


03-23-2013, 01:12 AM
Her claws scraped against the stones, clicking with each step the ivory fae made. Her silver hued oculars glared into the decrepit structure beneath her, tracing the intricate lines with curiosity. She had never seen such a structure before, it was creepy. Something had built this massive construction of stone and something else had driven it away. Ghost did not wish to meet either of these creatures, she was sure. Why not beloved? They would make for such good fun! The voice cooed across her cranium, whispering dark promises to her. She shook her head, denying the statement. Are you mad? We have heard rumors of the two legged monstrosities! Who knows what they do to Ghost's beautiful pelt! Instinctively she paused, her head craning to peer out the long, perfect white strands of fur. Not a strand lay out of place, not a piece of dirt marred her flesh, she was flawless, perfect, pristine.

She groomed for hours, meticulously while the voices whispered It was a compulsive disorder, one that she had given up trying to break. She knew she was dancing on the razors edge of psychosis, but what could she do? Plagued by nightmares, saturated by mental illness, it was a wonder she had not become a wild, feral thing. She maintained an air of regality, even now, each step was taken with liquid grace, her bodice gliding across the top of the stones. She supposed she should return to Seracia, her...mate? Was waiting for her? She was still in her heat and she was not sure if she yet bore his pups... haha... pups, how sorry she would be for them.

Echoing claw ticks caught her ears and the phantom stopped, cranium craning around, bodice winding in an arch as the newcomer approached. Friend or foe? Distance or closeness? Did it matter? So many questions, such little time and all the while she waited, tail flickering back and forth with beauty. Voices echoed in her head, taunting, teasing, tasting. Tick...tock...tick...tock...tick...tock


03-27-2013, 08:58 PM

The world shifted in shimmers of the fractured memories of her insane mind. Some days she wandered the present, taking command of her new home and plotting for future ranks for her kingdom. Other times she was lost in the past, longing for things that no longer existed and finally sometimes she just didn?t fucking know. This place reminded her of a alternate reality. Where this world held a small film over the world she had once known. The master that had once taken her was just beyond that film but no matter how many times she tried to penetrate it she just couldn?t. She sighed at the fragmented wall with longing. She missed him but sooner or later she?d have to come to terms with the film.

The sound of grooming caught her attention. Her sorrow shifted to mild curiosity as to who was wandering this alternate world. She shook her velvet coat and sniffed the air around her. Who was wandering this side of insanity or was it sanity? She couldn?t quite recall. She cracked her neck and shook her body all the way to her rump to make her tail almost snap at the end. She moved in the direction of the stranger?s aroma. Her violet eyes roving over everything as she grew closer and closer to the ivory mess of unforgiving patterns. She could see it as she groomed her coat over and over again. No matter how many times it seemed she was never satisfied with her work.

?Have you found the rip between this world and the next?? she questioned. Her gaze lingered in the distance as if she could almost see his face against the fabricated haze of yesterday. She sighed at the thought and turned her attention to the alabaster female. ?You smell of others.? She stated simply, wondered where she hailed from. She knew nothing of the other clans that wandered this realm. All she knew was Zara had claimed her and that she was the queen of a pack she knew nothing of. She wanted more for her kingdom. Wanted it to be something of greatness but with what? She dismissed the brooding thoughts from her mind to focus at the female at hand. She belonged somewhere so she was of no use to her in regards to her kingdom.

ooc: sorry its small, it'll be better soon. I have company over/being up my ass... so its pissing me off/distracting me.


03-29-2013, 10:47 AM

Time ticked, her seemingly shattered psyche crackling as she waited, whispers and voices, phantoms of the past they taunted and teased her, her coat was flawless, languid ivory strands that fluttered in the breeze, she looked like a spirit, some unearthly creature, it was not normal for a wolf to possess such long or shadowed fur. Her tail twitched, her belly had not yet swollen to a noticeable size, especially beneath the luxurious fur, she still looked the slender dame who seemed to be just a touch too thin.

The wolf that approached her was a beast, but it was not the first thing she noticed, the purple and ebony hues seemed to glitter in the fading sun, beautiful, pristine, in her own right. Ghost respected beauty in all things, it was difficult to maintain and hard to keep a good hold on. Even she as aloof and distant as she was had managed to steal the hearts of not one, but two males in Seracia, and one was a notorious womanizer. She had been foolish, for a moment, resting at Segar's side she had thought to believe in kindness, compassion, friendship, and love, but the king had quickly reminded her that the world was constructed of ice, calling her unborn pups illegitimate, and scarring her mate, but that was neither here, nor there.

