
Grape Vine


03-10-2013, 11:26 PM

The autumn colored wolf slept in the sun, hidden in plain sight on top of a rock, basking in the warm spring sun on a lovely cloudless day. With a loud yawn and a stretch the wolf jumped from his post and settled in the shade of the boulder he had been laying upon. A more lurid side of him, the side he had hoped would be crushed by the duty of a knight thought of how lovely it would be to find a mount on such a day. A small tussle in the flowers and long grass before they went their separate ways and never crossed paths again. He shook the though from his mind as he prowled through the blooming flora, his tail swaying behind him. He had responsibilities now, people that he cared about. He couldn't risk throwing away all of that for a useless fling.

He hopped onto another rock looking over the plains, dotted with flowers and stone, silently hoping for a sign. Something to guide him. Would he continue down his path of lechery and deceit or would he return to his pack, settle down and start a family? If only something could guide him. Tell him what to do. He groaned and laid on the stone, covering his head with his paws. So much conflict. So much that could be done if only he knew what to do.




03-11-2013, 02:57 PM
ooc: If this is a private thread then ignore my post.

With the change of weather Loccian would have a better chance at finding herbs for the pack. The snow had melted away, giving the plants a place to break through the earth while the cooler temperatures turned warm and welcomed the plants to rise up and gather the sunlight. With Spring came returning plants, fighting each other to gather what they needed to grow and also bring in the grey-black wolf to pick them in order to help out her pack.

She moved through the lands at a steady pace, a small bounce in her steps as she grew more used to the fact that she was in a pack and was helping those around her. She was needed by them, ad that was what made her smile more and more with each passing day. No longer was she cast aside and forgotten, she would step forth and prove she was useful to those who doubted her.

Loccian now found herself in the free lands. Land unclaimed by wolves that wanted a home, belonging to all those who hid and hunted here. She moved on through, passing Mount Volkan with some mild interest in her grey eyes. Moving along the Kamui Delta, there was a lot of water in Seracia so she didn't have much interest in it. Now she found herself at the Rock Garden, a vast plain spotted with rocks and boulders of all shapes and sizes. Moving at a jog the she-wolf scanned the area for any plants that have sprouted, the reason she was here. Once she got enough she would find a big enough leaf to carry them in on her way back to Seracia.

It wasn't until a few minutes had passed until she caught the scent of another wolf. Quickly she moved between some rocks before stopping between two large boulders crouched low to the ground, sniffing the air, identifying the scent. It was a Seracian... Segar? Slowly the she-wolf lifted herself up, pushing up so her front paws were on the side of a boulder and looked over the top. Grey eyes scanned the other rocks, looking for the knight and after a few moments she spotted his autumn colored pelt laying on a rock. She was not close to the male, just saw him around and would put some ointment on a small cut or two.

Since nobody else was nearby she thought she might as well strike up a conversation. So she jumped up onto the rock and cleared her throat to grab his attention, jumping onto a different rock that was a few feet from the male. "Beautiful day, isn't it?" Sh said in a soft tone, looking over at the male.


03-11-2013, 04:36 PM

His thoughts were broken at that moment by the quiet words of a small femme. He smiled almost shyly, attempting to cover the savage thoughts that had just moments before disturbed his usually calm demeanor. "It is indeed." He uttered, his voice cracking ever so slightly as his eyes trailed over her body. No! He was supposed to be better than this now! He wasn't supposed to go chasing after the first doe with a raised tail. There were steps now, arrangements had to be made, he couldn't afford to be punished by higher authority for something as stupid as a one time fling. But what if it didn't have to end so abruptly? What if he could, instead of making her a one time affair, attempt to make her something more?

He soared down from the rock and into the soft grass, padding toward her slowly. "It is good to speak with you Loccian." He said with a charming smile, his tail raised at half mask, wagging briskly in familiar greeting. "What brings you so far from the pack?" He inquired, his head tilted ever so slightly as he asked. He looked her over, much slower this time, taking her in, every detail from the last scratch on her legs to the cold blue gray of her eyes. She would make a worthy mate for him. Someone he felt he would not stray from.




03-11-2013, 07:37 PM
Ears swiveled to the side, catching his agreement on the weather. His voice, she caught a hint of slight surprise, probably because he was not expecting to see her here so far from the pack lands. Even then she was a bit surprised at his appearance but didn't seem like it from her voice or actions. A thought crossed her mind. 'I wonder what he is doing out here...' "I'm guessing that is why you're out here, to enjoy the new change of weather and seeing how the lands outside of Seracia are changing?" She asked but regretted it as soon as the words left her lips, she sounded like a ding dong.

