
New Life [joining]


03-15-2013, 06:20 AM

An earth and sand colored tone walked quietly to the perimeter of Glaciem. A creature a beauty but did not appear as strength. The breeze sprung through his strings of fur, the sun made just a slight light shine across his body, making him stunning. A rather large canine he was, standing at 34 inches and 125 pounds of weight. He looked as an average wolf, his strength was hidden under his fur. This brute was called Genesis, at least his parents called him by it. The male had no friends, his family was now gone. He was left alone to suffer in this world today. His attitude was brutal, but it could have been nice. Genesis approached Glaciem's borders, dropping his nose down to the ground. The smell of spring was on the air, but the canine was looking for a resident of the pack, but he was wasting his time. So he lifted up his maw and let out a howl asking for the existence of anyone else out there.




03-15-2013, 07:09 AM
[ooc: This post has no relevance to his fight with Banshee in the battlefield.]

The smell of spring tainted the air of Glaciem. Cifer knew better than to expect much. Even when the new life of spring spread its winds across the land the coldest regions would still suffer from snow. Glaciem was a northern pack and would remain as such. New life would still be born but only the strongest would survive. It was survival of the fittest. Anything weaker would go to the wolves. Literally.

The snowy owl circled above hi. An ear would flick towards the creature as Shificora would click his beak if he saw a rabbit or anything of interest. The click changed though as the green-eyed owl saw a different species. He knew that one particular click well. It meant he saw a wolf at the borders. A howl soon followed and black tipped ears pricked forward and his walk changed to a gallop as he raced through the snow.

Emerald eyes studied the wolf. He was a good two inches shorter than himself and roughly the same size as far as weight went. His pelt was much different than Cifer's ivory, black, and green pelt. His was made up of sandy and earthen hues. Nothing impressive, he carried himself well, but he wasn't unimpressive either. He just had yet to be judged.

"State your business with Glaciem.",

The tone was stoic and devoid of any emotion save for seriousness. Shifi screeched before coming to land on Cifer's back. Talons threatened to break his skin but never did so. He was used to the familiar prick of his claws.



03-15-2013, 11:08 AM

A form of white floated in the air, Genesis' eye caught it immediately. The figure almost blended with the sky, it was hard to tell what type of creature it was, but Genesis did nothing but shoot the bird a glance with his pupils. Soon enough the figure of a wolf was close behind this flying creature. But this was no ordinary canine. Markings like triangular tears struck down his face with brief color discoloration. The color of luscious spring grass ran down his eyes as if the color washed out on his face. A black spot laid on his chest, along with the very tip of his ears. Though this wolf looked much different than Genesis, their body structures were very alike. The flying figure in the sky came down and revealed itself as an owl. The owl flew down and landed on this other brute. Must be painful... but Genesis had to answer the member, for it would supply his fate.

"I come and hope to be part of this Glaciem family. I can supply a deal of protection when there is a need."

Genesis stood arrogantly to the male, but he didn't want to have the brute thinking genesis was 'over' him. Genesis was proud of himself, his accomplishments, and even his failures. But something he wished to be proud of an accomplish but did not have was a family.


Gargoyle I


03-23-2013, 11:48 AM


"Well that's generous of you," came a distinct though emotionless rumble. From over the white hills came a dark form of mottled grey-black hues. The slight distance, at first, masked the size of the figure. But as the Alpha of Glaciem continued striding forward, the immensities of his bearing was made plain. Cifer, his Lead Warrior stood 36 inches - as large as most any wolf could hope to grow. But Gargoyle stood a whole head above him. 41 inches, backed by massive shoulders, a broad chest and piercing yellow eyes was enough to unnerve a lot of wolves. But Gargoyle didn't make it his business to do so. He wasn't here to be intimidating - Cifer could handle than on his own if he wished. Gargoyle was here because there was a possibility of him gaining a new family member.

As he looked the blue eyed male over, Gargoyle continued his words where he'd left off. "However, 'protection' when there is a 'need', is merely the tip of the iceberg where a pack wolf's duties are concerned. In Glaciem we place a high value on the strength of the individual, but a greater value on the strength of our pack as a whole; We treat each other as friends, we sleep all in the same cave, we share duties. We are bound together as much as if we were family - which many of us are." Here Gargoyle glanced at the green eyed warrior beside him. Though he could only guess at the extent, Gargoyle knew something was going on between his sister and the Lead Warrior. To be honest it was a turn which pleased him very much, but he wouldn't be saying a word about it until Cifer saw fit to speak with him on the matter.

