
Animal [Open]


02-05-2013, 11:48 PM

Ebony fur and flesh with the texture and feel of a rotting corpse. Teeth, thick as daggers and stained crimson with blood. Talons, crooked and thick held chunks of flesh and organs, slowly decaying against her quick. Hollow, empty eyes containing no pupil and absolutely no humanity bore into the ghastly wastelands. Her spine, a twisted mockery of normalcy crackled and crunched with every awkward twist it made. Her ribs pressed against her scaly flesh, forcing the skin to stretch before it receded. Thick, heavy-set shoulders rippled with unbridled power. A heart, as black, decayed and dry as any corpse beat the thick blood through her veins maintaining her life.

A rat, just as disgusting and foul as his mistress, scampered across her spine. Its tiny claws nicking her flesh and tearing out small chunks of her fur. Its own hollowed eyes bore into the inky darkness of this place as he perched himself between her two ears, coiling his disfigured body around her ear like a vice. Both were covered in ash and dust, Burns had stripped the fur from her thighs and now it had healed in ugly jagged scars, only bits and pieces of such growing back, her tail... it was all but lost.

Squelch. Thick ebony pads sunk into the thick muck, the swamps tight fist of mud attempting to suck her down into its inky depths. A flexing of muscle and a show of pure strength and she pulled each free, only to sink it into the next step of oozing muck. The rat stayed high above, perched on her like some sentinel soldier, he would be grateful when Banshee moved on from this place.



02-10-2013, 11:52 AM


Squelch. Squish. Squelch. Squissssh.....Squelch-Squish-Squish-Sq-Squish. PLOP!

Champion chuckled, enjoying her little symphony of marsh sounds. It was quite strange to say the least, - seeing this bear of ivory and gold leaping about like a pup in a morass that could at any moment suck her down into unseen depths. But then Champion had a sense of bravery that bordered on stupidity and a sense of fun that bordered on insanity. She'd discovered this in the past few months since the eruption - months she'd managed to get through just fine despite all that had happened. She didn't mind if she seemed odd. Being sad or disturbed or frightened had never done anyone a lick of good and so she didn't bother with such things.

Her aimless wanderings had brought her into this ghoulish place, and rather than turn tail, she'd set about seeing if she could cross it - sticking mainly to the places where ground was either visble, or marked by thick crops of vegetation. She didn't mind that she was going to come out smelling like a dead rat, nor that she was getting her coat splattered with every kind of grime possible. It wasn't like she was out to impress any one with her looks - she had far better talents - and besides, she could take a cleansing swim in the local water sources any time. To her it didn't matter that it was winter. Winter -pssh- this sort of weather was better than summer where she came from.

But suddenly she heard another squelch that came after her own. One that was much too big to belong to some stork or bull frog or swamp snake.

Champion cocked her head and through the mists was shown a figure of hieght equal to her own, but almost too twisted to be a wolf. She didn't study the body long however, she was too drawn in by eyes so hellish that they drew a smile onto her muzzle. What was this? Some monster of the swamp? As she got a better look, she almost thought it half dead - if not for the way it had pulled itself through the swamp with muscled ease that almost matched her own. Still, it sure looked like death. It even had the grotesque addition of a rat sitting on it's head, probably waiting for the zombie looking creature to just keel over and die.

Squish. Squelch. Squish. Champion trotted a few steps closer. "Ho there stranger! You don't look so good! Can I help you? Maybe show you the way out of this swamp?" Sometimes Champion was struck with a mood to help others. But in this case she almost wondered if the best thing she could do would be to put the bone thin creature out of it's misery. Nope, Champion didn't have much qualms about taking a life so long as she thought it was for the best. She came from a culture of soldiers and warfare. Her father had been a fighting giant and died doing what he did best long before she was born. Her mother, she'd never met either, but she'd learned her to be just as a strong and fearless. Such genes combined certainly made an interesting result. Champion didn't have any thoughts of retreat or fear - even when struck by those terrible eyes. This place, this creature, it was just another part of her big playground.


