
Knocking at your Gates [p]


03-10-2013, 06:36 PM

The call had rang out only a day or two ago. It had been heard clear to Seracia, which had been surprising to the King. Still, he knew the voice - if only vaguely - and had taken his leave to see to it that the new queen was settled and perhaps even strike up an alliance. The Seracian King was certain he would need good ties to the other pack to ensure his Kingdom's survival. The trek had not been as far as he'd imagined it would, and as he arrived just before evening, the King let out a call and stood at the borders, knowing how he felt about others barging into his territory. He would not do that to Jupiter - assuming that it was her that had taken claim to this patch. Gerhardt was impressed. He'd heard that this bit of land had been heavily contested, and somehow the strange looking woman had come out on top. He would have to offer her a proper congratulations for that. Fighting was nasty business, it was, but it was worth it when it meant having a home and a future. Not knowing how long it might take the fledgling alphess to arrive, Gerhardt took a seat on the rogue side of the borders, admiring the territory she had taken as her own. It had a unique quality to it, something else he'd have to commend the woman for. Craning his head down, he licked restlessly at a patch of fur on his chest and waited patiently.


Jupiter I


7 Years
03-10-2013, 07:31 PM

jupiter illidais

one could say that things had finally settled down in the lands of ludicael, but for jupiter, they had been more busy than she thought she had ever been in her life. responsibility lay heavily upon her shoulders, but despite the stress that plagued her, she wasn't anywhere close to regretting her decision. sure, she was terribly sore, but luckily she had been able to rest somewhat, for her work so far had been reasonably stationary and didn't require great activity. she had been lounging in a rare window of solitude when a somewhat familiar howl rang across her lands. her brows furrowed and she rose sorely to her paws, glancing at mercury. he only stirred a little bit at the noise, but his companion's stress had taken a toll on his body, minute in comparison to jupiter's. he had been her relief in this struggle to set the foundation for a strong pack, and was one of the few reasons she had been able to maintain her sanity.

curiosity piqued, she rose to her paws, moving slowly toward the outskirts of the territory. it took about five minutes, as she was doing her best not to hinder the recovery of her healing wounds, but she arrived. her eyes fell upon a familiar pelt and her conscience returned to the river--the lad with the pups. she halted as she spied him, allowing for a visible smile to stretch across her features.

"i apologize for keeping you waiting," she greeted, nodding her head politely to the visitor. jupiter was curious as to if he had succeeded in his endeavors. hadn't he mentioned wanting to start a pack of sorts? "gerhardt, was it? i've become accustomed with many names recently, so i hope i've matched the correct one to the correct face." she gave a slight chuckle, and went on. "how has your quest for a pack gone? and what of that lovely family of yours?" seeing this lad after a volley of frustration from a certain few of her new members made her excessively affable. it was then that she remembered that this male knew only of her iterjup side, and hoped that he assumed that the past few days had been sobering on the ditsy, over-excited jupiter he had previously met.

? 381 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
yay, finally! c:

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


03-10-2013, 07:57 PM

So much had happened since he'd seen the strange woman. So much had changed. He wondered if she'd even remember him, having gone through so much to stake claim to this land she now ruled over. Still, some part of him told him she would. It didn't take her long to arrive, not long at all by his standards. As she came onto the scene, she spoke her apologies for keeping him waiting. A lighthearted chuckle echoed from deep in his chest, bubbling and lilting as it did. No apologies necessary, ma'am. Cordiality was not confined to Seracia, and the King would never forget his manners. She spoke on. He nodded as she questioned his name. When she had finished, he spoke, tapping his tail on the earth. You've guessed correct, m'lady. My quest has been favorable, I must say. I've secured a territory near the delta on the southern ocean for my family and a few rogues who have joined the ranks. We call ourselves the Kingom of Seracia. He paused, letting this sink in before he continued. Am I right in guessing that all the commotion I've heard has been your successful claiming of this beautiful patch of land? Of course he knew it was, but he wanted to ask anyway. My family is well, the pups have recently celebrated their first birthday and their first pack hunt. Tail swished across the terrain, jubilant to meet an old friend once more - particularly under such fabulous circumstances.


