
From Whence You Came (pups)



11 Years
03-22-2013, 04:08 PM
A dead land coated in ash was where the wolves of Talutah had fallen and been forgotten, but not it's culture; it's beliefs. Oh yes, Bane still had those. The grey wolf flinched awake, his hazel eyes fluttering open to eye the dirt wall of his den for a few moments in contemplation of what to do today.

A sudden thought.

The three pups of the deceased Rancor, Chief of Talutah, were here in Seracia just like Bane. They could be taught some things for today about their late sire's tribe of wolves and the laws 'n methods of which he had lived by. Bane would be truthful to the young he'd never met before, they at least deserving that much from him.

Bane the tribal born Talutah rolled up onto his paws and extended his forelegs in a morning stretch. Dawn had just broken, and as he pulled himself out of his depressingly spacious hole in the ground Bane gave a tilt of his head to the sky and the grey fog that covered everything. A howl was given, the pups being summoned. And the curious female alpha too if she wanted to learn so much about the little wolves she had adopted.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



3 Years
03-23-2013, 10:30 AM

The howl that summoned her came early in the morning, shattering pleasant dreams about hunting through Seracia's territory. Kamala made a pitiful noise, wriggling around a little to hide her face from the early morning sun, rather unwilling to get up that early. After a few long moments, however, she stirred, poking her head out of her den with a long sigh. The howl did not sound particularly familiar, which was something that concerned Kamala. She had thought she had kept track of most new wolves entering Seracia. It seemed that she had not been paying as much attention as she should have been. Kamala was not exactly the ruler of Seracia, nor would she likely ever be, but Seracia was small and therefore there was no excuse for not recognizing one of the wolves.

Ears twitching, Kamala stretched slowly, a gaptoothed yawn escaping the young wolfess as she wandered from her den, shaking herself vigorously. Another yawn made her jaw creak and crack before she set off in the direction that the howl had originated from, plumy gray tail waving contentedly in the air as she padded through Seracia's territory.

It did not take her unduly long to reach the source of the howl. It was a gray wolf, one that she recalled vaguely having seen around before, maybe once or twice at the most. Ears twitching, Kamala shook her head slightly. She would figure it out soon, she was sure. "Greetings, Sir." Kamala inclined her head slightly in the male's direction, ears pricking towards the other wolf. "May I ask why you have summoned us?" Well, she was assuming that the howl had been directed at her siblings as well.

The mark on his shoulder was a curious thing, but Kamala wasn't sure that it would be proper to ask about it just yet. Instead, she examined the wolf curiously, trying to take in everything about his appearance while she waited for his response.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


03-23-2013, 11:04 AM

A foreign howl would split the air as dawn kissed the horizon. Maverick let out a groan in protest before rustling up out of his warm spot and greeting the day. It was a chilled morning, no doubt a remnant of the winter that had just passed. The Prince would shake abruptly, followed by his normal stretching routine, and then and only then would he set off after the sounder. The howl was unknown to him, probably the new Seracian Count his father had mentioned. Of what use would Maverick be to a Count? Surely the news that he had been named prince had not been leaked out already. But still, the boy would lazily stroll to where the man was waiting, finding his sister had already arrived. Sister, he would utter the breathy word with a note of affection, brushing against her shoulder with his own before turning lime optics upon the stranger. Are you the new Count? Crown would tilt to the side as he questioned the man, the look on his face saying he was intent upon an answer.

The man smelled faintly of his mother, which led him to believe that this man had been accepted by the Queen. He had to be the count. Who else could he be? The man was cloaked in black and gray, and accented with white. Scars riddled his frame in a few obvious places, and Maverick guessed that there were others that were less visible. Eyes were greenish in hue, mixed with brown and perhaps a bit of orange. Overall the beast was a sizable guy. Usually Counts were the leaner fellows, or the pretty-boys who didn't want to get scarred up. Why didn't this guy want to be a Knight? What was his story, anyway? The prince would perch on his haunches just beside his sister as he waited for an answer and his brother.



03-31-2013, 01:44 PM
The crimson boy had been laying down, soaking up the suns might when he heard a call summoning him. It was a foreign voice, but it had been for him and his siblings. Curiosity drove him to know who it was and what they wanted. Paws regained themselves against the earth as he rose, standing taller than ever. He was growing quickly, and soon he would be his full height, much larger than his siblings. That was one thing positive he had acquired. At a steady pace he moved across the territory, stopping when his siblings and a strange wolf came into view. The others were already questioning him, so the boy remained quiet. Rolling back he planted himself on his rump, waiting for the older male to speak.



