
Calling all the monsters


07-19-2013, 09:45 AM
Sand the colour of death's cloak surrounded the woman's paws as she loped along the deserted beach. Mottled fur moving with the salt scented breeze as muscles warmed with the gentle pace. Forest green optics swivelled in their sockets as the femme surveyed her surroundings and her ivory throat worked as she slowed. Both sea and sand whispered their secrets into her ears, foolishly believing that she wouldn't expose their fickle nature.

Raspberry tongue sliding out to lick a maw that smiled a lot less than it snarled, daggers flashing for a moment before they were once again hidden. Bast the beast....hah, her litter mates hadn't been too far from the mark back in the day. She snorted in derision as she thought of her past, her weaker former self. She wondered what her mother would say if she saw her most treasured daughter behaving like she was now...would she have exploded in fury? No...she would have regarded Bast with an infamous stony glare of disdain.

A shame really, because Bast was a lot prettier than her mother had ever been. Bast's dam had been completely white you see...not a marking on her. Such a boring coat to was like you were left with a blank canvas on purpose. Wouldn't that suck? But luckily Bast had been gifted with black, russet and a cream-white in her fur. So, not as boring as her mother....but three times as cunning. She was shaken from her thoughts as she took in a breath and found another's scent tickling her senses.
"What would bring another out here....onto death's sand?" She called out, sitting down with her back facing the water as it rushed in and then slid back out with a hushed hiss.


07-19-2013, 12:48 PM
This was by far one of Tallis's favorite places he had found in all of Alacritis during his travels. Even though his home was now up in the North in the Red Forest, he still took the time to travel down to this shore line just to see it. He had arrived earlier in the day, taking his place under the shade of a nearby tree and waited. He watched as the sun rose into the sky till it was directly above him as it struck noon. The whole beach instantly lit up brilliantly, the granules of obsidian reflecting the midday light. A small smile touched his muzzle and he simply enjoyed the strange feat of nature.

He rested comfortably for a while, waiting till the sun had shifted again and the light on the sand dimmed to nothing again. It had been a good trip. It was nice to get away and clear his head from time to time. He wasn't quite accustomed to being around wolves all the time like he was now in his new pack. It was infuriating at times, but he kept telling himself once the pack settled down, they finished the ridiculous tests that Medusa and Deteste had come up with to figure out ranks, it would be better. He'd catch himself a mate, maybe have some pups, it would be great. Livin the dream, he thought to himself with a sigh. Still though, he kind of missed the days of rambling though Alacritis on his own, spending the night with the occasional tempting fea, seeing all of the lands that this navigator could ever want to see. He shrugged. Ah well. It had been nice while it lasted.

The gray brute got to his paws and right as he was about to turn away to head back to the North, he heard the sound of paws thumping against the sand. He looked back at the beach and saw a tri-colored fea running along the shore line. He watched for a few moments, contemplating approaching her, but shook it off. He should be getting back. Suddenly she stopped and called out, sitting down with her back to the ocean. He raised an eye brow at the fea, wondering if she was speaking to him, but he gave another shrug. What did he have to lose? He padded out of the shade and onto the black sands of the beach, walking toward her with a small dip of his head. "Only passing through, I assure you. He smirked, his stance relaxed and confident as it usually was. He sat across from her a yard or so away. "It's nice to see someone else out here for a change. Usually it's just me. I'm Tallis."



07-19-2013, 11:19 PM
Optics fixated on a grey form as it came out of the shadows further up from the water. When the other wolf's cranium dipped, hers did also, although it was marginal and probably not noticed unless one was truly looking at the woman. A slight smirk curled her lips and her black tipped ears pricked forward. She blinked as he addressed her, almost making her shiver. It had been a while since she'd really talked to anyone or had anyone answer her.

"Only passing through, I assure you." She spotted his smirk and tilted her head down a little, curling her tail around herself. He was confident and self assured....that was good in a brute. It showed he had brass, knew that he looked good and all that sort of stuff. "It's nice to see someone else out here for a change. Usually it's just me. I'm Tallis." Well, now she had a name from him...should she be truly horrid and not give him her name in return?