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


02-11-2013, 07:23 PM

What had forged the bond between rat and wolf? Even as mangled and horrific, as mentally disturbed as the two were... they had found a companion in one another. Why and to what degree. Wraith remembered. He remembered his mistress before she had become the disfigured corpse that plagued the earth with cruelties unmeasured. He remembered when she had been Bella donna. An heir to a massive kingdom and a heart that was undeniably pure. She had saved his life at one point and even as an entirely different species he had been able to see her beauty. She had kept him like a prized pet and he had never left. When the accident had occurred and the femme fatal had vanished into the ooze and this monstrous beast had emerged, he had refused to leave her. He didn't know what she remembered, if anything at all. She had not always been so cruel, she once had a name, a story, a history, she had once been beautiful.

A deep rumbling groan of a noise vibrated through her chest and Wraith silenced his thoughts. It was the only comfort she offered anymore, Love, affection, friendship, kindness. They meant nothing to his mistress now. She had not a single redeeming quality, lest you count her seemingly undisturbed companionship with him. She did not want to be saved, she couldn't be saved. She was, by very definition a monster and she would remain as such until the devil himself came for her miserable soul. Whether that be from natural causes, or some battle, Wraith knew not. But when she passed he knew he would not leave her. He would simply rot away, curled up against her corpse, they would be together forever, in this world and the next. She was his only friend, she had always been his only friend, even if she never returned the sentiment. She stopped and Wraith ceased his thoughts, watching with hollowed eyes as the large dame padded towards them. Now was not the time for such thoughts.

Banshee pulled to a halt, her spine cracking with effort as her massive cranium turned to watch the female bound towards her. Hollowed white orbs bore into the dame, expressionless, vacant, empty. Feelings were something she no longer entertained. Fear and apprehension meant nothing. As she spoke her tones animated, Banshee did not move. Her muscles locked into place, her empty eyes starring hollowly at the damsel not even the slightest of twitches. A statue, a stone, she didn't even appear to breathe, the rat, on the other hand was an entirely different matter. Maniacal and high pitched laughter erupted from his diaphragm. His tiny claws clutched at his engorged stomach and his tail flopped between her eyes as he fell upon his back, screeching his laughter into the air when finally he regained himself, he coiled forward, coiling his thick body around one tattered ear. His mouth pulled up in a sinister grin.

"Didja hear that Banshee? She doesn't think you look pretty! She must be blind to not see you are divine!" More shrill laughter filled the air, his voice was high pitched and sharp, the snap, the crack of a whip careening through the air. The wolf, is she could still be called as such, did not so much as flinch, not a blink, not a spasm, absolutely motionless. Wraith knew... Wraith knew that she could move in an instant, but for now, she was allowing him to have his fun, it had been dreadfully long since he had gotten to have fun. "We are not lost... perhaps you have mistaken us for you... you reek of Tortuga is that mangy mutt you call Nnoitra still running it? Or did that old bastard finally die?"



02-11-2013, 10:03 PM


Champion couldn't help but wince when the rat spoke. What a terrible sound - like sharp claws on slate stone. Her only movements through were a slight dip of her assaulted ears and a twitch in her lower left eyelid. Yikes. The rat was probably diseased too. Some kind of lung cancer or something. Still seemed happy enough with it's life though. At's words Champion cocked her massive head slightly. She couldn't tell if he was being offensive to the other she-wolf (at least she thought it was a she-wolf). Was it rude to talk sarcastically about her like that? Or was it she herself who was being seen as rude in the rat's own demented way. Well the rat's companion made no objection to either outburst of words, so Champion let it drop.

As the creature laughed, Champion absently let her red eyes drop to the creature he lounged upon. There was nothing in those eyes. That was what had been so strange from afar. Champion, from what she comsidered a comfortable distance, peered into them intently. Was there no mind behind them? Or was this wolf merely an expert at vieling the windows to it? Champion couldn't say, but all the same she stared into them with a deep curiosity, for once not really having to look down to meet another wolf's eyes.

