
Hell raiser


04-22-2013, 08:45 PM

?? Awaken stepped onto the fsrmiliar battlefeild. He had afew new tricks up his sleave and was itching to put them into motion. He exemined his feild, getting a look at what he had to work with. His emerald eyes locked onto a boulder, just about five yards away from the treeline and afew jagged rocks on the ground. His ears were perked forward as he examined his terain with more picky eyes, he picked out antpiles to avoid and certain nooks and crannies to avoid/use.

? ? His body was thin, but was now beginning to put on weight due to the fact he'd settled down in a pack and was on the move less. now its time to raise some hell! he tilted his head back and let out a howl, that echoed like the bellowing of a cello quartet. His voice low and smooth, yet an intimidating song of war.

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)


04-23-2013, 01:11 PM
She had only been here twice since the volcano, once when Sade had challenged her and once when she had called to Rook and they had sorted out their differences. It had been the last time she had fed this ground, allowed it to drink the delicious crimson liquid that was her blood and spilt that of her opponents. Today she was here once more to pay tribute to this land, to give a sacrifice. There was a reason behind her trip here today and there would be a reason by her trips that would follow. She wanted Kaios dead, but she was not yet used to fighting without her eyesight. She needed practice, she needed an opponent who would not hold back and she wanted Rook. But the female seemed to have disappeared at the same time that Zara had disappeared to come to terms with her fading sight. Not that one could tell, she still looked the same and her white eyes had yet to glass over with cataracts. Head would still turn when wolves spoke. So far only Newt had begun to notice, but they had been close once upon a time. Now she had Kaios.... The reason why she was here, the current bane of her existence.

Ear would twitch as a howl requesting a sparring partner echoed and slowly head would turn so she was facing the sound. Should she bother? She couldn't even see the male when she approached to see if he was worth her time. She found that small wolves were not worth it to her anymore, she needed someone closer to her size. But she would shrug easily, heavily scarred shoulders raising and then falling before paws began pulling her towards the sound. Despite her lack of eyesight she moved with an easy, high stepping confidence. Thought the high step was to avoid any tripping that might hint that she was in fact blind. Since she was young wolves had guessed she was blind due to her eye colour, she had once played that to her advantage in fights, now that she was blind or close to she took care not to let other see anything that might be considered a weakness.

She slowed as she approached, massive paws kicking bones and skulls from her path as she came to a halt a good 50 meters in front of him. Head was lowered protectively but frayed ears were tipped forward to show that he had her attention. Gaze would face him and head would tilt slightly. Despite her somewhat relaxed posture her balance would remain centred with one hind paw slightly back so she could leap if needed or brace if he attempted to charge. "You called me, you may begin" she said, voice a low rumble as she tipped her head in greeting. Ears would fold back against her skull to keep them protected and eyes would narrow as head lowered and neck scrunched. Tail would lower but broken bone wouldn't allow it to be properly protected.

Rounds: 0/5
Attacks: None
Defences: Balance centered, hind paw back to brace or leap. Head lowered and scrunched with ears back against her skull and eyes narrowed. Tail slightly tucked but bottom half sticking out due to the old break.
Injuries: None

-edited to add ooc stuff and rounds-


04-23-2013, 05:47 PM

Awaken nodded as his opponent stepped into veiw, noting how she walked with her feet up. He examined her closely, watching for manerisms, weaknesses or strengths to take out. He looked her in the eyes as she took a defense noticeing somthing off... Blindness? Oh well, if she wanted to fight may as well let her, but he would not go easy on her. He didnt know for a fact she was blind, but he took a guess at it.

Awaken dipped his head lightly, picking up a rock in his mouth the tossing it at her feet to the right then dashing for her left in an attempt to confuse her. However, he didnt go immediately for the left side as most would belive he would. He cut to the right and attacked to the right. His jaws intending to clamp onto the nape of her neck, right above her shoulders, and force her down. ?Awaken kept his head down and his shoulders infront of his vitals untill his attack were he tried to keep his body braced up and immoveable in case he didn't quite close the gap between teeth and wolf. He kept his rear behind him and hopefully out of reach on any attacks. ?

(Ooc: ?lets go for 5 rounds)
Attack:?Awaken dipped his head lightly, picking up a rock in his mouth the tossing it at her feet to the right then dashing for her left in an attempt to confuse her. However, he didnt go immediately for the left side as most would belive he would. He cut to the right and attacked to the right. His jaws intending to clamp onto the nape of her neck, right above her shoulders, and force her down. ?

