
Meinx vs Neo



2 Years
09-20-2014, 03:11 PM

OOC: Good luck!

One she had paired everyone up, as he was the last one to arrive he was the last to be assigned, and with no other wolves to participate Meinx had to make the effort herself, though perhaps that was only to be expected. She had no idea of the mans history, nor did she particularly care, perhaps it was best to keep the past as it is, the past. She would wait for him to get ready, as she did she would set her defences, waiting for him to tell her to start and finish this as quickly as they could. Her mind was still a blur with the recent events of her father, he had left her... for months on end. And yet she so easily forgave, as family was family, and she had always looked up to him. Where were the children that he had muttered about on the day of the battlefield? what had he been doing. she was tense, the thought biting away at her, did the adravendi line expand?

Meinx v neo for spar round 0/2

Image by Luisiana

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.


09-20-2014, 07:49 PM
Good Luck! I'll probably need it more than you :'D

He approached her silently, head lowered as he stepped into her view. He carried himself gracefully, but his eyes told a different story; piqued with blood lust and rage as they scrolled over the Adravendi scum before him. A hushed snarl escaped his throat as he began to circle her, bristled fur waving in the wind. For a moment he forgot that she was several tiers above him in rank. Forgot that she wasn't Cairo. Forgot that this was only a spar. Recollection ebbed away at his fury as he began to collect himself. He needed his wits about him. He would pass his judgment on her when he saw it most fit. But not today. Revenge was a dish best served cold after all. For now, all he had to do was prove his guile and strength. He paced around her slowly, ears pinned back in an arch around his crown. He hated to admit it, but she had the upper-hand on him. She had experience where Neo only had training, she was younger and more spry than he was, and of course she most likely had a strategy already planned out for him. Well. It was only a spar after all.
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2 Years
09-21-2014, 07:03 AM

They had both readied there selves pretty quickly. He was late to the meeting but he could hopefully prove himself to be useful in fighting. She would not say a word, feeling no need for it. It was clear she wasn't the best fighter in the world, but she wasn't the worst either. She had just turned two, but the beta still had much to learn and was not afraid to admit it. She would quickly set her defenses- eyes slit, ears pinned, tail tucked, hackles raised, muscles tenses, chin tucked to protect throat, weight evenly distributed, legs bent slightly, teeth bared, brows furrowed, spine aligned with head, claws clenched into the ground for more grip. And then, she was finally ready to attack. she was 2 inches taller, though that didn't really make much difference at all.

Meinx would attempt to close the distance between them, hoping that she was going to go straight towards him head on. She would attempt to move slightly to her own right [neo's left] hoping to jut her left shoulder into the upper chest portion, hoping to hit in the centre to hopefully startle him. While doing this, Meinx would aim to grab the left side of his face. Hoping the top set of teeth to bite down into the centre of his left cheek [where its delicate and can cause pain] and aiming her bottom set to grab the left side of his jaw, hoping to tilt her head slightly to the left in the hopes to get the back of his jaw. She hopes to be successful to cause irritation, and to limit his movement. Though she intends to do no serious damage. Quickly, she would try to balance herself out again, embracing herself for any more attacks to come her way.

Meinx vs Neo for training round 1/2

Desenses: First paragraph

Attacks: Aims to hit her left shoulder into the upper portion of his chest near the centre to cause bruising. while doing so she aims her upper teeth to puncture his cheek and her lower set to grasp his jaw near the back, to hopefully limit his movement.

First round

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.


09-22-2014, 02:44 PM

His legs locked into place aligning with his shoulder's length as she drew closer to him, fur on end, ears pinned back, head aligned with his spine, tail raised, magenta eyes narrowed, each digit of all four of his paws sinking into the ground as he braced for impact.

Her shoulder hit his chest solidly forcing an angry snarl from his lips. She made a mad grab for his cheek, a move he attempted to counter by twisting his head slightly to the right in an attempt to grab the fur behind her right ear (Not her ear itself). The move had all but surrendered his scruff, a better option than surrendering the tender flesh on his face. He rose slightly on his hind legs, attempting to wrap his arms around her spine and wrestle her to the ground, anything to give him a height advantage over the larger woman. His right arm lifted, aiming for her withers, his left arm pulled in, aiming to press it against her pectorals and limit her movement. Should he manage to get his arm around her spine he would push all of his weight against her left side (his right side) and with luck force her to the ground.


Attacks: attempting to bite the fur behind her right ear,stands to try and lock his arms around her withers and pectorals to limit her movement before pushing her to the ground.

Defenses: First paragraph

Injuries: Bruising to the chest.
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2 Years
09-23-2014, 03:11 PM

OOC: Half hearted post im sorry, i have to do it now just in case im not around for the next few days. We both agreed Saff will judge this.

