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03-29-2013, 07:16 PM

A pair of travelers moved carelessly through the lush and soggy southlands of Alacritia, one a young, dark-furred wolf wearing purple markings, the other a pitch black snake curled up on the other's fluffy back. The day was warm and the huge sun shone uninhibited by a single cloud, yet still the thick growth underfoot was kept wet by the water-retaining soils. Their trip this day had been utterly uneventful thus far, but the smaller creature was enjoying this time to relax. Her belly was full, the sunshine warmed her scales well, and she even had the cushy fur of her friend to nap upon.

The wolf, however, was having a much less enjoyable time. She was the one, after all, doing all the walking as the serpent lazed about, and being warm-blooded and covered on top with black fur, the sun rays hit her much harder and forced her tongue to loll out. She was also more restless, and hated a day that went by so boring as this one. Luckily for her, she might have just wandered upon some excitement!

The smell assaulted her nose in an instant - the scent markers of several wolves, meaning some pack must be nearby. As her old pack didn't exactly follow the rules, she didn't exactly know that the markers were meant to ward off other wolves; she only knew that she was bored and strange company lay ahead. She hurried her pace, keeping her nose as low as she could and still not be dipping into the thick grass. Her companion, the black snake, was shaken to waking, and sleepily asked, "What'ss going on, Nurra?"

"There's a wolf pack somewhere around here. I think we should find them and talk a bit." said the wolf, stopping for a moment to look in her friend's direction. "You mean you're going to let me talk, and not jusst try to hide me thiss time?" Nurra gave a short chuckle before replying, "Yeah, I guess if you're not wanting to stay safe, there's no reason to try to protect you, like a good friend would!"

The wolf then looked outward, thinking hard, obviously having forgotten something. "What was it that we're supposed to do when approaching a pack territory? I think maybe it was howling a certain way to summon them?" "It'ss too late for that! One of them is already here!" said the black serpent, having spotted a wolf approaching from another direction. The two of them turned to face the local, eager to greet them and oblivious to the fact that they were intruding upon their land.

[Image: NurraFlourishLeft.png] Mouse over Japanese speech for translation and pronunciation! [Image: NurraFlourishRight.png]



3 Years
03-30-2013, 02:49 PM
A gray and red creature stalked her land, wandering wherever she desired. She wasn't sure what she was doing at the moment; perhaps she would look for some herbs later, see if she could remember what they were used for and prove that her training with Loccian was paying off. Or, you know, she could investigate the wolf that had passed her borders without the slightest request of permission.

Kamala might have walked right past the wolf without even noticing the black and purple creature if she hadn't spoken out. The wolf's voice easily reached Kamala's ears and she turned slightly, frowning a little. It was an unfamiliar wolf, and in a pack as small as Seracia, well, Kamala could at least recognize most members. And this wolf was completely unfamiliar. More than that, she did not smell of Seracia. In fact, the female smelled of no pack at all.

Frowning slightly, Kamala padded closer to the interesting looking wolf. She was . . . pretty. In a strange way. But she was also intruding. "Good day," Kamala bowed her head slightly in greeting, examining the wolf with a curious green gaze. "Why have you crossed the borders of the Kingdom of Seracia?" She queried now, examining the wolf as she spoke. She seemed to be a loner, and there was a weird . . . uh, lump? On the wolf's back. Kamala wrote that off after a moment, not recognizing it to be anything other than fur.

Ears twitching, Kamala would wait silently for the answer that the wolf gave, curious to see why this wolf thought herself above the laws of the wolf and was willing to enter her Kingdom's territory without a care in the world. The last wolf to do that was Segar, and look where that had gotten him. Sure, he had been allowed to enter her pack, but things had not exactly gone stellarly since then. She had not paid as much attention to him as she should have, but Kamala knew the gist of the story.

And that wasn't the point right then. With a soft snort, Kamala redirected her attention to the female who stood before her.


03-31-2013, 06:03 PM

The nomadic duo analyzed the creature striding up to meet them. A female wolf dressed in grays adorned with peculiar red patterns contrasting the surrounding fur highly. And although she spoke with a mature voice, oozing discipline and propriety, they realized as she got closer that she was still young, maybe only a year old, if even that! "Oh, it'ss just a tiny wolf! Hello tiny wolf!" declared the small scaled companion who had just slithered forth and poked her head up from between the dark wolf?s ears, looking like an adornment upon an Egyptian crown on Nurra?s head.

"Shini, how can you call anything tiny...?" said the wolf, giggling slightly the while. She turned her attention back to the new wolf, and tried to match her formality by bowing herself, though the wide smile stuck on her face detracted from the gesture?s apparent sincerity. "Greetings local! My name is Nurra Nokage. And this brat," with a nod upwards toward her friend, "is Shinibana." "Nicse to meet you, tiny!" added the cheeky snake teasingly.

With something of a chuckle and a sigh, as well as a shake of her head, Nurra casually padded closer to the stranger, still unaware of the crime she and the serpent were committing that the red-and-gray wolf hadn?t been quite severe enough about. To another, it might seem that the amethyst-eyed wolf was showing immense arrogance, implying that she stood above the pack laws, but the truth of the matter is that she didn?t know better! She spoke, her tone jocund as she was still excited to meet this pack that lived upon her path, "To answer your question, we're wanderers! And in wandering, we found you and, uh, we wanted to say 'hi'!"