Defense:Awaken kept his head down and his shoulders infront of his vitals untill his attack were he tried to keep his body braced up and immoveable in case he didn't quite close the gap between teeth and wolf. He kept his rear behind him and hopefully out of reach on any attacks.

Injuries: none so far

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)


04-23-2013, 07:47 PM
Muscles would tug up the edges of her marred face in a malicious smile as he dipped his head and she returned the motion. Her hearing and smell were her greatest asset here and she could here his more sudden movements from the way the wind would move around his body. Her mother had been blind for 5 years before her death and few would have ever guessed. Zara would make it just as hard for anyone to ever find out about her blindness. And if he took that as a disadvantage for her then she would take that to her advantage and rip him to pieces. She was far from new to fighting, it was just time to adapt her style to fit her new needs. It should be an easy warm up fight right? As long as he did some damage to her she would be happy, she wanted to bleed today, wanted to feed these lands. She had always been told that a place that had blood spilt on the land too much began to grow a taste for it. This place defiantly had a taste for it. She would do her best to help sate that thirst for another day and tomorrow, if her wounds from this would allow it, she would return to pay her dues once more. Blood blood blood, she needed to feel it on her pelt, she needed to taste it in her mouth. Newt had been spending far too much time with Kaios and it was beginning to show more and more as Zara's mind began to drift once again.

If he took the time to watch after he threw the rock before her he would see the smirk and look of utter mocking that would draw across her features. Really? A rock? She knew where he was from his breathing, from the accelerated sound of his heart, she knew he hadn't moved from the lack of paw falls on the hard ground. But soon enough he was moving and the massive female turned into the boulder she was designed like. Heavily muscled shoulders hunched and body would twist towards the right as soon as he fainted to that side. She hated when wolves didn't attack head on, made things more difficult... Not for her, his jaws would part and she would push the back of her shoulders and neck into him before he could close his jaws properly. She would push, bracing herself and binging her shoulder down to his level and twisting so he could only get a hold of the meaty part of her shoulder and back. Thick guard hairs would be pushed into his mouth, down his throat as she continued to push her weight against him, hoping that that mass amount of hair that cusioned her neck would eventually choke him and lead to him having to let go. But if not his angle gave him a slight grip and she could feel the sting of teeth but he could do little damage back there. Lowered head would twist, her maw turning towards his legs in an attempt to grab his forelimb and eventually crush the bone if at all possible.

Rounds: 1/5
Attacks: Lowered her right shoulder to meet the attack, leaning into it even as he opened his jaws. Attempting to force as much hair and fur and flesh into his mouth to make him gag. At the same time turning her maw to the right to snap at his foreleg, looking to get a hold on the bone above his paw (forget the name >.>)
Defences: Balance centred, leaning to the right but paws spread to brace against him and keep the pressure against his jaw. Head lowered and scrunched with ears back against her skull and eyes narrowed. Tail slightly tucked but bottom half sticking out due to the old break.
Injuries: Bite along her upper shoulder/neck currently minimal


04-23-2013, 08:03 PM

Awaken yanked his head sideways as he realized she was shoving her shoulder i to his mouth on purpose, he beared down harder as he yanked back in an attempt to tear flesh. He backed off her neck, to avoid being gagged by fur and hair going for her face that had twisted down for his leg, witch hed nicked against her exposed teeth as he yanked it backwards, ?he aimed to clamp his jaws over the top of her muzzle, it he managed to get at it he'd yank her head upward and shove her back into the big boulder behind the quareling pair. If he'd failed to grab just in the right place or miss all together he'd go immediately for her lower jaws.

Awaken stamped all four feet to the ground solidly grabbing at her jaws to deflect the attack to his leg, his head was lowered and his shoulderblades pinched in to protect the spine. ?He was determined not to let her grab sny little piece of him.

- he aimed to clamp his jaws over the top of her muzzle, it he managed to get at it he'd yank her head upward and shove her back into the big boulder behind the quareling pair. If he'd failed to grab just in the right place or miss all together he'd go immediately for her lower jaws.

-Awaken yanked his head sideways as he realized she was shoving her shoulder i to his mouth on purpose, he beared down harder as he yanked back in an attempt to tear flesh.

Defense:Awaken stamped all four feet to the ground solidly grabbing at her jaws to deflect the attack to his leg, his head was lowered and his shoulderblades pinched in to protect the spine. ?

Injuried: nick to his leg.