As the water came up and almost touched her rump, she rose from her seated position smoothly. A cheeky little giggle bubbled forth from her voice box and she shook off all the dark sand that had attached itself to her.
"I'm also passing through." The fea stated lightly,swishing her tail a little as she walked to his right while still keeping the distance between them. Her 35 inches of height might come in handy here, give him a bit of a challenge if he wanted to play a dark game with her.

But she was not so blood thirsty today for some reason, the sun had warmed her and kept her surprisingly docile.
"It is a nice enough beach...too bad others don't come here. But then again, I suppose it's better to be secluded than everyone and their companion traipsing all over it. Pleasure to meet you Tallis, my name's Bast." The devious beast had chosen to supply him with her real name, and why shouldn't she? He was interesting enough that she'd talk with him and he was bound to have a few surprises to offer her during their conversation. "Now that we're introduced...what shall we talk about?" She questioned, seeing if his confidence would lead into words and wasn't only for appearances.


07-19-2013, 11:48 PM
She was an interesting creature to say the least. From her tri-colored markings to her name, Bast, she wasn't quite like any fea he had run across before. Typically, for him, women fell into two categories. Sluts and sweethearts. The first was the type he typically spent his nights with only because they were the most eager to have his company. The second were the feas that seemed to be few and far between that typically wouldn't say more than a few pleasantries to the ladies man. However, he couldn't tell if Bast belonged in either of those categories. His golden eyes followed the fea as she walked around to his right side, watching her curiously. It almost felt like she was playing a game with him. That was fine, Tallis was more than willing to play with the lovely woman.

He raised an eyebrow at her when she asked what they should talk about and another sly grin crossed his muzzle. What should they talk about? Of course, the wolf tended to have a one track mind at times, so there was really only one thing the charcoal-hued brute wanted to talk about, but he wasn't sure if she was interested in that kind of conversation. He had only just met her after all. "Well, that depends on what you're interested in, lovely," he told her, a smirk on his lips. He rose to his paws again, turning to fully face her once again. What kind of game did this fea want to play? He was exceedingly curious, eager to see where this encounter would take them.



07-29-2013, 12:01 AM
Bast watched the man carefully, curiosity dancing in the green pools as she spotted his sly grin. Ohh, he was one of those males...well, she was all for pleasure, but one simply just didn't let any male atop her these days. The tricoloured femme licked her maw and her tail swayed side to side as she just stood still. The devious woman stretched languidly, her rump sticking up in the air for the briefest of moments before she took in his scent and placed it firmly in her memory banks.

"Well, that depends on what you're interested in, lovely," At his smirk she let out a soft laugh, coming a step closer with both auds pointed at him.
"I could be interested in a great many things...for example, what can you tell me about this land my good sir?" She responded, keeping things as clean as she wanted at the present time. It wouldn't do either of them any good if she just let him take her as soon as they'd met...though he was a very handsome brute.

When he stood and faced her, she gave him a cheeky smile.
"You could also tell me where I'm likely to see you around again if you feel so inclined Tallis." The despicable creature....she was so curious about what he would be like as a lover, but she wanted to pick his brains first and see what kind of man lay beneath the playboy exterior. Her mottled cranium tilted down just a little and she looked up at him, giving him a look that was both slightly cute...and slightly sexy. She was so used to knowing what men were like, that she wasn't too worried that he might miss the message written in those pretty eyes of hers.


07-29-2013, 09:22 PM
Oh, she was certainly a tease. He watched as she stretched, her rump temptingly in the air for a moment, before she asked her questions. That cute, sexy look she gave the gray brute hooked his interests even more. She was definitely a tease, but Tallis was enjoying it. A slight grin pulled at Tallis's muzzle as he replied, "I can tell you many, many things about the land of Alacritis. I have criss-crossed the whole continent and explored most if not all of its lands," he replied honestly. "If you have a question about any particular area or how to get to any certain place, I can certainly answer it."