11 Years
04-01-2013, 03:44 AM (This post was last modified: 04-05-2013, 11:17 PM by Bane.)
The yearlings arrived in staggered period of time after his howl, Bane barely acknowledging the first wolf as he tried to make sense of his jumbled thoughts. The alpha female, Adette, hadn't really been clear on what she wanted from him when Bane was accepted into Seracia regarding her adopted pups and teaching them about their birth pack. A head nod at female's presence but nothing else regarding the questions she voiced, Bane still waiting for the other two pups to arrive. The two males arrived in quick succession.

"I summoned you three because it would seem to your adoptive mother when I first met her is that what I'm about to teach you would be the amicable and right thing to do. I am from whence you came little ones; and as far as I know. You three and I are all that is left of your birth pack, Talutah."

The second markless youth, the one with Rancor spots, piped up and asked if he was a Count. Bane had to pause for a moment and sort through all the ranks from the three packs he'd been apart of and form an explanation that would make sense while incorporating an "accidental" mixing of ranks from Seracia and Talutah. A sort of informative mix up.

"I think I am. Chiefess... I mean Queen Adette, said I will become a knight though I picked a count." Bane gave an odd smile at the remark. Having been apart so many packs as of late the ranks he was receiving seemed to be overlapping in the grey wolf's mind.

"In Talutah tongue I was Falcon Militite, a Knight in Seracian terms; who patrolled along the coast of Talutah for days to watch the lands of your sire's pack. And to answer your question yes, I am the new provider, a count, assigned by your adoptive mother to share my knowledge about Talutah and its beliefs and customs. You unmarked ones will be taught everything, even if I have to teach one on one after this initial lesson should you be curious enough to acquire knowledge about the proverbial meat of Taluth's rituals, customs, ranks, and beliefs."

Bane had taken to sitting on his haunches and stare at the three youths. He didn't even know their names yet. "Now before we get started, your names yearlings? Mine is Bane, perhaps you heard your father speak of me before the eruption."
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


04-01-2013, 10:29 AM
Valkis remained silent, his mind running wild with clouded thoughts. He listened to the mans words, stating his rank, and that Adette had sent him here. Not a surprise, she always had something odd up her sleeve. Then he started going on about Talutah, his birth pack. His ears perked at this, showing he was a bit interested. He couldn't remember much about his mother and father, but what he did remember, he missed dearly. He wanted to be with them more than life itself, and here this male was, about to give him information about them. He didn't care much to know about the pack, mainly just his mother and father. Bane demanded names, but Valkis would not give him one. The mute boy remained silent and still, the only interest he showed was a few flicks of his ears. He figured Maverick or Kamala would introduce him.


04-01-2013, 07:22 PM

The Prince eyed the count curiously, wondering what could have made him summon all three of the siblings. What could he possibly want with all three of them? Skepticism reigned supreme in Maverick's pool of emotions as he stood next to his sister, noting that his brother had arrived on the scene as well. Ah, so he had decided to show up. As per usual, Valkis did not offer a word. Maverick offered him a glance and a swish of his tail before turning his attention back to the count. He began to recite his reasoning for calling them, it being primarily to tell them of their old home: Talutah. Maverick's brow raised in surprise as he listened. They were the only survivors of their home, or so it seemed. He spoke on and on, saying words that Maverick only partially recognized.

"We do not recall conversations with either of our parents, I'm afraid. We were too young." There was no way any of the pups could recall anything their parents had told them, they barely remembered anything at all before the eruption. As Bane asked for their names, Maverick would speak up again. "Maverick," it was less than he would usually offer, but some part of him felt uneasy about this man and what he seemed to know about his past. Some part of Maverick wasn't too certain he wanted to know about his past. Perhaps he would be happier not remembering? He tried not to focus on that just yet, he wanted to know a bit more. "Why do you call us 'unmarked'?" What did that even mean?




