
Carry Me, Carry Me, Carry Me Now



03-12-2013, 08:26 AM
This is meant to be a short little ordeal. You should only have to do two posts per character in this thread, unless you need to stay for more, so that we can get your rank situated. Everyone must attend or you will be discharged from Valhalla.

Reclining to his haunches the lord would raise his head to the heavens, his call lingering for them all to hear. It was not long proceeding that the dual colored male would explain the reasoning for his summons, "I need to figure out what ranks you all possess and wish to work within'. It is time for Valhalla to re-build, and I must know what ranks we lack,". It would be a simple conversation, one centered solely upon a bit of information, and if anyone had questions or concerns they would be able to bring them up and have a quick discussion. Swallowing back a bit the male waited in quiet contempt for them all to show.

In conclusion he needed to let them know that he would be departing if only for a few days. Glaciem, it was time they got a visit, and on the way back he would stop at the 'Kingdom of Seracia', for the man had heard some rather interesting things from Syrinx. He wanted to see what the deal was from there.

Leon I


11 Years
03-12-2013, 09:45 AM

He had been late for the last one, and would not be late for this one. Leon Adravendi's ears perked almost immediately as Collision's song rang out loud and clear. By a happy circumstance he was not altogether that far away from the alpha, and was able to respond with haste. A chipper bouncing trot was taken up as the man escorted himself to Collision's location, surprised to see that he was the first to arrive. With a gentle nod to his older cousin, Leon settled onto his haunches a few yards in front of him. Tail swept lightly across the terrain as Collision went on to explain the reasons for this meeting. Rebuilding was in order, perhaps this was Leon's chance. He had been meaning to call attention to the vacancy in the lead warrior position. Leon knew now that his younger cousin, Epiphron, meant to train for that slot, but who was there to train her if there wasn't an already existing lead warrior?

He moved to volunteer his services for the position. He had held the status of warrior ever since coming back to Valhalla, and had always dreamed of leading the warriors, overseeing training regimens, and feeling altogether like he had a purpose here. Valhalla might not go into wars all too often, but they needed to be ready should one arise. However, it wasn't like the Adravendi male to stick his nose out and ask for the position, although he would mention it's vacancy. I know not all of the holes in our ranks, but one in particular that i am aware of is our current lack of a Lead Warrior. It would be all he would say, for now.




03-12-2013, 12:54 PM
Red and white ears perked at the sound of the female's eldest brother calling. Collision? What could he want this time? Chrysanthe padded toward the alpha, her curiosity piqued as she listened to his summons. Apparently he wanted to know who was to hold what rank. Strange though - wasn't he the one that gave out ranks at the meeting? Although, she supposed this would be for those that weren't officially ranked just yet - and not just the higher positions needed to be filled for the pack to run smoothly.

She smiled at Leon, before plopping down near Collision's left - leaving his right for his wife and room for Syrinx to sit between them. "I wish to hold onto my duties as beta." She hadn't gotten to train with Aislyn just yet, but she figured the woman had enough to worry about. She would find her when she wanted to take a day to be a mentor. As for Chrys herself, she was still trying to completely understand the responsibilities and limitations that being beta held. It would take time and effort, but she was hard pressed to become the perfect lupine for the job. She had gotten a bit of practice in fighting now at least - so the first time she had to put herself out there for whatever reason, she wouldn't be winging it.


03-12-2013, 02:27 PM

It would have been the perfect opportunity to step up and claim the rank for himself. The perfect chance to hold what he had so desperately wanted. Lead warrior. But no. t'd be to easy. Too easy to simply stand up and say 'I'll take it.' after Leon had simply mentioned it. Too damn easy. Instead he bit his tongue like he always did and said nothing, silently, secretly hoping his brother had seen his potential in the past few days and would appoint him as such without the need for interference.

Words words words

This is speech


03-12-2013, 02:31 PM

His brother's silence made him nervous. Why didn't he say anything? Didn't he want to be lead warrior? He knew he couldn't ask for such a rank. Not when he had yet to win any battles or fight in any wars. The sleet gray adolescent walked toward his brother and sat before him with a small bow. "Leader, I humbly request a position as a healer, and request that Neo be appointed a warrior." He said calmly. ears back and tail tucked to show his submissive nature, only once daring to look into his older brother's eyes.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-12-2013, 04:19 PM
The restlessness. The fever. She knew what it was, now, having been told by Nova and Cairo, but she still could hardly believe it was true. After so long, how could she be in heat? The time hadn?t been completely ripe at the time of the hunting for her to be fully ready, fully ripe, so she was without release from this damned turmoil. Sleep came fitfully, dreams and nightmares walked often, but always waking her, either in tears, fear, anguish, or a mixture of all three.