She had been successful in barging into the man's chest, but she could only hope she had atleast caused bruising. Though she had no time to think about it. Her bite attack had not quite been so successful though, getting the top of his scruff rather then the intended mark upon his face. Though, she would make due with whatever she got. She would keep her defenses- Eyes slit, ears pinned, tailed tucked, legs evenly distributed, teeth bared, lips curled, claws clenched into ground for more grip, hackles raised, muscles tensed, legs bent slightly. Since Meinx now had Neo's scruff, she would attempt to keep hold of it for a moment longer, hoping to pull it forcefully towards her to strain his neck and hopefully cause some tearing. Whether this was successful or not, she would let go, just as he lunged in to bite the back of her right ear. Though, because she was about to move her head slightly away Neo would instead graze the tender skin across her right side of the face, around the centre of her cheek. The woman had no time to think about the little sting, and would instead proceed with the fight. Neo would then lift himself in an attempt to 'hug' her. He was successful in doing so, though his forearms only reached to her shoulders/neck area. she would brace herself for his weight, though she did not fall over, she would stumble at first, but quickly regained her posture. Only half of him was on her afterall. She would spread her weight out evenly once more, wishing to try and stay levelled and balanced, not wanting to risk going down to the ground. The woman would attempt to quickly try and grab his lower jaw as he attempts to limit her movement in a hug motion. She hopes for her own teeth to lock on each side of his lower jaw, to try and gain some control and limit his head movements. While doing this, Meinx attempts to forcefully push herself forward with great effort, in the hopes that it may unbalance him by moving backwards so quickly.

Meinx vs Neo round 2/2

Defenses: First para!

Attacks: She attempts to tug and strain his neck before letting go. she would then attempt to get a firm grip upon his jaw, in the hopes to limit his movements and hopefully cause some pain for the next few days if she is successful with obtaining his jaw. She would also try to push herself forward [ with some struggle] in the hopes of unbalancing him since he is only on two legs.

Injuries: Light wound to cheek/jaw area.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.


09-26-2014, 03:01 PM

He cursed internally as his bite missed it's mark and instead caused minimal damage to her cheek. His momentary distraction was quickly broken as the femme's teeth closed down on his bottom jaw, shock and pain pulling a loud yelp from his throat as his head thrashed from side to side to escape her hold. As soon as his paws gripped her she threw the brunt of her weight on top of him, and for a second he was sure he would tumble onto his back, but such weakness before an Adravendi was unacceptable. His toes splayed into the ground, knees bending to support their combined weight before pushing him forward, against her, attempting to turn the tables and finally force her down. His mouth remained open, fangs clashing at the air as he attempted to scrape them against any part of her body within reach, his head twisting and turning to escape her grasp. If he was able to break the hold, he'd retaliate instantly with a solid bite to her throat, just behind her the left part of her jaw. From there he'd use his weight and his grip to throw her to the ground and keep her pinned. Should he fail to break away, he'd proceed to attempt to pull her down with the brunt of his weight, risking injury for the sake of victory

His defences had shifted consuderably because of his change in stance, his knees were bent, eyes narrowed, ears pinned back, toes digging into the ground, chest puffed out, spine pushed forward to contribute to the shifting of his weight, his tail flicked left and right behind him, his front paws digging into her back to hold her in place, his arms locked into place and his fur bristled.


Defences: second paragraph

Attacks: attempts to push her onto her back and bite the spot between the left side of her jaw and her throat.

Injuries: bruising to the chest and punctured bottom jaw.
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The Judge


09-30-2014, 11:02 PM


Round 1

8 for clarity- How much damage is she hoping to cause by ramming her shoulder? -1, how much damage is she hoping to cause with her bite? -1

10 for powerplaying. None seen

10 for defenses. eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tail tucked, hackles raised, chin tucked, weight evenly distributed, legs bent, teeth bared, brow furrowed, claws digging into the ground

5 for attack. thrusting her shoulder into the center of his chest +2, aiming to grab the left side of his face +3

10 for injuries.First round

Round one MEINX Total: 43/50


5 for clarity- what sort of damage did her shoulder do? -1, did her bite land? If so, where? -2, where is exactly is he trying to wrap his legs? Behind her shoulders, in front of her shoulders etc. -1, is he trying to wrap his legs around her, or wrap one leg around her and press the other against her front? -1,

9 for powerplaying. you must attempt to rise onto hindlegs -1

6 for defenses. hackles raised, ears pinned, head aligned with spine, tail raised, eyes narrowed, toes digging into ground

6 for attack. attempted bite to the flesh behind her right ear +3, wrapping his forelimbs around her +3, pushing his weight into her +1