3 Years
04-06-2013, 09:20 AM
At Maverick's appearance, the female seemed to smile slightly, leaning against the male as he pressed against her. "Mav," She greeted him with an inclination of her had, tail curling slightly as she nudged the other. It had been too long since she'd seen her brother. Brothers, really, for Kamala felt her heart leap in her chest at the site of Valkis. Valkis. The brother that she so rarely saw, the one who seemed to keep to himself more than any of them. How she missed the way they'd been close as pups. But even then, they'd been separated, distanced by something that she wasn't sure she'd ever understand. But she would try. He deserved that much. "Valkis." Her greeting was soft, almost choking in her throat. But no, Kamala wasn't about to let a wolf who didn't know them see her worries.

Ears twitching, Kamala's thoughts returned to the male before him as he spoke of Talutah. Talutah. The name was a familiar one, rolled about in her mind many times. The name of her homeland, the place where they had been born. The place where her parents had perished, where they had nearly done the same. There were happy memories, faded though they were, scents of her parents and her brothers all rolled into one, and a half remembered crimson face that reminded her of Valkis. An even fuzzier image of black and white and then nothing. No, she remembered no conversations. She barely remembered their faces. What kind of daughter was she? Obviously not a very good one.

Still, Kamala was a curious creature. She was ready to learn, eager to learn, even. "My name is Kamala," She paused, glancing towards Valkis. But he seemed inclined to say silent, so with a twitch of her ears she tilted her head slightly in the crimson wolf's direction, "And that is Valkis." Her introductions fell in after Maverick spoke his name, and then she fell silent, waiting to hear what her brother would say.

They were unmarked. But what was a mark? Kamala wanted to know that, but she wanted to know more than that as well. "I would like to know all that you will teach me, Sir." Kamala's voice was almost hesitant, nervous as she gazed at the other male. She was curious about her past. She wanted to do her true parents honor by not forgetting them, by not letting them fade as they were doing already. It wasn't right. She should not forget the wolves who gave her life. Nor, however should she forget the wolves who ensured that she would have a life. Gerhardt and Adette. No matter what she learned, they would always be the ones who had raised her, the ones who had her truest alliances.



11 Years
04-11-2013, 03:39 AM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2013, 12:25 PM by Bane.)
Bane blinked slowly in contemplation upon hearing the introduction the yearlings gave him.?Kamala, Valkis and Maverick. An odd looking trio if the count ever saw one, but they were the fine product of an almost forgotten female and a black and white splotchy alpha.

"Kamala, Valkis and Maverick. Good names. Strong names, I'm sure you would've made Rancor and his mate proud." The yearlings all wore expressions of confusion, Maverick told the older grey wolf about not remembering his parents, ending with an inquiry about the marking Bane had mentioned.

Kamala, the female, also voiced her want to know about Talutah in a quavering voice.

"One at a time; one at a time. Maverick, to answer your question, I called you unmarked because it is what you are. When you reach your first year in Talutah the alpha would take a ceremonial antler and deeply score the flesh of your right shoulder and thus you'd become one of us."

Bane tilted his body so that the young wolves could see the Talutah mark he wore upon his shoulder.

"This is what you'd receive, offspring of Rancor. We all wore this proudly before the eruption. Now I am almost certain I am the last Talutah wolf left beside you three." Bane hung his head and let out a short keen of sadness, perturbed and perhaps a little overwhelmed by the emotions he was now feeling from mentioning Talutah.

"Alarice... are you proud of me?" Bane's gasped, his eyes glazed over and his head snapped up to look at the shimmering specter. The misty she-wolf gave a pause and bowed while slowly fading away with the same movement. An answer of sorts.

"Now, we'd just covered marks and ceremonies pertaining to them. Next question."
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


04-13-2013, 01:01 PM

Of course, the only one he could really count on, Kamala, gave Bane his name. He looked over toward her, giving her a look that whispered thank you. His attention turned back to Bane, the male from Talutah who was here to teach his siblings about his old pack. His ears perked when he said Rancor. His... father. But Bane never said his mothers name. His ears flicked back. Did he not know his mothers name? She was the alpha female, but he didn't even know her name. What kind of pack member was he? Valkis studied the scars that littered his pelt. He had a feeling he hadn't earned them in any sort of sporty hunt... No, there was no way. This strange male before them gave him an uneasy feeling, and he didn't like it. He looked at the mans marking on his shoulder. Why didn't they have that mark? He wanted it, he wanted it very badly. He wanted to wear his mother and fathers pride proudly, whether Gerhardt or Adette approved or not. He rose to his paws, his large frame already larger than the males before him. His head dipped down, his muscles tensed, his ears remained flat against his skull. "Give it to me, mark me. I want it." He didn't look away from Bane. He didn't care if his brother and sister approved of his sudden demand. He wanted the mark, and he was going to have it.