Had her mother gone through this as well? Yes, but not like this. Her mother had described heat cycles as she herself had experienced them. She could never have prepared her daughter for what would overtake her body.

The call came on the wing, and she shot to her paws, the restlessness driving her toward the summons at a dead gallop. She came into the meeting in time to catch the gist of what was needed. ?You have let me keep my rank as the Lead Healer, Collision. I wish to keep it still.? Her voice was husky, tired and heat laden. Her words spoken, she stepped to the back and sat, watching the rest of the pack filter in. Nova. Where was Nova? She looked around wildly, fur prickling. Was he serious, when he?d said those words? He liked her? Was it just because of her heat scent? Or? Stop dreaming.


03-12-2013, 04:36 PM
Thump thump, thump thump. He counted his heartbeats as he ran towards the rallying call. He'd heard it once before a time ago before he decided to take a break from it all. He was definitely ready for this commitment. Now that he had plans of his own. To actually build a life like he should have done. As if he hadn't been taken when he was just a scruff of innocent fur, not even having been completely weened. Thump, thump.

That smell again, Thump-thump-thump-thump. He lost count of his circulatory pulses as the aroma slapped him across the face. He noted it was headed int the same direction as the call had occurred from. He saw them,a handful of wolves so far, none he recognized aside from one. His mind was in a flurry of hopes and dreams as he slowed his pace, and his heart rate.

He looked at Collision, having taken his usual stance of capitulation. He heard the words clearly, but had no idea what he wanted. He knew what he was good at, fighting, and hunting. His mind could not make a choice after a seemingly long thought, as his mind kept flickering to other, less admissible to the current conversation. "I would... Yield my skills in either hunting, or being a warrior. For they are all I know, having lived the life I did." He spoke, after everyone had put in their piece. He would not attempt for a lead position in anything, regardless of his ability.

He looked around again, finding the wolf he had become so fond of and settled by her, then gave her a small smile of amiability, though he wasn't very good at smiling just yet.

Aislyn I


Extra large
03-12-2013, 06:36 PM
The ivory dame had heard the mans call. She lifted her body from the earth, tummy slightly plumping more and more as each day went by. Cairo and Friction had been her Casanovas for more than a few weeks, and one of them, maybe both, had done the trick. Her back and other parts ached from the constant intercourse, but it was all worth it. She was pregnant, and if things worked out she would have a litter. She hadn't gained much weight so she guess the litter would be fairly small. She followed the lingering sound as it rang out across the lands of Valhalla. He was calling everyone forth to give out ranks. She was still lead beta, but her time was coming to an end. She was six years old and pregnant. Once she had trained Cairo's daughter she would step down, giving her the full rank. The lady was aging, but she hadn't fallen yet. She still had a year or two under her belt, then she could fully step down. When she had arrived on the scene a few wolves were gathered around Collision. She slithered past them, aiming to reach the front of the crowd. When the large man was only feet away she stopped, icy gaze looking to meet his own. "As far as I know I am still lead beta. I'm aging quickly, and on top of that i'm expecting a litter next season. I wish to keep my rank for at least a year or two longer, then I will step down. Chrysanthe will be an excellent beta after I have shown her the ropes" Before he could reply she stepped back, allowing others to speak.



03-12-2013, 07:10 PM
The call had come. Cormalin and Obsidian had been lounging, in his case, and grazing on new shoots in the case of the horse. He had grudgingly relaxed under her constant overtures of friendship, and the grudging relaxation had eventually turned to genuine affection. Her perky, optimistic nature, and fiery spirit were hard not to like. If only she had been born a wolf. Or even a dog. She would have been a wonderful mate. She reminded him a great deal of his late mate, Akana.

There was one problem, however? How would a horse fit into the ranks and life of a wolf pack? He stood and wandered over, but she was already trotting toward the call. He followed with a sigh. He was about to find out what rank a wolf would give a horse.