" A rip between worlds? The only tear I have found is the one to my mind, it branches out like spider webs cracking, whispering, taunting, deluding me into things that don't exist." Her voice was liquid silk, soft, distant, aloof. A frown pulled at her flawless appearance and her tail flickered behind her, irritated at the mention of Seracia, she had left to spend some time thinking about herself, not her pack, or its king. "Its unfortunate my scent is stained, I left to escape, to free myself of binding shackles if only for a few days, Seracia." The word fell from her mouth much colder than the rest, but just as quickly the anger faded from her, tail resuming its languid back and forth motion.

"I am called Ghost, do you have a name? In this world or the next?" Curious, gentle she inquired of the massive female.



03-29-2013, 11:37 AM

What was reality? Did it even truly exist? Did her dreams and the world she woke too take turns sharing her? Which was the truth? She was always so lost on what was real and what were illusions. She knew what it was like to follow many paths, what it was like to wake up one moment and be thrown into a new world. Where were all those faces she knew? The homes she clung to and pledged her fealty too. It was all ashes to the wind. They were fragments of images she no longer trusted to be her past. Did her former master ever really exist or had it all be some long dream?

Her ears twitched to the question. She knew not of this world and the other. The ones that was so close she could almost touch it. Perhaps it was merely her two worlds and no one else?s. Her ears perked forward at the comment of her mental stability. Her violet eyes blinked with an unknown emotion. How many times did she forget who was with her? Where she was? Even who she was? So many times her memories lapses on top of each other and she thought someone was a different person.

?The frailty of minds is a rare thing. When the rabbit speaks in riddles and the flowers talk of other worlds it tends to become overwhelming. Memories forage worlds that never truly existed or they did and we simply cannot differentiate the here and now and then. The web that fractures our intricate realties is one I know all to well.? She said sympathetically. Yet she enjoyed the oddities of her mind. The sense of cleverness that always followed her. If her mind warped and the secrets she knew were buried under common knowledge then she was no risk to anyone or anything to reveal those secrets.

She spoke of her imprisonment. She tilted her head to the side in response. She had enslaved a wolf, a male, but honestly she had only said he was enslaved. She had vowed to protect the little mouse and she would do it the way she saw fit. Her tail flicked behind her as she listened carefully to all the details she had to offer. She was ignorant to the other possible packs that wandered this world. She knew only of her own and of Zara. ?Seracia,? she repeated, ?Are you a slave in this pack?? she questioned. She would not unbind her shackles if she deserved them. She believed in punishment for breaking laws. However, enslavement simply for the sake of it was not something she condoned.

Her ears twitched as the female spoke her name. Her lips twitched with amusement. ?So your family named you for the aspirations you mimic?? she questioned a small laugh filling her for a moment. Her name wasn?t quite as appropriate as this female was. ?I am called Newt. I am the new Queen of LenTajin? she said with a smile. She expected nothing in return for the title. This wolf did not belong to her. ?Tell me of this predicament you are avoiding.? She requested, if the female desired not to speak of it then the matter would be left alone. She could respect the wishes of others even if her curiosity wanted otherwise.


04-01-2013, 12:57 PM

Reality meant nothing to the ivory fae, she wished neither to abide by such a thing or follow it. Not a single Seracian knew where she had ventured off too and why would they? She was a phantom, a creature of ill importance, she mattered none, easily replaceable, they would learn that in time. The past few weeks she had spent in utter solitude and whether that was for better or for worse had yet to be determined. Even Segar had left her alone, despite the unborn whelps she carried heavy in her womb.

Her mind had forever been a fragile thing, she was sane... for the most part but she lacked the ability to handle much of anything real. She was weak in such a sense and her mind did as it always would when something wounded it. The spider web cracks that made up her broken mind drove deeper, branching out just a touch more. Voices that were not there sang to her in the dead of night. gentle hums and whispers, phantoms of days long past came back to her, cooing, pleading, begging, until she could do little but keep walking and twitch. She was a broken down, run away mess. The humane thing to do? Put her down. Would it happen more than likely no.