For now that was a closed book. The matter at hand was this stranger. "In Glaciem, daily life is filled with it's share of challenges, and as a pack we've come through apocalypses. Please, tell us about yourself, stranger, and tell us why you think you'd be able to keep up."

[Image: gargie_header_base_by_kidrylm_writer-d5yze1o.png]



03-23-2013, 12:31 PM

There was silence for a time as each wolf sized up the other. The silence didn't last long enough to make a difference or make it awkward before his demand was answered. It hadn't quite been the answer he was expecting though. It was hardly anything to give him a reason to allow the other male in to the pack. Just because they thought they could protect the pack didn't mean anything. Words were only words and actions spoke far louder.

Cifer opened his mouth to speak, but between Shifi's talons digging into his shoulder and the sound of another approaching, it had him whipping his head to the side to see the Alpha approaching. An ear flicked backwards to acknowledge and thank the owl for the warning before giving his full attention to Gargoyle.

Crusade had spoken highly of her brother. He had known the kids when he was younger, but a few years had past. This certainly wasn't the same pup who'd been so ready to take on all of Valhalla when they came to Glaciem's borders so long ago.

The larger male began to speak and the Lead Brave sat back just to listen. Ebony paws moved together as his haunches came to the ground and his black tipped tail flicked lazily out behind him as he listened. Most other wolves had a way with words that Cifer didn't, so he was content to just let the Chief speak until he was needed.



03-25-2013, 01:30 PM

A multi-colored wolf approached the two in the distance. His eyes were almost golden, his fur was a mix of blacks and grays and tans. Even though the green eyed wolf was 2 inches taller than Genesis, this brute was 5 inches taller than the green eyed male, empowering both of them. "Alpha I assume?" Genesis dipped his head letting his ears fold back. His eyes closed but opened again before talking. "Well sir, I make a great deal about having a family." And this was true about the strong male. All his life he wished to have pups to carry on his legacy, if he even had one. "But I can make every one of you part of me rather you be blood or not, and I will protect each with my life." The dark icy eyes connected with Gargoyle's bright yellow eyes as if to say 'and if I don't take my life.' "And of course I can do anything else you please." Genesis looked over at the emerald wolf, to see if he had any reaction as well. But he looked back at Gargoyle to see what he had to say.


Gargoyle I


03-30-2013, 08:13 PM


Gargoyle gestured with a nod that the stranger's first assumption was correct, but then settled in to hear out the rest of his words. Though he wasn't loose with them by any means, each seemed to be proper and reassuring. Nothing especially stood out, but he made it clear he cared about family - the ideal which Glaciem was founded upon. He presented himself as willing and respectful too - confident in his abilities, but not taking it to the point of cockiness. At least not with the Alpha about.

Gargoyle nodded thoughtfully. His features never shifted, but his eyes, as always, flickered with cold thought. "A worthy reply." Gargoyle rumbled after a moment. He didn't banter about the bush or sugar coat his words. The Chief adressed the male as he would any of his soldiers. "Now one more question: You carry yourself as one who can hold his own. I ask you honestly - what are your abilities? " Could he fight? Did he have experience? Was he a large game or small game hunter? Gargoyle was curious but he didn't waste time on details that he would most certainly find out anyway. Sometimes the way an answer is put tells far more than the answer itself.

As it was, the blue eyed male had not a strike against him. Gargoyle was already beginning to consider whether he'd be classified as a warrior or hunter. But as he thought he glanced Cifer's way - asking clearly: "What do you think of him?"


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


03-31-2013, 09:01 PM
Genesis looked at the brute with interest. He watched as his eyes looked toward the emerald eyed male, then he responded. "Well air, to save you a long sob story of my life, I have been able to kill wolves above my ability."He shot a look own at the ground narrowing his eyes, "Well... Back then anyway. And I've survived on my own since I was about one and half, you can judge that on my body type." Genesis wasn't bragging or trying to say how mug muscle or weight he had put on, he simply just told the alpha to judge his appeared and get a say in that. So he stood there looking softly at the molted fur of the alpha with his deep blue eyes.

Gargoyle I


04-01-2013, 01:08 PM


Gargoyle didn?t have to spread his legs and hitch up his tail to demand respect or threaten others, his dominance shown through in the way he held himself. In the way he matched gazes with any who spoke to him. And yet for that ? the form and the size and the cold gaze ? he wasn?t making any attempt at being formidable. He was happy to take another soul into his family, but only so long as they knew what they were in for.

And in this case, elaboration didn?t seem to necessary.