Grey eyes looked up to the cloudless sky for a brief moment before falling back onto Segar, watching him jump down from his rock. A brow raisied when he said it was nice to speak with her. Sure, like it was. Loccian didn't think so, at times she wondered why others even spoke to her other than her help for injuries or sickness. Perhaps to become her friend? Was it really that simple, just talk to somebody a few times and you already create that bond with each other. To her it was interesting, mostly because she had to be alone when she was younger so didn't have much contact with others.

"I... I wanted to look for herbs that weren't in our territory." She spoke softly. Ears lay back as she caught his gaze looking over her body, her tail lowered and hung between her legs as she took a step to the side with one foreleg crossed over the other. His gaze made her a bit uncomfortable, and so she turned, hopped off the rock with her side to him. "What are you doing away from Seracia?" She threw at him, brow furrowing as she whipped her tail towards him so he would get the hint that she didn't want him looking at her like he was.

ooc: I want to keep a thread going that could go more than 1 page. I am looking into buying some stuff.


03-12-2013, 10:47 AM

He drew back, surprised by his own actions. He was supposed to have his emotions under control by now but that didn't seem to be the case. He turned away from the other wolf shyly, appalled by his own behavior "I needed to relax. I have been very high strung lately." His thoughts weighed heavily upon him, the guilt of his own lies dragging down his usually high spirits. "Usually I would go to the beach, but I don't have the patience to get sand out of my fur." He chuckled nervously. Idiot. He sounded like a complete fool. He wasn't made for small talk or petty agreements. He was made for short threats and regretful agreements. But that wouldn't stop him from trying.

He cleared his throat, "How goes the search?" He asked, his head finally facing her general direction. He needed to maintain his composure, he needed to stop thinking about mating for once and start thinking about committed friendships. He could manage that right? Wrong! He couldn't just flick his tail and expect the sins of his past to wash away entirely. He was a lecher. And nothing, no matter how much he tried would change that... And that hurt him. He wanted to be a model citizen of Seracia, but he never would. His ears folded back and his head turned away again. He couldn't even look at her, not without somehow admitting what he truly was to someone he hoped would be his friend.




03-12-2013, 12:09 PM
Loccian gave a small nod of her head for his reason for being out here. There were times, quite a bit where she would leave Seracia to relax and just try to think about the new life she had here. Try to adjust to being in a pack and being the one in it that would be healing and tending to everyone. And when he added onto that she looked at him kind of odd, head tilted slightly with a raised brow. Was sand that much of a bother? What really got her though was the beach, what was that? Most of her life she spent her time inland, far from any ocean and even when she was near water it was mostly smashed up banks that were muddy and falling apart. She kept this to herself, if she had asked him what a beach was she thought he would make fun of her or say something that would upset her.

From the way he talked she could tell he wasn't really a talker, at least in little talk. She didn't mind, Loccian wasn't much of a talker either and mostly used her body to communicate with others. At least he was trying to strike up some conversation with her question instead of just answering and going quiet. Then he asked how her search went. The grey-black she-wolf cleared her throat and turned her head to the side, looking off into the distance for a few moments before finally speaking. "It is alright, I've inspected some plants but have not found anything that I am looking for. I'm still looking." She answered his question, watching him from the corner of her eyes.

He seemed to be, upset. Grey eyes watched his ears fold back and his head turn to the side. Was he upset about something she did or maybe something he was thinking about before she had arrived. She closed her eyes for a moment and took in a long deep breath and exhaled, ears swiveled to the side as she turned to face him and took a step forward. "Segar... is something wrong?" She asked in her soft tone, a hint of concern mixed with her caring heart. "I know we aren't really friends or close but, I am willing to listen."


03-12-2013, 01:56 PM

He chuckled nervously at her question, eyes darting to the side. "I am ashamed, for making you feel uncomfortable, Senorita." He had stopped calling females by 'Mi Amor' some time ago, choosing instead to force the formality of addressing them by 'Senorita.' A difficult change but a necessary one if he hoped to keep the false image that he was a man of virtue. "Please accept my sincerest apologies." He said, hanging his head slightly. Of course that was far from the real reason he had been acting so strange.

He knew that at some point the Lentajin would come for him. Once they were all in order, they would hunt him down and bring him to their false pretense of justice. Would he run again from the life he was beginning to settle into so perfectly? Or would he stand and fight, and inevitably die? What's more, would the family that had so lovingly accepted him turn him over to them once they demanded it? Or would they risk their lives to protect their own? That question he knew the answer to. He had no doubt he would be thrown to the Lentajin once it came to that.




03-12-2013, 03:33 PM
Ears shot up at the name Segar called her by, something she did not really like. That caused her to turn her head away and hold it high with a swish of her tail. "Loccian, not Senorita." She said, losing the softness in her voice. She did not like that, it was just throwing her into that group that she dd not want to be apart of. Loccian had a name and she was different. Hopefully Segar would realize this, if they were closer then she might not care but for now she prefer him to call her Loccian.