Jupiter I


7 Years
03-10-2013, 09:54 PM

jupiter illidais

gerhardt didn't seem to be alert to anything amiss, so she allowed for her demeanor to continue uninterrupted, still smiling as he replied, informing her of his new rank. she gave another nod, as her soreness wouldn't allow for any sort of bow.

"congratulations, king gerhardt," she replied light-heartedly, flicking her tail with amusement. she had not quite ventured into the other claimed territories yet, for she was a little wary of what their attitudes toward a strange wolf would be. she made up her mind to at least familiarize herself with their borders of the other territories whenever she was in the area. she was, in fact, an alpha of a pack now, and had the right to do so. well, so she thought.

"yes, indeed." she glanced behind her, taking in the proximal area and wishing she had a bird's-eye view of it. "it's nice to know that my birthlands will not fall under incompetent rule. rather, so i hope," she commented with a chuckle. she was nearly-certain of her abilities, but from what she had been through over the past few days, it was easy to have even the smallest inkling of a doubt in herself. she listened to his next words and gave another gentle peal of laughter, smiling as she imagined the rambunctious pups she had seen during their first meeting now mature. "sounds like a bundle of fun." she gazed upon him with fond eyes, pondering the possibility of an alliance with this male and his new-found kingdom.

"would you like to get a drink at the river and take a walk with me? i don't bite too hard, i promise," she offered, ears forward affably.

? 282 words ?

[ o o c ; ]

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


03-11-2013, 03:29 PM

Nothing seemed odd to him about her demeanor, particularly since she had just fought what appeared to have been a rough battle and initiated the formation of a pack. Though she may have been a bit more chipper, and possibly more air-headed when they'd first met, Gerhardt was certain that the difference in persona was only attributed to these things, and so he didn't think on it. As she congratulated him, Gerhardt gave a light dip of his head, finding it unnecessary for her to do so, but glad that she did. And the same to you, Jupiter. He was truly happy that his.. could he call her a friend? That his friend had risen triumphant and had managed to stake a claim on what she referred to as her birthlands. Gerhardt wondered if there was any deeper meaning her statement, such as that she wasn't thrilled at his settling here. Still, he was not here to analyze her words, he was here on more formal matters. An alliance had struck his mind, and he wondered vaguely what she would think of such an idea. Before he knew it she was commenting on his family, to which he gave a light chuckle. Shortly after that she was offering for him to join her on a walk. Gerhardt would relish in the drink and extra time with a fellow pack leader. Perhaps this would be the opportune moment to speak of his real intentions in coming here. Then again, she might have intentions of her own. Perhaps she had the same idea in mind.

After just a moment passed when she had finished speaking, Gerhardt chimed in his reply. It would be my pleasure. Tentatively the man strode forward and to her side, ready to be escorted wherever she chose to lead him. It was always interesting, seeing the kind of lands others chose to be a home to their family and pack. Tell me, what is it about this particular area that made it your choice for a territory? He was genuinely curious, and would gladly offer the same information to her if she returned the question to him. Gerhardt had very few secrets, and was fairly open with those he came to trust. Though he hardly knew Jupiter, something about her seemed trustworthy, even just a little.


Jupiter I


7 Years
03-14-2013, 12:02 PM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2013, 12:49 AM by Jupiter I.)
post eaten by my stupidity. basically she says that she couldn't let someone else rule the land because they're her birthlands and etc. etc. and then asks him what his territory is like. cx

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


03-17-2013, 08:49 PM

He wondered vaguely if she meant this path to be a reminder of just where her borders were, or if perhaps she felt it the most important route for them to take. Either way it didn't bother the King much. It was an understood thing to be aware of another's borders, and Jupiter's were no exception. He noted the scents as they came and went. She had certainly been a busy new Alpha. Gerhardt remembered those days, they were not so long ago. It was still quite often he religiously paced around his land and marked the borders. Two of the borders were completely blocked by water, and another was partially blocked, but these were still heavily marked in case an adventuresome wolf swam the distance. The King would give trespassers no excuse for being in his land unknowingly.

