
Battle Scars[Demonio]


03-09-2013, 03:32 PM

It was a routine scouting, patrolling the areas near Tortuga's border. Investigating, making sure that nothing was amiss, normally this was done in teams of two, perhaps even three, but the wolf that was supposed to have accompanied her, never showed and Desdemonas monstrous size made her a viable choice for a quick, brief scout by herself and so without much hesitation she moved to complete the task. Her thick pads carried her swiftly across the terrain, her nose picking up nothing unfamiliar. It was a dull, tedious task and she couldn't wait to be through with it, but this was the duty and unlike the other wolf, she would not abandon a task bestowed upon her. Irritation had settled in her soul.

She was nearing Tortuga's border when the crack reached her audits and she froze, head careening behind her and body bending in an arch. It did not take long for the figures to reach her. There were three of them. Coyotes. Considerably smaller than her but teeth just as sharp and nasty. She was a seasoned warrior and had fought many odds but three against one wasn't exactly her choice of combat. She pulled her lips over her teeth, a thick and heavy snarl ripping from her vocal cords, she hoped to scare them off, make them think twice about attacking her. She lowered her head, ears pinned against her cranium and thick ivory canines barred as her body lowered in a battle ready position.

They clearly, did not take the hint. The first charged her. Desdemona held her ground, waiting until the thing lunged before she reared back and caught the things shoulder in her jaws hard, the satisfying crunch of bone beneath her jaws made all other thoughts beside this battle flee her mind. The second and the third were upon her one grasping her right front leg and the other aiming for her belly. Desdemona threw the coyote trapped within her jaws and it skidded across the dirt landing with a pitiful yelp among the grass. She ripped her leg away from the second, but its teeth carved ribbons of flesh from her leg, taken flesh and one with it. The thirds talons had torn into her back and its teeth were in the process of tearing a chunk of flesh from her.

Desdemona snarled, letting her legs give way beneath her and rolled, crushing the wolf upon her back and fighting back to her feet, the second lunged at her while the third regained its ground and its teeth clamped upon her scruff. Desdemona whipped her head around sinking her teeth into the coyotes chest and ripping it, along with a decent patch of her skin, off of her. The third was upon her before she could even release the second, its talons scraping down her maw. She snarled, her teeth snapping together mere inches from his snout. She pounced at him talons and teeth ripping into the coyote. Her jaws wrapped around his neck and crunched through the delicate vertebrae, the creature fell limp and useless to the ground and Desdemona whipped around eyes blazing with blood lust upon the other two.

They scampered away, retreating back into the forest and Desdemona was left with the corpse. Her bodice trembled, heaved with the adrenaline coursing through her veins. It was slowly wearing off but the heat of battle had always made her forget her own well being.

Pain blossomed first in her leg. The appendage was a mangled mess, ribbons of flesh and muscle hung in tatters fluttering in the breeze, the pone could be seen on a short, small section. That would take the longest to heal. Her maw was torn, claws had ripped heavy gashes into her face and she could feel the blood dripping from her face. Her shoulder throbbed from the gaping would the things teeth had inflicted and her back had a few gash marks but nothing too terribly serious. She was a goddamned train wreck and she was still too far from Tortuga. Forcing the physical pain away she forced her body to move. Her leg buckled beneath her, pain searing up her leg and a startled yelp escaped her as her massive bodice crashed into the dirt. Her tongue escaped her parted jaws and tenderly licked at the aching appendage. She had to make it back to Tortuga, she had to make it home, to Demonio. She wasn't this weak. She forced her legs beneath her and attempted to push herself up but her leg would not support her and she crashed back to the earth.

She whined, willing her body to work as she tried one more time. She managed to make it to her feet, grinding her teeth against the onslaught of agony, she didn't want to know how red her pelt had become. She limped slowly through the woods heading back to Tortuga. If she could just make it back to Demonio, she would be ok.



03-09-2013, 04:18 PM

Yet again his woman had been called out to perform another duty for the pack, but instead of a hunt like the first time, this time around she had been assigned border patrol. That wasn't so bad, at least in his mind that is. She wasn't running the risk of being gored by an elk or deers' horns, yet there was always the worry that some brute could some along and try and take advantage of her. Just the thought of another wolf laying paws on her set his blood boiling and a metallic taste fill his mouth. And yet they would have to be completely stupid to try and take on Desdemona, his warrior queen. She was his exact match in physical appearance, her bulk nearly the same as his own yet her experience far surpassing his. She was skilled in the art of killing and any who wished do go against her were signing their death wish. Not only that, but if the ivory knight discovered that anyone had tried to turn a paw against her, not even the bottom of the deepest ocean could him them from him and his fury.

Demonio had expected as much, which was why he wasn't as distraught as the first time. He'd bid her goodbye that very morning and gone off to fulfill his own duty; finding a meal for his mate. Yes, she was more than capabable of handling her own and obviously was able to hunt for herself, but she was his mate now, which made him responsible for her well-being, down to even the smallest things. He didn't want to completely interrupt her patrol, knowing that wouldn't look good on either of their parts as members of the pack, most on his though for distracting her, but he wanted to bring her at least a little snack. The limp hare that hung from his jaws hadn't been too hard to catch, though the little bugger had put up a challenge, despite its size. With much persistance the alabaster knight had finally managed to tire the thing out and kill it with a swift bite to the spine. Pleased with himself, he now moved towards the borders of their new home, tail swaying gently behind his haunches, excited at seeing his beloved. They'd only been seperated for a little over a few hours and yet he missed her like crazy. Guess that's what love did to him. He didn't mind though, it was a welcome feeling.

Limbs moved steadily beneath the massive drake, pulling him closer and closer to the borders of Tortuga, Desdemona's distinct perfume guiding him. Audits twitched to and fro, the sounds of a scuffle catching his attention. Pace was halted, bi-colored gems scanning the forest, auditory system attentive in trying to pinpoint the location. Surely it wasn't his mate who was involved in the scuffle? Demonio pushed forward once more, having discerned the fight was not too far from his current location. What came into view of his dual-colored gems was something he wished he would never have to see, yet it was there, staring him in the face, like his worst nightmare. It was Desdemona, her beautiful ivory pelt stained crimson, skin and muscle hanging from her front limb, scratches adorning her delicate muzzle and strong back, the corpse of a dead coyote lying about a foot behind her. The hare fell from his jaws, tears brimming at the corners of his eyes, unable to believe what those bastards had done his woman. The cowards were scurrying away just beyond the tree line and before he could think it through, the massive brute was charging after them, demanding payment in their blood.

