
Crashing Water


03-17-2013, 06:50 PM

Leaves crumbled under pressure, even though fall was another two long seasons ahead, few leaves sprung from the trees. Only left on the Earth's surface to die, but never to be reborn. Heavy paws struck the ground silently, the creature was un-naturally quiet, as if it were stalking it's prey. But alas, this fellow was not after prey. It was just a natural way of life to him. His posture was held with pride; his ears in the air, proud as an eagle. One step after another, only the crunch of leaves crumbling beneath his nails would penetrate the sound barrier. But nothing was left to remain of the brute, and he wanted it that way.

The crashing of water then filled the brute's ears as it became louder. He made his way over to the falling water to discover Sunset Falls. Light fell in and sparkled the water until it gleamed with brightness. The male known as Genesis trotted over to the water, and lapped some up with his tongue after a long journey. Alacritis was foreign to him, but it was somewhere he could have a family with someday; only one of his biggest dreams.

Aria I


03-18-2013, 11:04 AM
She had gone exploring again, having gone over the Ludicael land she had grown bored quite quickly and since the others were still getting use to it she decided to just go someplace else to look for some form of excitement or fun. Paws moved over the hard earth, a little bounce in her step as she held her head high, ears perked up and swiveling left and right to catch the sounds around her. If she had a tail, she would definitely be wagging it as she moved through the land humming a little tune to herself. If others knew about her they would have been confused with her good mood, seeing as she was still searching for her brother who she had not seen in quite some time. Maybe that was the reason she was actually out here, searching for any signs that he could be here, alive.

The female was known as Aria Corvi, a Lunav of Ludicael until she moved up in rank to something that fit her more. Knowing that put a smile on her lips, belonging somewhere, able to start a new life. With these thoughts the shewolf quickly shook her head with a low growl, she was not out here to think, she was out to explore. So she moved on, finding herself within a forest. Aria took in a long deep breath, enjoying the scents that flooded her nose. There were so many plants and animals, so full of life because of the Spring weather.

Wolf suddenly slipped into her nose, an eyebrow raising. Finally she would have something to do today. Paw moved, leaves crunching under her paws which she did not care about. It was better to let others know you were approaching because if you were to suddenly show up it could cause wolves to get hostile, thinking you were sneaking up on them to attack. She followed the scent, growing stronger with each step she took. From up ahead she caught something, rushing water. Was there a river? She wondered, taking in another deep breath. No, it would be louder and much stronger.

A few minutes passed until she came upon some falls, green eyes peeking out from behind a bush to see a wolf lapping up water from one of the small pools created from the falls. He was alone, no other scent of other wolves nearby. That was good, groups were such a bothersome without somebody there with you in case something were to happen."What're you doing out here?" She asked in a smooth tone, pushing forward and revealing herself to the male with a smile. "You smell like you belong to a pack, but the one nearby is not what is mixed into your coat." She continued, standing a few feet from him with her little stump tail wiggling behind her. "Where do you come from?"


03-18-2013, 06:34 PM
The silver and dust male let his tongue escape his maw and capture the need of his quenching thirst. As a voice called out to him, his dark blood tongue slurped inside his mouth. He did not turn around, he just listened to this beautiful dame. And as she finished her words he twerked his head with a low chuckle.

"I find that you are mistaken." His head turned toward the female and he started turning his body to face her.

"You see, No one owns me, I have only thought about becoming part of a family here." At this point he was facing the dame with his head held high. The male was just slightly taller than her, standing at 34 inches. He appeared taller with his head in the air and his ears pricked forward. He didn't threatening to anything, but his past felt differently. Genesis was the form of a monster; his attitude today said otherwise but nothing could change him to that loving wolf he once was.

"I've only been to visit these territories... I plan on joining Glaciem."And with that he dropped his chin turning it to the side but his neck stayed uplifted into the air. "Then what about you precious? You from around here?

Aria I


03-21-2013, 06:56 PM
She held her head high, ears forward waiting for the male's response. Green eyes watched him lap up the water for a moment after she had spoken, a twerk of his head followed by a chuckle. He said that she was mistaken, the female raised a brow at this but waited for him to continue. How was she mistaken? Perhaps he had been visiting a pack? Just seeing how it was before deciding if he actually wanted to join. With a turn of his body is caused Aria to smirk, right then she thought he was handsome. The colors in his oat, his eyes. Oh gawd those eyes of his, they were like ice!

His voice broke her thoughts, the female had been zoning out momentarily but quickly recovered with a small shake of her head. Green eyes refocusing on the male, ears swiveling. No one owns him, he was thinking about joining a family. Interesting. Perhaps she could see if he wanted to join the newly made Ludicael. Of course she wouldn't force him to, she would mention it and if he decided he didn't want to then she would let it go unlike other wolves that would drill the idea into your head. That thought however was swept aside when he said that he planned on joining Glaciem. Glaciem, she thought about that for a few moments, her head turning to the side in thought. That was the pack... in the north? Yes. Opposite Ludicael, north west of Tortuga. She had heard of the pack but had not encountered it while in these lands before joining a pack.