There had only one that had come upon his land, and that had ended surprisingly well, with the Kingdom taking in a second Knight. Sir Segar had been noble enough, even if he had made a wretched mistake in trespassing. Gerhardt had been rather pleased when all of that was said and done. However, his recollection ended as soon as Jupiter began to speak again, answering his question about why she had chosen this particular area. So this place itself was the place of her birth, not just Alacritia in general. Gerhardt had to admit there was a sentimental feeling behind one's birthplace. Gerhardt remembered his rather fondly despite the fall of his home pack. Who could rule this land better than someone born here? He wondered again how she felt about him coming into Alacritia and taking a piece of land for himself. He had been a mere vagabond, why was she befriending him and hating the one who had tried to take this place? He supposed it was because he had not been arrogant about it, and because he had not tried to take the very place of her birth, but instead found an uninhabited land in the south.

Wet, he remarked with a slight chuckle. We're bordered on one end by the southern ocean, and centered upon a vast delta that branches up from that ocean. The water purifies as you travel north from salt to brackish to fresh. The fishing is excellent and the foliage is always as green as can be. It's quite comfortable, really. There weren't many downsides of his home, though he suspected that flooding would be a problem at some point. Other than that and the obvious flatness of it all, Gerhardt was very pleased with his Kingdom. I don't suppose you know where i'm talking about? There was a chance if she was born here, she might know the land he'd claimed. She might even have been there before. His ear flicked idly to the sound of the river, suddenly craving a drink from its depths.


Jupiter I


7 Years
03-18-2013, 12:48 AM

jupiter illidais

she could only chuckle in response to his comment, having no witty reply or comment to deliver to him. though she didn't mean to be vain in acknowledging that it was true, the lass could merely see no fault in such logic. after a moment, she gave a silent chuckle, and then none-too-gracefully finally mustered a response. "the problem is in leading the wolves, not loving the land," she mused. ironically enough, as he began with the first word of his description, they neared the river. she stopped, flicking her tail in his direction and a bit in front of him so that he would know to halt as well. she listened to the description he gave of his territory, ears forward attentively and gaze flicking back every once in a while as she patiently waited to explain their location while also imagining the description she was being fed. a trickling stream of memories triggered recognition in her mind.

"hm," she murmured, brows furrowing. "yes, but not as thoroughly as i would like. i'll have to visit someday." she paused, regarding him with a humorous expression. "that is, if your wife doesn't mind." the comment had been made with the intent of bringing laughter rather than trying to flirt with him. she hesitated, and then continued onto what she had been going to say earlier. "watch your step. in a moment we'll be walking on roots with the water under it, and we'll have to perch on those to get a drink." she stepped forward, balancing with practice grace on the thick, entangled roots that ended abruptly to give away to the water. she put a paw down onto the lowest root of the water and precariously tipped her body downward, lapping up the water to satisfy the itching dryness that relentlessly plagued her throat from how much she had talked and how little water she'd had to drink over the course of the day.

she righted herself, finding an uncomfortable seat on the gnarled coils of wood. "it's inconvenient, sure, but the sight these mangroves provide when night falls is worth the trouble in getting a drink," she informed, a distinct and recognizable hint of admiration in her tone. she glanced at him. "have you ever been here at night, gerhardt? it's quite a sight."