The cowards turned back at the sight of Demonio persuing them, their tails pressed between their tails, their blood trailing on the earth from their wounds recieved from Desdemona. At least they hadn't escaped without injury, but their luck was about to run out. Limbs were a blur beneath the massive man as he charged the coyotes, hindquarters bunching together before they launched him forward, talons outstretched to grasp at his prey. He reached both at the same time, his left talons digging deeply into the haunches of the first canine while his right talons swiped at the second coyote, knocking it from it's feet. The coyote he'd dug his claws into yelped in agony, trying desperately to escape the hell sent brute after him. But it was too late; his time was up. Demonio used his strong forelimbs to pull the bastard towards him, jaws snapping powerfully over it's spine, severing it with a sickening crunch. The coyote barely dropped to the ground dead before he was upon the second one, his reaction so fast the bastard had no time to defend himself before the alabaster knight was upon his, fangs singing into his trachea, ripping it out with a single yank, nearly severing the head from the body. Crimson blood stained his ivory muzzle, turning it a deep maroon as he spit the thing's trachea out, bellowing a powerful howl of triumph at having dispatched the cowards who had dared touched his mate. Now, he could attend to her.

Discarding the corpses and leaving them for the scavengers, the brute was quick to return to his love's side, the unshed tears spilling over his blood stained cheeks. Demonio slowed his pace, nearing his beloved carefully, eyes roaming her ravaged frame. Desdemona my love, what have they done to you... His voice was strangled, thick with the tears streaming down his face. He came up right beside her, pressing his frame gently against hers, using his massive bodice to hold hers up, supporting her weight for her. He couldn't believe this was the woman he'd just bid farewell not even a few hours ago.

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03-09-2013, 04:47 PM

The massive dame could take physical pain, had felt far worse than what had been bestowed upon her now. She had cracked bones, dislocated joints, received gashes and wounds that far surpassed these, her pelt was riddled with scars beneath the thick of her fur, but that God damned coyote had ripped through the muscle in her leg, which meant she couldn't bear weight upon the limb. Her old pack would have snapped her neck, killed her for obtaining such a crippling injury and moved on, but she had no one here and she could not walk, which meant she would lay here until the next patrol came by...if nothing else found her first.

A scent caught her nose, one that she had memorized like her own body and she lifted her head, managing to sit up enough to peer into the woods. He drew close to her and instinctively she tried to rise to greet him. His visage appeared between the trees, a hare clamped tightly between his jaws, but the corpse quickly fell as he caught site of her. Her jaws spread apart to speak his name but she never got the chance, his eyes had locked upon the fleeing coyotes and he was gone. A machine of power and muscle, thundering after them. Desdemona, despite her pain, smiled. It was exactly what she would have done if the roles had been reversed. She felt at peace with her wounds, her tongue gently lapping away the blood and debris from her leg. Demonio was here, which meant she would be alright.

She rested her head back against the dirt, her eyes fluttering shut as she focused on evening out her breath and forcing her runaway heart to calm itself. She relaxed allowing her body to begin healing. She had no doubts in her mind that the two coyotes would be simple for Demonio to finish off, she had broken ones shoulder and the other was at the very least, wounded. he would eradicate them in an instant. The thought of him calmed her. She allowed her conscious to drift in and out of sleep. She didn't have to be on high alert, Demonio would protect her. She trusted him completely.

He returned swiftly to his side, maw covered in the vengeance he had extracted for her and she lifted her head once more, smiling weakly for him as he attended her. Tears spilled from his maw and she whined. Her voice soft and gentle, she extended her neck, pink tongue escaping her jaws and gently lifting the tears from his maw, she hated the look in his eyes, never wished to see it again. She groomed his face with gentle touches before he moved to her uninjured side and with his help, she was able to stand. She caught his ear playfully between her teeth and tugged ever so gently, wincing slightly from the pain in both her maw and her leg.

"I am alright Demonio. I will heal." She murmured against the shell of his ear, nuzzling his cheek with the top of her nose before the set back to limping towards Tortuga. It was a slow process, but the majority of her wounds had stopped bleeding and were beginning to form solid clots, it was only her leg that caused her a problem. "Thank you, my love." She murmured too him once they crossed the border. A great sense of relief washing over her now that she knew she was safe.



03-10-2013, 02:15 AM

The first time they had been apart, nothing bad had happened. Desdemona had gone out for a pack hunt for a few days but she had returned unscathed, safe and sound. Though their first seperation had been a bit hard, Demonio had been able to get through it with relative ease. Nothing bad had come of their first seperation and so the ivory brute had expected the same for their second seperation, the risk level being relatively low this time around. But damn, how wrong he'd been. This was the last time they were going to seperated. From now on, he would accompany her everywhere. She was a more than capable warrior and could most definitely hold her own in battle, but she wasn't a superwoman that was completely invicible. He told himself he'd always be there to protect her and look where she had ended up now. All because he had left his guard down, because he had become complacent. He had failed her terribly. He was lucky she'd gotten only injured and hadn't lost her life. He was lucky the past wasn't coming back with a vegeance.

She had attempted to stand at his appearance, barely managing to sit up when he had charged off in hot persuit of the culprits, demanding payment in blood. There was not a living soul in the planet that would escape with their lives if they even so much as dirtied a hair on his mate's beautiful coat. Those coyotes had picked the wrong wolf to target and their mistake had cost them their miserable lives, their corpses proof to any vagabonds that Desdemona was clearly taken and well-protected. He had dispatched the miserable wretches with ease, relishing in their blood that now coated his muzzle, proof of his vengeance. Yet as soon as their last breath had left their carcasses they ceased to matter. The only thing that mattered was getting back to his woman and attending to her to try and make up for his mistake of having let her go off on her own. And that was what he was doing now, leaning up against her, using his body as a solid crutch for her to lean upon.

The tears streamed down his dirtied cheeks, unashamed that she was seeing him cry for the first time since having left the lands of his birth. It had been a really close call. What if he hadn't decided to come bring her the snack? What if he would have simply stayed back at their den to await her return? Had he come much later than he had he would most likely come across a carcass instead of the injured she-wolf. He thanked whatever gods existed that they had watched over her enough to allow her to escape with her life and for him to be able to find her in time. He didn't know what he would've done had he lost her so soon, just even trying to contemplate that made his heart constrict to the point of stopping completely. He took a breath, trying to calm himself, her gentle whine breaking his thoughts, bringing him back to the present. Her pink tongue reached out to lap away his tears, and yet they continued to come, the flow never-ending. He should have been stronger than that, but in that moment he wasn't. Not when it was his love's life that had almost been on the line. She continued to wipe his face yet her attentions did nothing to stem the flow, her injured bodice leaning heavily against his. She reached up to gently tug at his ear yet Demonio could not return the gesture, his guilt weighing down heavily on him. It was his fault this had happened to her; if only he'd gone with her, none of this would have happened...