04-14-2013, 06:25 PM

Still standing beside his sister protectively and extremely skeptically, Maverick did not have to feign interest in what the man had to say. He wanted to know what unmarked meant, and why Bane felt the need to label them as such. They had been mere pups when they'd been lost from Talutah, there was no way it could be their fault for being unmarked. Still, Maverick felt blaming eyes on him, though he was sure he was only imagining them. The man went on to explain what the markings were, uttering words Maverick wished he had not heard. "That's.. barbaric!" It was the only word he could come up with, but it was one he was sure was not over exaggerating by using. What kind of pack physically harmed their members simply to mark them?

Valkis stepped up, immediately requesting the mark. Maverick let a snarl rip from his larynx, reverberating in the air as he stepped forward in attempt to block the path between Valkis and Bane. "Talutah is gone, Valkis, gone, and they are never coming back. There's no use in marking ourselves as one of them." Maverick was beyond appalled that his brother would want such a mark. He'd always known him to be different, but this was extreme. How would their father, and the rest of Seracia feel about this sort of thing? Maverick was sure it would be a slap in the face to Gerhardt and Adette if they strutted about with foreign markings.



04-14-2013, 07:21 PM

Of course, Maverick protested. Hell, he even stepped between Bane and himself, then told him how big of an idiot he was for wanting the mark. Who in the hell was he to say he didn't need it? Had he forgotten their heritage, where they had come from? Had he already let Gerhardt cloud the memories of his real mother and father who had died to save their lives? It made him sick and infuriated. He couldn't help the snarl that bellowed deeply from within his chest. All the frustration and anger he felt inside was about to spew out all over Maverick. He had enough. "Gone? Have our parents memory completely faded from your mind Maverick? Has Gerhardt truly clouded every piece of true heritage you had left? Look at yourself. Look at me, Kamala. The appaloosa markings on the three of us. No one else in this world has those markings, and you just want to throw it away? Throw everything away just because we are the only ones left?" He paused. There was no point in talking to Maverick, he didn't give a shit. He had never cared how he felt, even when they were pups. Valkis turned his attention back on Bane. "You will mark me, but not now. It obviously isn't a good time." With that he turned away from the group, exiting into the forest, running toward the borders of Seracia. He didn't want to be here anymore.






3 Years
04-22-2013, 06:07 PM
ooc: sorry about the delay in posting, loves!

Bane's words made Kamala fight back a shudder as he spoke. She turned to glance at Maverick, emerald eyes widening slightly as he spoke of carving skin up with an antler. That did not sound particularly pleasant, and in that moment, she was almost glad that that would never happen to her. The marking, while interesting in appearance, was not one that Kamala was interested in having. All of Loccian's expertise would not have helped her if the would got infected. And it was just . . . weird. Perhaps it would not have startled her so if she had been raised knowing that this would happen. But it was weird.

Valkis' words shattered the peace in that moment, and Kamala reacted swiftly, her head swinging to face her crimson brother, a frown crossing her features as Maverick snarled. His reaction was a little harsh, in the gray female's mind, and she was swift to speak in a more conciliatory tone, "Valkis, maybe right now isn't the best time for . . . this kind of thing." Kamala spoke softly, tilting her head slightly as she examined the crimson male. If he truly desired the marks of their parents, well, that was his choice, and Kamala didn't believe that they had any right to stop then. But perhaps it would be best if he waited a little, and truly thought over what this would mean to their parents.

A sigh escaped the gray female as Valkis retreated swiftly, and Kamala turned a solemn gaze upon Bane. "I . . . I apologize, Sir Bane. My brother is upset at the moment." She didn't want to have to make excuses for Valkis, but she didn't want Bane to think of him negatively because of this. Valkis was her brother, and he didn't need any more wolves frowning upon his behavior when he was this touchy. What he needed right now was support.

