
Hureia Tsarev


04-28-2013, 06:29 PM
Ok so I absolutely love Hureia just because of her personality buuuut I can't play her to the fullest because of her connection with my other char char Octavian. Like I said I absolutely adore her and it was kinda hard to decide to put her up for adoption whether or not(but I doubt anyone is gonna take her -.- but if they do! ^^then that's good)

With Hureia I am going to be very strict in how she is played so I need a role-play sample below if you apply for her.

So this is all the info about her too that you need to know so here I go...

Full name:Hureia Tsarev
Alignment:Lawful Good
Born in:winter

So she's obviously a female and here is her appearance

Hureia is a white wolf with gray going up her legs; it blends in with her whtite fur the higher up it goes. She has striking yet calm aqua blue eyes along with black lined ears. She also has a big X on her back. She is of medium build and is strong beneath her feminine frame. Hureia is a thing of pure beauty and carries herself in a regal way as she had always done before, or had been taught to. She has a small scar on her neck from an attempted murder of the enemy pack but alas she is still here.

AAAnd here is personality

Hureia is a kind wolf with a big heart. She is always willing to help and put those before herself. Hureia may sometimes be a bit out of it due to her attempted murder so she is cautious of the company she keeps and those who she should trust. It may take a while to earn the dame's trust but you can't really blame her. She is wise and brave and always has some sort of answer to anything. But at some times the femme can be surprised at something that she may not quite understand. Yet she is gentle and almost very calm and gives good reassurance to others. But deep inside she holds a secret love for her brother Thane. The reason she holds that locked up in her mind is because she loves him but can not. Such an act would be frowned upon and their parents would roll over in their graves if such a thing were to happen. Overall Hureia is a kind wolf with an open heart towards those who seek love for she had lost the ones she had lost herself.

Aaaand next is history

Hureia was born into the Pack of Stars along with her brother Thane. She had grown up being trained in the ways of how a princess should act. Sitting up straight, head up, front paws evenly placed, etc...But mostly she had watched her parents teach her brother how to be a prince since he was the next heir after their father. Her and her brother were very close since pup-hood till the day of their parting. She was always there for Thane when he needed her and he was there for her. She loved as he loved her, an inseparable bond between a brother and a sister. At a few moments in her life she had a secret love for her brother, one more than just a sibling. But of course she could not do this to him or herself therefore she kept it a secret and tried to ignore it. The thought of incest was not to her liking because it seemed odd to her; the brother who she had been born with, the brother who she had been raised with. But those feelings seemed to lessen and lessen as time went by, but she still loves her brother as her brother. It was only when she met a male Octavian from the rival Pack of Night did she fall in love with him. They met secretly as she tried to comfort him; after he would come to her after a beating from his abusive father. Hureia loved Octavian but one day he returned to the border with his father, his brother Pontifex, and a few other wolves.It seemed as he was forced to watch alongside his brother as his father slit her throat. She seemed dead but was not, only in a coma. And so her family thought that she was killed which had started a war between the two packs. In the end when she had woken up did she find her entire pack dead along with the bodies of her dead parents.But one body was missing and it was Thane's; she knew he had escaped along with a few others who had probably fled in the end. So she bid her past life goodbye and went in search for her brother as she stumbled upon Alacritis. Would this land contain her brother's soul?

Erm yeah that's everything about her I guess; but if you would like to adopt her I would like a role-play sample. Don't be scared :3 Maka isn't that strict....but it depends xD

Oh and yeah I play Thane, her brother, and Octavian her lover. And if she does get adopted I plan for her and Octavian to eventually be mates as well. But er well it depends if she gets adopted xD



04-29-2013, 10:40 AM
Here be my example, I tried playing her like you have said and hope that this was good enough. (: Might add more later when I get out of school. lol

- I?m not calling first dibs, this is more like a back up in case nobody tries out for her in however long you want her available for adoption.

A figure stood upon a small hill, rising no more than a few feet, covered in healthy, green, lush grass and wild flowers scattered about. There was not a single cloud in the endless sea of blue, sun shining bright and bathing the earth beneath it in warm rays. The figure sitting on the hill was a wolf of average size, grey running up her legs from toes to elbow and knee before blending into the white, grey along the rim of her ears and adorned with striking aqua blue eyes. A thing of beauty, the only thing taking away from it was the scar upon the shewolf?s neck, the result of an attempt of murder on her life.

She was thinking, eyes glazed over, lost in her own little world. She could not remember when she had left her homelands, lost count of how many days went by since starting the journey in the search of her missing brother, Thane. She flinched, the mere thought of him caused a sharp pain in her heart. She lowered her head and touched her shoulder, eyelids pulling shut over her eyes as she took in a long, deep breath. Oh how she hoped he was still alive and well, surviving without their family. Slowly, carefully her eyelids separated, aqua orbs staring down at the grass around her paws. Oh how she hoped he would not be affected negatively by the death of their pack, innocent lives taken away way too soon. Not able to grow and live a long and happy life.

"Brother..." She lifted her head, gazing off into the never ending sea of blue with worry swirling in her eyes, brows furrowing. "I hope you are alright... I am looking for you, hold on till I find you please." She tried to speak in a strong voice, trying to reassure him that she would find him, that they could be together once again. But even as she tried, there was still that hint of fear that he may not be alive anymore, worry that if he was alive then he might have been badly affected by the massacre of their pack.

Legs straightened as she lifted herself off the ground, tail flicking behind her as she cast one more glance up at the sky before turning and taking a few steps down the hill. All of a sudden she stopped, paws were planted firmly into the ground as her gaze fell upon a small shape a few yards away. She squinted her eyes, trying to see what it was and after a few seconds she realized that it was a pup and its parents were nowhere to be seen nor was their scent in the air. She tilted her head and a smile formed on her black lips as she watched the youngster chase a butterfly, jumping and swatting at it with its tiny paws only to miss it by mere inches. The pup had a pelt like the night sky, black with grey along its back and white spots all over its body and a single white paw and tailtip.

With a shake of her head Hureia moved on, paws skimming the grass, moving in a fluid and elegant trot towards the pup. She would see what he or she was doing here away from their parents, make sure they were not injured and maybe even try escorting the pup back to its mother and father. So she would try appearing like a friend, not that she wasn't in the first place but she didn't want to scare the pup. She held he head high as she approached, tail swayying behind her in a friendly manner and ears perked forward. Her lips were pulled back but not out of any hostility, it was to show a friendly, toothy grin.

"Hey there, what are you doing out here?" She barked playfully, stopping a few feet from the pup with her tail wagging. "I'm Hureia, and what is your name?" She asked warmly, her aqua orbs falling upon the small shewolf which caused her to raise a brow because she had a similar eye color to the older wolf. It didn't stay there long though, after a few moments she pulled it away to scan the area around them, making sure there weren't animals here that would try snatching up the pup.