Audits pinned themselves flat against his massive skull, twitching ever so slightly at her words. I am alright Demonio. I will heal. No, it wasn't alright. It was most definitely not alright. There would be no need to heal had I accompanied you...none of this would have taken place if I had simply followed you or atleast come sooner... His voice trailed off, choked with the tears that continued to stream down his bloodied face. Her nuzzle against his cheek made him feel even worse. He didn't deserved her affection; he had failed her. His inadequacy had nearly cost her her life. They continued on in silence for the rest of the way, their pace slow and measured. Demonio was careful to not allow her to place any weight on her injured forelimb, trying to prevent further damage to the appendage. They crossed the border of Tortuga some time after, her voice reaching his ears, a thank you in her words. He shook his head gently, unable to accept her apology. She shoudn't thank him...It was his fault that she was in the situation she was now. Come now, let me take you the river to clease your wounds. He spoke quietly, crown held low as he slowly guided her towards the small ravine that bordered the outside of their den site.

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03-10-2013, 03:33 AM

Desdemona was in pain, but it was a physical pain. She had been trained long ago to put such miseries out of your mind. In battle, one got injured, many grew wounded, you were useless if you did not press on, and Desdemona, was anything but useless, but she was not two and three anymore, she was not quite as nimble nor as quick. She could still hold her own, and even against three vegabonds she had manged to still become victorious, but she was wounded and quite badly, especially her leg. She would need a grave deal of rest, recoperation and rehabilitation if she was to see the appendage used properly once more. She was lucky Demonio had come to her. She would have pushed herself to hard, would have forced herself to move and would have returned with even more damage to the leg. No Demonio had more than likely saved her leg if not her life. She owed her mate a great deal.

Her two-toned gaze trailed back to her soldier, her protector, and she allowed her muscles what little relaxation she could afford them as they limped along. She focused her attention on him, forgetting her own agonies for the time being. His expression was difficult to read, for so many emotions drifted across his maw. The most obvious, of course, was anger, more than likely directed at the beasts who had torn her up so horribly. The second, worry and sadness, again, rather understandable, she was his mate as he was hers, she imagined she would be in a much worse state of mind, if she had found him... of course she had anger issues, and once she started a fight, she did not stop. The last of his emotions confused her... regret laced through his gaze, but why?

She tempted to distract him with tender gestures and playful antics, but only once she spoke, in an attempt to reassure him, did she understand and that guilt she would not stand for. Injured or no. She stopped, planting her pads firmly in the dirt, ignoring the burning pain, her gaze narrowing at him. " There was supposed to be another who traveled with me this day, I know not who, or why they did not show but this is not your fault Demonio. If anything it tis my own. I should have returned to Kaien and informed him of such. I choose to continue alone. You will not blame yourself for my foolish mistake. I love you far too much to see you wounded over something beyond your control." It was probably the longest she had ever spoken to him but she needed him to understand that she did blame him, nor would she ever. She allowed him to lead her to the river and gingerly she stepped within the cool water, it felt heavenly against her wounds, but it was still bittersweet. She could still see the depression in his gaze and she would not have it.

"Speak to me Demonio, I yearn to hear the tone of your voice. Tell me what you will name our first child." She would distract him from his guilt. This was not his fault.



03-10-2013, 12:27 PM

Realisticly speaking, he knew it wasn't his fault. He didn't send the coyotes to attack his mate, nor did he ask of her to take part in the border patrol. If there was someone to blame it could've been their king, but he too was not at fault. Had he known this situation would've taken place, the ivory knight would've hoped he wouldn't have sent Desdemona to go out. It wasn't the king's fault, it wasn't his fault and it most definitely wasn't Desdemona's fault. Who was there to blame? Fate? The damned bitch that continually messed the good things in his life up? What had he done to deserve such things? He always thought himself a good man, but perhaps fate didn't see him that way. Or perhaps he was just the unlucky soul she had choosen to play games with.

He could tell his woman was glancing towards him as they walked; he could feel her gaze on his facade. Despite that, he couldn't look at her. Yes, it was not his fault, but he felt like it was. There were a number of things he could've done to change the outcome of the situation and he had done none of them. Yes, he had come in the nick of time, discovering his mate before it had been too late. And yet, he didn't feel like that was enough. She was in pain now, her leg horribly torn up, scratches decorating her beautiful muzzle and criscrossing her back. Those wounds shouldn't have been there. She didn't deserve them. If he could he would've switched places. Had he been there he would've jumped into the fight no questions asked and allowed his own forelimb to be torn to pieces, albeit the pain. He would've gladly taken the brunt of the attack just to save her from such agony. And he couldn't even do that; he couldn't take away her pain, couldn't make her injuries go away. He felt like a failure, nearly as bad as during Luna's death. Why did things like these keep happening to him? It was like everyone that came in contact with him ended up hurt.

It seemed as though his mate was none to pleased with the self-guilt riddling his frame and she wasn't abou to hide her displeasure. Despite his better judgement, she stopped, abandoning his crutch of a body, planting all four paws firmly in the ground, her dual-colored gaze narrowing at him. Audits pinned themselves flat against his skull as she spoke, not daring to drop his gaze from hers. There was supposed to be another who traveled with me this day, I know not who, or why they did not show but this is not your fault Demonio. If anything it tis my own. I should have returned to Kaien and informed him of such. I choose to continue alone. You will not blame yourself for my foolish mistake. I love you far too much to see you wounded over something beyond your control. A bit of shock flashed across his facade, barely noticeable for it only remained there a second before flitting away. If only he could find out who they were and rip their limb to shreds for having allowed his woman to have gotten in such a situation.

Demonio said nothing as he led her to the ravine, slowly helping her into the water. He could tell it stung somewhat, but he knew after a moment the water you numb the sting and begin to clean out the wounds of any debri. Haunches foldeded beneath the massive brute, lowering him into a sitting position, crown hanging low upon his shoulders, bi-colored gems flickering over his woman's figure, audits swinging forward to attention as she spoke, asking him what the name of their first child would be. Crown shot up in surprise, icy and maroon eyes widening in surprise. She'd just asked what the name of their first child would be. Jaws unhinged as if to speak, and yet nothing came out. He attempted his speak several times more and yet nothing would come out. They hadn't mated, so there would be no reason for to be talking about pups...Had she too already been picturing their near future? A hard cough was given to clear his throat, finally having found his voice. Our...our first child? I, uh.... He trailed off still unable to understand that Des had just asked him about their first child.

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03-10-2013, 12:58 PM

Emotions, were not a realm Desdemona was familiar with. They confused her, baffled her, complicated life and yet, the male beside her was hinged to her body. He didn't have to speak for her to know the guilt that flickered across his maw. He didn't have to glance upon her for her to know he felt responsible for what had occurred, no matter how utterly ridiculous such a sentiment was. What had happened, happened. She could not change it, nor could he. She needed to focus on healing and on making him understand that. Physical pain was nothing to the ivory dame.

