
Out Last Night


03-18-2013, 09:47 PM
open to whoever,

Ivory coat just barely stood out against the snow as he padded restlessly through the frigid tundra. Though it was well into Spring by now, Marvel found this piece of the land to be still coated with snow and incredibly cold. The only benefit of the cold was that it only increased his desire for physical contact - something he wasn't sure would be possible until now. He slowed his pace to a halt, daydreaming.

A figure void of any specifically notable features danced in front of him. It was definitely female, swathed in oranges and yellows. He moved toward it, but it quickly danced out of reach, tantalizing him with every move it made. A fire burned in his loins, and his tongue hung out of his mouth as his body heat rose. He wondered if the figure might be Jupiter. She swung her head toward him, eyes black holes of emptiness. She moved forward in slow motion, her muzzle directly aligned to meet his if she continued. She did. Just before their noses touched, she vanished into thin air.

He shook himself back to reality, snow flying from his coat where it had deposited. A low grumble echoed in his chest as the flesh sheathing his fangs tightened in aggravation. Tail lashed behind him. Why was it that now that he'd joined Ludicael he was getting less action? He gave a sigh and remained where he was, suddenly having the urge to just sit here and sulk.



03-20-2013, 08:10 PM

The achromic female bared the cold depths of the snowfalls for the adulation of the snow. Zarzenova felt at ease here, a sense of accord always washed over her. Raising each leg high to ascend the snowy banks, she made way to nowhere. Zarzenova ambled aimlessly. She had no abode in mind, she seeked nothing. In fact, the female just wanted to leave the confinements of home. The lass had traveled from Tortuga, escaping her father?s judgment and the smug look of Kaien. Thoughts like these would not blossom here. Her alabaster coat stood in the cold. Her body shook slightly. With thoughts heavy on her mind that she wished were not, they carried her forth, giving the dame new energy.

For some time Zarzenova had walked. The pads of her feet sore and yet she could not feel them. Scolding herself, she thought herself an idiot to walk about alone. What would her father have said about this? She knew of the horrors here that lay beneath her. This did not help matters any. Carrying on, she spotted another creature. Zarzenova almost had missed this beast as he was of ivory tones. She did not care if he was friend or foe, though she thought most likely the last one. Clearing her throat the female began to speak above the wind drift. Who are you fair one? Zarzenova said as sweetly as possible. She needed a way out of this hell hole, and this creature might just be the way.



03-20-2013, 09:25 PM

Standing there like a lump on a log was getting him nowhere, but sooner or later the freezing cold would hopefully serve to quell the raging fire in his loins. He knew, however, that that fire would return almost instantaneously. It was always there, driving him mad. He was standing, his tail swaying behind him more because of the wind than any actual effort. Ears remained at half-staff, in both a relaxed and casual pose. Eyes were narrowed due to the snow and biting wind, and his head tucked down ever so slightly to bring his chin closer to his throat for warmth and protection. All in all he looked positively miserable - and wasn't taking any effort to get out of the situation which made him feel this way. That was Marvel.

He didn't have much time to sulk, however, before a beautiful and quite young damsel happened upon his location. Silver eyes would widen to spectate her frame, finding it flawless and quite beautiful to behold. A dame worthy of admiration, and worthy of a good shagging, if she'd let him. A sly grin would curl on one side of his lips. She spoke loudly, no doubt battling the harsh wind, and he would take a step toward her to lessen the need to yell. I'm hardly the fairest one here, but I thank you for the compliment. Charming as ever. My name is Marvel. He would offer a sort of mock bow. And yours, sweet girl? While if any other wolf said the same phrase it would be seen as creepy or unappealing, from Marvel's lips it was as smooth as honey and as desirable as wine. The man knew how to charm, if nothing else.

Ah yes, he would try his very best to get with this girl. He only hoped her precious daddy or mommy wasn't wandering somewhere out there to conspire against him. Creme coat would float forward as he narrowed the gap even further, stopping at a respectable distance and questioning her with a cock of his head. My dear, are you lost? Tone was genuinely concerned. He could help her out, and then she would owe him. Ah yes, the perfect plan.



03-21-2013, 10:29 AM

The creature before the lass spoke; the individuals? voice charming. It bowed and stated its name: Marvel. Zarzenova inched closer, eager to escape the gust.My name is Zarzenova She spoke casually, hoping her name didn't ring a bell, for it might just be her demise. They stood apart, waiting. As she was about to step forward again the male already beat her too it. She was not frightened, nor care about what could happen. All she wanted was to escape the snow.

