
Indifference can be cured?


04-29-2013, 05:07 AM

Discomfort, it was what she had witnessed in the females eyes. The moment she had spoke of the packs new nature. Perhaps she was unaware of the depths of her decision. She wanted her to understand before she fled the pack. Wanted her to know that they would be neutral and careful with what jobs they accepted. She wouldn?t allow them to be bloodthirsty and always searching for the next kill. No, they would only destroy what needed being destroyed. They would need everyone and things would be different.

She called to kahos, she wanted a private word with the female. Where they could discuss what would happen. She hoped to sway the females mind in favor of staying. They needed the numbers and this had been her home. She cared about every single one of her wolves and she would prove that here and now. She hoped the female would come to her call but in the end if she chose to leave. It was her choice and she wouldn?t dare force the issue. She wasn?t interested in enslaving others for their opinions. Those that had been deemed slaves were transgressors. Not members that voiced their concerns.


05-02-2013, 10:06 PM

She stood at the border. Looking out across the land, trying to decide if this is where she belonged. She was no killer. She couldn't follow through the the task to go out and kill someone. If it came down to her life, then she would fight to survive, but to take someone elses life out of cold blood... She wouldn't. Ivory audits twitched. She was being summoned. Why? Had Newt seen the uncertainty in her eyes? She did she know her loyalties where swaying? Turning away from the border, she started off at the brisk trot. Following the voice of her Alpha.

At her arrival, the massive dame was waiting patiently, almost as though she wasn't sure Khaos would show up. She dipped her heard respectively, "Newt. You called?" Lyrics were soft but beneath that was an opinionated voice, waiting to break the surface. Emerald eyes lifted to the meet the gaze of the woman. Waiting.

OOC- sorry for the long wait, didn't know this was here

Walk "Talk" Think


05-03-2013, 08:25 AM

Violet eyes watched as the female made her way back into Amenties lands. She had noticed how uncertain she had become. How unsure she felt about the new changes. Perhaps she hadn?t fully explained the circumstances in the pack meeting but with all the excitement how could she? Her tail swayed behind her as she looked her over and allowed a bright smile to light her lips . ?Yes I called.? She said simply, her tail wagging gently. ?You are one of the few I do not know personally. Everyone else I have in some way interacted with or brought to this pack.? She said honestly. She would keep her word to ghost and she would know every one of her wolves and their thoughts.

?I noticed your chagrin at the pack meeting.? She said simply, her violet eyes holding those of her pack mate. She didn?t demand loyalty from any of them. She was still so new to being their leader. Too new to demand anything from them. Not yet, not until she had proved that she gave a damn about them. ?This pack, when I explained we will be assassins. That doesn?t include the pack as a whole. That only means a hand few will have these tasks. As to what jobs they chose. They will be scrutinized and ensured that whom even they are hunting deserve death. We will not simply kill anyone because someone desires them gone but if someone commits a crime so heinous that death is the only option then that is what we shall deliver.? She finished. She wanted her to understand they would not be cold-blooded killers. They would not be baby slayers or kill the innocent.

?As for the others. We will be protecting the broken. Those that cannot function well without guidance.? She stopped for a second and laughed, ?Kind of like myself. Only, my pups and this pack seem to be the anchor my mind needs to stay stable. Without you and them I would be lost to my constant resets.? Her mind wandered to ghost and she wondered how the female was doing. She felt responsible for her for some reason. Even if she had a king to rule her she wanted the female here. Where she could sympathize with her and help her.


05-03-2013, 08:45 PM

For being the woman who had so violently taken the last Queens live, it appeared as though she was genuinely concerned about Khaos and how she felt. She found it odd. It didn't suit her massive looks or her past behaviors. But none the less, the dame listened attentively, audits pushed forward. She started off by stating the truth, the two had never formally met before. So she had noticed her concern at the pack meeting. The way it made her uncomfortable to think of having to take a life. Deserves death. Who is to say one deserves death? What rules does one follow when deeming one worthy to die. For now she held her tongue. Protecting the broken. Kind of like myself. That part she was okay with. There was nothing wrong with protecting those who could not protect themselves, whether it be physically or mentally.