" The rabbit nor the flowers speak in rhyme. The voices within my own mind are what chip away at me, whispers, taunts, begging's and temptations. Sometimes heavenly, sometimes demonically, I am sorry you suffer such similarities, it is not a curse I wish upon anyone. She answered as sympathetically as she was able. The life inside her she did not love, perhaps she had a scarce few weeks ago but her mind had long since buried the emotion. She just wanted them gone now, in one way or another, they were heavy, hard on her lithe body.

She closed her eyes tightly, wincing against the sudden onslaught of screams in her head at the mere words Seracia. A thousand voices, a thousand ideals. She could focus on nothing, could think of nothing, her eyes crossed and her legs trembled beneath her. " A slave no. Am I damned for growing swollen with pups from a man I once loved yes." She winced then, they demanded more, they demanded her speak more, tell more, and she groaned softly, willing them to shut up.

"Their so called king has scarred my once beloved, for doing little more than trying to fix my broken self. His left ear, ripped in decaying tatters, a wound I know all too well is there because of me. My mind is weak. The wound makes me remember, my mind buries the emotion. I carry pups I no longer care for, to a mate that I can feel nothing for. Seracia's king knows nothing of his members. Wicked, vile, cruel." She would say no more, the voices were satisfied and she wished no longer to linger upon the pack, she had come here to clear her head, not remember.



04-01-2013, 09:20 PM
Patience was what she displayed for the maiden. Her violet eyes lingering over her as she gave her sympathies. a sigh escaped her mouth as she replied, ?Such is the life of the mad, although, I wouldn?t trade it for a normal one. I?ve learned to grow quite fond of the speaking followers and riddles that plague my mind. It makes me odd.? She said with a smile, she had made the word odd sound like a term of endearment. Yes, she would not wish or others to suffer as they did. To know and not know what as real and what was simple illusions. Yet, if she could go back, bring her mind around and show it why it broke would it change anything? She thought it wouldn?t and still here she would be standing in the shadows of a woman she had been meant to be. Wouldn?t he be proud. she sneered inside her head. Her beautiful father would be rolling in his grave to know she was the queen of a kingdom. Worthless is what he would call her and a freak of nature that also needed to be put down.

She listened at the words of her punishment. What had she done wrong? Loved by someone, impregnated, and left for scorn? She could almost see the scene of the broken lover. See the pain that etched deep into this maiden?s heart. It broke her own to know her pain. She shook her head at the thought. ?I know not why your king did punish your lover. What your crimes are I cannot understand. Love is meant to mend, or so they say, so why abuse you both?? she said with a hint of anger. She knew nothing of love. She knew not what it felt like to burn for another. All she knew was the hunger she felt to be abused. She longed to be made to feel as if she mattered in some slight significant way. She had found her anchor and it bared the gender female. Yet loved none but care in her own odd way.

?I carry bastard children myself. Pups I had no knowledge of conception until the first flecks of life rolled with in me.? she said with a grimace. It was an odd thing to feel really. ?If you wish your life to be freed but still care for the feel of companionship I can offer you my kingdom to stay. I am the current queen of Lentajin and I turn no one away. Should you wish to abandon your children I am certain they will come close to mine if not after. I will offer myself to care for them, till they can chose their own paths and relive you of your burdens if you wish.? She offered softly. It was a hard thing to do. Abandon the young that would wish to know their mother but at least they would not die. They would thrive with her children and know what caring was. She could be free of them and of her past. Free to start over somewhere fresh where the alpha cared for her subjects. Cared for the broken whose minds mirrored her own.


04-09-2013, 09:02 PM

Ghost watched the massive woman wearily, ears swinging around from one side to another, hearing voices that were not there. She careened her head from left to right, silver hued eyes growing just a touch more distant. Madness it seemed would consume her. Claim its most unwilling victim. She had fought the pull of its talons for too long. Perhaps it was time to let go. She cocked her head to the side contemplatively. "The voices in my head remind me not of things I yearn to forget." The soft response came quickly, almost too quickly.

"Who knows why kings do what they do? Some are fools some are masters of minds that will leave the world to rot." Her speech was becoming cracked, fragmented, disoriented, her eyes holding a distant gleam. She wasn't here, she wasn't thinking, the voices were growing louder and it hurt her too much to think.

"I want my pups, do not mistake me, my mate...he deserves to know at least before I leave him. Should I play upon your border would I still be permitted to your pack?" Her head tilted absently to the left. She needed... telling... her mate? her mate what was his name? Where was he? Segar...Segar. His name was Segar.