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)


04-24-2013, 12:03 PM
She felt pressure release as he drew back as she applied pressure to his bite, apparently he didn't like all the thick guard hairs getting forced down his throat. But he only released for a moment before trying to bare down again. No new pressure was added, the smaller male unable to force down on her enough unless he lifted off his forelegs and forced his whole weight upon her. But from where he was nothing changed. His head thrashed and she felt fur tear loose and some blood begin to trickle from her shoulder but his teeth were still int he same place and unable to get a complete hold on flesh through the mass of fur. But she felt that pressure release once more as he moved to intercept her strike. Her face darted down but she caught nothing more then a stray tooth on a bit of bone, not even drawing blood. His head would flash down and she would carry forwards, now twisted awkwardly. Even as he pulled his leg back her teeth continued to chase it. She felt his jaws close over the back of her neck but she paid it no mind, ignoring the sensation his him tugging to try and lift her head.

They were positioned oddly and she quickly worked to fix it, rump swinging around so they were facing each other head on and her butt was nicely back up against the boulder that she had apparently missed when she had walked in that had ended up on her left side. Paw slid backwards against it as used it to gather some momentum and push forward, still seeking a hold on a foreleg as her jaws lashed to the right, towards the leg he had no yanked backwards and that now carried the majority of his weight and balance. He had a grip on the back of her neck, closer to her shoulder then her skull and her head was stretched as far as possible forwards so it was almost directly under his chest.

Rounds: 2/5
Attacks: Kept pushing her head forward, low to the ground near his ankles, started by trying to keep the leg she had chased up and then swung her jaws to his other foreleg looking to grab that bone. Allowed him to grab to back of her neck.
Defenses: Swung her hips back behind her so she wasn't fighting sideways and regained her balance. Braced against the boulder behind her, head low to the ground, ears back, tail tucked and eyes narrowed.
Injuries: Missing fur and some minor cuts on her right shoulder. Currently some punctures on the back of her neck.

ooc: she wasn't near a boulder >.> but I'll go with it and she is taller then you and outweighs you... just saying, not gonna push her around easily


04-24-2013, 07:44 PM

Awaken followed her movement to stay on her side, keeping the bite on the back of her neck tight and bearing down harder and pushing down, Awaken growled bearing down once more then shakeing his head violently.he realized if he could stay to the side and keep were he was on the back of her neck, he had the advantage.

He planted his feet giving afew more violent shakes trying to tear into the muscles. His mind ran through more scenarios. If she moved, what if she pulled back. She was bigger than him but from this position it was a stalemate. One of them had to move and she was butt-to-rock... Awaken decided to push, keeping his side close to hers to keep her from grabbing at him with her head by holding her neck and shaking hard, bearing deeper with each shake on the grip he already had. He was working on pushing her up against the boulder.

Ooc: coulda swore i said in the starter there was a boulder but oh well.

round 3/5
Attack: keeping his grip on her neck and shaking violently to tear in deeper, along with trying to push her side into the rock.

Defense: keeping on her side and out of the way of her jaws, keeping her from turning around to him

Injuries: minor cut to his foreleg

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)


04-24-2013, 10:05 PM
Hot breath cascaded down her neck, making it feel even hotter as it mixed with the stream of blood that was slowly growing thicker. It matted her thick ruff and would poof in the brute's mouth. The punctures could have been deeper but the scar tissue on the back of her neck was tough and halted the progress more then a normal wolf's flesh would have. But still his teeth sunk deeper, his head thrashed and the punctures began to tear and bleed further. Not the most pleasant sensation but not unmanageable. He continued to try and force her down but she remained braced, forepaws spread to keep herself balanced and one hind paw centred with back to brace against the rock. He wouldn't be moving her any time soon, she would drop to the ground before he moved her. But it seemed he was not entirely quick enough, one leg was back out of her reach but jaws would fine purchase on the delicate bone that kept his ankle and knee attached. Vision seemed to turn red as she clamped down, the bone placed firmly between her molars and ready to break it if he carried on with this stupidity. He was pushing, trying to force her up but her shoulders drooped, in the end only allowing the male to pull at her scruff and nothing more. She applied pressure to his leg, a warning that she could and would break it if he didn't release her and back off right then and there.

Her grip was firm and she allowed her forelegs to slid apart further, dropping her weight more towards the ground so he had no chance of lifting her up or forcing her back. Hind leg still braced behind her allowed her to keep him from forcing her backwards. What it came down to, if he didn't release his grip then she wouldn't release hers and she could do far more long term damage to this male. Though a small voice in the back of her mind whispered to her, begging her to break this males bone just to show him who was boss, to make him remember her. She would be a name to be remembered.