"Ah, that is good to hear." She responded with a nod of her head, turning back to the male, now noticing that he was a bit taller than her and seemed to be in a relaxed mood. Her ear flicked to the side as he went on, the smirk still on her. "Don't even ask for my name first?" She stuck out her bottom lip in a mock pout, taking a step towards the male with a leg crossing over the other. "I am indeed from around here, I am Aria Corvi." She grinned, dipping her head to him then bringing it back up. "I am a Lunav in the Ludicael pack, North East of where we stand... Before that however I was a loner, looking all over for my brother." She explained to the male.


03-21-2013, 09:02 PM
The way her legs crossed was drop dead gorgeous, and well adorable. Genesis looked the dame up and down, i small grin on his face. "Okay princess." A smirk laid on his face as he closed his eyes. "Well Aria," as the male slowly opened his eyes, unleashing the icy blue power once again "I go by Genesis." He stared into Aria's off colored green eyes. Scars matched her faded eye the was a mystery to Genesis, but his mind wondered off just as hers had to him.

"I've been a loner all my life. Pretty much a scavenger..." His eyes wondered off to the side as if he were troubled; but he caught himself quickly and put the orbs back on Aria giving her a sweet smile.Though Mystery lay beneath the scarred eye of Aria, Genesis sometimes had a scarred emotion in his eyes, but he was well with keep his little secrets to himself.

Aria I


03-22-2013, 12:02 PM
Ears were perked up, listening to the male introduce himself as Genesis. Aria usually didn't care for looks but this male was quite handsome, mostly his eyes. An icy blue, windows into the soul except she couldn't see through these ones. She didn't mind though, it always made people more interesting.

Genesis went on to tell her that he had been a loner all of his life, pretty much a scavenger. Aria was not always a loner, in her early years she had been apart of her pack but it had split apart because her father cheated on her mother and brought the result home one day. Even though that pup was not her full blood brother, Aria did not care. He was still family. Family stuck together usually, but one day he had left with his father, leaving Aria with their ill mother who later died from insanity and sickness. That was when she became a loner, roaming the lands to find her brother and father but came upon a wolf who was looking to create a pack.

It tooka moment for the shewolf to come out of her thoughts, green eyes catching Genesis's blue ones looking off to the side. Was something wrong? Or was he just thinking like she had just been? Either way it was none of her business and even when she wanted to ask as he looked back to her and forced a smile, she couldn't. "So Genesis, did you plan on just roaming around until you made a decision on whether you would for sure join this Glaciem?" She asked curiously, it didn't hurt to ask and if he wasn't sure then perhaps she could try and get him to join Ludicael. So far there were only three females, the Sol, Aria, and another shewolf she thought was missing a few screws. There was one more but she was only a pup. Besides them there was only two males, a healer that seemed to be into himself and a younger male who seemed to be the companion of the female pup.


03-22-2013, 06:41 PM
Genesis had thought about his troubled life for a moment. His parents had left him for dead, not that he was out to die anyway. But they didn't want him and he was the only one that survived out of his 5 brothers and sisters. They abused him, his father attacked him multiple times, the mother refused to milk him or give him real food. And genesis made it out through that hatch time, he watched the only ones who cared about him die slowly and painfully.

But that was not the end o his agony. The pup that was left did find a small group of wolves, they weren't a pack but it consisted of a few males and a couple females. Some couldn't fend for themselves because that was all each of them knew; that they had to find their own resources to survive. So in the end there was Genesis, his best friend, and a girl in which they both had strong feelings for. Genesis won the dames heart, but she change her mind after his best friend told her his feelings. The only way to win the female was a fight to the death, an of course Genesis won. But the love of his life hate him for killing her love, her future mate, and she left him. Genesis killed his best friend only to lose his love; this left him in denial, left him alone, heartbroken and distraught.

"Actually Aria," his eyes shook a little but his grin remained on his face and he relaxed his muscles. "I've decided I want a family... His eyes steadied but he moved his nose moved toward the sky as he looked up through the opening. "More than anything. The orbs stayed up in the clouds, his mind wondered off, but he was still there and could hear anything the dame had to say.

Aria I


03-22-2013, 07:07 PM
The shewolf stood there watching Genesis, waiting for what he would do next, ears swiveling to the side but quickly turned back to focus on him waiting for what he would say next. It seemed like he was thinking about something, perhaps about her question? She didn't mind waiting for if he would join them or not, she didn't want to just bombarde him with questions that would potentially anger him and cause the male to leave. He seemed so nice, she would hate o make him run off.