The brute enjoyed this game she was playing. It was kind of refreshing, a fea playing hard to get. It made him all the more interested and made him want to learn more about the tri-colored fea as well. "As for where you can find me, my home is with Amenti, up in the north in the Red Forest. Of course, I wander a lot and do a good bit of exploring still, but eventually I will always find my way back there." His golden eyes searched hers eagerly, wondering what this meeting would bring next.


07-31-2013, 08:50 AM
Bast spotted the slight grin that graced the brute's maw, her tongue coming out to lick at her own. She listened to his words with great interest,smiling slightly before angling herself to touch her nose to his right back leg lightly. " do I get to some of the places you like to visit?" The femme replied with the only honest bones in her body...the teeniest tiniest bones of course. He was an entertaining man with a perchance for flirting, a game of both wits and words.

"Amenti...huh, I'll keep that name in mind." She said before backing up just enough to let his eyes search hers without seeing past the fa?ade. Bast was a champion at playing hard to get, but when it came to pleasure she was all for letting the male have complete access. There were rare times when Bast was more honest, than she was tricky. When she was giving and taking pleasure from another, killing or making love...or when she found someone so interesting that her walls came down just enough for another to take a peek into her strange little world.

The deceptive woman looked into the male's golden orbs before she stepped forward and tilted her head up to tug on his ear playfully.
"I love playing tag...childish I know, but fun nonetheless. It can be a game of cat and mouse....or a battle of wits, very flexible for a child's game you see. You interested?" She stated, her green oculars sparkling with pleasure as she offered him one form of a game that could easily become more naughty than the child friendly version.


08-03-2013, 08:19 PM
"You're standing on one of my favorite spots already," he replied with a chuckle. "I love watching the sand light up in the sunlight at noon and in the glow of the moon at midnight. Definitely worth the trip from the north to see every once in awhile. Another really interesting place to visit is the Lifeless Caverns, in the north. From the outside it looks like merely a crack in the mountain side, but once you walk through a dirt tunnel you find the huge cavern and tunnels inside with dozens of spikes of rock all around. It's far in the north, a short trek from the Amenti territory, if you'd ever like to visit." He could talk about the landscape of Alacritis for days if she'd let him, but he left his explanations at that unless she asked for more. He didn't want to bore her.

He chuckled and grinned as the fea tugged at his ear and offered him a game of tag. He hadn't played tag in years, since he was a pup most likely. But with a fea like Bast he was more than willing to play along. His golden eyes looked into her emeralds, his eyes glittering with the challenge. "Alright. I'm game." He leaned in close, deciding to chance his luck a bit, and brushed his muzzle against her cheek, whispering, "Tag." He turned and took down the coast line, chuckling softly.



08-12-2013, 12:12 AM
"That's good to know, and you're very deft with your words my good man. Your descriptions make it seem like we're in the Caverns...which is a place I'll definitely visit one of these days. The femme said in a half-flirty tone, she couldn't help it...someone who knew a lot of practical information tickled her fancy quite a bit. She was quite forward towards males like him, though she was sure that he would like more than a game of tag...the fea was half tempted to try a 'serious' sort of thing with him. Although.....would it be worth it, staying with one male for the rest of her natural born existence? Was she ready for that...with someone like him?

She was broken from her reverie as he looked into her eyes, his golden optics glittering with unspoken challenge. Ohhhh, he was up for it was he? This was going to be such fun~! When he leaned in close she let out a half-gasp in surprise, his muzzle brushing against her cheek. "Tag." Her face almost heated up with a blush as she immediately chased after him with a slight laugh. Her long legs becoming damp when the incoming tide swirled around her paws as she caught up with him, bumping his hind quarters with her shoulder before she bolted back the way they'd come. "Now you're tagged gorgeous~" She said, a grin on her maw as she moved over the black sand easily. On second thought....if his prowess in other fields was satisfactory, she could picture herself making pups with the grey brute....possibly.