Rounds: 3/5
Attacks: Finally grabbed a hold of his foreleg and grasped the bone not far about the ankle between her molars. Full intention to break it if he doesn't submit.
Defenses: Forelegs splayed to bring her weight further down and give her almost unshakable balance. Hind legs positioned so one carries more balance but the other is backed up against the boulder behind her to give her leverage.
Injuries: Missing fur and some minor cuts on her right shoulder. Deeper punctures and tears on the back of her neck, will bleed for a few days and have muscle soreness/ stiffens for a few weeks

ooc: yes, but it wasn't mentioned in mine, I never said she was beside a boulder, no worries but yeah I'm pretty sure it's considered powerplaying so just a heads up :) Also, since you didn't acknowledge Zara's attack I'm going to assume it landed


04-25-2013, 03:57 PM

Awaken growled as his leg was grabbed and squeezed... Dammit... Awaken looked around realizing the pros and cons of the situation he was in, cons out-weighing the pros. If he let go of the back of her neck, she had full control of his movement and balance, he was already teatering on his one front leg and held his hind legs farther apart to level his weight on his hips. She was too big to simply flip from this angle and his balance was wavering. if she wanted to fight dirty then by all mean its time to fight dirty.


?? Awaken ripped his jaws off her neck hard, shaking as he tore off her. He gave a soft yelp as his foot was nearly crushed in her grip, but this was about to become an advantage for Awaken. He planted his free paw down and moved his back paws forward, giving him leverage to rear up. He strained the muscles in the leg she had but it was worth it for what he had in store. He shoved the paw she had back past her cannine teeth and farther into her jaws, straining hard to push it back. Awaken even had to move his back paws farther apart to center the balance of his body, his tail moving parralell to his back. He used to muscles in his back to keep himself up, pushing against her and shoving his captured leg father back, like a bit in a horses mouth.

? He exposed his arsenal of deadly teeth, his emerald eyes fixed on hers. Pure rage flaming up from the pit in his heart, all of his hate directed at Zara. He fully extended the henges of his jaws at her face and pushed up with his foreleg that was in her mouth. His cannines were aimed to come down at his opponent's eyes, as his leg worked trying to push her head up into the danger of his teeth.

Attack: ?Shoving his foreleg back into her jaws like a bit on a horse and pushing up trying to tilt her head up into an attack to the eyes from his teeth.

Defenses: ?centering his balance over his hips to rear up and using his tail to help him keep steady, pushing up with his back rather than his knees.

Injuries: cuts and straining to his right forearm.

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)


04-26-2013, 07:38 PM
He didn't let go immediately, she wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. She wanted to believe that he wasn't stupid enough to carry on and risk the loss of his leg. She would crack it if needed, the muscles in her neck tensing in anticipation as she felt his grip tighten slightly. This was her version of a stalemate. If he had a grip on something she didn't want to loose she would let go in a second, without even thinking about it and submit. She had no desire to live out the rest of her life as a cripple and her pride wasn't too strong.

Se felt him pull now, ripping as her neck and ripping fur and flesh. Blood was spilled freely now. Jaws clamped down harder, putting enough pressure to break bone and shaking her head violently to tear flesh from that bone if it just so happened not to break. He moved his hind paws closer, she felt the skuffle as he attempted to balance but she didn't allow him to plant that paw on the ground. She pulled and tugged, looking to drag him around by that leg if possible, thrashing as though she was having a seizure but all the while applying pressure to his leg, hoping it would snap under the pressure or he would submit.

She already had a hold of his leg between her molars so his attempt to push back further into her mouth wouldn't work and she could continue shaking. Balance was thrown out the window. He he tried to push her over she would take his leg with him and death roll until it came off it needed. He didn't want to submit so she was going to keep on going. She felt his bot breath atop of face and as his jaws came down her whole body went sideways. She felt a lower tooth hook the flesh below her eye and tear but the sensation was cast aside.

All 170lbs of her cast to the side violently, all four paws propelling her off the ground and launching her weight sideways. Grip on his paw did not let up, she would talk him flying with her and probably break his leg in the process if it wasn't already or maybe he could get his paw out if he skinned it. She was NOT letting go of that paw without a fight.But no matter his decision she would land heavily on her side a few feet away, the bruising would be unpleasant and she would try and roll over and then regain her footing on the other side.