He stepped into the gathering, just as an overpowering smell of female need swept over his nose. Was that Erani? He spotted her, heard her call out that she wished to keep her rank as Lead Healer. She looked? Tired. Restless, unsettled. Grumpy. That wasn?t an emotion he usually saw on her. Then again, he?d come to understand that she had not come into heat once in all the time Valhalla had known her. Was this as much of a surprise to the others as it was so obviously to her?

He was pleased, however, when a truly massive male, black as himself, though sporting eyes both a deep, rich gold, went to sit beside her, and when Cormalin saw the beginnings of a snarl fade instantly into a shy smile to the massive one, his hopes for her rose. The male was handsome, didn?t crowd her despite her obvious heat, and yet seemed to like her a great deal. This brought a glad smile to his muzzle.

He turned his attention to Collision, and lifted his voice. ?I would add my training as a Warrior to your ranks. To protect and cherish, even if it means giving my life.? Steadfast, gentle, honorable. Then he glanced up at Obsidian.

What would become of his friend?



13+ Years
Extra large
03-12-2013, 08:10 PM
A howl raised the forelock draped face of the black mare. A call? A summons? A chance to meet more of Valhalla. Blue eyes looked over to Cormalin. He too had heard the call, but he took a moment to pull from what must have been a very deep thought session. He?d helped her in so many ways. Defended her when others wished to eat her. Imagine that, someone wanted to eat her for lunch. It didn?t bother her much. After all, she did know that horses, the wild ones, were one of the prey species, and wolves a natural predator to them.

However, she was different. She had been born in a safe, cozy box stall, to a pedigreed Morab mare, sired by one of the finest Friesian stallions in the domestic community of horses. Dogs as large as some wolves had run about the farm all the time. In fact, she had taken up a game with the head dog, Major, when she was turned out to graze. Chase and tag. The two had been almost inseparable. Until that night. She flicked an ear and pirouetted on her hocks, and began trotting off to follow the summons.

?Come on, Corrie.? Her pet name for the black wolf with the star that so resembled her own white star marking had at first seemed to annoy him, but now, he seemed to like it. She was glad. And also glad he?d taken the time to pull the long thorny blackberry vines out of her tail. He?d done it when swatting at spring flies had earned her several painful welts, and nearly slashed him upside the head.

She glanced over her shoulder to check if he was following; he was. At last, they came into the meeting, along with other wolves. Collision was standing there, giving out his words. ?Corrie? spoke out, with the wish to be a warrior. Wasn?t he already a warrior? He?d said so himself. She looked back down at him, just as he looked up. Why did he look so worried?

Obsidian lifted her head, and wondered what she could do to add to the Pack. Though feisty, she probably wasn?t the best candidate for a warrior, though both Major and Corrie had nipped a few fighting lessons into her. The brusque Malamute had been teaching her, in case stray dogs ever came onto the property while he was absent and went for her. Kick and dance for all she was worth, and do the unexpected biting and trampling.

Corrie had added his knowledge, and tried to twist it to some manner that a horse could put to use. However, he was at a loss at times. He?d even tried to get her to seek out a herd of her own kind, and see how they fought. All for her own protection.

Healer sounded pretty good. Maybe she could try that? What other ranks were there? A nudge from Cormalin. ?Just choose Warrior? His voice was low, and she nodded.

?I would like to stand as Warrior. I would be an advantage in the fact that no enemy wolf is going to expect a horse to come after them.? Her fluting voice called out, and she fell silent as soon as she had finished speaking. For some reason? She felt like they would start laughing at her at any moment.


03-12-2013, 09:44 PM
A howl drifted to white audits, singing to her. The call of the Alpha. Rising to her paws, the pearly dame carried herself to him. Slowly she was regaining her elegance, holding herself up as she once did. The closer she got, the more apparent it was that there were already wolves present. A few where familiar, but many where not. She had been called to see what her rank was. As far as she knew, she didn't have a rank, she wasn't sure where she belonged within the pack.

Dipping her head in respective greeting, bi-colored eyes gazed up the Alpha, "I will take whatever rank needs to be filled." she certainly didn't have the build or personality of a fighter, but at the moment she just wanted something to do. She was willing to learn, to help others. Drifting away to take her seat, she left her fate in the hands of the the Valhallan Alpha.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-12-2013, 10:51 PM
Her heart leapt as the gigantic black form entered the meeting. His hesitant rumble of a voice rose above the milling voices. She wondered at his lack of clear choice. But Collision had been well trained by Cairo. He would choose something to suit the giant. She had a good feeling that it was likely going to be a Warrior.