04-11-2013, 02:48 AM

Sympathy filled her gaze as she watched the transformation happen. Did she look like that when it happened? When her mind broke and she forgot. She?d just look and think and fear would fill her. Cripple her and turn her into a thing of rage. She shook her head at the thought and pushed it aside for now. Ghost needed someone who understood her and her king was failing her.

She suddenly felt so old. She was only three. How old could she honestly be? Yet those last two years had felt like an eternity. When madness had taken her sanity away. Did she even remember what it was like to be free of her mind? No, she couldn?t recall a single time where she was just a normal little girl. She had to have been because her parents had loved her at one point. Yet, when he fell.. it burned every time she thought about it or tried to. The puppet master wouldn?t let her remember and she all but laughed. Oh she knew what ghost meant more then she realized. Her mind would never allow her to remember that on her own. Someone would have to tell her for it to sink in.

She heard the words of kings, those that ruled the world into the ground. Turned everything they touched into ashes. Her master had been a king. Lothaire, he had ruled the mad pack and what was she doing now? Following down his path. How ironic. Perhaps it had always been meant for her and she had only needed to learn to be a follower first. To know what it was like to be ruled over before she could properly rule others. She couldn?t help but take the words to heart. She never wanted her wolves to think she didn?t care for them. They were her?s and she would know them all.

?If you wander into my lands, be sure to call. If you forget then one of my wolves will take you to me for judgment. I have given my judgment. You are welcome in my home if you want it.? She said with finality that meant it would go unquestioned. Even if she trespassed she would be pardoned from the enslavement rule. ?You must find a trigger.? She offered, blood was hers. It brought her back into her skin and made her remember. It was why her forelegs were littered with abrasions.


04-19-2013, 01:53 AM

What was she doing here? Who was this phantom that spoke to her? What did it want? her heart, her mind, her soul? She no longer was in possession of the first two, she would have to settle by the scarred remnants of her celestial essence if she was here to claim a piece of her. What was she? Did she continue to pollute the air with the carbon dioxide that she exhaled with every breath her diaphragm forced her to take. Did madness bubble and spill from her mouth like a toxic waste? Perhaps... she was a vile repulsive creature. Wrought from ties she wanted no part of, stripped of sanity and conscious thought. Her mind was not her own, it hadn't been for quite some time.

Her back leg would move forward to scratch at her skull, gouges tearing into her flesh, liquid rubies staining the immaculate ivory pelt as she tried in a failed effort to silence the voices that plagued her thought like rats descending upon a city. A tapered whine would erupt from her larynx and her bodice would tremble, shaking slightly under the gravity of their weight. For a moment reality blurred, crossing over into the lands of dreams and carousels before suddenly it snapped back dangerously. Ghost swayed like an oblong pendulum.

"Yours lands, enticing, I almost yearn for death but perhaps the agonizing destruction of me will suffice." Her words began to make less and less sense, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock. They counted down prolonged seconds, ears swiveling and head tilting to the side she tried to silence the insufferable noise, they counted down the ticks of her destiny, ready and waiting for that final straw to break. Tick... tock...tick...tock.

"Kindness, thank you, I must speak with Segar... Segar. My mate, my lover, the father of my unborn liter. Segar...Segar...Segar." Her words were slurred unbalanced, like a bitch in heat unable to find a mate. She couldn't think, she could see, a ringing echoed within her head, screeching to the heavens and penetrating her psyche with its cries. "Don't forget... remember... my name is... forget... name... remember. My name is... Ghost."



04-26-2013, 06:37 AM
She was certain the woman would need to speak with her lover. It would be unfair if she decided to up and leave her home. He would feel abandoned, betrayed even, and she knew her offer held no time limit. Whenever the female was ready she was welcome in her home. ?Yes, go speak with him. Just know that I will not fail you where your current alpha has.? She said simply. She wanted her to know that she would care. She would care for her and the rest of the pack until her rule as queen ended. ?If you decide to come visit, just to see me or the pack, I ask that you simply call for me at the borders and I will come. If not me then my beta champion and she will take you to me.? she said with finality. She knew the lady?s mind was cracking and she needed time to heal. Time to reset herself. ?Goodbye lady ghost.? She said and turned to return home. it was time she visited her slaves and started some training for the new wolves of Lentajin.

-exit newt