
lose y o u r edge



3 Years
03-11-2013, 09:24 PM
we came here on his back and we caught your eye

The sooty grey female had escaped the tight leash of her mother's protectiveness and had headed for her favorite part of Seracia; the beach. She had always loved this place, ever since she'd first begun to explore these lands. The pounding surf reminded her of a time when things were more simple; when Valko wasn't falling apart and Maverick wasn't flirting with every female that he saw. They had changed so much, so fast, and sometimes it felt like she was the only one who had stayed even close to the same. She'd grown up some, but she hadn't woken up one day to melt into a puddle of drool at the sight of every attractive female, and she become nearly as mopey as Valkis. She worried about both of her brothers, in her own way, but just for once, Kamala wanted to put that aside and pretend that things were normal inside the Kingdom that she had come to inhabit.

A smooth flick of her tail was the only outward movement that she made as she hesitated at the border of the beach, paws digging into the soft sand. Before long, however, she raced forward, leaping across the sand in a futile attempt to avoid the heated surface and skidded to a stop where the sand was dampened by the tide. Much better, the female thought with a pleased air, twitching her tail again as she padded closer to the surf. The low tide had left a wide swath of sand for her to cross and she moved smoothly across it, placing one red paw in the water slowly.

Only to leap back with a soft yelp, shaking her head violently. Well. That was cold. Still, Kamala couldn't bring herself to leave her favorite haunt. Instead, acting as if nothing had happened, Kamala began to pad along, her steps slow as she took in the pounding surf, letting it drown out the confusion of her thoughts. Here, she could find a peace that settled, if only temporarily, the inner turmoil that had haunted her since she had come of nearly of age.


03-13-2013, 07:38 PM

He had quietly come along, the man on his way back into the heart of Seracia after having met the quite ravishing Chrysanthe. Pretty little girl, wasn't she? A smile daunting his inky lips as the thought that pervaded his mind he was brought to the realization of another little femme playing around the area. Her wiry, youthful, body trailed along the edge of the Seracian beaches and he turned his head gentle. What was on her mind? Was it him? Wouldn't that be a treat. Salmon tongue parting his lips and crossing his face he ambled towards her.

His stride would widen and quicken as the brute delivered himself towards the female, a gentle chuff rising from his chest followed by her name, "Kamala," A smile would grow on his inky jowls and the brunette heir would attempt to place his body parallel to her own in the course of walking. Slowing his pace to match the yearlings he would cast the babe a wink of his blue yes and casually remain in tow, "How are you this fine day? Fine. What a fine word to use when in correlation with the mistress. Little did she know she was indeed his now. He would bring it up soon enough if Gerhardt had not already spoken in brief about the marriage with her.



3 Years
03-14-2013, 06:55 PM
chances are we'll find a new equation, chances roll away from me, chances are all they hope to be

The arrival of Gideon was unexpected, though not entirely unwelcome. The heir to Seracia's throne was an interesting wolf; he was everything that her father was not. Her father's regality contrasted sharply with Gideon's almost lethargicness, with the lack of seriousness with which he seemed to face the world. It was a bit of a change from the other members of her pack. It wasn't a bad thing. It could certainly be refreshing at times, but she wondered what had made this male so different from his brother. What in their past had made them grow up to be so different?

Flicking her ears, Kamala turned a bright green gaze on the wolf who had appeared next to her, wagging her tail in greeting. "Gideon," She inclined her head slightly, noting only after she spoke that she hadn't called him 'Sir' or given him any sort of title. Gerhardt would have had her head on a platter if he'd heard her, but Kamala figured that Gideon wouldn't care as much. He didn't seem the type to get worked up over that, did he?

She lengthened her stride a little, aware that he had slowed down to walk at her side. Strange, but all right. The wink was a little weirder, but okay. Kamala was still a little oblivious when it came to flirting or anything remotely similar to that. No, that was all Maverick. Instead, the female twitched her tail and smiled a little as she glanced at Gideon. "I am . . . well. And how are you?" Kamala asked with a slow wave of her tail, glancing at the brown male. What brought him out here? It wasn't exactly the most densely populated part of Seracia by a long shot. It was rare to see any other wolves out here on the beach.

Hmm. It was surprisingly nice to talk to someone else right then. It was easier now to distract herself from the darker turn that her thoughts had taken, and she turned a curious gaze upon the male, eager to hear what he had to say.


03-18-2013, 07:30 PM

Gideon had cast away any semblance of true seriousness, unless there was a mandatory ordinance for it, and it simply had to be extreme, a life on the line, a deliberate purpose. It had to be something that unless he was involved, it meant the destruction of something. Seracia, slowly clambered to something he would fight for, for, the only reason he stood in defense of it for the time being was that his brother was the ruler, and nothing would deter the lord from standing alongside his sibling. Granted, the woman beside him came awfully close.

