



03-19-2013, 07:03 AM
Chrysanthe struggled to keep the man up on her shoulders. Many a time the yearling nearly slipped or let him slip but she was determined to get him to safety. Once they were in less harsh loner lanes perhaps Thane would Have a chance at recovering more quickly: they might even find help here! Something that the warrior brute needed plenty of - his breathing was getting more shallow; and the yearling was starting to worry about his unrest as well. She couldn't remember perfectly, but wasn't the tossing and turning and muttering a sign of infection?

She sighed softly at the feel of green grass beneath her feet - and slowly the beta realized she recognized this land. This was where she had gone to deliver food to Soliel hen she first had her pups. "Ookami." The girl huffed, glancing over at the dark woman that had come this far with her. They had taken turns carrying the man when he was simply too heavy and they too tire to move any further. "There's a lake here - we're close." That meant food and shade for all three of them. But rest was the furthest thing from Chrysanthe's mind. Once she was able to set Thane down she would need to either go and get help, or call for someone that would hopefully offer their healing knowledge to the wounded warrior.

Trembling legs came to a stop once the shire of the lake was in sight, and slowly, carefully, she placed Thane down beneath the shade of two somewhat short but very appreciated trees. Closing her eyes, she stood beside the dark brute, but made sure that Ookami could scoot in next to him. She wasn't sure what their relationship was but she could tell that the two of them were close.

Nose lowering to the ground Chrys made sure that the three of them were alone. The earth smelled empty, thankfully. No unnamed terrors would be appearing from the shadows and make she and Ookami's job harder. Yet... Maybe that wouldn't be the case. She wield have to take a bit of a gamble and pray that someone kind was nearby. Thane couldn't wait for her to get all the way to Valhalla and back.

"Watch him. I'm going to call for help." She spoke as gently as she could to the star marked woman. With tha she wandered closer to where the trees dithered away and grasslands were visible. She wanted to be the first to see whoeve answered her call if someone did answer it. Taking a deep breath, the princess tilted her head back and howled, her voice carrying on the wind and whisking her words into a song. The message was dire, someone was hurt and they needed help.

Hopefully someone would answer her cry for help soon.


03-21-2013, 02:53 PM
Ookami looked at Chrysanthe, and saw she was having trouble keeping Thane up on her shoulders.Ookami was just as exhausted as the other fea was, she soon saw the lake. A gimps of hope filled her body as she was close to home. "Thane it will be ok, it will, we are going to get you help." She said as she nuzzled her head under thane and moved him on to her back to give Chrysanthe a break from caring him.

The weight she was carying made her muscles burn, but she did not crash under his weight, instead she grew stronger and carried him closer to the lake. "Chrysanthe, i'll wait here by the lake and try to clean his wounds the best i can, please go find some help for him. I don't know how long he has" She said as she laid Thane on the ground in a soft patch of grass. Ookami nuzzled Thane's face once more, a small tear escaped her eye.She will not loose another one she cares about, no this will not happen and Ookami is determined to do so.

She looked at Chrysanthe "Please hurry." She said as she begun to clean Thane's wounds to try to stop the infection from spreading any further. Her tongue slid across his wounds, clearing pout dirt and any other stuff that was caught in them. "Thane it will be ok, i promise, help is on it's way" She said as she licked his face. Ookami was heart broken, and angry. She will not give up on her love.


03-22-2013, 02:47 PM

Sweat started to collect on the brute's forehead. He felt hot all over as his body started to shudder. Thane's eyes were moving under his eyelids and yet he could not open them. Both white-lined ears twitched as he lay there feeling as if fire and ice were all over his body. His breath was shallow as he wheezed every now and then from the heat he was feeling. From the quick temperature rise in his body the brute began to slightly squirm and twitch for he could do nothing about it.

Back in his mind the brute was no longer in darkness; he was dreaming.

Back in the forest of snow covered firs and barren oaks the black brute made his way to a den. It was embedded deep under a magnificent fir tree. He lowered his head and averted his aqua blue gaze to the inside of the hole.

"Hello?" the wolf asked softly

A few moments passed before a dame popped her head out of the den. Her fur was a light brown and she had cream under her eyes and from the nape of her neck to the bottom of her chest. Green eyes as newly grown grass stared back at the brute.

Hello dear the dame said in a soft silky voice such as sand falling from ones paw.

Soon enough did the dame escape her chamber and follow the brute. The two walked side by side without speaking a word.

What is requested of me? the femme said

"What is to be requested is not requested but proposed. My parents see you as a suitable dame and I myself guess I have no choice. But my slight disdain at this situation does not mean that I do not feel as you feel; for I feel something in my heart. the brute said in a sincere tone

I know of the proposition but tis not my choice. I have been chosen by your parents as I also feel a strong feeling in my heart. This may be a dream come true for me but the question is would you rather me over some dame in a random land?

"Yes...I would rather have my choice and make my own decisions. But it is obviously up to my parents of how their hierarchy is continued. Seemingly so, my opinion on an arrangement is neither great nor bad. Shan't we continue so all of us can further this discussion Amber?