? 386 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
ahh omg I accidentally forgot to paste the template stuff on a new reply so my last post was eaten. cx

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


03-18-2013, 11:26 AM

A nod was given at her response. She seemed to be already wiser than he. Gerhardt offered a smile as he continued to pad along beside her, making note of each scent mark as it came his way. He would remember it all and file it away for future reference. Gerhardt planned on visiting this place again, when she'd had more time to get settled. Likewise he'd hope she would visit him so he could show her around Seracia. He was rather proud of his Kingdom, and would thoroughly enjoy showing it off to another, especially if she had already seen it before. As they approached the river he took her signal to stop, slowing his pace until he was stationary a length behind her. As she commented on his description he gave a nod and a smile, noting her quizzical expression which could only be explained by her next statement. An ear twitched forward as a lilting laugh escaped his kissers. I'm certain we would both be glad of your visit. Adette would be suspicious, but he'd have to give her a heads up that Jupiter may arrive at some point, seeking a tour.

As she explained their means for drinking from the river, Gerhardt listened with interest, finding it a curious way to get a drink. Still, it was unique and something he wouldn't mind trying. The King watched her with slight wonder as she found her way so easily to the water's surface and drank from its depths. Gerhardt moved forward when she was almost through, perching himself tentatively on two different roots of equal height. He lowered himself extremely slowly and lapped up a bit of water before rising to his regular height and scooting off of the roots. That was.. different. He gave a slight smirk before she began to respond. I'm afraid I haven't, but I'm sure this place is especially beautiful at night. Gerhardt tried to imagine the area under the light of the moon, glistening in hues of silver and white. He rocked back onto his haunches, wondering about the proper way to bring up an alliance.

Jupiter, I wonder if you would mind telling me a bit about the nature of your pack. I'm always curious as to how others choose to run their packs. The King cocked his head slightly to show his genuine curiosity. Perhaps if her pack was seeking similar goals to Seracia then an alliance could be made. Tail swept across the land, wondering how long she could stand sitting on the roots as she was.


Jupiter I


7 Years
03-20-2013, 12:18 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

a giggle of very feminine proportions shook from her form at his reply, laced with a hint of innocent mischief. of course, jupiter wouldn't act upon this streak, but it was a little bit humorous indeed to marvel at what would have been a very troublesome prank. alas, the sol would never do that to her friend, though. yes, she confirmed in her mind as if it made the fact any more certain by assuring her conscience, indeed, he is my friend. she watched him with her celestial eyes of purple as he angled his body to carefully drink his fill from the river. her tail wagged a bit as he withdrew, awaiting his judgement as if it meant something to her when in all honesty, it didn't mean an awful lot. after all, she couldn't change the features and details of her territory, and she loved it just the way it was.

intrigued but seemingly positive syllables leaped from his lips of ebony and she nodded, taking it upon herself to fill him in on what he was so sorely missing out on. "indeed, it is. at night the water seems to glow very lightly. you could almost think you were imagining it, but if you touch it--" she paused to accent her point by dipping a paw into the water and flinging a few droplets in his direction in a playful manner, "--it glows a wonderful azure. it looks magical, almost. i'm almost certain that the mangroves have something to do with it. i've never been anywhere else that has water like this." jupiter observed with interest as he rocked to and fro as he sat, smiling lightly at the restless antics. what could possibly be on his mind?

the fae pondered over this inquiry, tilting her head first to the right, and then to the left, though both movements were minuscule. it was almost as if she were physically tossing her options back and forth, from one side of her conscience and consideration to the other. "in all honesty, it's a mixing pot," she admitted, offering a sheepish sort of smile. now she nearly understood--rather, assumed--where this was going. he was beating her to the chase, that brute! great minds think alike, came a fond mental reminder, courteousy of the more positive side of her thoughts. she hadn't been mad at him; in fact, she had been more amused than anything else. "i don't interfere with the lives of my subjects much. i allow them to do what they wish unless it compromises the pack or our allies." which we have none of right now, she added bemusedly in her mind.

