

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-29-2013, 09:18 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2013, 09:19 PM by Jupiter I.)
YOU SEE, the way Jupiter's luck works is that she has needs. So she decides to have a fling with the most amorous male in her pack--Marvel. A handsome beast of vanilla hues, he's quite the charmer, and, let's be honest: he has wanted in Jupiter's furry pants since day one. So after him being endlessly helpful in Ludicael, the lass finally decides to relieve both herself and the flirt of their sexual burdens. Jupiter's out of season, so, no big deal, right?

Wrong. Because Jupiter's luck sucks, it turns out that either she's quite fertile or Marvel is rather virile. Woops. Despite the unplanned pregnancy, Jupiter doesn't have it in her heart not to keep them, so she'll be giving birth to three lovely little balls of fur, and Marvel will wish that he had wrapped it up!

Here are the little loves. There are three, but the final one is already taken by me, and for that, I apologize, but I just couldn't resist! <3 They are all unnamed except for their last name (Illiadis), and the link of possible names will be enclosed in the audition form!


taken by --/--

the girl's pelt bears the most resemblance to her celestial dam in pattern. it seems as if the vibrant hues of her mother's fur have been dulled considerably by marvel's light coloring. evidence of her sire shines through the lighter dapples upon her tail and flank, while the back and the rims of her ears are coated darkly. the bottom of her silver optics fade to purple as they reach the top, and her muzzle is lighter at its bridge. the inside of her ears happen to be white. she seems to be the most well-blended example of her parents' appearances, and it appears as if she will retain their medium to large sizes, as well, but more closely holds jupiter's strength-oriented build.


taken by --/--

the shocker for jupiter as far as pelt colors go, the brute has captured traces of marvel's obsidian-pelted lineage in his dark fur. he sports a dapple-edged mask of light cream that snakes its way downwards to coat his belly and the underside of his tail. his toes are solidly and individually coated in this same light hue, and the insides of his ears show the same. the lad displays a smattering of a nearly peach-hued brown upon the bridge of his nose, as well as periwinkle/light lavender eyes.


taken by starsight

though there are traces of both her dam and her sire evident in her pelt and markings, this little gal seems to most certainly be the runt of the litter. constructed of lithe bones, this light, cream-furred lady flaunts an dulled ginger mask from her mother's side, as well as darker paws. a stripe matching her face marking trails down her back before finally tapering off at the tip of her tail. her eyes are mismatched orbs; one is the silver of her father and the other is the violet of her mother.

Now that you've seen the bundles of joy, I'm sure you're ready to adopt, yes? Good! There aren't many rules, really, other than that you be active with them. Keep in mind that this is not a first-come, first-serve basis, and Andy and I may or may not post a deadline, so get them in as soon as possible!

NAME: (can be anything from here. feel free to add a letter or two to the ends of them to make them more feminine/masculine, but otherwise we ask that you not deviate from this list unless they are the names of stars. pronunciation does not have to match that of the one on the list.)
GENDER: (male or female; there's one of each, so we'll know which one you're going for by this)
APPEARANCE: (re-describe them in your own words. optional, but it'd be nice to have. can be as an adult, pup, or both.)
PERSONALITY: (as a pup. does not have to be exactly like the parents, though we ask that their personalities not be excessively extreme--for example, no inherently evil 2-month-old pups. you're free to do whatever else you like with their personalities, though. be sure to tell their alignment somewhere in this.)
OTHER: (anything else you want to add about them or suggest to andy and I. if you're a guest auditioning, please put reliable contact info here--preferably the type you use the most, whether it by skype, deviantART, facebook, or whatever. if there's information you wouldn't like to publicly disclose, feel free to email me at ) ?

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-29-2013, 10:16 PM

NAME: Neptune Illiadis
APPEARANCE: Once the boy grows he will be a fair size, but smaller than the gigantic brutes that seem to linger in Alacritia. The man will be medium in stature, with a good set of muscles, and a strong skeletal structure. He differs from the fair pelts of his two sisters. Neptune managed to gain the dark pelt from his dear father's lineage. He's far from completely charcoal coated. A spotted mask similar to his mother's travels from his face. It lines his neck, stomach, and even courses all the way to the tip of his luxurious tail. All of this is a light creme color giving him some variation opposed to just complete ebony. Even his toes and ears are the same light creme giving him a rather adorable feature, especially as a pup.

A peach-hued brown rests comfortably above a well position black nose. Neptune managed to receive rather charming features from both his parents. The lightest lavender are to be his eyes. Lighter than his mother's eyes and yet it is obvious where the coloring came from. A gorgeous creature of regal stance as well as a playful persona. This boy is definitely easy on the eyes.

PERSONALITY: This boy will be an easy joker. One who can pull a light joke that isn't derogatory to another, more times than not. He's a carefree soul the majority of the time. A wanderer almost who enjoys the simple things in life. He's a charmer for sure and loves a little flirting with anyone he finds attractive. He can get along easy with others, but he prefers the company of a female over a male any day. When it comes down to it though he's a loyal beast who wouldn't raise a tooth or claw against anyone who has his trust or devotion. He'd be the one to lay down his life for his pack without any if's and's or but's. No questions asked.