Once Newt had finished speaking she took a moment to gather her thoughts together, allow the words to form in her mind. "Who is to say one deserves death? There is no guide book for was crimes are worthy of death." Words flowed easily from her mouth, gaze even and collected, speaking her opinion. "I can agree with protecting those who cannot do it themselves, but I can't justify taking anothers life because you deem it to be right." Eyes drifted off to the land behind Newt, skull tipped down as she slowly shook head thoughtfully.

Walk "Talk" Think


05-05-2013, 07:34 AM
She listened as Kahos spoke of her opinion on the matter. Her violet eyes seemed to haze over as the memory consumed her. Orange eyes like burning starts. A knowing smile as they all bowed to him. Broken eyes filled with death and his rib cage exposed to show everything. Her mind slammed into itself as she began to pant from the stress. Yet, she didn?t sub come to the panic attack threating to steal her mind. No, she had pups to think of and a family to protect. She would never know what those memories meant on her own but she would not let them own her. Not now.

?It is true we are not meant to play as Cerberus?s creators. It is his job to forage the world as he sees fit.? She said softly, though she knew things. Dark things and those dark things were the reason she was fine with taking a life. ?You ask what gives us the right to take lives? What gives others the right to murder pups? To kill kingdoms over nothing and break the world beneath their paws until only ashes remain. Sometimes madness is too much and they cannot be saved. What ever the reason it will have to be one of meaning, one that I or my assassins agree with or we will not take the jobs.? She said simply, she didn?t expect Kahos to agree with her but perhaps she had seem someone. A monster walking among them that would be better off dead them tormenting the living.

?I am not asking you to agree or partake. But know that is not the only thing this pack will stand for. We will be the pack that knows things. That is ahead of the rest and protects those we call ours.? She said thinking of Tortuga. War was whispered on the winds and if she had spies she would send them to listen and find the truth so they could chose if it was wise to back them up. Her best interest was that of her wolves and no one else. ?If my desires for the pack are too much for you. Then you may leave. I will not fault you or begrudge you for your choice. I care what my wolves have to say and how they feel. I care for their opinions and what they need and don?t need but if that?s isn?t enough for you then you may go and no one will stop you.? She said at last, she wanted the female to stay. They were so few and it was difficult to lose any of their numbers but she would never allow her personal desires to get In the way of her packs desires. She would keep her promise to ghost and she would always care even if no one cared back.


05-07-2013, 08:54 PM

Newt had a point. She would give her that much, a small nod showing her agreement. "That I cannot argue with." She said simply, there those who took the life of another simply for their enjoyment. But she still couldn't bring herself to want to stay and be part of this pack, whether or not she was an assassin. It soothed her some that Newt took such an interest in her members, wanting to know their every concern. She continued to listen, she would be disrespectful simply because the two wolves shared a different opinion. From what she was saying, it appeared as though the pack would be a valuable ally to someone, but she knew little of politics and didn't care to get involved.

Before Newt had finished speaking, she granted Khaos leave, without any consequences. Shoulders relaxed a bit, she hadn't realized how tense she had been. A ghost of smile tugged at her lips. "I have heard you out, but I still cannot bring myself to continue living here. I hold no hard feelings towards you or the pack. I greatly appreciate your care and concerns for me." She rose to paws, offering her Alpha one last smile. She was sad to leave the lands and pack she had called home for some time now. But she needed to be happy. Deserved to be happy. And she knew she wouldn't find that here. Without another word, the chocolate toned dame turn dipped her head one last time in respect before turning and taking her leave. Her first few steps would be slow, hesitant as her eyes sought out the edge of the territory. With every step her confidence would grow and so she would trotting off towards the border to her future.

-exit Khaos-

Walk "Talk" Think