She waded into the water, relief flooding her wounds and she groaned ever so quietly, She allowed her limps to fold beneath her as she laid down in the shallow waters, her pink ribbon, escaping her to lap at the cool waters. There den was not far from here, well within her reach if she wished to retreat back too it. She would ask him to inform Kaien of her injuries later, for now, as she always did, she yearned for his touch, his voice, the light of his eyes and the warmth of his body. Magnificent her mate was and she loved him. She would attempt, at least to offer him comfort, even if it came in the form of surprise, and it was clear her words had impacted him, his jaw fell open, eyes blowing impossibly wide and she smiled, her tail swishing back and forth beneath the water.

"I love you. Did you think I would not wish to be a part of you in every way?" Her head tilted to the left, ever so slightly as she surveyed him, watching him slowly return from his shock. He remained on the shore and she would not have it, she beckoned him too her with a short jerk of her head. "I want to be a part of you Demonio, perhaps my knowledge of this bond differs from your own, but even when I am forced from your side, I wish to know your heartbeat, your voice, your laugh, the feel of your body pressed to mine. I love you, more than I have ever cherished anything in my life."

When he had reached her side, she lifted her head, extending her neck, to bathe his maw in gentle kisses. Clearing him, of the remnant of his tears and never wishing to see them again. She nuzzled his cheek with the tip of her snout, brushing the thick fur there. So beautiful was her lover, so perfect. He was everything to her, her world, her heart, and she wanted to be with him in every way she possibly could.



03-10-2013, 01:28 PM

He watched her with a widened gaze as she slowly lowered herself into the water, the cool liquid washing over her beautiful body, cleaning away the blood from her legs, not quite high enough to clean the wounds to her delicate muzzle. Her groan reached his ears, telling him that his idea fo cleaning her injuries was indeed working. She began to lap at the cool water circling her forelimbs and Demonio did not know what to do with himself. The shock at her question kept him rooted to the spot, his frame like an unmoveable statue at the shoreline, yet his gaze ever roaming over her bodice. Even in the water, with her wounds on display, she was the most magnificent woman that had ever and would ever grace the face of this planet. And he was lucky enough to be able to call her his.

An sheepish grin slowly worked its way across his jaws at her smile, knowing very well that she'd noticed his shock. Audits rotated forward, catching every single word she spoke, his disbelief slowly washing away just as the blood from her injuries. Just as I love you and it was not that I didn't think my love, I was just not expecting this sort of thing to come up so soon. But if I must admit, I too have already considered this aspect of our future. She motioned for him to join her in the water and without a second thought the ivory brute rose from the shoreline, not bothering to shake off his pelt, knowing the water would clean it for him. And I want to be a part of you Desdemona, every single way possible. Mi corazon our bond is the same on both parts. I never wish to be parted from your side. When he part, even for a moment, my soul cries out for yours, for your touch, for your voice, for the comfort that you bring to me. Just the same way that I love you, that which hopefully one day I will able to find the perfect words to explain to you just how much I truly do.

Paws were gingerly placed into the water, the frigidness of it sending goosebumps rippling across his frame. He took a moment to adjust before stepping in all the way, the water brushing against the middle of his legs as he moved towards his mates side. She craned her neck up towards him, fawning his muzzle with gentle kisses, cleansing it of his fallen tears, those had ceased to fall some time ago. The tip of her maw brushed against his cheek, bringing out a rumble of content from his massive chest as he pulled back slightly, presenting the top of her crown with gentle kisses before he worked his way down to her muzzle, bathing in it kisses. She was his entire world, his entire heart and it was going to stay like that for the rest of their lives.

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03-10-2013, 02:08 PM

Her words were powerful, self assured, filled with confidence. She meant every word she spoke and that rung loud and clear in the strength of her words. Her two-toned gaze brightened as he mentioned he had already considered such things. Desdemona had never pictured herself the motherly type, especially after what had happened a few years prior, but to know that it was his child that would swell her belly... her heart beat erratically within its confinement, her breath came quick and fast. Those pups would be gorgeous, absolutely stunning. An ivory coat and a combination of their colored oculars. It was something she not only wanted, but couldn't wait for. Demonio would make for an amazing father. She smiled gently at him from her place within the river.

"Are pups what you desire my heart? We shall have as many as you would like." She purred to him, her voice laced with silky tones and barely suppressed desire. Despite her injuries and her still throbbing pains. She wanted him with her, for always, forever. He was nothing short of phenomenal, exceptional, extraordinary, and he was hers. Her mate, her love, her companion, her dearest friend. He stalked forward in the cool waters, attending her side, his own pink ribbon brushing the crown of her head and working its way down her maw, a rumble of contentment bubbling up from his chest as he answered her words of love with his own. She responded with a gentle whine, her own sound one of longing and love as he continued to bathe her face in gentle kisses.

They remained in the creek for a short while and once the majority of her pain had faded and her bleeding had stopped, she used him for support to hoist herself up and out of the water. It drained for her coat in massive streams and she shook hard, soaking her mate to the bone, amusement glittering in her gaze and a coy smile painted upon her maw as she buried her nose into the crook behind his ear. "Oops..." Completely unrepentant. "Come love, help me back to our den and then you can go fetch us a nice meal." With Demonio's help, she limped the short distance back to their den and collapsed upon the floor, body sprawling out among the soft grass.



03-10-2013, 02:39 PM

She was an angel sent straight from heaven, specifically made for him, almost custom ordered. Her beauty far-surpassed that of any other female in his eyes, despite the ugly marks that now marred her looks. If anything, they made her that much more gorgeous. She was his warrior queen and he her humble soldier, ready to put down his life for her without a second thought. She had rescued him from a dark place and he would forever remain in her gratitude, repaying her that only way he knew how; with love.

Just the thought of little mini Demonio's and mini Desdemona's frolicking around sent his heart into a frenzy. He'd never pictured himself finding a mate and settling down or even starting a family. He had never thought it possible since the death of his sister and yet here he was, wading in the cool water with the most incredible woman on the face fo the planet. Her past had dictated her a warrior and yet the ivory brute knew in his heart that she would make an amazing water. Just look at the way she treated him, fawning him with kisses, constantly wanting to be in his presence, always offering words of encouragement and love. There was no doubt in his mind that she would be the best mother out there. He would do his best to be the best father to their children, to raise them right and show them all they needed to know to be able to make it on their own. His mate's words broke his thoughts, bringing him back to the present.

A gentle smile curved his jaws as she asked if pups were what he wanted and if so she would give him as many as he wanted. You are what I desire my love and if pups will bring you joy, then I will give you as many as you would like. Although if the gods will it, I would love to have a little girl so she could take after her mother, beauty and all. Butterflies attacked his stomach at the thought of an exact replica of Desdemona running around, calling him daddy and her mommy, stirring up trouble with her antics. Their children were going to be amazing because their mother was amazing. Her whine filled his ears at his attentions, his own low sound emitting from his larynx in response.

