
Pack Descriptions



10-27-2014, 09:45 AM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2014, 04:18 PM by Jupiter I.)

Abaven was formed by Bass Destruction in Winter of Year 3.

Abaven is a lawful good pack, focused on helping others strive. With their ranks mostly made up of 'guards' they have many training sessions to gear everyone up. They have a bit of a different system, if a pack is in need of wolves for protection or to help fight a just cause, then wolves of Abaven will be 'rented' out to that pack -- for a cost of course. All Bass asks is for a favor, which may be helping in training in other fields such as healing, or for supplies that they might be low on. Abaven is a lot like a family pack, everyone within its ranks are close and protect each other.  

Arcanum was formed by Cataleya in Summer of Year 4. The pack was formed for the first time in Year 3, but after the death of her daughter, Cataleya passed the back onto Sibelle, before retaking the throne and rebuilding her fallen Empire.

Arcanum is a dark pack, made up of all outcasts of society. A war driven pack, battle training is near constant and a must, weakness will not be tolerated. Cataleya is not above forming slaves, who's treatment she not worry about, nor is she above maiming those who cross her. Arcanum is home only to the strongest and most brutal of wolves.

Ebony was formed by Raisa Xanilov in the Spring of Year 3, ruled by Valeriya Xanilov as of the Summer of Year 4 and passed on to Kassander Xanilov Winter of Year 4

Ebony is a lawful good pack, focused on the safety and well being of their members but also the good of Alacratia as a whole. It is a refuge, a place of sanctuary and of healing for those in need. A heavy weight is placed on respect and caring for their peers as well as showing kindness and mercy to others. Both healers and guardians are equally respected here.

Imperium was formed by Valentine in the Fall of Year 4.

A lawful neutral pack, Imperium neither pulls strongly for the dark nor the light. The Imperator takes a militaristic approach to cultivating his domain; each member trains rigorously in combat and the skills necessary to thrive in harsh circumstances. Maintaining a strong military capability and being prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote pack interests is top priority.

Isokan was formed by Quelt Rivers in Spring of Year 4. Passed onto Arian Adravendi in Fall of Year 4.
Isokan was born to hold the walker family but after a rough start has become a close knit family made by Arian. Where one may have a weakness another will pick it up. Some may be of darker alignments but they concentrate on bettering themselves in their chosen skill.

Ludicael was re-created by Jupiter in the Fall of Year 4.

A pack that welcomes all alignments and beliefs--but welcoming only those willing to fight for them. Ruled by Jupiter, the pack mentality believes that only cowards will not fight for what they hold dear, no matter what that possession is. Diplomacy is an art in Ludicael, not a shield to hide behind, and battle is a swift and thorough craft, used to ensure the security of things wolves value. Warriors must prove themselves and those skilled in another profession are free to suggest ranks for their specialization.

Pantheon was formed by Natalya and Helios Olympus in the Fall of Year 4.

Pantheon is a lawful neutral pack that values family, loyalty, and fitness above all else. While Pantheon is built around the family of the Matriarch and Patriarch, all members of the pack are expected to treat and protect each other as such.  Pantheon offers a home and family to any who are will to endure difficult physical training and contribute to the well-being of the pack through whatever means necessary.

Regium was recreated by Roman Armada in Fall of Year 4.

Regium takes the place of Bevroren, which took the place of Glaciem.

Regium is a pack of royals. They welcome those with great ambition and those of royal blood. They tend to lean to a tad more militant style, but they're a welcoming home for those wolves who may have the desire to seek power and greatness.

Secretua was formed by Rune in Spring of Year 4, and is still currently under his rule.

Secretua is a secluded, secretive pack that relies heavily upon self-reliance and self-sufficiency. Gaining membership can be tricky as trust is given heavy emphasis within their family-like structure and strangers are regarded with caution, but once brought into the pack there is no limit to what each wolf will do for the safety and betterment of each other.

Solstice was formed by Crucifix in season of Year 4.

Solstice is peaceful place, a safe haven for those who wish to escape the troubles of world. The pack acts as a family unit, helping each other, working together on a day to day basis, all to form a strong and stable pack. Solstice tends to avoid any conflict if possible, but that does not stop them from protecting their own.

Threar was formed by Novella in Summer of Year 4.

First and foremost Threar are a fair and loyal pack. They tend favour those who are lighter aligned though any who respect all within the pack and abide and welcome it's ways with honour will be likely be given a chance. They encourage peace as well as wishing to build a good learning environment for those that wish to study the various aspects of life.

Yfir (formerly Olympus, formerly Amenti) was won by Virgil in summer of Year 4.

Yfir is currently undecided in alignment, mostly due to maim challenge limbo. The Olympus matriarch challenged for the pack to free her children from what she saw as Katja's tyrannical imprisonment, and is currently enrolled in a limbo-inducing maim match with the former alpha's relative.



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ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
11-05-2014, 05:36 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2014, 06:28 PM by Evelyn.)
Retired packs:


Bevroren was formed by X in season of Year X.


Sawtooth was formed by Dhiren in Summer of Year 4 and currently still run by the Destruction.

Sawtooth is a pack that is a mixture of neutral and good-aligned wolves. The pack doesn't seek chaos and destruction, but merely to help those who may need help. Located in the Eastern Hemisphere of Alacritis, Sawtooth is family-oriented and focuses on encouraging learning for its members. Lessons of various topics - religion, healing, fighting, defenses - are given without hesitation. The wolves are tight-knit, encouraging strong bonds among the members each and every day.

Sawtooth was disbanded in Fall of Year 4 when it was taken by Jupiter and renamed Ludicael.