Preston?s choice of being a healer pleased her. It meant she would have someone to train, as Epiphron seemed to be leaning toward taking the path of a Warrior. Chrysanthe. She was promising. She would stay on as Beta, though Erani had noted the lack of attention to mentoring that the senior Beta, Aislyn was showing. It made her lip curl. But that expression dropped as Nova made his way to her side, and offered a friendly smile. Just that smile made her relax a little. Too bad the fire in her body wouldn?t die as well.

She started to lean toward him, then paused, feeling unnaturally shy. ?I?m glad to see you made it.? Very glad. And euphoric that he had come to sit beside her. With a mental step to the side, she forced herself to stay calm. Damned Heat.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-13-2013, 12:24 PM

Collision never had to call more than once. As the female's ears perked attentively, her feet gaining speed to carry her in the direction of the pack meeting, she found herself beyond grateful that the meeting hadn't be called the day before, when she'd been secretly meeting Maverick so many miles from the pack borders. She'd been attentive to the male's foreign scent lingering on the coat, and had bathed herself well more than once since their meeting. There were far more things for her family to worry about than why she'd been meeting a Seracia wolf.

The princess approached, a new-found bounce in her step. Still Epiphron was composed, wearing a simple but polite smile proudly on her lips. She wasn't exactly early to the meeting, but not late either; she got the gist of what Collision had called them together for from the responses of the others.

Without hesitation the female found a seat near Preston, unwilling to let the male feel as though he was any less of a brother to her -- who knew what nonsense Neo would spill to him. She briefly pressed her nose into the male's next, greeting him with a silent yet affectionate gesture. She ignored Neo, who was sitting on Preston's other side; even feigning kindness towards him would get her nowhere, she was sure of it.

Leon spoke first, implying that he desired the role of lead warrior. Their previous conversation came to mind, and she found her sparkling sapphire gaze resting on him momentarily. Almost immediately she spoke up. "I've decided to train for Lead Warrior," her voice was sweet and thoroughly brimming with confidence in her decision. Her training would take some time, but she wondered what would happen when she was ready to fulfill the role. If Leon stepped up as Lead, would she end up needing to challenge him someday, or would he simply step down and let her take the rank?

Either way, it didn't matter now. But the prospect of being trained by Leon as a Warrior made her smile widen without hesitation. Not only would she be training with a fellow Adravendi -- if things went as she hoped -- but with her cousin, no less. She couldn't ask for a better mentor. Briefly she glanced at Erani, hoping the female would not be disappointed in her decision. The female was still one of her closest friends, practically a mother to her, and this would change nothing.


03-13-2013, 03:43 PM

Gael played merrily. Carefree, the world had not yet touched his young, impressionable mind. He was pure yet, unharmed and joyful. As the young one leaped around; his feet dancing on the earth, he heard a call. It was a long howl, summoning the older members of the pack. It was a grown up meeting. Curious, Gael followed the sound; It was his father Collision calling. Over hill and rock he went; bone and stone. This was an adventure. Normally Gael was shy, sweet and behaved. But today, he had a naughty streak. Wandering on his own; leaving him mother and siblings behind, Gael thought himself brave, that or very foolish.

The closer the pup came to the clearing, the more voices he heard. As he approached the others, silently he sat in the sidelines, watching what was going on. Collision spoke, speaking of ranks and pack things Gael?s mind didn?t yet understand. The others, turn by turn, spoke their piece. Stating facts; saying what not. Fascinated, Gael stared in wonder. Surely this was important, he wish he only knew what was going on! His azure eyes stared on; wondering and thinking

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03-13-2013, 04:42 PM
Of course she would. OF COURSE SHE WOULD. Why wouldn't she? She was so fucking great, so fucking perfect, of course she would train to be lead warrior. It was probably just to spite him, probably just to rub it in his face like the smug little bitch she was! His rage bubbled and boiled inside of him, threatening to come out in a lunge for her throat or a ripping snarl. But no. He wouldn't give her that satisfaction. His teeth dug into his cheeks with bitter resentment. She could have picked anything, why wouldn't she pick the exact rank he wanted unless it was to ruffle his fur. God. He needed to run. He needed to get away from there. Away from his family. Away from Valhalla. Just to get away. But he couldn't. Not yet. Not until he was dismissed.