"of course, they're still expected to be involved in the pack and do their duties, but i leave them mostly to their own devices unless they begin to neglect their responsibilities." it was an idea that was not fully mature, and she would see if it worked out, but so far it had worked out quite well. she didn't seem to have anybody scheming mutiny quiet yet, so apparently she was doing something remotely right.

? 519 words ?

[ o o c ; ]

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


03-26-2013, 02:42 PM

He would chuckle as she tossed a few droplets of water in his direction, trying to explain with words a picture he was sure was difficult to imagine. However, he did at least try, imagining the wonders of the blue glowing water in the moonlight. He could almost picture it, almost. A smile painted his face as he thought about anything special that Seracia had like that, but he had to admit that their delta did not ever glow except in the morning light. Even then the glowing was momentary, and scarce, and was only a result of the sun's angle upon the water's still surface. Either way, he was certain he had not seen any water like she described. "I can't say I've seen anything like that either, but there's no doubt it must be wondrous to behold." A wave of his tail would show that his speech was genuine. He couldn't imagine what a sight it must be.

She went on to speak of her pack's nature, mentioning that they were a mixing pot. He liked that phrase, it was true for so many packs - including his own. So, she led with a relaxed paw. It was a decent enough idea, and one that he was sure worked well for her. He was fairly lax when it came to his own members, but certain rules were absolute. He was certain that a few of hers were the same way. "It sounds like you've got a great foundation set up. I'm sure Ludicael will prosper under such a wise leader." She was indeed wise, or so it seemed to him. She could be putting up a front and faking him out, but he seriously doubted that.

He tilted his head slightly, raising a brow simultaneously. "I wonder how much thought you might have put into alliances and the like?" It was a simple enough way to bring up the subject, and would also provide him with valued information. Some leaders didn't give a rip about alliances, while others hoarded them relentlessly. He wanted to know what end of the spectrum Ludicael's founder might be on.


Jupiter I


7 Years
03-30-2013, 12:21 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

she smiled a little, nodding at the inadvertent praise in the other leader's words of her territory, and then she averted her eyes almost bashfully when he commented that ludicael would indeed thrive. yes, she mused with an inward chuckle, a friend indeed.

"what generous praise you offer, gerhardt," she chuckled, ears tipping back slightly with embarrassment. usually she was graceful in handling compliments, but then again, she had never been a leader before, let alone a leader receiving compliment from another alpha. his next comment caught her attention, as well as the offer that was so obvious in it. inverted audits flashed forward at the prospect of such an alliance, and she smirked at the thought. "plenty, since the thoughts started the moment you howled for me on my territory," she commented with a chuckle, relieved that he was finally cutting to the chase. "so, say, gerhardt, how would an alliance between the brilliant kingdom of seracia and the glowing waterscape of ludicael sound?" she inquired, voice almost sweet with persuasive honey, though she tried to tone it down. inside she frothed with excitement at the thought of her small pack in affiliation to what was probably a much larger one, though for all she knew, seracia could be much smaller than even her measly collection of companions.

no, she corrected, they are too strong of heart to be called measly.

? 232 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
sorry for the wait. :c

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


03-31-2013, 04:22 PM

Eyes of amethyst would glance Jupiter's way, watching her curiously for a reaction to his statements. Gerhardt had gotten quite good at reading other's faces, especially for little emotional cues that most didn't pay much attention to. The subtle raise of a brow, or the involuntary twitch of a lip could say quite a lot if one knew how to watch for them. However, in the search for those little cues, he found himself quite distracted by her appearance, particularly the colors that made up her face. She was a uniquely hued female, so much so that it captivated those who looked upon her. Gerhart found himself to be one of those that were enraptured by her looks, and perhaps somewhat enamored by them. Only her words, the sweet liquid speech, could bring him out of his trance.