[Image: NurraFlourishLeft.png] Mouse over Japanese speech for translation and pronunciation! [Image: NurraFlourishRight.png]



3 Years
04-05-2013, 09:16 PM
Tiny . . . wolf? Now, Kamala wasn't the largest, but she was far from tiny, wasn't she? Well, she wasn't exactly a pup anymore. No, her lanky form attested to that. She might have still been growing into it, but Kamala was far from tiny.

Wait. Was that a snake? Okay then. This was weird. Ears twitching slightly, Kamala did her best to hide her discomfort by lowering her head slightly in the snake's direction, "Greetings," She barely resisted the urge to add a comment on the other's size to her words, but that would have been far too impolite for one raised in Seracia. Still, this was a little strange. Sure, she had seen animal companions, but none quite so . . . cheeky as this snake that appeared on top of this wolf with no regard for borders' head.

Nurra. It was a strange name for a strange wolf. But then again, who was Kamala to judge? "Pleasure to meet you Nurra Nokage and Shinibana," Kamala spoke in a friendly tone, "My name is Kamala and I am the Grand Duchess of the Kingdom of Seracia." Her introductions were rather longwinded, she had to admit, but that was to be expected of a member of the Kingdom, wasn't it? All of that formality, all of that regality.

The female examined the other wolfess before her, head tilted slightly to the side. What was this? Was this female so confident that she thought herself above the laws of all packs? This wasn't even a law specific for Seracia. "You are trespassing... to send your greetings?" Kamala echoed, trying to make sure that she knew what exactly was going on. She didn't want to jump to conclusions or make any assumptions that were inherently incorrect. Perhaps this wolf had merely missed the border.... though Kamala doubted that her parents would have let that slip enough for that to be a plausible excuse. However, it was a possibility. Kamala wasn't entirely sure, however, that this jovial wolf entirely realized that she had done something wrong. Which made no sense. But she seemed . . . happy. Careless. Perhaps she was merely very confident.

Ah well. There was no point in jumping to conclusions. Ears twitching, Kamala glanced at the purple and black female and the snake that perched on her head, waiting to hear what the two would say. Would they make excuses or own up to what they had done? It wouldn't be the first time that trespassers had been discovered on Kingdom territory. After all, Segar had made it deep into their territory before being discovered.


04-09-2013, 08:04 PM

The local who named herself as Kamala proved herself even more an oddity as she spoke. She is so young, yet speaks with a propriety that the two hadn't even heard from adults with positions and reasons to talk elegantly. The black snake would speak first as Kamala finished up. She didn't know what a 'grand duchess' was and didn't much care to learn about such silliness as ranks, but she did have a response to the last thing the young wolf said, "Yeah, we came to ssay 'hello', and meet ssome new people, and maybe hear ssome storiess about thiss land, and -"

"Trespassing? Oh..." said Nurra, preceding a grunt of distaste from Shini at having been interrupted. The wolf hadn't thought these others would take offense to a visitor, but would be happier to meet a couple of new friends as they were. A wolf of her age ought to have known by now the rules of entering a territory that isn't yours, but she never got the opportunity to learn. Her past pack had only gone wherever they pleased and nobody ever argued about it, maybe because they weren't brave enough to stand up to a small army of tough-looking strangers who've set their mind to treading upon their land.

She was not with them anymore, and she could never return to them. It was only her and Shinibana inadvertently invading other wolves' homes, not nearly an imposing troop. The dark wolf shook away those thoughts of her lost life quickly; this was not the time and place to allow herself to get emotional, so she ought to keep up the conversation to distract away from that feeling. "We're not really trespassing, are we? It's not like we're doing anything wrong."

[Image: NurraFlourishLeft.png] Mouse over Japanese speech for translation and pronunciation! [Image: NurraFlourishRight.png]



3 Years
04-19-2013, 08:13 PM
Kamala bit back a slight giggle, one that would have ruined her quiet formality. But there was just something interesting about the snake that spoke to her like it was something normal, something that wolves experienced every day. Tail twitching a little, the gray female inclined her head slightly, biting her tongue to keep a serious expression, "I can certainly tell you two stories about our lands, if that is what you desire." Oh, stories were something easy enough. Kamala could handle that. These two didn't seem too threatening, and perhaps she could offer a story in exchange for getting them off for Seracia territory before her father found her conversing with them. But these two seemed interesting, and Kamala found herself wanting to talk to them. If only a little.

Ears flicking slightly, Kamala listened to the words of the purple and black female, tilting her head slightly. She didn't seem to . . . understand. Like boundaries had never been something she had encountered before. It was strange. But then, wolves such as Segar had acted the exact same way and they had not caused harm. "All the same," Kamala began carefully, weighing her words as she spoke, "My father rules this pack, and he believes in respect in all areas. Especially in respecting the borders." There, that didn't seem rude, did it? Kamala was new to this whole 'handling trespassers' thing.

Still, she didn't want to drive off the female just yet. "Do you two have a destination in mind? Perhaps I could escort you through Seracia territory or something similar and take you to your destination?" Kamala offered with a quick flick of her tail, curious to see how the other would react to her offer.