Words words words

This is speech


03-13-2013, 04:58 PM

He smiled shyly at hs would be mother, Erani. Working under her would be blissful. She was the whole reason he had chosen his rank. While the others were off play fighting and sparing he was always beside her, asking her about the herbs she gathered and what they could be used to mend. It would be a life of tranquility and indulgence in an already peaceful and plentiful world.

He smiled down at his younger sister as she pressed against him, twisting slightly to return the gesture by resting his chin on her crown. "Well met sister." He greeted happily. And that's when it happened. She had chosen to train as the lead warrior. An exasperated sigh rolled out of his mouth as his eyes turned on Neo. It was always like this. Neo had a tantrum and it always fell on Preston to keep him in line. Although Neo was technically born before him, it was clear which of the two was more mature. He kept his eyes trained on Neo, following his every movement. His nails were digging into the earth. Expected. His jaw was clenched. Also expected. And he had hunched over ever so slightly, the scruff of his neck bristling. How tiresome. Any minute now he would explode into an emotional fit and whine and complain about how he deserved the rank more than Epiphron, or he would run off into the woods like always with his unfortunately biological brother hot on his trail. Not this time. This time he would leave him to stew in his own anger. He was tired of picking up pieces.



03-13-2013, 11:53 PM
He didn't know them... At least not most of them, all of them seemed like good wolves. He was still hesitant of meeting them, but he would. He would like to at least. How could he fight to protect people he would not come to know? It simply cannot happen that way. His big tail thumped once at the thought of having wolves to talk to, and live with.

He looked to Erani as she spoke and drew in a big gulp of air, then let it rush through his teeth. "I don't have a reason not to make it." He mused, giving her a playful grin on her side. Absentmindedly he finished her lean, becoming a pillar for her to prop on if she willed it. "It's about time I settled down to something."



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-14-2013, 12:47 AM
Erani gave a warm smile as Preston looked her way. Her eyes conveyed approval at his choice. Epiphron received a nod. Erani had hoped to teach her the Craft of healing, but that path was gone. However, she could still teach her field healing. A Lead Warrior needed that knowledge. Neo? He was seething? She frowned, wishing she knew what was wrong. He had always been the one most likely to start mischief. She?d had to tend him many times, and scold him a great deal more for getting hurt and starting fights.

Nova leaned into her. Subconsciously, she pressed into him. Heavens, he radiated warmth. Her anxiety dissipated as his voice rumbled into her ears. Or was it through her entire body? She looked up at him, smiling slightly. ?I?m glad you chose Valhalla as your home.?


03-14-2013, 09:23 PM
The brute neared as he followed the call of Collision. What was it that required almost the entire pack to be here, he would find out. Excitement prickled at the brute's paws as he guessed this would be a pack meeting. Perhaps more order wuld be established as they all picked themselves back up from the dirt they had all been pushed into. Thane's aqua blue eyes stared straight forward as he broke into a run, he didn't want to be as late as he hoped he wasn't. Maybe next time he wouldn't wander too far from the pack lands. Who knows what he may run into out there in the unknown. but there were so many sights to see, scents to smell, new lands to explore! He also enjoyed observing the different variety of animals that inhabited the areas; for he had enjoyed the hunting too. Maybe this was truly a new start, leave everything behind and start anew.

This was his life and he had to take control of it starting now. As the black brute came upon the grouping of wolves he slowed to a walk as he approached to let the words fall from his muzzle.

"If I may state the pros and cons of my attributes I can do anything but healing. I will fight if need be; but I have come to the final verdict that I lean more towards hunting. What can I say, I will take whatever is bestowed upon me." he said as he never broke his serious complexion; and kept his aqua blue eyes right on Collision as he spoke.


03-14-2013, 10:27 PM

She approached the scene with her head low, massive ears turned back as she stepped out of the forest and toward her king. Not once did she take her green eyes off of him, she knew what would be waiting if she did. Him. Silently she stepped before her leader. She spoke shyly, how unbecoming of a warrior. "Your honor. I would like to hold my position as a warrior. He had chosen to be a hunter this time around. If she was lucky she would never have to cross his path again. As painful as that would be for her.

Other Player Speech