Shaking her head slightly, the female glanced towards Maverick before turning her attention back towards Bane, "What was daily life in Talutah like?" She asked the male softly. Hopefully, she would seek Valkis out later and try to tell him about what he'd missed. But for the moment, Kamala just wanted to indulge in her curiosity a little and investigate the Tribe that she would have been raised in.



11 Years
04-24-2013, 12:22 PM (This post was last modified: 04-25-2013, 01:04 AM by Bane.)
Valkis said he wanted it almost immediately after Bane was done talking about recieving the mark of Talutah. The grey male honestly didn't expect any of the three yearlings to accept his offer, but when Valkis did, an argument broke out between the siblings. Back and forth the three argued about the mark and why they should or shouldn't have it.

Maverick then said something wrong. "It may be barbaric to some, but I think that calling one another sir, or mam, or king, or count or prince or whatever the hell else there is in Seracia is a little strange to me. Welcome to my world Maverick. There are a lot of strange things happening in this land. Forces you didn't understand. Things you cannot comprehend. And I hope you sure as hell wise up to the fact that there are, were, more sensitive wolves when it came to so called barbarism. I'm being lax in my tongue lashing compared to the wolves of that burned and charred land from whence we came!"
Bane hissed in admonishment as he took a step closer to Maverick and burned his hurt gaze at the young crimson male.

Valkis said he would like the mark at a later time and sounded like he really wanted it. Fine, whatever, he'd scar the flesh of the young male when the time came. Bane gave a nod at Valkis as he left after arguing with his siblings, the quiet one not acknowledging the affirmation of going to be given the mark. "Only with your sire's and dame's permission will I do this Valkis. And it's fine Kamala." Bane informed the departing wolf then his littermate who told him not to worry.

Kamala asked about pack life after Valkis left. Oh she'd love the picture he was going to paint... not.

"Life in Talutah was unbearably monotonous for one of my position. Just watching a beach from my hill. Then Alarice came. I left with her to Tortuga, her and I conceiving a litter of young. She died during birth while I was away, poisoned by the gods of Talutah because I'm sure somebody, your father, told the shaman to tell the gods to interfere with the life I chose for myself. Yes, I chose a mate out of a pack that forbade it and joined flesh with her when it was forbidden to do so. And just like when I was in Seracia for only a few days. It's always the same more me with rules, they don't let me do what I want to do. Think about that."

Bane was inferring that he'd mated outside the pack, and was now starting to think about leaving should one of the two young wolves should tell anybody. He'd get ready to run.

"Think carefully and wise up before you run your maw about what I just said too you two." Bane snipped as he clacked his fangs together as a warning about that little tidbit he'd purposely let slip.

Bane's gaze softened noticeably with the appearance of Alarice and the young at her paws behind the two yearlings.
"You two have any questions about anything or have a dilemma that you don't want your adoptive sire and dame to find out but need advice on a matter, come to me because I daresay I'm fairly good a breaking rules quietly; any further questions?"
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


04-24-2013, 04:05 PM

"Don't ever presume to believe that I've forgotten where we came from, what we went through. But it's well past time for you to remember who it was that got us here, who it was that gave us a life and a future and hope for gosh sake." Words spat forth before he could control them, and held far more ferocity than he'd intended to forego. When he'd finished, Valkis slithered off into the forest. "It's just like you to run away from everything!" he would bellow after his prodigal brother. It was time Valkis stopped acting like a child. Tail lashed behind him furiously, as if the movement would somehow rid his bodice of the fiery inferno that dwelled within. It would be then - at the worst of times - that Bane's words would hit his ears. This man, this stranger, was chastising the Prince for saying what he felt, and ordering him to wise up. Big mistake.

"Who are you to tell me what to do? You've been here what.. all of a week and you think you can just tell me to wise up and trust whatever you say? How do I know you're not lying to my face? And last time I checked, I had the right to feel however I darn well please, and if I want to think something is barbaric, I can do just that." He'd never blatantly disrespected anyone in his life, but he didn't care. His brother was one thing, but this stranger coming in and thinking he knew everything, it was madness! He fell silent as the man spoke about life in Talutah - at Kamala's bidding, no less. A snarl ripped from his larynx as the man mentioned their father in a bad tone. "Don't you dare talk about my father. You've no right to speak ill of the dead." Words were icy cold and laced with venom. The Prince was not joking. "No questions." He shot a glance at Kamala, hoping she wouldn't push the matter further. "Get out of here." The little note that he'd let slip about his rulebreaking would not soon be forgotten. Tail continued to lash as his lip curled up menacingly. Just let the man try to keep talking ill of his family and spreading senseless rumors.