The pair remained soaking in the clear water for some time, the blood and dirt having been sufficiently cleansed from his woman's wounds. When she felt she was ready, his mate stood and of course Demonio was right beside her, hoisting her up with his bulk. The water streamed down her pelt in rivulets and before he could protest she gave herself a good shake, pelting him in water, soaking his matching alabaster hide as if he too had taken a dip in the water. She apologized, though clearly she didn't regret it, amusement in her bi-colored jewels, coy smile upturning her kisses as she whispering into his ear, sending shivers down his spine. He shook his head, not caring about the water that now clung to his pelt, a chuckle of amusement rumbling in his chest as he assisted Des up the hill to their den until she was able to lower herself onto the den floor, practically collapsing.

He stood at the entrance of the den, taking the opportunity to shake himself free of the water, his fur fluffing out just a bit, making him look like a giant fluff ball before he gave himself another shake to settle down his coat. Satisfied, he strode forward, coming up infront of his mate, nuzzle her cheek gently before he reached up to grab one of her ears, gently tugging it on before he released to speak. And what would my queen wish to dine this day? he whispered, willing to find her whatever she desired. Nothing was off limits for her.

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03-10-2013, 03:35 PM

He had become everything to her. He was carved from the same stone as she. Her own personal guardian angel. The light of her life, her lover. She was so entirely grateful for him. He had saved her from the demons of her past whether he knew or not. He filled her with a sense of peace she had never felt before and she wished to everything, anything for him. She wanted to be lost within his touch, his scent, his voice. His words were forever gentle, soft kind. Speaking of her beauty, of her grace. She would be his willing slave for the rest of eternity if he would only let her. He was perfection and she would worship the very ground he treaded upon. Her lover, her soul mate, her companion for life.

Pups would only add to the list of amazing things he had brought to her life. Tiny replicas of herself, of her lover darting between her legs, beckoning to them with gentle calls of mama or papa. Her heart fluttered in her chest and her abdominal muscles rippled in anticipation. Her heat, would not come about for quite some time, she had only gotten out of it a scarce few weeks ago, but when next her cycle came upon her, she would make that impossibility a reality. She yearned for his essence to create new life within her, to watch her stomach swell with the promise of life, brought only into existence by a union with him. Her muscles quivered in anticipation. He was so beautiful. Her own flawless Adonis bathed in white fur.

"Pups would bring me limitless joy but only if they are brought about by your love. She murmured against his flesh, bathing his in the same affection he bestowed upon her. She spoke only truth, she wanted pups from no other, she would have pups from no other. Only he. He was everything to her and she just simply wanted him. In any way he would allow her to claim him. His own rumble of contentment reaching her swiveling audits.

He helped her back to their den and she collapsed with an expulsion of air. She watched him shake once, to rid himself of water, and twice to settle his coat before he strode towards her, nuzzling her and taking her ear between his teeth, tugging softly on the audit. She chuckled and laved the side of his maw in a sideways kiss. His question reached her and she shook her head. "Whatever you desire my heart. Surprise me."



03-10-2013, 09:53 PM

She had become his best friend, his whole world, his entire universe in such a short amount of time. She had been like a blessing in disguise; an angel under the guise of a warrior. She was beautiful and gorgeous and stunning and magnificent and amazing and loving and caring and powerful and just beyond perfect. She had found him in a dark place and rescued him, brought him back from that black hole that had become his life. She was his goddess, his heroin and he would make it his mission for the rest of his life to try and repay her. No words would ever be enough to express just how much he loved her.

She was the epitome of beauty and were they to have pups their children would be absolute perfection. All of them would be swathed in the same alabaster fur as their mother, perhaps their eyes varying between his mate's and his own. Out of all the pups though, he wished to have atleast one little girl, one little mini Desdemona, an exact replica of her down to the color of her eyes. He would spoil his little girl rotten, granting ever whim and desire she could ever ask for, much like he did for her mother. He would protect her with his life and teach her everything she needed to know to make out on her own. He hoped she would become a daddy's girl, or at least want to hang out with her old man every once in a while. His stomach fluttered at the contemplation of his own children, something he had never considered before until he'd met his soul mate.

Audits swiveled forward with attention as his beloved spoke, her tones gentle as she returned his lavish affections. My love is all yours mi amor, always to your disposal. Your are my queen and I your humble servant, ready to grant you every wish and desire. Goosebumps rippled down his spine as her soft murmur, lids falling closed for a moment. She was not in heat now but the remnants of her last cycle were still there, faint but still noticeable. He was in no hurry to begin their own family, but the idea of starting one soon very much excited him. Her past labeled her as a warrior yet Demonio knew in his heart that that was what going to make her the most incredible mother he had ever known. The proof was right in front of his face with the way she treated him, so loving and affection, gentle and kind. There was no one else alive that he could picture himself starting a family with than Desdemona, his one and only true love.

He felt like a smiling idiot whenever he was around her, unable to control the smiles that seemed to be permanently plastered across his maw. He didn't care much though, it wasn't like he could help it; she drove him mad with love. Another smile curved his jaws as she presented a sideways kiss to his jaws, his own tongue sneaking out to plant one on the tip of her delicate nose. Well in that case, a young fawn for my queen it is. he rumbled in response, plume wagging gently, awaiting her command for him to go out and retrieve her dinner.

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03-11-2013, 03:53 PM

She did not feel like she was worthy of a creature like Demonio. Demonio was incredible. He was kind, gentle, loving, protective, possessive, utterly loyal, his heart was pure and just, his soul untainted and pure. He was stunning. An angel. He deserved to be treated as a king, worshipped for merely breathing in his next breath. He as everything Desdemona wanted to be and nothing of what she actually was. She was a demon cloaked in white. A monster that had destroyed more lives than she cared to remember. How long would it be before he got to see the dark side of her unleashed? She tainted him, merely by remaining in his embrace and she wondered how... someone as perfect as he would even bother to look twice at a beast like her.

Of course, that was a demons flaw, selfish until the end and she could not let this magnificent being go, she wouldn't. He was gorgeous, he was perfection, and he was hers. He had claimed her and as such she had claimed him, and she would be dragged to seventh layer in hell before she let him go. He was hers. For some indiscernible reason he had picked her and she would do everything within her power to keep him beside her. He was the missing piece of her soul, the keeper of her heart and the holder of every emotion she had ever felt. He was anything and everything that would ever matter, unless of course, he swelled her belly with pups.

A shiver rippled along her flesh at his submissive words. Her body bringing forth a chill as she pictured him above her. She wasn't even in heat and the thought of him taking her sent her abdominal muscles rippling with anticipation."I have no desire to be your Queen. Your companion, your lover, your friend, your equal. I would have you in every way but only if you stand beside me." Her tones were gentle and calm, returning his words with as much love as she was able.