Slowly she looked towards him again when he explained that he was ashamed for making her feel uncomfortable, it was okay for she understood males were males and would check out females. Some more than others. Her view on him improved a little for that, at least he apologized. With a sigh she watched him for a couple seconds before lowering her head to the ground, a paw moving and poking her claws into the damp earth. "It is alright, at least you know now so the situation can be avoided next time." She accepted his apology, continuing to stare at the ground where she poked her claws, making little holes.

Clearing her throat Loccian lifted her head and looked to Segar with grey eyes, ears swiveling to the side but coming back to face him. "If you don't mind me asking, what has been bothering you lately that has caused you to leave?" She asked curiously, not wanting to linger on apologies and instead talk about something else. If he did not want to talk about it then she understood.


03-12-2013, 04:00 PM

He whined quietly as she voiced her displeasure to being addressed as a 'senorita.' His relationship with her was already dead and buried as far as he could tell. A soft whine escaped his lips as she turned away from him, his heart clenching inside his chest as he waited for her to stand and run away from him like so many others would have. But she didn't. Not yet anyway.Maybe there was still hope of salvaging their friendship. " "It is alright, at least you know now so the situation can be avoided next time." He smiled shyly at that. "I will endeavor to see it does not happen again." He quipped.

He remained standing, not wishing to threaten her personal space, but kept his head low, his neck in plain view. He would not be a threat to her, physically or emotionally. Things seemed to be going swimmingly, all things aside, until she asked him the question he had been dreading to hear. His heart sank at the question and he felt a lump catch in her throat. How could he explain that he had put all of Seracia's lives in danger? His back legs gave out, forcing him to sit. His back straightened and he raised his head, nervousness written across his features like ink on a scroll. "It is nothing t-to be concerned about Loccian. I will tell you another time perhaps." He stuttered.




03-13-2013, 12:03 PM
Loccian mumbled a "thank you" when the male said he would see that it does not happen again it made her smile a little and give a slight nod of her head. That was nice, he was going to try not letting it happen. If it did then she would just ignore it and go on with what she was doing at the time instead of spazzing out on him like a crazy person.

His demeanor suddenly changed at her question on what was bothering him. Grey orbs caught the wolf's legs give out form under him, bring Segar down and shifting himself into a sitting position. Was it really that bad? She remained where she stood, head lowering now to her shoulders with ears forward, waiting and eyes watching the nervousness suddenly come to his face. He was telling her there it was nothing to be concerned about and that he might tell her a another time. A light sigh came from her as she turned her head to the side, catching a small mouse scamper behind a rock. She understood if he didn't want to tell her, and it really was none of her business anyway. Loccian should have just not said anything.

"Alright Segar, I'm sorry for sticking my nose in a place it wasn't welcome." She apologized, clearing her throat and turning her head, eyes rolling over the land before stopping and focusing on her pack-brother. "I hope whatever it is does not trouble you too much." She spoke softly once more, ears folding back as she looked down at the ground. "I can heal physical wounds but mental and emotional I am not good with..."


03-13-2013, 12:35 PM

He laughed, almost nervously as she spoke. "Please Sen-Loccian. Do not think I am all secrets and heartaches." He said, his Spanish accent interlaced with his words. "It is simply something I do not feel one such as yourself need be burdened with." He explained with a shy smile. "I have made my choices and I have sealed my fate. But it is my cross to bare, and should not be yours" He said adamantly. "Ach. But let us not speak of such dismal things on such a lovely day as this." "And with such a lovely lady too-STOP IT.". "Prithee, how do you fare?" He asked. He dared to lay in front of her, his tail brushing over the short glossy grass of the plane. He wanted to get as far away from the subject as possible, and hopefully never have it brought up again for many years. Although he knew that would not be the case, he could still hope.




03-16-2013, 10:53 AM
She looked up as Segar said not to think he was all secrets and heartaches, giving a small nod of her head. Her head tilted to side slightly in curiousity as he spoke, his voice, it was a bit odd but she brushed it off since it didn't really affect her. Then he mentioned how he did't want her burdened with what was bothering him, burdened? Her head was brought up and back at this, his problems would not be a burden. Loccian had her own things to deal with, why would she had more? The most she would do is try to help Segar with whatever it was that was bothering him.

She understood what he meant though, nodding her head. "I understand, just remember I'm here if you need someone to talk to." She smiled shyly, perking her ears up when he had enough of this topic and wanted to talk about something else, she agreed. After all, the she-wolf came out for herbs and just enjoy the weather, not bring herself down with talking about what was bothering who. And so he went on to ask how she fared, she ignored the Prithee, not knowing what it meant and didn't really care.