Finally he spoke, causing Aria to take a step forward with her head tilted to the side slightly. He seemed to become relaxed, a grin on his face. He said, that he wanted a family more than anything. A family. She lifted her head and let that sink into her head. Yes, a family was a nice thin to have. To be able to bare pups, raise them and teach them about the world. To teach them how to hunt and interact with others. Aria never really thought about having a family of her own, it never crossed her mind because she had spent most of her life with her mother, taking care of her and when she finally left she joined a pack soon after.

"A family, though I have not thought about having one of my own it is a nice thing to want." She replied with a smile. "The feeling of bringing new life into the world then teaching it how to survive. I am sure it is an amazing thought to have and feeling once it atually happens." She added, her own green eyes looking up to the sky.


03-22-2013, 08:09 PM
The dame's eyes met the sky with Genesis'. Her faded emerald eyes and his dark ice orbs met through the azure sky. Clouds whipped across and endless air, slowly dying away. "Yeah I suppose that would be nice." Genesis left his eyes up for a little longer, leaving his untold past behind him. He had never told anyone about the things scarred behind his eyes, and he didn't plan to until the day his mate bore his blood. Until he could call something mine, until he could have a legacy to give off. His head then came back down from the clouds, his eyes latching on to them until it was no longer visible. He then looked upon aria and left his history in the sky where it belonged.

Aria I


03-24-2013, 10:21 AM
"I take it you have not had your own family before then?" She asked, a stupid question but she didn't like awkward silences. She looked to the male with a small smile. "I have not, obviously. Never really thought about it before." She added, a smirk had formed as she spoke, but her head had turned away with green eyes looking off into the lands. She never thought about it because she had been taking care of her ill mother and searching for her brother. But with joining Ludicael and trying to prove she was useful, she didn't have the time to think about it. But know that she put some thought on it, she thought she would make a decent mother.

Aria shook her head with a light chuckle. "So, enough of this family talk." She took a step forward with her little stump of tail wiggling behind her. "Let's do something!"


03-25-2013, 06:02 PM
Genesis gave her a small smile to her, and he closed his eyes as he spoke, "I could have, but..." he shook his head and continued, "Let's not get all into that." He looked back up at Aria with the continuing smile. The brute looked the same as any other wolf. Nothing looked scarred or hurt, he was just that charming average wolf that anyone could talk to. "What do you mean obviously? A wolf like you could have had pups by now." He chuckled again, giving off a friendly vibe and allowing her to be called a friend. "Well then, what do you have in mind?" His tail flicked as a reaction to hers wagging. He was up for a game or whatever she had in mind. He needed to have some fun once in a while.

Aria I


03-27-2013, 03:55 PM
Her ears perked up when Genesis had begun talking about how he could have had a family, but then brushed it off saying let's not go into that. It made her curious, did something happen to a female he wanted to be his mate? Maybe something happened to her, found a different male or was killed. Aria shook her head at this, it was his business and not hers to go sticking her nose in. If somebody were to do that to her she would surely become irritated even though nothing really has happened to her.

His voice brought her out of her thoughts, asking what she meant by obviously and that a wolf like her could have had pups by now. She took a step forward, lips parting as if she was about to speak but suddenly stopped. For a moment she didn't know what he meant but it quickly sank in, a small chuckle escaping her lips. "When I said obviously, it's because I just said a few moments ago that I never thought about having a family of my own." She told him with a smile, head tilted to the side. "I just never really thought about it, definitely not since I haven't really encountered any males long enough to want any pups with them." She said with a shrug of her shoulders. If Aria did meet a nice wolf she could connect with, then she would think about having pups, but that has not happened yet for her.

Off they were with that topic and now on what they could do. Genesis asked what she had in mind and the female kind of stood there looking past the male. What could they do? Hm, she didn't really know. Was a game of race good enough for him or too childish? aybe a small hunt, or some wrestling? "How about this." She began, taking a few steps to the side and motioning out to the land. "Since I am hungry how about we see who can catch something first? The winner gets to choose what we do next, and the loser... has to be the winner's slave for a week?" She looked to hi with a mischivous grin, a small laugh coing fro her as green eyes stared into his blue ones. "How does that sound?"


03-27-2013, 07:59 PM
The dame suggested a hunt, though Genesis was not hungry he would go out and fetch something. Perhaps give her what he can find as a friendly gift depending on what he caught. Genesis lifted his head up and moved his eyes towards the sky as he began to speak. "I guess a hunt would be well." He then reconnected his eyes back with Aria's faded emerald eyes. He had a competitive smirk on his face, he was ready for this, but he was going to be kind enough to let her win whether she deserved it or not. "Hmm...A slave? I guess I could go with that." And with that he quickly took off with out a say.