EDIT: Rounds: 4/5
Attacks: Shook her head violently and applied as much pressure as possible to the bone. Looking to rip flesh from his foreleg and hopefully break it. When he attacked she pushed off the ground and launched herself to her right, looking to take him flying with her.
Defenses: None really, started hopping and moving around while shaking her head so gave up balance. Doesn't really care.
Injuries: Missing fur and some minor cuts on her right shoulder. Deeper punctures and tears on the back of her neck, some chunks missing as well not and some new bald patches. Also torn flesh from underneath her eye to her lower cheek.


04-26-2013, 08:39 PM

?? ?Awaken yelped as he felt muscles in his leg spraining and twisting, his paws slid back against the dirt hard, time to fight even more dirty. Since hed already reared up and she lept to the side, he was jerked by that leg... Awaken thought for a moment, sacrifice some fur and get the leg back. He rocked his body with her shaking as closely as he could, wincing with each wrong twist she gave. His emerald eyes closeing shut as he jerked it out. Blood spilling from the open wound in his leg and onto the rocky ground.

??The adrenaline rush he had at the moment blinded his pain. ?This was supposed to be a fun spar but this wasnt turning out so well... Time to stop being gentle. He noticed a moment when her defenses where down while she was shaking in thr spilt seconds as he tore away from her and planted his back paws into the ground, rage engulfing him. Adrenaline made everything seem to go in slow motion as he pushed against the ground like a spring board. He was already on her side, for it was the easiest place to rip away without catching the backward curve of cannines. His tail held up and his body tensed up and ready to dash to the side if she somehow caught him before he struck. He knew this was a split second thing, and he knew how fast everything was actualy moving in this small moment of his mentality taking over.

The ebony brute launched a merciless attack to the fleshy area behind her ribs. Luckily this was such a big target on such a big wolf that afew inches forwards or backwards meant he could grab something important. His bloody Arsenal exposed and hungry to grab flesh. Since her defenses were down from all the shaking she had done, this would be Way harder to miss, had she planned on him sacrificing his leg, wich he never used in the attack (luckily for such a close range target he didnt need it at the moment), itd be easier to avoid or counter.

round 5/5

Attack:?The ebony brute launched a merciless attack to the fleshy area behind her ribs. Luckily this was such a big target on such a big wolf that afew inches forwards or backwards meant he could grab something important. His bloody Arsenal exposed and hungry to grab flesh

Defense: - Moving with the shaking to avoid the breaking of his leg, and sacrificeing his leg for an attack.

- ?His tail held up and his body tensed up and ready to dash to the side if she somehow caught him before he struck

?Injuries: loseing alot of skin on his forearm, straining and twisting his leg..

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)


04-28-2013, 01:36 PM
Rumble would grow from somewhere deep in her throat, a menacing sound as she continued to shake and tear at his leg, molars sliding along the bone of his leg slightly and ripping flesh from bone. There was no way he would be walking after this, not for a few days at least. God she probably wouldn't be moving right for almost a month, she'd have to collect some herbs and get Newt to patch her up. Her healing talents were limited to that of stopping bleeding and reducing pain but it seemed to be all she needed to do. She needed to stop getting bitten on her back and face, she couldn't treat herself in those areas and often had to ask for help to do as much. She had never been a fan of asking for help but she would ask Newt. it seemed that every time they met it was under less then ideal circumstances, Zara always seemed to be bleeding. This fight was almost worse then the one she had gone through with Rook, the back of her neck town and bleeding profusely, blood trickled from the gash on her face so it almost seemed that blood flowed from the corner of nearly sightless eyes.

He ripped his paw from her grasp and she was left flying through the air without the male following her. Teeth would snap at the air as soon as he was released, looking to regain that hold even as body landed heavily on her side, bouncing once even as she fought to flip herself over. But somehow that foreleg was still working and he came running at her, looking to attack her ribs. Hind legs would lash at his face as he attempted to bite at her. She felt a fang catch her lower stomach and slide up but only did a little damage before she finally flipped herself over, launching her weight to the left so she rolled over her back and scrambled up rather awkwardly. She would back up quickly, putting space between them. Her mind was already woozy from the blood loss but she would lower her head, neck scrunching so throat was protected, paws parting slightly to centre her balance. Tail looped awkwardly behind to to keep her balance while frayed ears pinned to her skull. Teeth snapped at him, almost inviting him to come closer and allow her to rip his leg from his shoulder.

