
Practice Makes Perfect

Pontifex I


03-17-2013, 04:57 PM
It had been a few days since he'd arrived in Alacritis, the land that his siblings now called their home. Octavian had suggested that he join their pack, Seracia if he remembered correctly, and Pontifex had agreed to do so. After all, that was the best way for the siblings to start their new future together. He would've already been in Seracia, seeking the acceptance of the king and queen of his siblings' pack, but the grey and onyx brute didn't want to rush into it, not right away at least. He wanted to take a few days to explore this new territory, acquaint himself with some of it before he committed himself to a pack once again.

And that's what he was doing, in this beautiful forest with its towering red woods. The afternoon sun was begining to dip behind the mountains, its warm rays slowly retreating beyond the horizon, allowing the shadows of the night to begin replacing them. Limbs paused, halting the brute between two massive trees, golden gaze fixated on the sunset, thinking that it had to be one of the most beautiful things in nature. Beauty. He hadn't seen much beauty in his homelands, not with his father on his case nearly constantly, drilling malicious thoughts into his head and pushing him to be the monster that he wanted him to become. Pontifex had had no choice, some part of him, a deeply buried side of him needing to take the brunt of his father's attention away from his siblings, especially from Loccian. Their father had treated her so badly, giving in to his father's wants was the only way the knight had known to protect his siblings, indirectly, but protecting them nonetheless. Thinking back on it, perhaps it hadn't been the most ideal method, but it had been the only one that had proved effective.

Pontifex had never meant to shun his sister, to push her aside and forget about her. He never had, truly he hadn't. It was just that he had never been able to figure a way out of the life his father had set up for him until the war had taken place and taken care of his father for him. The brute shook his head, dispelling his thoughts as he turned away from the sunset to glance back behind him, into the darkening forest. His relationship with Octavian was good; not much to fix there. But Loccian...He needed to rebuild, to strengthen it and show her that from now on he would always be there for her. Crown tilted towards the darkening heavens, a summoning howl errupting into the atmosphere as he called to his sister, wanting to spend some time with her. He allowed his call to travel up and over the treeline, to echo out into the landscape and hopefully reach the ears of his sister before he dropped his head to its former position, ending his song. Audits twtiched to and fro, searching for the sound that would tell him Loccian had heard his call.

What would they do? He frankly had no idea. It had been a good few years since he had truly spent some time along with his own sister and the concept felt foreign to him now. What did brothers and sisters do normally? He allowed his mind to return to the past, to the days of their puphood. He could remember them wandering off into the forests, pouncing after squirrels and grasshopers in mock hunts. A hunt. His thoughts returned to the present with the idea of a hunt. Did Loccian even know hot to hunt? He wasn't sure, given the devil of a woman she'd been taken in by had been nothing short of useless. A hunt was a good way to restart a relationship, wasn't it? It couldn't hurt. Haunches folded beneath the massive brute to kiss the damp earth as he waited for his sister to arrive, if she even decided to respond.



03-17-2013, 05:53 PM
It had been a few days since meeting Pontifex, but Loccian still had some conflicting emotions. She was confused and scared when he had appeared, confused that he had been looking for Octavian but scared because she didn't know at first why he had left their birthpack to look for Octavian. Mixed in there was also anger, angry that he neglected to visit her at all when they were younger but when he explained his past actions, those feelings slipped away. With each day she found herself pulling out of depression, becoming happier because the three were together and were working on mending their relationship. She felt loved in a way, for the first time since being disowned and abandoned by Octavian.

Paws kissed the ground, tail swaying behind her as she moved through the lands in thought. She wondered how things would turn out in the future, what would happen between the siblings? Would they become closer than they were before? Loccian shook the thoughts away, taking in a long deep breath. No, she would not think about it. She would let things happen, not rush anything between them. It was then that her ear swiveled to the side, a howl reaching her. "Pontifex?" She whispered, grey eyes focusing on the direction it came from. What did he want? Did he need to speak to her about finally speaking to gerhardt about joining or just have a talk? Whatever it was, she would go. With a deep breath she lifted her head to the sky and let loose a smooth, long, beautiful howl.

After her call she moved quickly, going at a full run to get there as soon as possible. Many things ran through her head, not focusing on any, just wanted to get to her brother. She ran and ran, nose taking in the trail pontifex had left moving through the lands. Closer and closer, stronger and stronger. Then finally she slowed down into a jog, then walk. Up ahead she could makeout the outline of his body against the sky. A small smile formed as she stood behind him, taking a step forward and clearing her throat. "You called?" She asked softly, walking over to stand beside him

Pontifex I


03-25-2013, 12:56 PM
Audits flickered to attention, catching the returning howl of his sister as she announced her arrival. His heart leapt in his chest at the thought of his sister coming ever closer to him and possibly spending the rest of the day with him. This would be the first time they spent time together since they had beens seperated as pups. A rustling from his right caught his attention, breaking his thoughts, his golden eyes flickering to the spot the noise originated from. Loccian's frame emerged from the brush, her grey eyes taking him in as she presented him with a small smile, asking if he'd called her. He nodded gently to her, his own small smile flashing in return. I did call you here sister. Since I plan on permanently residing in these lands, I thought it better that I start repairing my relationship with you at once. And I thought maybe we could start off with a hunt? I'm not sure if you know how, and I don't mean to put you down if you don't, it was just the first idea that came to mind when I thought about spending some time with you. You don't have to hunt with me if you don't want to, I won't force you, I just thought it would be nice to spend some time with my sister.

He took a deep breath, his golden eyes searching his sister's as he waited for her reply. Would she want to hunt with him or would the ghosts of their pasts hold her back?



03-28-2013, 09:18 AM

She stood there beside Pontifex, ears swiveling to the side but then forward as she turned to face him. Tilting her head to the side she listened to his words, he did call her. Well, that should have been obvious, there were no other wolves nearby so she should hav known it was him. Then again, she just wanted to double check, yes they might have met a few days ago but she was just confused as to why he had called her. But he soon explained why he called her, he was planning on staying in these lands permanently but before that he wanted to begin repairing their relationship, starting with a hunt.

Loccian moved her head back at first, surprised. He really did want to repair their relationship, it was odd to her but it made the shewolf happy. He really wanted to, he was going out of his way to call her and try to do some activity to bring them closer. She turned her head with a smile, how nice of him. The only think about that, she was never properly taught how to hunt. The oly reaosn she has survived on her own was by scavenging anything she ossibly could, some wolves were even kind enough to give her some of their kill, feeling bad for the small shewolf on her own. She was brought out of these thoughts as Pontifex's voice went on, so he knew she didn't know how to hunt? Well kind of. He went on, telling her she didn't have to if she wanted, which only caused her to shake her head.

"No no bother, your not forcing me. Did you force me to come here? No, I came because I wanted to." She spoke in a soft but good mooded tone, looking into golden orbs with her own storm grey ones. A paw lifted off the ground and lay on top of his, waiting a moment before speaking again. "It is a good way to spend time together, I was never properly shown how to hunt so... you could teach me how it's done. She added, pulling her paw away to push herself up and give a small shake. She was ready for this little hunting lesson, was actually looking forward to it.

My Speech!

Your Speech!