He was back in the woods, the crunching of leaves once again under his paws. He slowed down to a trot and then a walk to hunt down his prey. His fur was a brighter brown than the trees and it contrasted against them. It was easy to spot his body in the forest. When he thought he had been quiet enough for a few minutes, his head dropped to the dirt as his nose tried to pick up a sent. He smelled a few nearby trees to pick something up. And then it came to him and instantly to bolted in the direction.

The smell became stronger and darker, it was the smell of a deer but there was another with her; her young. knowing the mother would have been harder to catch, Genesis stalked the two behind some shrub planning out his attack on the male fawn. The mother must have sensed him, for she was alarmed by some kind of presence. She did not run, she only walked away hoping her son would follow behind her. This was Genesis' opportunity. As the fawn started to walk with its mother, he jumped into plain sight and went for the fawn. An automatic reaction of the deer was to flee, and Genesis fell close behind, snapping his jaws at the young legs. Very quickly he snatched onto the deer's leg causing it to fall along with him.

When his prey bled out and died, he grabbed it with his maw and drug it by a limb. A few times he adjusted his jaw to tighten a grip. He returned back to the waterfall very slow and sluggish. His rump hit the ground as he dropped the lifeless fawn's leg to the soil and sat in wait looking for aria to see who had won this race.

Aria I


03-27-2013, 08:39 PM

She held her head high with ears forward, the grin still in place when he agreed with this little game of hers. It wasn't awesome but it gave her something to do, definitely better than walking around Ludicael looking for trespassers. After agreeing that being a slave sounded good and he would go with it, he was off. A playful growl escaped her lips as she watched him run off into the woods, yes he may have gotten a head start but she was sure that she would be able to catch something before him. After all, she didn't say what they had to hunt, so it could have been anything as long as if gave her something to eat.

Since she would try catching something small she took her time walking away from the falls, making her way into the forest with slow but careful steps. Her ears swiveled to the left, then the righ, taking in the sounds around her. Listening to scurrying under the plants, hooves crushing dried up leaves. Green eyes scanned the forest, looking for any vegetation stirred by an animal or for the outlie of something lurkig about.

After a few moments she found something, two creatures moving around a few yards ahead. Aria got low to the ground, paws moving more carefully, stepping in spots where there were no leaves. The wind was on her side too, adding on her sneaky approach. She slowly made her way forward, changing her position so that she was coming up from the side. When the mother would lift her head and look around, Aria would freeze. After a few moments the doe would lower her head and the shewolf would move forward. Finally she was close enough and would not move forward any more, the mouth was eating while her fawn ran around and jumped about. The child's moment of play would be the result of its quick death.

She had waited until the fawn came within leaping distance, and by time it sensed an unusual smell the shewolf was on it. She lunged forward, lips pulling back to reveal canines, the fawn scrambled but before it could get away she had sunk her fangs deep into it's neck and leaped away when the doe turned around and came running to try and save her child. Aria moved quickly, easily jumping out of the way of the mothers hooves. And after a few moments of dodging and running, the doe finally gave up and ran off, leaving Aria breathing a bit heavy with the now dead fawn in her jaws.

She now headed back for the falls, holding her head high but the fawn's legs still managed to drag slightly. After a couple seconds she pushed through some bushes to be greeted with the sight of Genesis sitting there with his catch. She rolled her eyes, the shewolf was going to grab something small that would be an easy kill but the only thing she found was this. "You got lucky." She grumbled, setting the fawn down beside his, standing in front of him with a bit of disappoint clearly on her face. Aria didn't like losing games.

"So then it seems that I am the slave." She said with a shake of her head and light chuckle, folding her back legs and sitting down. "What is it my Master would like to do?" She asked ina playful tone, green eyes focusing on the male with a smirk. She was curious as to what he would make her do for him, probably omething stupid, she thought.



03-28-2013, 09:56 PM
"Though I have to run, we could always meet each other some other day." Genesis pushed the fawn over to aria as an offering, but also telling her that she didn't have to take it. " So excuse me until then, and I wish you the best of luck." Genesis nodes at her closing his eyes. Then he got her a smile and turned away to trot off into the distance. He set himself off to Glaciem to try his acceptance.

[exit genesis]

Aria I


03-28-2013, 10:34 PM
It seemed like they would not be able to continue with this little act, for Genesis said that he had to run but added that they could meet each other another day. How unfortunate, she was hoping they would be able to do something fun but the male had other plans. Oh well, she wasn't too bothered by it. Green eyes fell to the fawn he pushed forward, wishing her luck before standing up and trotting off into the distance. A light sigh came from the female as she looked down at the dead animals, she could eat one and bring the other back to Ludicael.