
Careful Planning -- Open --


02-06-2013, 04:59 PM
OOC:: You may challenge Druid if you wish.

Sitting atop a rock at the base of the massive tower of rock, Druid allowed the slow and somehow comforting sound of the lava pool at the top. Lost in thought, brute wolf flicked his tail as a small stream of lava crept by and faintly burned his paws. Climbing higher, he scrabbled for a grip on a higher rock tower and pulled himself upwards to the rock top. Without the urge to leave the area, Druid smirked, this was his home, he had supposedly claimed the lands for himself.

Hearing a buzzing sound in his head, the ginger wolf twisted his neck around to see another stream of magma. Ignoring it, he jumped up and twisted about to grasp a cleft in the side of the mountain. Laying down, he gazed down at the land before him. A pack... a pack could thrive here.

OOC NOTE:: Bit shorter than I'd like it to be... I am on le nook right now.


02-17-2013, 11:18 AM

The traumatic event that had left her former island of residence in total chaos was obviously not distressing enough to keep her from venturing towards a volcano that had the ability to erupt at any given moment, just like Animi had. She knew the dangers of the hollowed mountains -- pent up molten magma within them had the capability to scorch her luscious fur right from her very body and end her life without leaving room for escape. Perhaps, by seeking the very thing that had obliterated Alacritis, Morphine was being brave and was facing her fears, or, perhaps, she had a death wish. Either way, there was no stopping the petite wench from reaching her destination, for the scent that she had been tracking was too intriguing for her to back out out of cowardice. No, if the canine she was pursuing had been brave enough to face the lava, she would be nothing less than that.

Her metallic and silver eyes scoured the base of the volcano as she approached it, pupils darting for the source of her interest though failing to find what she was hoping for. A frown creased her forehead as she maneuvered slowly towards the mountain, avoiding the steaming crevices that laced the rocky terrain with cautious care, fearing even the slightest singe of the porcelain-white fur she prided herself in. The aroma of the unseen creature was almost intoxicating by now as it intertwined with the smoky stench of brimstone, but still, she could not find him. As the temptation to give up on the canine grew with every gust of steam that shot up from the cracks within the earth, Morphine finally caught a glimpse of the creature as her pupils traversed up the volcano, and what she saw caused her eyes to bulge from her their sockets in disbelief. Are you insane? she bellowed to the ruddy male who had found comfort in the dangerous slopes of the mountain, subject to the minuscule streams of lava that had forced their way through the crevices. She did not need an answer -- anyone who dared to venture near this place was obviously not in their right mind. Then again, she had been foolish enough to follow this male.