The she-wolf scrunched her nose, shifting so that she sat up with tail moving slowly behind her and a light breeze wrapping around her body. "I am well, still getting used to pack-life. It is... very different from my birthpack." She spoke softly, her head had turned when she began to spoke, looking back in the direction of the pack lands. "Everyone is friendly and are treating me well... How are you?" She was going on before switching the topic to him, grey eyes focusing on the male.


03-16-2013, 03:06 PM

He couldn't help but smile as she offered her condolences and service as a shoulder to cry on. She was so kind, so caring, even he with his formerly shallow attitudes could see the beauty in her personality and her commitment to others. She was so unlike him, so different from what he had grown used to. It was comforting to him to know she would be there when he needed her most.

She asked how he was doing in the new pack. He had to admit although most of the wolves were hesitant to talk to him he loved the land Seracia had been founded on, especially the beach. His whole demeanor calmed as his mind drifted off to the rolling waves and soft salty breeze of the sea. "Ahh, it is so different to what I am used to." He mused, responding to her question of his own experiences in the pack. "I am used to being surrounded by other wolves in forests, sadly neither is the case with my lovely Seracia." He said almost sadly. "Although if I had to I would gladly trade one for the other."




03-17-2013, 08:04 AM
"So, we kind of come from similar lands." She smiled, it was nice to hear somebody liked the forests like she did even though it was probably for different reasons. For Loccian it was mostly for safety, there were many places to hide from unwanted company and from her mother, if that's what you would even call that witch. Seracia lacked these forests sadly, it was a bit difficult at times to get use to how much opwn it is compared to her homelands. She did not mind though, if it meant starting a new and different life from her previous one then she would deal with the new lands.

For a moment the shewolf had zoned out while sitting there but quickly recovered, perking up her ears to catch Segar's words. After he was done she gave a nod of her headbefore lowering her body into a laying position with her head up. "So, your liking the new land then?" She asked just wanting to clarify, licking just above her paw breifly before looking back at him. "I am, but I guess its because I'm usually always in it. I rather be there than anywhere else."


03-18-2013, 09:34 PM

" I suppose we do." He chuckled. The forest for him was a quiet place where important news traveled fast carried on the wings of impatient lovers and eager yearlings. A place where rank meant nothing and devotion was a pipe dream, a place he had left behind for a celibate life, devoting all his strength to a kingdom rather than personal gain. The beach was a new world for him and it had brought untold treasures with it. Treasures a younger Segar would have never believed he desired.

"I adore Seracia." He grinned, throwing back his head sightly as he thought of the sound of waves crashing against the shore at night, and crawling up the banks in the day. Of gulls hungrily following him, waiting for their chance to feed off his meals, and of the taste of salty fish, pulled from the brine writhing in his jaws as he brought it to shore. These were the treasures Sercia had blessed him with, and for them he sacrificed everything. "Tell me of your home before Seracia."




03-19-2013, 12:10 PM

I adore Seracia... Tell me of your home before Seracia. Loccian had been laying there just watching the world around them when he had spoken, going off into his own little world of what he liked about Seracia. The shewolf couldn't really agree with him, she thought the place was nice but only because the pack was kind to her in a way that was far better than her home. Thinking about this was when she heard Segar's voice again, causing her body to grow tense when he asked her to tell him about her home before Seracia.

Almost immediately the calm, relaxed shewolf seemed to grow nervous, her tail flicking and her ears back but not quite laying on her head. She didn't like thinking about her homelands, it always put her in a foul mood, depression following quickly after. All she could really remember was a large pack full of crazed or power hungry wolves always fighting amongst themselves. The beatings she recieved from her mother, adoptive, because she was as big as everyone, a weakling that was good for nothing but taking your anger out on. If it wasn't the pack that she remembed it was the lands in which the Pack of Night resided in. Even then though she could only remember a little bit of the forest, so beautiful and full of life. Before she had been disowned by her father she and her brothers would sneak out of camp to play around out there. Playing tag, trying to climb logs that seemed like mountains back then, trying to catch leaves before they hit the ground....

My home before Seracia... Her voice had changed from its gentle tone to a more sad one, as if talking about it brought her heartache. The only time I got to experience the land we lived in was when I was just a pup, old enough to run around and play. It was so beautiful back then, I would just stand there and admire such beauty, all the smells, all the animals. The freedom of just being able to run around and have the best time of your life with your siblings... She had been looking down at her paws as she spoke, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. As for my family... they were not the kindest bunch. That was all she would say, if he wanted to know more then she might explain but for now she would not, she did not want to bring back THOSE memories. I'm gonna get going, it was nice chatting with you. She spoke softly, her mood going down the drain, so she decided she should go. With a flick of her tail she left.


My Speech!
Your Speech!