Even though he's fond of being a carefree being he surely does know when it's time tighten the reins and act more mature than he normally does. He can carry out duties with a joyful ease if asked and he will carry himself with a regal air to his posture, but it's not overbearing. Just something that simply makes him all that more appealing. He's the type that makes friends easily, but will have one true best friend that he values among the rest. He has good morals and it could be said that he sports a neutral good alignment. All in all not a bad wolf, but he is prone to mistakes as is anyone else.

[Side Note: and due to the fact that he's obviously not born and played yet, he is definitely open to a lot of character development and room to grow on personality.]

OTHER: So honestly, I see lots of plots for this boy xD He is a gorgeous puppy, and considering who his parents are, it's definitely gonna be interesting. So many plots man, so many plots!



04-30-2013, 02:26 PM
NAME: Lysithea Illiadis
GENDER: Female
APPEARANCE: Shades of cream seem to dance with the lovely tones of gentle browns, covering her young and lithe body like a bunchy jacket on a far too cold day. She has still not grown into her skin, into the exquisite coat that she was given. Her fur can be described as desert sand, untouched by impurities and soft to the touch. Dabbles of chestnut and wheat taint her fur, dancing across her rump and her delicate paws with still tender pawpads. Her small and plush tail seems to be dipped into various pale paints, lightening as it get's closer to the tip. Everything about her as a pup seems to be disproportional, her paws to big and her ears to large. Her head is too heavy for her tiny body and she has the tendency to trip about. She may end up being the smallest of the three and can be consider frail in her childhood. However, her eyes could easily be considered the most noticeable part of her appearance; a soft silver developing into a bold purple. They seem to dance with life, along with some sort of adult intelligence, even as a small little pup.

As she grows into a young woman, she is still dainty in stature, near the end of the scale of being considered average in size. She seems to take after her feminine predecessor in size, but continues to be slightly smaller than her mother. Her skin and furs begin to fit her thin body better, her legs long for her body size. Her ears, still a bit awkwardly large, fit her skull in a more pleasing way, and her paws no long seem to be ginormous. After awkward puphood, she'll gain confidence in her appearance, enough to be considered an attractive young woman with a slim waist. However, she is no longer delicate; for her muscles have developed to serve her well. It's more likely that she'll follow her father in sense of careers rather than her mother.

PERSONALITY: Ever since her childhood she's been a bit...Peculiar. She tends to be a bit of a space cadet, often focusing on little pointless things such as flowers and butterflies. She horribly curious by nature, usually getting lost because her nose leads her to interesting things that she can't help but investigate. Lysithea, despite her rather....Daydreaming tendencies, is by no means sweet or gentle. Although she can be gentle with her actions, her words are quite the opposite. She tends to be blunt and straightforward, preferring short answers rather than long ones. It wastes time and...Well, she doesn't like to waste her time. Lysithea could be considered a bit of a tomboy, often caught romping about even though she was so small and frail. Lysithea is a bright girl, considered intelligent and sometimes witty. Often her comments can be considered strange, mostly because they are. She enjoys observing expressions, to watch as she confused those around her with her words. Due to this, she can be considered a bit of a black sheep.

Lysithea, as she grows, will end up chaotic neutral, much like both of her parents. She enjoys helping others, but she really enjoys when it benefits her somehow. Lys will often want something in return for her help, and if she doesn't? She may through a fit. Lysithea can be a bit...Not bratty, exactly. But she simply dislikes when she doesn't get what she wants. Despite her flaws, she's still a brave young lady who isn't afraid to make awkward comments in the face of danger. She stumbles in her speech often, but what she says comes from her heart. Although her heart isn't very big, it still beats for those around her and she can easily be considered loyal and dedicated.

OTHER: This is Gallow. And omg all of them are so hawt adjnealfnrlk but yeah. Hopefully all of this is okay. I'm really awkward when it comes to make these adoption things xD If you need to contact me, I'm on aim so...dancingfunnycats yo. Well...Without the yo. You get it.



04-30-2013, 05:03 PM
NAME: Ananke (Ana) Illiads
GENDER: Female
APPEARANCE: Slim figured, Medium sized, Usually smiling, Will fill out properly later.
PERSONALITY: "Mommy is so sweet, all smooth lines and the soft color of the sun going down. Aegira is fun! Sort of like mommy, but with swirls and a little more yellow!" At first, one would think that the girl was being poetic about her surroundings. A little romantic in the making, she sees colors and shapes in emotions and the feelings that she gets around others. She is open minded and warmhearted, if not a bit wrapped up in her own thoughts. Her dreams and imagination are vivid, so much, that it seems as if she is living within her dreams at times. Yet there is something about the young pup's odd way of thinking that stretches farther than her small poetic mind should.