But her study was interupted by the rat. As soon as it recovered it wasted no time in spouting out what it no doubt considered to be blasphemy. If she'd staid in Tortuga loner maybe she would've learned to be horrified by such speak. But as it was she barely knew anyone from the pack - save of course for Miss Secret. The colorful words passed more or less ignored - that was just how some creatures talked - and instead her focus went to the actual question. But it was equally disappointing. "Beats me. Barely seen any of my pack these past months." Champion said, sighing with a huff that sent a frozen cloud into the air. "Eh. I was always the wandering sort anyway. But I'm surprised you know of him - you two also escaped the volcano chaos then?" Well perhaps that explained some of the burns and scars on them.

If Banshee was insane for being the way she was, then Champion must've been just as crazy to speak so conversationally before her. But everyone was a little bit insane - for everyone saw reality different - even if just slightly. Why? Because everyone is different and everyone leads their own lives. Champion's life had taught her that she lived only to die one day and the thought had never been allowed to scare her. So here she was chatting with a rat who'd like nothing more than to rip her apart - and a she-wolf who'd probably like to do worse.

And she was enjoying herself.


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


02-17-2013, 02:26 PM

Banshee was nothing. A hollow shell, empty, cracked, and disfigured. A walking corpse, a living nightmare, she had no redeemable qualities, no redemption could be brought upon her. She was a soulless monstrosity and she always would be. Empty eyes of blinding white were the only color that remained upon her visage. her heart had become a black hole, not only snuffing out the light from the star it once was, but sucking down all good and true things with it until nothing remained of her soul except tattered shreds that did little more than flutter in the breeze. Insanity was beyond her. Her mind was clear, analytical, she was not crazy, she just hated most everything she came across. This she wolf before her. She meant nothing. She was naught but an empty sack of organs and meat. If Banshee were a bit more hungry there would be nothing left of her.

Wraith's voice was a wicked high soprano, the damage to his vocals and been astronomical making his speech erratic and shriek-like. Banshee's ears had grown accustomed to the wicked tones. They no longer irritated her sensitive ear drums but such was not the case for this new comer, and she could the slight winces, the slight bouts of discomfort upon her face as he spoke. Wraith was uncharacteristically bold for his species, probably because he depended on her to protect him. He often spoke for her, since rarely were her vocal cords used, but she did not seem to care too terribly much. She was a demon and Wraith was naught but her puppet, he knew better than to irritate her though. She would kill him if he offered her a good reason and he knew that.

"I know of a great many things." Wraith cooed as though he was speaking to a pup. "Most of which I find asinine and an utter waste of my time! But knowing the pack Alphas... it's always a leg up on not being hunted down and killed. The volcano? Well if she is still standing than quite obviously we survived it. Are you daft? And I thought we were crazy!" Bursting into a second set of cackles, he fell to his back, clutching his heaving stomach and rolling down her neck. Banshee's ears careened backwards, lying flat against her skull. The only movement she had made but it was enough to silence the rat. She was growing agitated. Time for play was over.



02-17-2013, 08:58 PM
still familarizing himself around the land Roman has wandered far far into somewhere he qouldnt expect to be? he stumbles a land full of muck the muck thick as he felt it it was hard to walk around in just roaming and smelling to see if theres anyone around trying to pick up a scent or hear amd listen to find anyone and tell him where he is and where could he go next? but yet he wonders why is this place like this the feel the ambience and this whole place? is there anyone actually here and why is this place so foul?

he roams on through the thick muck and suddenly his ears pick the sound of two voices and the best as he can he goes on faster through the place he moves closer and closer the voices getting louder and as he gets closer he senses an ominous feel to the muck as he moves in closer thinking whether he should back away or move closer

his mind is made up he moves in closer to find out who's there but to his surprise it wont be and isnt what he must be expecting he may not be able to see the other two beings but can hear the two beings and try and get closer to find out who they are and see id theyll answer any question he has
"Hello? im kind of lost and i have some questions can anyone help?"


