stick to the northern lands. With as much muscle and fur as the mammoth she-wolf pocessed, she couldn't run long without starting to overheat. That meant all her hunting had be done in ambushes or short sprints - a fact that limited her chances at catching prey on her own.

But here in the north she was doing just fine for herself. She'd already snuck along the thawing tundra and snagged herself a hare in the middle of changing it's color.

She'd muched up the tasty morsel and started on her way again - climbing the hills that marked the border to this mossy flat corner of the world. Curling her tail and skipping her claws across the earth, she carried on her merry, solitary way.

But that was when the earth started to shake.

Champion's eyes of devilish red glittered as they shot upwards, scanning the mossy ridge to the north. There in the distance was a rabble of grey-brown - a moving, squirming mass of living bodies getting closer and closer. The wind changed as it came barreling across the tundra, and Champion was assaulted by the powerful scent of Caribou. ALOT of Caribou. Up in the Far North, they were rarely seen save in the southern reaches, but Champion had learned alot about them when she was little. The most prompt thing that came to mind was remembering how they were known to sometimes become crazed by the miasmas of stinging insects that plague them - and they would stampede en mass.

Casualties could be counted on in such times and Champion licked her lips, laying down with the safety of elevation. She rested her white underbelly against the damp earth and hung her gold sheathed forelegs over the lip of pine dotted cliff. Watching the whole herd charge past below her was sure to be entertaining.

In short enough time the lead animals came barreling across the tundra. Bulls, cows and tiny calves were all jostled together as the mindless beasts charged. The scents of sweat, snow and blood all clung to them, but from their speed they were still fresh. They could've have been charging for more than an hour. If Champion wanted to snag a kill, she might have to trail them a bit. She scanned the ranks more closely now - zeroing in on the smaller brown shapes - looking for stranglers.

And that was when she saw the wolf.

There was a wolf stuck in the middle of the stampede!

Champion jumped to her feet. Was he insane? A wolf - even a big one like he seemed to be was like as not to break every bone in his body getting involved with a stampede. It must've been some sort of hunt gone wrong. That was the only explanation Champion could think of at the moment. But then, she wasn't worrying to much about how he got into it - Just how in the world she was going to get him out.

There was probably no chance of it. She was probably about to throw her life away into the bargain. But, that was Champion. Optimistic. Daring. Helpful.

...And more than a little Insane.

The she-wolf leapt straight over the edge of the cliffside. It was a teried sort of stonework. She zigzaged down the wall - going from ledge to ledge - now skipping past a jagged spar of stone, now half tripping over the roots of clinging pine trees. Once she lost her feet and hit a ledge broadside - but by the next bounce she had her paws again. All in all she made it to the bottom with barely a bruise to her name - and she was streaking towards the herd in a matter of seconds. She had an idea.... but she had get into the thick of the herd and get to the male first!


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~