He bathed her in affection, his own tongue tracing the lines of her maw, the tip of her nose, anything and everything he could reach and she purred, a rumbling contented noise bubbling up through her chest. He spoke of what he intended to bring her and she caught his ear between her teeth, tugging gently, playfully. "If you await my consent to leave you shall never have it, I never wish to see you vanish from my sight, bus I fear we must dine upon something and I am in no condition to attend you." With reluctance, she released him.



03-11-2013, 04:26 PM

He knew he would never be able to put into words just exactly why Desdemona had caught his attention, why the little voice in his head told him that she was the woman he'd needed all along. Perhaps it was her beauty, the ivory that bathed her coat, as if she had been formed from the purest of snows. Or her eyes, simliar to his own dual-colored ones, thought different in tones of colors. Or maybe even her prowess as a warrior, one he knew had been feared back in the days of her youth. Or maybe it was just Desdemona herself as a whole, willing to accept Demonio just the way he was, flaws and all. She was a jewel, a queen, an angel, a goddess and he would spend the rest of their days treating her as such.

He wasn't sure he believed in a higher power, or gods. He knew though, that things always happened for a reason, so if he and Des met, it was because something was to come out of their joining. Whether it was childre, which he was sure would come later on, or maybe just healing one another. Heal what he wasn't sure, but the ivory knight would give his all to heal whatever wounds were left over from her past, were there any to begin with. He would not actively search for them, simply attend to them as they appeared. He thanked whatever forces were working out in the universe that they had brought her to him in the nick of time. Had she found him later or not at all the alabaster brute knew not where he would've ended up. She filled that empty hole in chest, revived his spirits, brought the light back into his icy and maroon eyes. She was the center of his world, of life; his best friend, his lover, his soulmate, the woman who had captured his heart and would forever remain the owner of it. She was his and he was hers, for the rest of eternity.

A gentle smile curved his white lips, just a hint of pearly whites peeking through at her words. She didn't want him to worship her, she wanted to be his qual. But how could such a creature of angelic perfection be his equal? My love I admire your want to stand at my side as an equal, but that is impossible. You are a creature of perfection, of divine formation and merely being my companion is anything but fair. Although I will respect your wishes, remaining at your side for as long as you desire. He loved listening to her talk; she had such a sweet, gentle voice. If he could, he would simply lie by her side and listen to her talk all day. A soft chuckle of amusement rumbled in his throat to mix with her rumble of content. Demonio bowed his head, allowing his woman more access to his ear as she playfully tugged at it.

I never wish to leave your side either mi corazon, but as you said we do need sustance. I promise to return swiftly with a fresh kill to nourish you my love. And with that the ivory brute planted a soft kiss in the spot between her eyes, turning on his heel to stride to the front of the den, glancing at Desdemona for a moment, hating that he had to leave her behind unprotected before he launched himself out of the den and down the hill to leap across the ravine, paws swiftly beating against the earth to gather food for his woman.

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03-12-2013, 02:18 PM

She loved the ivory male, her twin with all of her being, her two-toned gaze glittering with the emotion as he spoke of her. He saw so much goodness in her, so much beauty, she wondered what he saw that she did not. She was no remarkable beast, or at least she could not compare with him. He was the embodiment of perfection and she would forever be his slave, to command and control as he saw fit. He was everything to her and she wanted to make sure he knew it. His words reached her gently swiveling audits and she shook her head, denying his words. "No. I am not perfection my heart. I am half of a soul, half of a wolf. I did not live, not truly, until I met you. You complete me Demonio. You are the missing pieces of my soul, the love that floods my heart, the joy and the laughter within my eyes, if I am to be perfection it is only because you have been brought to me." She ended her words with a languid kiss to the corner of his mouth, her two toned eyes seeking her beloved to see if he truly understood. He was the reason she wished to be better, to not fall back into the pointless mindset of a heartless killer.

She rumbled her contentment as he placed a kiss between her eyes before he padded to the entrance of their den. She tossed to him, her head, willing him to go on, but not before calling out to him once more. "You take with you my heart." She murmured just loud enough for him to hear, he would know of her love if it killed her and then he was gone and Desdemona was left alone. The wounds that graced her torso were already scabbed over, healing already, they ached but it was a dull throb, one easily ignored. Her leg, was far more wounded. She had been careless, had allowed it to strong of a grip before she had yanked away. She could still bend the appendage and could still move her toes, so it had not destroyed the muscle, merely damaged it. She would limp for a few weeks and then be as good as new... with a few more scars beneath her ivory pelt.

She wondered what she would have done if she had seen her lover torn apart as she had been? Well that was simple. She would have demolished them, tortured the canids until they pleaded and begged for death. Torture was something she was well versed in and they would have received the full brunt of her training. Mercy would not have been a word to grace her vocabulary. She would have more than likely placed her mates injuries in the back of her head, she would not have returned to him so swiftly, her lust for revenge and blood would have blocked even the sun in the sky.

Demonio was everything to Desdemona and even as something as foolish as retrieving her dinner, she felt guilty of asking him. He deserved to be attended to, waited on at all times, not she. She swore once she recovered she would treat him like the king he was, anything he desired would be his. Her loyalty may have been to her pack, but her mate would forever come first.



03-12-2013, 04:47 PM

How could he make her understand just how he perceived her through his dual-colored eyes? How could he express to her that was the absolute living embodiment of perfection to him, more divine than any gods could ever be. Her beauty far surpassed the beauty of any mortal she-wolf and he would forever remain in astoundment that such a divine goddess had chosen him, a simple peasant, to share the rest of her life with. How could he show her just how truly beautiful she was, regardless of what had had happened in her past. That no longer defined her, no longer mattered. She was with him now and that was the only thing she had to worry about from now on.

Audits swiveled forward as she spoke, her words causing moisture to collect at the corners of his eyes, one single tear slipping from his icy eye to dribble down his muzzle and plop between his paws. Mi corazon you are perfection, you always have been. Your past, whatever it was, hid that from you, perhaps even disguised it, but it has always been there mi amor. Do not deny it for it is the truth that I speak, the words of my heart, the heart that now belongs to you. You say I complete you and I too can say that you complete me, in more than ways that I can ever find the words to describe. You are the reason my heart beats so strongly inside this chest of mine, the reason I am still alive. I was brought onto this earth for one purpose and one purpose only; to love you. You are my angel, my blessing and one day I will find a way to show you just how deep and true my love is. His words were choked at the end, the emotions washing over him powerful. No one had ever made him feel like this. Ever. He wanted nothing more than to pour his heart out to her, to show her that his love was true and ever lasting, that he was in this for the long run and not even death himself could pull him from her side.