3 Years
04-28-2013, 12:58 PM

The sudden anger in Bane's words made Kamala jump a little, and she swung her head up to focus on the other wolf. Her eyes narrowed slightly, but she kept her reactions tightly contained, stepping only a little closer to her brother so that he might sense her support. Bane did not understand their lives, and perhaps, in his view, this was justified, but to Kamala, her brother had merely spoken what had been in both of their minds. These wolves had mutilated themselves. It wasn't natural. She would not have said it, but that did not mean that Maverick's words warranted being snapped at. "I think..." Soft words would escape the female, "That it would have been different if we'd been raised in Seracia. But this notion of marking is strange to us." A middle ground, in Kamala's eyes. Perhaps it would soothe both sides.

Kamala tilted her head slightly as Bane began to speak, letting his words enter her brain without comment. The place of he spoke was far from the homeland that she had imagined, but perhaps it would have been different for her. Maybe he was lying. Though Kamala didn't believe it was true, it was certainly a possibility. There was no one to back him up, no one to corroborate his points. Perhaps the life that he found boring would have been perfect for Kamala and his siblings. But it didn't matter. It was gone. And Talutah was never coming back.

Still, his other words warranted a response. "Rules are a big part of Seracia," Kamala observed mildly, "And as for my father..." Kamala hesitated, falling silent as Maverick's angry reaction filled the air. She was content to let her rusty brother fight their battles, in that moment. His venom was stronger than hers, but the words that Maverick spoke summarized her thoughts more concisely than she probably could have managed to do so.

Ears twitching, Kamala took another step closer to Maverick, intending to show Bane that the two were a united front. He was her brother. If they could not be united, then no one could. The way that Bane had snapped his fangs at them unsettled her, anyways. She wasn't entirely sure that this wolf who spoke so negatively of Talutah was a wolf that she approved of. He seemed . . . different. And maybe she had no right to judge, but something about him seemed off and she wasn't sure that she wanted him around Valkis, anyways.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.



11 Years
05-02-2013, 10:47 PM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2013, 09:13 PM by Bane.)
"Im telling you, yearling, that you don't have to believe anything I say. What I meant pup is that your real father, if you weren't the product of him, would've probably killed you for your insensitivity, such was what I saw in him. It would be nice if you could keep the negative thoughts of sire's pack to yourself around me. I already know what we did in Talutah was strange, but do it for him."

Bane roughly sat down and ground his right claw along the dirt in frustration. This was turning into a mistake, full of conflict and questions even the grey wolf wasn't sure he could answer. An idea gradually formed in his head after a moment of just staring at the two yearlings.

"I have every right to speak ill of my captor, as well as my right to compliment him that he made a fine pack and had three fine young wolves. As for me telling the truth... well, when the ash settles, I'm offering that we should take a walk back from where we came from. I'll show you some things that'll hopefully answer your questions."
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


05-03-2013, 07:14 PM

Maverick had heard just about enough out of the man, but it was clear that he wasn't going to quit. Of course not, he was too thick to do something sensible like that. A growl murmured in the boy's chest. He silenced himself as his sister responded far more diplomatically than he. Figures, she always knew how to word things. Still, Maverick felt as if she wasn't putting enough feeling into her phrases. That was alright though, he had feeling enough to spare. As Bane spoke again the Prince bit his tongue to allow the man to speak. "I'm no pup, and I'll speak ill of Talutah all I want." This Bane just couldn't stop telling him what to do, could he? "Have you forgotten I outrank you?" Icy notes would crystallize in his lyrics.

More insolence, more lies, Maverick's head was reeling with fury. "I wouldn't go anywhere with you. I said to leave, and I meant it." Maverick huffed, lip curling into a snarl. "Forget it, stay here and spread lies if you must." With a snort and a last fiery glance at the man, Maverick turned and spoke begrudgingly to his sister. "Let's go, Kamala." He would bump his shoulder into hers lightly - but with enough fervor to let her know he wasn't kidding. If she didn't follow, he didn't know what he'd do.