10 for injuries.moderate bruise to chest (decided by judge), moderate bite to his left sided scruff (decided by judge)

Round one NEO Total: 36/50

Round 2


7 for clarity- how severe was the damage to her cheek (did he draw blood, break the skin?) -1, how exactly is she trying to grab his lower jaws? ?locking her teeth on either side? isn?t very clear -2

10 for powerplaying. None seen

10 for defenses. Eyes slit, ears pinned, tailed tucked, legs evenly distributed, teeth bared, lips curled, claws clenched into ground for more grip, hackles raised, muscles tensed, legs bent slightly

6 for attack. pulling his scruff towards her to strain his neck +2, bite to his lower jaw +3, shoving her weight forward +1

7 for injuries. light bite to her cheek -1, moderate bruise to her left shoulder (judge decision) -2

Round two MEINX Total: 40/50


9 for clarity- ?fangs clashing at the air as she attempted to scrap them against any part of her body? this is very broad -1

4 for powerplaying. biting at her throat if she releases him assumes that he might get the chance or she might free him -3, ?head thrashed from side to side to escape her hold? watch your wording -1, ?fangs clashing at the air as she attempted to scrap them against any part of her body? you are forcing her take damage -1, ?From there he'd use his weight and his grip to throw her to the ground and keep her pinned? Again you are assuming you are successful -1

10 for defenses. knees were bent, eyes narrowed, ears pinned back, toes digging into the ground, his tail flicked left and right behind him, his front paws digging into her back to hold her in place, his arms locked into place and his fur bristled, toes splayed

1 for attack. pushing his weight into her +1

8 for injuries. moderate bite/tearing to lower jaw (his thrashing would cause skin to tear) -2

Round two NEO Total: 32/50



NEO: 68/100

And the winner is...

Meinx! Neo must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Meinx-light bite to cheek (3 ooc days), moderate bruise to left shoulder (5 ooc days)

Neo- moderate bruise to his chest (5 ooc days), moderate bite to left sided scruff (5 ooc days), moderate bite/tearing to lower jaw (5 ooc days)


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Luis
Don?t forget to include what sort of damage you want to inflict, and remember that you need to take damage for thinks like ramming her shoulder into him.

For Fen
Try to be a little more clear in your posts and exactly what you are trying to do. Also, work on your defenses. Also, you cant base your attack on what will happen if you are successful in doing something else i.e. trying to bite meinx?s throat if you break free of her grasp on his jaw.

- By [saffie]



2 Years
10-01-2014, 11:17 AM

With each fight she had there was no denying the need to be better, and with each she fought, she would improve. She wasn't sure how talented the man was in combat, but as the fight would proceed she would feel as though it was she who was stronger. The time ticked by, and before she knew it the fight was over, he had submitted to her and she would feel him slack. An excited chill would sweep over her, but alas she could only wish it had been longer. She would release her hold upon him, taking a few steps back to assess him. Her structure would remain dominant and empowering, finally having the satisfaction of winning her opponent. A smirk would tug upon her lips, but perhaps next time with more training he would be better-- for now she could only hope. " I didn't catch your name?" She would turn after speaking, hoping to give him enough time to reply to her. She would start walking on the sidelines, wishing to watch everyone else.

[ Meinx exits] Thanks saff for judging!

Image by Luisiana

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.


10-01-2014, 06:40 PM

The first to finish would be meinx and Neo. Silver limbs would carry her towards the pair as Meinx wandered off to the sidelines. Her coral gaze would pierce the man as he picked himself up and shook off any hard feelings. A smirk would lift the corners of her mouth as she came to a halt before him. "You are not bad, but you aren't good. For now you'll be a hunter. If you wish to change that, you can seek me out." Cool words left her lips, her coral gaze seeking his. She would wait only a brief moment, waiting to see if he had anything to say before she turned away. There were others to watch and others to give ranks too. Turning away, she would drift towards the next group of fighters that were finishing. A single audit would tip back in Neo's direction. He could linger if he wished, but it not required. He was free to do as he pleased. Her gaze would flicker to Meinx, a subtle grin curled dark lips. She had chosen wisely when placing the woman so high up. So far, she had yet to fail, though it was doubtful that she ever would.

-exit unless stopped-


10-03-2014, 06:58 PM

He submitted begrudgingly, his muscles releasing tension until she let go of him. For a second he almost wanted to attack her while she was in her false sense of security, get in one last shot. It was a blow to his pride more than anything else, and he had been saddled with the lowly position of a hunter. He all but spat his name at her "Neo Gorecki." Bested and wounded he left the area, glaring at nothing and yet everything. This day would be a stain on his soul, and he wanted nothing more than to forget it.

[Exit Neo]
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