Immediately he would look away slightly, unwilling to be drawn in again. He'd been without his wife too long, that must be why he was even thinking of looking at another woman in such a manner. It was the only excuse he could offer himself that made him more comfortable about what had occurred. Hopefully, the Ludicael leader had not noticed. She would then propose an alliance, obviously having picked up on his cues. The King gave a grin and pondered these things. "I'd have to be a fool to refuse," a light chuckle ended his speech for him. "Call me old fashioned, but I do enjoy partaking in some sort of event or something of symbolic nature to seal an alliance." It was a sort of open-ended question, one that didn't carry the inflection of a question, but would certainly lead to an answer from the fellow alpha. As he waited, he began to think of the possibilities. There was always the basic pack hunt or meeting to bring everyone together and onto the same page, there were also competitions and other such things that could do just the same. The possibilities were endless.


Jupiter I


7 Years
04-07-2013, 10:44 AM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

whether to his benefit or hers, jupiter did not notice the seeking eyes that ran over her form, for she was too pleased with both herself and this male to be too concerned with much else. a certain sense of pride had begun to sweep over. it felt as if she were securing the fate of her pack, in a way, by forming an alliance with gerhardt's realm. having only enemies would more than likely get her nowhere in this world, and she had other individuals to look after, so hopefully this was the best thing for... well, everyone.

she pondered over his speech, gazing thoughtfully at him while subtly looking him over. she hadn't noticed how handsome he was in their past meetings... no, no, she chided herself fiercely, thoroughly drilling it into her mind that the lad already had a mate. jupiter quickly forced her thoughts to the matter at hand, and allowed for the first thing that came to mind to leap from her lips.

"a sort of games?" she suggested, voice a little weak from embarrassment from her earlier inward actions, but such a frail tone was erased as she continued on, making it seem as if the lack of strength had only been a figment of one's imagination. "for example, some friendly competitions. an event where everyone can come together and see who is the best at what." her tail flicked with pleasure at this idea. what fun it would be, indeed! "we could hold them in the free lands, or one of our lands. or one part in seracia and one part here, so that everyone is familiarized with the territories." she turned away to pace a little in her thoughts. "things like hunting and fishing, maybe? and racing and friendly sparring!" her tone was becoming increasingly excited, and she subdued it quikly, settling back down on her haunches a little sheepishly. iterjup hadn't had such a sway on her in a while, and the feeling of allowing for that side of her personality show once more was a little unnerving, especially because of how naturally it had leaped forth.

? 356 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
sorry for the wait. :<

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-09-2013, 07:23 PM

ooc / table change cause.. yes.

Alliances were a thing he had heard could be a double edged sword. On one hand, you had constant allies in your favor, on the other - your realm could be dragged through the mud if you didn't choose wisely. Gerhardt did not worry much about the latter though, as he was sure from their conversation that Jupiter was nothing but a level-headed queen. She had so far described her pack eloquently, and her efforts at leadership as firm yet relaxed. He respected - and even revered - the freedom she allowed to her members, but knew he could not thrive as that type of leader, he was simply wired differently. He'd been born under very different circumstances, or so he inferred.

Her suggestion would receive a quirk of his brow and a twitch in his lip, which soon blossomed into a smile. A games, how wonderful an idea. She elaborated further, and the King listened.. thus far enamored with her thought. "I fear I might have underestimated your creativity, Lady Jupiter, that is a marvelous idea! I should think it best if we held half in your realm, and half in mine.. just so the borders and the land are well known to everyone involved and there will be no question. I would be most honored to offer up the Kingdom for the fishing and racing. You'll find our land is open and flat, and incredibly wet. I should think that hunting and sparring would bode well in your land?"

A genuine, unhindered smile lingered on his lips, accompanied by a tapering chuckle that slipped through unhinged jaws. His tail tapped the earth lightly, utterly pleased with what was to come. Oh how Seracia would enjoy a bit of frivolity and good-natured competition. Her own tone hinted at her eagerness for this to go forth, and the King was pleased with how happy she seemed with the arrangement. Who said that leaders couldn't be friends?