The languid kiss she presented the corner of his mouth with sent his heart into a stuttering as he pulled away, stopping only a moment at the entrace to their den to glance back at her, the stuttering giving way to a painful constriction. Every muscle in his body screamed at him to return to her side, to curl around her, to tenderly kiss all her wounds until they healed, to remain with her and never leave her. And yet his head said otherwise; it told him that leaving her was necessary, essential to her recovery. If he simply stayed with her and never left her side, who would hunt for her? She would surely starve, only worsening her condition and Demonio could not allow that. It was his responsibility to take care of his mate and if that meant leaving her for a short time while she was injured, then he would damn well take that risk to ensure her survival. Quiet words drifted into his ears, causing him to pause just before fully stepping out of the den, gentle gaze returning to Desdemona. And protect it with my life I shall my love. He murmered in response, a soft whine leaving his trachea before he out of the den and off across the ravine, nostrils flaring wide, ready to bring home the dinner.

Paws beat out a steady drum against the half-frozen earth, bi-colored gaze roving the landscape as he breached the treeline, movements as silent as a ghosts. Neat the treeline the scent of prey was absent, but as he moved deeper into the forest, the sudden stench of deer attacked his nostrils with full force. Demonio didn't waste time on stopping to identify the source of the smell; there was no need. It was strong off he could follow it easily, frame re-adjusting in the blink of an eye, bending tight around a large timber as he changed course to locate the deer. Limbs pumped efficiently beneath the large brute, bringing him right ontop of his preferred prey. Pace was slowed dramatically, dirt skidding up behind his haunches as he came to a sudden halt, needing to find cover before the herbivores spotted him, his alabaster coat not exactly the most ideal camoflouge out of winter. Mass was lowered to the ground, belly brushing against the brown earth as he slunk towards the clearing, a small herd of doe in his sights. There were three doe all clustered together, but they weren't without company. Four younglings, barely a few months old clustered along their mothers' legs, lipping at the shoots beneath their hooves, unaware of the massive predator lurking just behind the brush. The mothers were alert, as all mothers were, but their body postures gave any no tension or any reason for detecting a threat. The ivory male eyed the fawns, trying to decide which one he would bring down to bring when much to his luck, one of the little things decided to wander off, as only fate would have it, wandering straight in his direction. Demonio shook his head; what luck. Muscles tensed, haunches like coiled springs, talons kneading the dirt, gaze locked on the tiny creature moving in his direction. One...two...three.

The coiled springs that were his haunches exploded with power, launching the massive brute clear over the brush, talons outstretched to grasp at the youngling, jaws agape. The does turned, their muddy colored eyes widening in shock at the predator launching itself a the baby. They cried out patheticly, but it was too late; the baby was a gonner. Jaws clamped down powerfully over the fawns muzzle, cutting off its air supply, talons gripping at its chest as the knight knocked the young herbivore over, his massive weight easily pinning it down. Unable to help the downed baby, the does and the rest of the children hurried off to find safety, leaving the child in the grasps of Demonio. The poor thing flaied beneath him in a desperate attempt to free itself, but it was no use; its fate was sealed. Jaws clamped down harder, a slight crunch reaching his ears, the fawns maw slightly giving way beneath her unforgiving grip. And then the struggling ceased, the fawn becoming limp beneath his grip, its last breath exiting its body before it ceased to live. Maw unhinged, releasing the now dead fawn, tongue darting out to swipe at the trickle of blood that had stained his muzzle before he reached down, taking a grip on its neck before he began dragging it back the way he came, pleased that he would be able to deliver such a delicacy to his beautiful woman.

It took a bit longer than when he had orignally started out, given the fact that the hooves of the animal continuously got caught in stuck up roots or rocks, needing for the knight to tug violently until it came loose. Regardless, he was able to return to the den in a reasonable amount of time, climbing up the small slope, the carcass dragging behind him as he scrambled up the last part of it, finally reaching the entrace of the den. Demonio dropped the carcass, ribbon lolling out slightly as he panted quietly, taking a moment to catch his breath before he picked up the meal, dragging it all the way inside the den to drop at the paws of Desdemona only to take a step back, haunches folding beneath him as he sat, bowing his head to his mate, tail thumping gently against the den floor. Dinner is served amor. he crooned, awaiting her reaction.

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03-12-2013, 06:35 PM

It seemed as though they shared the same dilemma, she undermined herself, looked down upon her own visage and he seemed to do the same. He saw so much strength and beauty in her, but he could see none of the flawless beauty that lingered beneath his own flesh. He was so focused upon her that he could not see how glorious his own self was. It seemed they both had a bit of accepting to do. She opened her maw to speak, but never got the chance, the tears that gathered in the corners of her mates oculars and the singular drop that fell successfully silenced her. Her eyes widened, worried she had said something to offend him, but it seemed it was quite the opposite.

He spoke to her a litany of words, emotions choking her loving mate throughout his winded speech. Each word, drilled into her heart, her very soul reminding her of how perfect he was for her. Tears trickled from her eyes and emotions swelled her throat shut. She was a blood thirsty warrior, a demon disguised in a blanket of sinfully deceptive white fur, and he had brought her to her knees. Tears spilled from two-toned oculars and several times she tried to open her jaws to speak, but no words her mind could dream up were complicated enough, simplistic enough or profound enough to accurately describe how much she loved him, how much she treasured him. He was her Adonis, absolutely breathtakingly beautiful and he need do little more than present himself to her, for her heart to take off on a high speed chase and her stomach to be lodged in her throat. He won her with little more than a glance and despite her blood stained past, she was won and she could not bring herself to care. In fact she wished he could remain forever at her side, that deep timbre of his voice lulling her to silence and sleep.

He vanished from her side, turning back to glance upon her from the entrance of their den. His two toned eyes revealing such a deep stare of longing, she was sorely tempted to rise and join him, physical pain be damned, but she needed her limbs and she needed her leg to heal so she would be forced to demonstrate patience. He answered her swiftly, with a gentle reply and a soft whine. Her ears pinned back to her skull and her heart broke at the heartbreaking sound, but he was gone, off to find food and a deep sense of loneliness settled over her.

She lowered her head to the soft grass, her breath blowing the blades away. She required no healer, the water had done its job of carrying away whatever infection may have settled and she needed no drug to block her pain. The gentle throbbing of her leg reminded her that she was still alive, still breathing, still living here with Demonio. Demonio... despite herself a soft whine escaped her larynx. She missed him and he had scarcely been gone for an hour. her body yearned for his warmth and his touch. Her heart yearned for his scent and his presence. When had she become so dependent on another? Had it not been just a short few months ago she had survived well enough on her own? She supposed that was just it, she had not ever lived, merely survived until the sun set and rose the next day. Demonio had taught her truly how to live and where was he? Worry began to cloud her mind. She was in no shape to venture out after him. Damn. She should have spoken nothing of her hunger.