Zarzenova?s multi-colored eyes gazed at the male. The snow was whirling about, blocking off vision and senses. Everything was numb: from her ears to her tail. Her fur did not help harbor the warmth. Instead it seemed to be giving it away. Yes, she as a young girl, just turning two this spring, if you could call this atrocious weather that. Wandering along and far from home wasn?t the wisest, but Zarzenova liked risks, even more so it if caused her Father strife. Advancing closer to Marvel, she answered his next inquest. No, I am not lost?Only exploring. Saying so in a voice stating a dare. Edging closer, she let him catch the sweet smell of her essence. Zarzenova knew how to play well, and she had the right cards dealt.

Note/ Sorry for the sucky post :P




03-23-2013, 11:21 AM

The girl seemed chilled to the bone, something Marvel could - and would - see as a positive. She would offer her name, Zarzenova. An interesting one, he had to admit. She seemed to loathe the snow, for she didn't even bother to retreat from a strange male's advances. She even came closer. What were the odds? A smile crept across his face, but he wiped it away, replacing it with a grimace. It was quite cold. She would inch even closer as she said she was exploring. Awful place to explore if you ask me love. He would advance once more, closing the gap until he was close enough to venture an attempt at bringing his chest into contact with her flesh. Sharing warmth, he would call it, but in all reality, he hungered for this girl's touch. The wind continued to swirl bits of snow all around him. Marvel offered a grunt of disapproval. I could help you out, you know.. if you want to get away from this frigid cold. Ah yes, if he helped her, he could very well as for a favor in return.. or even demand it should his lust arise to that point. This girl wanted him, anyway, he could feel it in his very bones. Marvel knew women and she was no exception. Tail would curl tightly against him, winding around his back leg like a serpent climbing a tree. Ears tucked stiffly to his cranium as he tucked it lower to shield himself from the cold. This was a miserable place, he couldn't imagine anyone wanting to stay here for long.

mine was worse :/



03-25-2013, 05:54 PM
As the male spoke, the lass thought to herself. Yes it was dreadful to be out here in such conditions. Should she accept this man?s help? Let him help warm her frigid muscles? But really what would come of that? Zarzenova knew males and their many desires. The space that lingered between their two bodies was closed off, leaving chest to chest; fur to fur, heartbeat to heartbeat. Such contact, the dame did not know what to do with. It left her shocked, paralyzed, and wanting more. Never before had the female have one from the opposite gender so close; before she berated them, teasing them mercilessly. Then, oh yes then, the male stated he could take her away from the cold, that he could help her out. All other thoughts beforehand dissipated. She was eager to accept his offer. Zarzenova leaned closer, whispering in his ear. Yes. I would very much love your remedy for this bleak place. Pressing into his chest, not caring what it seemed her motives were.

Images of her father flashed through her skull. What would he think? Smirking at the thought of what how he would act. What did he expect? Look at her mother for instance. This was in her blood, something born into her. Flashing her eyes at marvel, she would let him lead the way, the way to wherever, whatever.

note/ um yeah she is leading him on xD Sorry if it?s not clear. Again, my writing fails me.


03-26-2013, 12:36 PM

Sterling eyes stared at her hungrily, lustfully. Her ivory frame looked very much untouched.. and incredibly unspoiled. He gave a grin as she agreed to let him help her out of here, further enticing him with her actions. The male wasn't stupid, he knew he was being used. But what she didn't know was that soon enough he'd be using her. Oh yes, he knew how to lead a wolf on too. This was a delicate dance, and he was a far more experienced dancer than she. "Stay close, darling.. wouldn't want you getting lost, would we?" It was rhetorical, but certainly truthful. The man had no intentions of losing his newest conquest, and in fact, he intended upon keeping up with her all the way out of this icy tundra and into a warmer area where she would owe him a favor. With that, he nipped lightly at the fluff of fur nearest her blessed cheek before setting off, uncertain even if his nip had hit it's mark. If it had it would have done nothing more than tug at plush fur innocently - or perhaps not quite innocently.

He would lead the way, following the hardly visible pawprints he'd made. They had long since began to fill up with the constantly falling snow, but he was smart enough to know where he'd stepped, and soon was well on his way at filling his end of the bargain. Boy would she be surprised when he gave her his terms at the end of their little journey. Of course, perhaps she was planning the same thing too. Girls could be sly little minxes when it came to sexual games, and the man would never cease to be amazed at their willingness to let him have his way with them. Of course, that could be attributed to his natural charm. As they walked, he would turn his head to look at her. How did a pretty little thing like yourself manage to get way out here? Surely your daddy isn't fond of you wandering all by yourself. If I had a daughter half as pretty as you I'd keep her locked up or heavily guarded. Of course it was a lie, but it came out as smoothly as the truth would have. He was a heck of a liar, and a charmer to boot. That was a lethal concoction. Perhaps it would lead her to spill some vital information, like where she was from.