Amber nodded as the two hurried their pace.

-dream fades-

On the outside the brute's breath was ever so shallow. In less than a moment's notice his body stopped twitching, shuddering, and shaking. On the inside he was very much alive but on the outside the black brute looked dead. Yet he was not for he was still breathing; but small shallow breaths that were hard to detect. No words had reached the wolf's ears or mind because he was completely out of it. What was to happen to him if a wolf made an interpretation on him being alive, or dead....



03-28-2013, 08:59 AM

Really? Loccian found herself once again leaving the lands of Seracia, this time it was not for herbs. Since joining Seracia she told herself that she would not venture out in the unclaimed lands, that she would stay within the land of the pack she joined. The only time she would leave is if she needed to collect herbs that didn't grow there, and here she was. At first she did not realize where her paws were leading her, just was off in her own world and when she came out of it she noticed that the lands had changed. A sigh came from her as she stood on a small hill, tail hanging behind her and ears forward, grey eyes looking down at the lake below. She had heard about this place, the rocks in the lake confirming the place. It was shaped in the shape of a paw, that's why it was given the name Wolfpaw Lake.

She swung her head to the right, ears swiveling around, listening for any animals nearby. After listening for a few moments she heard nothing and so turned back forward and moved on. Paws moved carefully over the rocky hill, gritting her teeth whenever she would lose her footing and would slide some. Once at the bottom she took a deep breath an moved on, ears swiveling left and right as she moving at a steady walk towards the lake. It wasn't until she was walking for a few minutes that a howl suddenly ripped through the land, causing Loccian to freeze instantly. What the... she did not smell any wolves, then again, the wind was blowing her scent towards whoever was here. With the howl she did not move right away, she was thinking. That howl, it seemed urgent. Was somebody in danger? Hopefully not because Loccian wouldn't stand a chance if it came to a fight.

She hated that she was so kind and wanted to help others, one day she was sure it would bring her downfall. With a quick shake of her head she lifted her head to the sky and released a quick howl, responding to the other. She was nearby and would be there soon. With her call the shewolf quickly moved, legs moving, paws drumming against the ground. Was it a single wolf that needed help? Or a few?

My Speech!

Your Speech!

ooc: I'm so sorry! I forgot to put this in my tracker and completely forgot!


04-02-2013, 05:08 AM
Ookami herd another call, this one was from someone who could help Thane. A smile arose across her face, she laid her head on his back. Small tears rolled off her face and landed on his pelt. "Did you hear that Thane, Some one is coming to help you, please hold in there my love. Keep fighting, please keep fighting." She said as she closed her eyes. She could still smell the fresh air that her and thane sat under the stars for the first time.

That night brought a smile across her face. It was the best time of her life and she wish it could go back to that. She could still feel the ground under her feet, smell that air, and see the stars that seemed to shine brighter than it has ever before. Ookami loved thane and she hoped that who ever called will be here soon. She did not want to loose the one she loves so dearly.


04-03-2013, 02:13 PM

The pure white dame floated by as a goddess; only stopping for a few moments to sniff the flowers here and there. How wonderful it was in these lands, it was warm. Of course the femme grew hot but she had started to grow accustomed to the temperature here. She was sure that the cold would come once again but this is the longest period of warmth she had ever experienced.It was hot out here indeed but the dame stopped walking as her black lined ears heard two howls, one calling out and one to reply. Strange, was something wrong out here? Was someone in need of help or in trouble? The mind of the white wolf could not ignore this; it seemed to call to her. So the femme went to investigate.

"Such a pity Hureia, I thought I was going to continue my search for Thane." she said to herself softly.

Hureia had been on a long search for her brother, he obviously needed her. But what made her think that...Was it the fact that he had always hneeded her to help pick himself up? Or had he actually done it himself. But what if he had gone mad or wasn't the brother she once knew.Oh how she loved him so. But no, she would never think that way again.He had been destined to be paired by their parents even thought his freedom of choice would have been out of the question. Or has the brute gone out and found someone new of his own choice in this new life.

The white goddess quickened her pace but still walked ever so elegantly. She was graceful enough that the dame almost seemed to glide over the ground. Aqua blue eyes averted to the reflection of the Sun on a lake nearby. Soon enough the scent of a few other wolves hit her nose. As Hureia came closer her own scent was blown downwind as the wind changed. Her nose did not have enough time to get the other wolves scent. So her own scent drifted down towards the strangers;but her own scent was the exact same as her brother Thane's but with more sweetness to it. Pine and honey, as for Thane only smelt of pine. A smile came across the femme's muzzle as she stood there. But what if these wolves were to be hostile?

It was obviously too late for second thoughts; they would have already received her scent by now. Fight or flight? Neither. She would stand here and wait a few moments before proceeding towards the site. Other than that, what would she find? An injured wolf, a wolf in distress, a fight? There was really no way to tell except the smell of blood that had reached her nose before the wind had changed. So the goddess sat there with her white and gray fur being rustled by the wind.