?A past worthy of forgetting is something I can appreciate,? Gargoyle rumbled quietly, and never in this conversation had his words rang with more sincerity. However, his eyes remained as stony as ever. The stranger wasn?t giving him a whole lot to go on, but frankly, Glaciem needed more warriors. And some wolves just weren?t really talkers.

Gargoyle would let him in, but a wolf could pet carp bones to caribou steaks, he was going to be keeping an eye on him ? as he did all his new members.

The brute wolf sniffed and collected his paws. The stranger had asked for judgement and he now would pass it. ?This wolf here-,? he said gesturing with a flick of his tattered ear. ?-Is Cifer, one of the founding Glaciem members and, at the moment, second only to myself in the rankings. He is my Lead Warrior, and, as I am placing you among the warriors, you will answer to him as often as you answer to me.? And who was he? ?My name is Gargoyle, and my title is Chief; you may address me by either.? With the formal introduction, came a formal nod of the head. And yet those yellow repitilian eyes never left the form of the newcomer. ?And what, may I inquire, is the name of my new packmate??


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


04-03-2013, 08:42 AM

The boy was finally a member of the pack. His home was now Glaciem and he would continue to call it that. The alpha had liked him, and hopefully the lead warrior liked him joining. "Genesis." The male gave a small smile to the chief, "Glad to be be part of the Glaciem family." he turned his yea an looked at the green eyed brute and with a nod he said "Pleasure Cifer." His attention was back on the alpha with his icy eyes."So chief, can I ask what my duties are to serve this pack."


Gargoyle I


04-06-2013, 10:13 AM


Gargoyle seemed pleased enough with the proceedings. Now once more on his tawny paws, he gestured with a foreleg towards the heart of his home. Now that 'Genesis' was a packmate, these became matters they could discuss as they walked into the terra.

"Specific duties," Gargoyle said as he lead the way, "will sometimes come from myself, and sometimes from Cifer, but of course, we are as much a family group as we are an army - if your help is requested by another packmate, if more or less expected of you to aid them. As for general duties, they'll include everything from border patrols to clearing snow away from the pack's cave densite, from training on the lake shores, to going on bear hunts."

The massive wolf glanced over his high arching shoulder to shoot a gold glance back. "But before you get too excited, I should warn you that the first few weeks will be the more simple tasks - letting you get the lay of the land and getting a feel for how well you fight. I'll be personally hosting a training session soon-" the Chief added with a glance in Cifer's direction. He'd been meaning to bring this up with the Lead Warrior for some time. "- and I'll expect to see you there. Until then, you've free rein about Glaciem, but there'll always be someone within ear shot should you need directions or advice or just someone to talk to. Socialization, I'm afraid, it also one of your duties. Get to know your new family," the wolf said in half invitiation, half order. " You may find it worth your while."



~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~



04-06-2013, 10:32 PM

Cifer sat back and listened. He was content to be the silent one and let Gargoyle do all the talking. It gave him time to sit back and evaluate the man's words as he spoke. They seemed genuine enough and though his answers weren't exactly all that to the point or anything he himself would say, it was definitely acceptable. Sometimes it was a bit hard to not judge a wolf too harshly. Not all were all that great with intelligence and words. This man at least seemed to know what family was.

Gargoyle did the honor of introducing him and Cifer nodded his thanks before turning to the brute and replying with his own words.


His words were short and too the point before Gargoyle bean to speak once more explaining whatever questions the boy asked. An ear flicked towards the Chief and the other black tipped ears was trained on the land around them keeping vigilant watch. His gaze remained on Genesis until Gargoyle had said his piece. He glanced at the larger brute as he began to leave before looking back towards the brown male.

"I suggest you meet Asheni, Crusade, Keki, Maka, and perhaps Arcane. There are many others, but those are the main family members of Gargoyle. Asheni is also the Lead Healer. I'll be keeping an eye and ear out if you need me. I'll be assessing how you do."

With that the oddly colored brute picked himself up and then began to continue his rounds.

-Exit, Cifer-

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


04-09-2013, 03:19 PM
(just to get this over with it's a short reply. Thanks guys ;) )

Genesis looked over at the two wolves that walked away as he was accepted into their family. Genesis hoped to have a great life here in Glaciem, and he hoped to someday have his own pups. but these two males did not know about the chaos he could cause, and hopefully he would never let go of himself and hurt innocents. He wanted to remain loyal to this pack, and hopefully he would. He followed Gargoyle and Cifer to his next destination past the borders.

--:Exit Genesis:--