Image by Ruelle.

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-11-2013, 09:14 PM

a crescendo of excitement was rolling throughout jupiter's conscience, a result of both the prospect of friendly competition and who it was with. she hadn't thought an alliance would have been possible with any pack for a long while, but here they were, discussing the terms of the sealing of one. she pondered over his suggestions, finding that it was extremely difficult to suppress her urge to wriggle and shift her weight in her excitement. the lass' tail began to flick to and fro with a gentle pace, but hopefully it wasn't too noticeable.

"my dear king gerhardt, may i propose that the fishing be held here instead?" maybe she did feel like being a bit of a show-off, but she tried not to make that fact too obvious. "it'd adore it if your pack could see the waters at night. we could hold racing and possibly sparring in your lands in the afternoon or morning, and then after the travel here we could hunt, maybe feast a bit, and then in the evening, when the sun is setting, we could hold the fishing competition. the fish become the most active when the sun begins to set, and by the time all is said and done, everyone can enjoy the waters." she paused, and then blinked, seeming to reconsider something. "or, rather, we could split it up into two days. now that i think about it, a night to rest between certain activities would be nice, and that way most of your pack wouldn't be gone for almost half of a day."

some might think it disrespectful or pitiful for her to have even the slightest edge of paranoia in the face of such a joyous union of two packs, but the sad truth was that they would have to find some way to defend their lands. not all wolves acted on good intent, and the guilt that jupiter would feel if something happened to seracia because of a silly suggestion... she averted her eyes, lowering her head a little, almost as if she nearly regretted making the request for an alteration in the plan already.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-13-2013, 07:00 PM

She proposed the fishing be held in her home, and it bit into Gerhardt ever so slightly. But the King could hardly stand to refuse her, especially since he was so excited about the whole situation in general. Perhaps it wouldn't be horrible to fish here, it would certainly be a bit of a challenge for his members, but they would be fine. Besides, she wanted them to see the waters at night, and he would oblige. She went on to rearrange the plans. Racing and sparring in Seracia, and hunting and fishing in Ludicael. Then she went on to timing, and he quite agreed with her idea of splitting it into two days. A night of rest would suit everyone.

"You give a compelling argument, and I can't help but agree. I also think that a two day event would be best for everyone involved, with a night of rest. So racing and sparring in Seracia on day one, then a rest, and finally hunting and fishing in Ludicael. Sounds fantastic. I should think we would both need at least a few days to prepare and alert everyone in our respective packs. Shall we agree to set this event for.. let's say a week from today?" He hoped it wouldn't sound like too long of a gap, but he was insistent upon getting everyone in Seracia used to the idea of an alliance before Ludicael came storming across the borders. Everyone needed to be on their best behaviors, and plans had to be made and completed.


Image by Ruelle.

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-14-2013, 05:45 PM

"it sounds like a wonderful plan, gerhardt," she replied, ears pushed forward. her brain finally fully and firmly grasped the concept of this alliance, and a calm washed over her. the lass gave a slight chuckle and shook her head. "can't wait!" she murmured, a smile turning the corners of her lips upward. jupiter returned her celestial gaze upward to the male for a moment before looking around at her beloved territory. things really were looking up. "by your grace's pardon?" came her inquiry as the sol rose stiffly to her paws, wincing but still dipping her head as she requested politely to take her leave. if allowed, she would then turn and submerge herself in the depths of her territory, taking one last look at her new ally before moving on.

[ exit if allowed ]


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-14-2013, 08:42 PM

With a nod of his head the King would sense their meeting was coming to an end. All plans aside, he was prepared and ready to go back and inform his pack of the events to come. Her excitement was mirrored in the King's mask as he nodded when she requested to leave. He gave a light chuckle and pivoted, meaning to leave her territory and head for his own.

Exit Gerhardt.


Image by Ruelle.