04-03-2013, 08:03 PM
Chrysanthe held her breath, hoping that someone would come their way. Someone that was experienced with healing - if no one did she would make the run to Valhalla and find Erani herself. Right now though, she didn't want to leave Thane and Ookami completely alone. And then? Finally, after what seemed like ages to her and mere moments to anyone else, someone responded. The beta sighed, a small smile on her face as she awaited the female that said that she was on her way. As soon as the other lupine was in view, she would explain what had happened as quickly as she could, trying to save time where Thane could be being looked after. "He was attacked in the desert - Ookami and I carried him here to get him out of the sandstorms and... he talks sometimes, but hasn't been completely conscious since I found him passed out. I really hope that you're a more capable healer than I am - at least enough for me to run and get Erani." It was a lot of information, and her tones were far from gentle and hushed - but hopefully they would get through to the woman who showed up to help them.

"Thank you, so much, for coming here." For a moment she had thought that no one would. "I'm Chrysanthe." In case she needed anything or wanted to ask her something, she could know her name.

Chrysanthe paused, smelling the scent of a stranger - and instead of leading . "They're over that way." She said, pointing in their direction. Unfortunately the smell of blood would probably be just as good a lead as she would - Thane was incredibly injured. The stranger's scent seemed familiar though, so she didn't bristle, only stood guard to the injured lupine and the dedicated and most likely exhausted female that she had carried the warrior here with. When the stranger got here, Chrysanthe would look them over, and hopefully get a name and explanation from them before they were close to Thane and Ookami. If they had smelled blood and were here for trouble, she wouldn't let them past. If they were here to help, then she wouldn't mind - they needed all of the help that they could get!



04-05-2013, 02:20 PM

In a matter of minutes, to her at the time it felt like seconds, she came across the wolf she assumed called. She breath semi-heavily, grey eyes looking her over. This was the wolf, she was worried, happy to see somebody had finally arrived and she spoke fast, explaining the situation to her. So a wolf was injured badly and had to be arrived, that was not good, Loccian would need to act quickly if he were to survive. Chrysanthe, I will take care of him. I am Loccian, I will help your friend. She quickly answered, nodding her head when she thanked the healer and looking in the direction she pointed, it wasn't necessary for the smell of blood was heavy in the air. You can do this Loccian, you have to! She told herself before bounding off in the direction the scent led her, within moments coming across two wolves, one laying wounded and the other beside him. Thane! She knew right away it was him, there was no way of mistaking him for somebody else. Her gaze fell upon the shewolf with him, quickly stepping over to her. I take it you are Ookami, she stepped to the side to look the male very quickly and determine what she would need to help him. I am a healer, I'm here to help Thane. But first I must quickly gather some herbs for his wounds, you may stay here with him or quickly look for some moss to gather water. I didn't scent others on the way here so he should be fine by himself... I will be right back! With that she turned and ran off into the forest to quickly gather the herbs she would need.



04-05-2013, 03:15 PM
Thane lay there wherever he was in his unconscious state. A wind blew through the land and had brought with it scents and smells from the direction it came. An all too familiar smell hit his nose once more as it did in the rock garden, pine and honey.

"Hureia..." he whispered in a scratchy croaky voice.

After the brute had said the dame's name he tried to move once more. One paw would twitch as he tried to move it. It was no use, he could not move still. Another scent then came to his nose, Loccian was here. Thane could not remember if she was a healer or not, but why else should she be here.

It was kind of funny, they were setting aside their differences and she was actually going to help him. Then again there was not much between the two that were different; just their old packs. is what he needed.

"Help.... he mustered out once more

The scent grew stronger as it started to hit his nose full on; as it did so he could feel his strength coming back. And then next to him was his beloved mate pulling him through. Thane would live, and he would be with Ookami after this. The brute had kept the promise he had made to her on the first day they had met; he would never leave her.

Slowly the wolf tried again once more to move his paw. With a lot of effort he managed to move it forwards across the ground. The brute's ear twitched once more as his mind went haywire once more. So many voices were heard....

A prince must sit up straight...the echo of his mother's voice

Do not fret she is a wise pick...echoed his father

-laughter of his sister as a pup-

Race you to the snow cave!...echoes his sister

I'm sorry Thane...your sister is dead....echoed his parents

"No!" he cried out as his whole body jerked on the ground.

The brute's body shivered as it wracked with spasms, he was having a seizure. Eventually it stopped and he was drawn back into his mind once more.


Fight beside me son....echoed his father

Come back safely...echoes Amber

-battle howls...growls...snarly...blood...-

Retreat!...echoes Thane as his father falls

Back in his mind he comes back to the camp to find everyone dead...blood is on his paws. There is blood everywhere until he stares at the bodies of his family, friends, and pack-mates before fading to black.

The brute shudders once more before he can hear what is going on. The sound of Loccian saying she has to collect herbs reaches his white lined ears. was here, he was going to be alright....