She would let a gentle greeting slip from her sweet tones and the male would find a deep delight in it, so, this was what she was developing into? A refined young woman, one built on essence. She was different than Maverick, matter of fact, Maverick was a lot like himself. Well, opposites did attract, didn't they? Allowing his coy smile to remain planted on his face the heir wound his tail behind him to portray his pleasure of the moment and with the quick answer to her question he would grant her his vocals, "Fine, much better now," He rumbled.

Was she able to latch onto the subtle flirt? Was she akin to the things or was she as easily enamored as Chrysanthe? Was Kamala going to be able to accept everything as it came or would she squirm? He longed to know, though would quickly offer his condolences for making her uncomfortable.



3 Years
03-19-2013, 06:03 PM
the world is cold, bold men take action

Gideon was honestly not a half bad wolf. He was a sharp contrast with the rest of Seracia, but sometimes things got painfully formal around here. It wasn't bad most of the time, but sometimes all of the 'sirs' and 'my ladies' could wear on a wolf's nerves. It was enough to make a wolf go crazy. Not that Kamala would ever say that. The observant young female was aware that there would be major repercussions behind saying anything that attacked the basic foundation of her pack. And she did love Seracia. It was her home, more than Talutah had ever been. The wolves here were her family. But Gideon was a refreshing change from the norm right then.

She paused for a moment, ears flicking in Gideon's direction, a hint of amusement flickering across her features. Why, if she wasn't incorrect, that sounded almost . . . flirtatious. It was something that Kamala prided herself on noticing. There was a possibility that she was reading too much into things, but it made the young female think. Gideon. Well, he was an attractive male, she supposed, though she had not really thought of him in that way before. Hmm. Perhaps he was merely being Gideon, and he acted this way around all females. That was something that seemed reasonable. Or maybe it was something special. Which Kamala rather doubted.

Twitching her tail, Kamala responded with an amused tone. "I'm glad to hear it." She was less formal now than she had been moments before. The regal tones were slipping from her voice as she felt more comfortable in the brown male's presence. "It is nice to see someone like you out here." Kamala continued after a moment, glancing meaningfully at Gideon. There was a playful note to her voice, though it almost approached something more. Was she doing this right? Honestly, Kamala wasn't even sure.

She meant it as more of a trial run than anything else. To gauge if she had properly figured out the meaning of Gideon's words. Was she correct in guessing that he was flirting? Or was she entirely incorrect. Either were possibilities, and Kamala was eager to figure out which were correct. She wanted to know. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but this soot colored wolf was no cat.


04-01-2013, 08:04 PM

There was something most wolves did not understand and it was that regardless of how lacking in serious qualities he was, it was what made him a dangerous prospect. Gideon was a man of lots of words and few that meant anything of significance. Even for those that came into his life. Yes. Gerhardt was an exception. Fact of the matter was, however, that if Kamala did become his wife, she would follow a strict line. She would be his. If she dared to trespass, punishment would be his to give and he would not restrict himself of giving quite the adequate bit of retribution if she could not stay where she was supposed to be.

Head held back royally the male flipped his tail behind him in a fairly relaxed manner, his thoughts both on a future with Kamala, and on the thought of Chrysanthe. She would make such a fine wife. So firm. So delicious. So easily wooed. He couldn't deny the fact that he felt drawn to her, she was alive with fire, passion, a drive that he could only feign unless his respect was truly earned. He was a complicated man regardless of what others thought and there was no chance that he was going to compromise who he was to be something that the world needed him to be. A duke for Seracia? Yes, he was perfect. He could veto or rule in new wolves, preferably females, and he could give his opinion, but things did not solely rest upon himself.

"Something tells me you'll be seeing a lot more of me, Kamala," he smirked, the decision was not his to bring to her attention and he had no plan or desire to do so, but fact of the matter was, if all went well, he would be bending her to his body very soon. "How have you been, my dear?" his words were smooth, left undersigned, free. He never needed to plan what he was going to say, another benefit of who he was. He could spend most of his life playing games, and he planned to. Perhaps one day he would find a reason to change, but there was no thread here, was there?



3 Years
04-06-2013, 12:37 PM

Seeing a lot more of him? Kamala tilted her head slightly, glancing at the brown male who walked at her side, curiosity dancing in her mind. What made him say that? Perhaps he was going to be tutoring her or training her. He clearly knew what was going on, even if Kamala herself did not. "And what do you mean by that, Sir Gideon?" Her voice was light and playful, not particularly intended to be serious, "Will you come visit my siblings and I?" Well, she couldn't get much further from the truth, could she?

Ears twitching, Kamala felt a light smile cross her features. It was a practiced thing, not entirely natural on her face, "I've been well. And how have you been, sir Gideon?" The formality had returned to Kamala's words. She had relaxed a little, but it was proper for her to address a superior with the regality expected of her from the Kingdom that had raised her. Besides, Gideon might not have been the most formal of wolves, but he was her King's brother and that meant that he deserved respect. He was a Prince, a potential ruler of the Kingdom, and that was a pretty good reason to respect him. Besides which, she respected him as a wolf.

((WOAH that was really short sorry. D: ))

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.