Her worry disipitated as his scent reached her nose. Her head lifted from its perch between her paws and her ears perked up and forward. Her tail swished lazily behind her. He was dragging something, what it was she cared not, she only cared for her light, her love, her Demonio. She dragged her legs beneath her, sitting up properly as he dragged the dead fawn before her, his breath coming in heavy pants as he fought to regain his breath. He sat back on his haunches, speaking quietly and awaiting her own reaction. She would give it to him, and she would give it to him in spades. Grinding her teeth against the pain, she pushed herself up, her right foreleg protesting the movement but she wouldn't have it.

Slowly she limped forward to her mate, dipping her head beneath his own and brushing the top of her cranium beneath his jaw, her ears pinning back as she curled her shoulders into his chest, her body reclining back down into a seated position as she curled into his chest. A rumbling purr of contentment bursting from her larynx now that she had returned to his embrace. "I love you Demonio." She purred against the skin of his neck, more content curled up against him than she had ever felt before.



03-12-2013, 08:06 PM

Every moment, every second, every minute he spent away from the love of his life was like a thousand fangs piercing his heart all at once, over and over and over again. Being away from her was like the sun being eclipsed and the most severe blizzard taking residence inside him, chilling him to his very core. She was his essence of life and without her his existance meant nothing. She was the warm blood that coarsed through his veins, the steady heartbeat inside of his chest, the light to his eyes, his everything. He belonged to her, in every single way possible and even in the ways that wouldn't happen for some time. He would forever serve her, pamper her, care for her, for the rest of his life, asking only for her love in return.

With the meal he brought her, surely her recovery would speed up? Demonio wished it so, not for his sake but for hers. She didn't deserve what had happened to her; no one did really. She was a warrior and warriors were not creatures of inaction. They were soldiers and needed to be in good shape constantly, for their assistance was almost always needed. And yet his warrior queen simply laid in their den, her forelimb a tangled mess of torn muscles and skin. Were he a healer he would've found the herbs he needed in order to properly heal his mate but sadly he was not and that kind of help he could not offer her. Perhaps there was a healer in Tortuga that wouldn't mind lending him a paw and show him the herbs he could use on Desdemona? He would have to figure that out soon; he didn't want him mate suffering long than she really had to.

She'd been lying down when he'd returned, her beautiful head rising, her two-toned gaze locking onto his form as he dragged the carcass inside the den to drop it before her paws. He watched with worried eyes as she slowly dragged herself to sit up before him. Audits pinned themselves against his head; was she going to-? Before he could voice his protest, Desdemona was limping towards him, her jaw tight with pain. She didn't need to get up to greet, he would have been satisfied with her simple words but she was a fighter and that's what she was doing now; fighting. She was fighting the pain, dragging her injured limb with her as she tucked herself beneath his chin, curling her shoulders against his chest, her pelt meshing with his. A sigh slipped past his jaws, crown tipping forward as he cradled hers against his neck, plume curling around his haunches to reach towards his paws, brushing against his mate's haunches. Oh, how he loved embracing her like this, having her safe against him, just the two of them.

Audits rotated forward once more to catch her gentle words, her breath toying with the fur along his throat, sending shivers down his spine as her rumble of content vibrated in her chest. And I love you Desdemona. he whispered quietly, the constricting feeling in his chest having disappeared at her touch.

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03-13-2013, 12:18 AM

The time spent waiting for his familiar visage to return was utter torture. Her heart yearned for him, beating painfully against her rib cage. It missed its lover, its other half, without him she was nothing. She felt empty, devoid of emotion and life. It was like he sucked all of the joy, all of the happiness, all of the love was simply siphoned from her veins. She waited for him eyes trained upon the mouth of their den her audits pistoning back and forth, she was hinged to his body, she needed him, craved him, loved him with every nerve, every fibre, every microscopic piece of her being and finally, finally he returned.

Not all of the pain in the world could have stopped her from rising to greet him, and no protest he made would halt her either. She wanted his embrace, she craved it like she craved the air she breathed. The decadent meal he had brought her, could not compare to the stunning beauty, the emotion, the utter feelings of contentment and love that his embrace brought her and despite her hunger it did not come close to comparing to her heart returning to her. There was no place upon the earth that she would rather be than his embrace.

His tail twined forward, brushing her haunches with a delicate touch and she purred her love to him, her breath ghosting over his flesh with the softness of a newborn and she licked the column of his neck, thanking him silently for the meal. She pressed against him hard, unsuccessfully becoming a permanent part of him. She wanted his scent to linger on her fur. She only pressed harder, when he dipped his head to cradle her close.

"This meal looks divine my heart, you have outdone yourself." Reluctantly she pulled from his embrace, but not before first bathing his maw in a sweet kiss before drifting back over to the carcass. She choose one of the rear hind legs and tore into the thick muscle, savoring the taste, and motioning for her lover to join her. There was plenty here for the both of them.



03-13-2013, 08:07 PM

He'd managed to return to her within an hour or two, how long he took exactly he wasn't sure, but since the moment he left the den his only thought was Desdemona. No thinking had been required during the hunt, it was something his body knew well, something he could do in his sleep if need be. Even as his fangs had dug into the fawn's neck and the blood had oozed into his mouth, his only thought was returning to his mate's side and present her with the delicate meal he had caught.

Her breath ghosted over the skin covering his neck, her tongue tracing a line of goosebumps across his neck, a shiver rolling down his spine at her touch. It started at his shoulders, rolling through his thick muscles before extending all the way down to his spine and down his tail, flitting away with a flick of his tail. Even her simple touch drove him mad. She had him in deep and he never wanted to find a way out. She could keep him imprisoned for as long as she wanted, he would never protest. His beautiful mate pressed herself harder against him at the tuck of his chin, as if she were trying to meld her body straight into hers. Demonio responded accordingly, pressing his own massive frame against hers, using his body to tell her that he felt exactly the same way. If he could he would tuck her inside of him, right next to his heart so she would always be safe and always with him. A sigh escaped his lips. He could always wish.

Audits flickered forward to catch her sweet words as she spoke. He had outdone himself. Not really, but if she saw that way then who was he to argue with her? Only for you mi corazon. He murmered gently, his legs turning to jelly beneath him but somehow still able to keep him up as she bathed his maw in a sweet kiss, her frame pulling away from his. His body cried out in desperation, hating the space that now seperated them. He watched her with icy and maroon eyes as she moved over to the carcass, choosing one of the hind legs, her pearly whites digging easily through the muscle of the fawn, a gentle nod motioning him to join her. Not one to disobey his lover, Demonio stood, striding over to Desdemona's side, taking the second hind leg, haunches folding beneath him as they brought him to rest beside his mate, jaws clamping over the delicate meat as he too began to dig in.

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