EDIT: Rounds: 5/5
Attacks: Kicks at Awaken's face and hops away
Defenses: Once standing, centres her balance, keeps tail out for further balance, paws spread slightly to make her more solid. Ears pinned to her skull and head lowered with neck scrunched.
Injuries: Missing fur and some minor cuts on her right shoulder. Deeper punctures and tears on the back of her neck, some chunks missing as well not and some new bald patches. Also torn flesh from underneath her eye to her lower cheek and a gash on her lower stomach, near her hip.

ooc: didn't understand your last post to replied to the best of my ability, sorry if it wasn't quite accurate >.>

The Judge


05-13-2013, 07:09 PM
Because I loathe the long version of judging, I decided to do a hybrid version, a mix between the long and short. I hope this satisfies you both <3 Also.. sorry for the wait!

Challenger ? Awaken

Realism~ [3/5]
Quote:Notes ? Some of his attacks seemed a bit far-fetched, as well as his ease of movement and balance after suffering such an injury seemed a bit off.

Clarity~ [3/5]
Quote:Notes ? Grammar was the main problem you?re your clarity, but it wasn?t too bad.

Powerplaying~ [12/15]
Quote:Notes ? Only a few points lost here, overall you did alright in this category.

Attacks~ [13/20]
Quote:Notes ? Some of the attacks seemed anatomically difficult to accomplish, but overall they were unique and well thought out.

Defenses~ [13/20]
Quote:Notes ? Defenses weren?t handled as well as they could have been. Always pay attention to what your wolf?s paws, ears, head, tail, etc are doing.

Injuries~ [8/20]
Quote:Notes ? Awaken took quite an injury to his leg in this fight, as well as to a few other areas.

Total~ [52/85]
Quote:Notes -

Quote:Notes ? Round One

Picking up a rock and tossing it at her really isn?t something that is considered realistic. Though a wolf could do it, they probably wouldn?t. Also, you stated that he kept his head down while striking for the scruff of her neck, which also doesn?t make sense because he?d have to lift his head or keep it at a natural level to do such an attack. Always remember body positioning. Also, never ever use the word ?immoveable?, as any wolf can be knocked off balance if the other tries hard enough. Saying ?immoveable? is considered powerplaying.

Round Two -

You had a few run-ons and grammatical situations in this round, but overall it was decent.

Round Three -

Watch your grammar, tenses, and run-ons. You also didn?t mention her attack on his other leg which means it?s an automatic hit.

Round Four -

Nothing but a few grammatical things here. Good work.

Round Five -

Not too bad here.

Overall -

Good fight. I think that a bit of it was unrealistic due to the injuries he took, but overall it was well done. Watch your grammar and sentence structure, as it often made things difficult to read or understand the first time around.

Challengee ? Zara

Realism~ [4/5]
Quote:Notes ? There weren?t many problems with realism here.

Clarity~ [4/5]
Quote:Notes ? Clarity was good, only a couple of minor issues.

Powerplaying~ [8/15]
Quote:Notes ? This one hit you harder than the others due to your wording.

Attacks~ [18/20]
Quote:Notes ? Attacks were limited in their scope, but extremely well executed.

Defenses~ [16/20]
Quote:Notes ? Defenses were well seen to except in a few places.

Injuries~ [10/20]
Quote:Notes ? Zara suffered some serious injuries as well in this fight.

Total~ [60/85]
Quote:Notes -

Quote:Notes ? Round One

?Before he could close his jaws properly? is powerplaying, because you?re saying that he can?t possibly counter your attack. Watch your wording very closely.

Round Two -

?the smaller male was unable to force down on her enough? again, I think I know what you were trying to say here, but your wording suggests powerplaying.

Round Three -

Well written, and there weren?t any powerplaying issues here.

Round Four -

?She didn?t allow him to plant that paw on the ground? watch your wording here.

Round Five -

Not too bad.

Overall -

Overall your writing was good. You really need to watch your word choice and phrasing. Sometimes I don?t think you meant it to be powerplaying, but it came off that way due to the order you stated things. Overall, very good fight.

Quote:Winner ? Zara

Awaken must either flee, pass out, or submit.


05-18-2013, 11:13 AM

Awaken snorted out his nose in exasution. He stoped all atacks cold, avoiding any pressure on his wounded leg. "i belive you take the victory this time." she panted. His energy spent. " perhaps we can fight again another time?" he grinned over his shoulder as he left the victor on the battlefield.?

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)