She has a strange form of synesthesia. Seeing warm colors for positive feelings and cold ones for those that are more negative. While her feelings for her family are mainly hues of yellow, orange and red - what she feels for a stranger that she is wary of and knows nothing about would be more blue and purple, dark and unknown. It is not something that will ever go away, but will enhance her imagination and alter the way she thinks. A stranger might not be approached because they make her feel scared, ice blue flickering in the corners of her eyes in sharp patterns within her subconscious.

Her thoughts don't always connect with what comes out of her mouth, and her moods can go from zero to sixty a bit fast, even for a pup. She seems quiet at first, gazing at you with silvery eyes and a soft unreadable expression. Yet it's all a bit of a ruse, because once she starts talking she is easy to take to and rather friendly if you manage to make her feel comfortable. Body language is very important when approaching Ana, she doesn't take well to being towered over or intimidated. When looked down on by someone more her age and size, she becomes quiet and easily agitated, only snapping when outwardly provoked (or she thinks that she's being provoked.) She doesn't like to fight or argue, but will do so if it's the only way to make her point.

Ananke will chatter your ears off speaking about nothing at all if you let her. She can also be good quiet company, padding alongside her chosen company and settling into a surprisingly comfortable quiet. The girl, like any pup, likes to have fun and play, but she sees the world a bit differently than most others do. Besides the beauty and vibrancy that the world already has, she sees almost another layer of colors and patterns inside her head right beside it.

OTHER: I would like to give her mild to moderate synesthesia c: she would connect certain feelings and emotions to colors and patterns. This does not mean that she will always feel the right thing about others! On the contrary, it can be very misleading and make some meetings and situations more complicated than they need be. I think it would be an interesting trait to integrate into her, and for her to either learn to cope with or ignore/overcome ^-^


05-03-2013, 09:24 PM
NAME: Oberon Illiadis
APPEARANCE: The young Oberon is your typical pup in terms of build. Lanky and awkward, his paws are on the small side for his frame, and his limbs are long, leaving him constantly tripping over himself. However, as he grows, he will find himself a solidly medium sized wolf at 32 inches in height, with a solid amount of muscle. Oberon will never be particularly bulky, but there will definitely be muscle on his frame.

His fur is what draws eyes, however. Oberon is a very interesting looking male. His upper body is black, dappling to mix in with the light peach that covers most of his remaining body. His toes, stomach, face, chest, the underside of his tail, and the inside of his elbows are all this light shade of peach, and his muzzle is surrounded by peach fur. His appearance is far from average, and the varying shades of orange tend to easily draw attention to his form.

Light lavender eyes round out his appearance, leaving Oberon a rather interesting looking wolf. He is certainly not the most average of wolves out there, though among his siblings, he fits in easily enough. Like all of his siblings, his appearance holds hints of both his father and his mother.
Tending to be more quiet, Oberon keeps to himself more than his siblings do. He keeps to himself more than many pups would, and can often be found wandering by himself. He is a true introvert, and often needs to take breaks from other wolves to recharge and recover. This can be difficult for the social wolves around him to understand, but Oberon is simply wired differently from most wolves. That isn't to say that he doesn't desire any contact at all. On the contrary, Oberon needs contact with other wolves. But he also needs to get away from them occasionally, and take some time for himself.

He has a big heart and is very protective of the wolves that he cares about. His pack will likely gain a loyal defender as Oberon grows, and any wolves that Oberon considers to be friends will have a wolf ready to leap to their aid whenever they need it. This can be seen even in playful scuffles between siblings; whenever one of his sisters appears to be hurt, he is the first to leap in between them and try to break them up. If any other pups were to try and touch his sisters, Oberon will be there to make sure that they don't hurt them. And if they do, well, Oberon will be sure to smack them around a little bit.

Colder than most, even as a pup, Oberon is not the most emotional of wolves. The most emotion that he displays is when his family is upset. Other than that, he tends to keep his emotions under tight reigns. These reigns will probably grow tighter as he grows, leaving him a wolf with strongly controlled emotions. As a pup, however, he is generally very calm, unless extenuating circumstances have occurred. The emotions that he does feel are generally hidden, though his family can usually pick up on that. Especially as a youngster, he will not be as good at hiding his emotions as he hopes to be.

He will generally display the traits of a Lawful Neutral wolf as he grows, with a general willingness to follow the rules but a solidly neutral take on the world. He will not go out of his way to be particularly evil, though being 'good' is not particularly high up on his list of things to do. 'Live and let live' will be the refrain that Oberon tries to live by as he grows.
OTHER: If I try to make any other characters someone please smack me in the face. But seriously, these guys are adorable!

Jupiter I


7 Years
05-08-2013, 11:01 PM
Should any more wish to audition, please do so within the next 24 hours, as afterwards they will be closed and the players will be announced!

Please also remember that you are free to try out for both pups--you will only get one, but if you're dead-set on getting one, it will increase your chances! <3

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.

Jupiter I


7 Years
05-10-2013, 03:02 PM


taken by serendipity


taken by ocena


Oh, yeah, and Gallow; please check your PMs on Clemente's account! Thank you!

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.