02-26-2013, 07:46 AM


Champion listened to the high pitched cacklings of the diseased rat. He seemed to be getting some pleasure of their meeting, but only in his own odd little way. Champion swiveled her ears, watching him with silent interest. But she gained about as much from that as she had with her staring contest with the she-wolf. Now though, the black she-wolf gave something of a low growl and immediately the rat was silent.

Champion got the feeling that something was coming. Perhaps the she-wolf was going to speak? Perhaps something else? It was a tense sort of interest that made Champion's thick rolls of neck fur tingle in the most delicious way. She knew this feeling. She got it often before a fight. But sense dictated a certain measure of wariness here. This monster who was just as large and tall as herself could certainly prove a most exciting match, but she looked as though there was a pestilence on her. Bites and claws and bruises and broken bones were all one thing. But infection and disease? That rather gave an oppoenant unfair advantage.

Still Champion's glittering red gaze never changed. She remained alert and energetic, flicking her gaze pleasantly between the two creatures.

But it was then that something did happen.

The squishing and squelching in the swamp started up again. Someone was coming. Champion glanced sideways at the newcomer, not wishing to turn her head from this strange she-wolf. Eyes could flick back in a fraction of a heartbeat, a whole body part took longer.

But the new comer was most interesting. He was a large wolf by any standard, but at 36 inches he was a whole head shorter than either of the fae's he now stepped up to. He seemed heatlhy and strong and decently surefooted, and so it was with surprise that Champion peered into his eyes. Blind? No he couldn't be blind - not with the way he walked so straight. Were his eyes merely milky in color then? She wasn't sure. She'd never met a wolf she knew to be blind, but she would've immagined it to be a terrible disadvantage.

Champion's high curled tail wagged in friendly greeting, but she remained balanced and solid in her stance. After his words she did turn her head, alighting on him with both of her burgundy eyes. This was more how she'd expected to find someone in such a place. Not the strange (but exciting) silence of the other wolf "Good day stranger." Champion said in a voice almost too deep to be female. "I'm happy to help in any way I can. As it is, I quite remember the way I came in. If you wish to be free of this place, I can lead you out. - Oh, my name is Champion by the way -" She gestured with a gold sheathed foreleg to the other creatures before. "This is -Banshee- I believe? And-" Champion looked to the rat. "I didn't catch your name."


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


02-27-2013, 04:39 PM
He greeted the friendly stranger "pleased to meet you champion im roman im new to these lands ive ran away from home seeking some where new to go?" in his mind he questioned whether could he trust the stranger and guide him out of here? he then question the other wolf the one with the strange evil aura "you there ahh banshee is it? what's your business here? and what do you have against this kind wolf?" he may not have been able to see banshee but could feel the evil energy around him coming off and his odious stench.

he was so confused were they ready to have at each other or was this a simple spat over dominance and why have both of them wandered off so far from the battlefield and volcano?more importantly why have i wandered off to far? could his question be answered here? or was he at the wrong place at the wrong time?


03-01-2013, 08:31 PM

Wraith watched, tail flickering in delight as the she wolf cringed at his high pitched squeal of a voice. Wraith loved to play and this she wolf was so utterly entertaining! Clearly she had a few screws loose in the attic. Banshee wasn't crazed and Banshee wasn't insane, not by any means, she was just soulless. She had no morals, no code of conduct, no conscious. She was the embodiment of everything utterly vile and she played her role to perfection.

Something changed, a new scent upon the air, a new taste upon his tongue and Wraith's attention shot to the left, seeking the stranger that was fast approaching. An ebony wolf, a male with white eyes, not as iridescent as Banshee's but rare all the same. He spoke quietly, respectfully, and Banshee tensed, just the barest flicker of her muscles before she fell silent and still once more. Her eyes narrowed, a warning, her agitation was growing and Wraith silenced his quiet giggles, his own gaze darting between the beast beneath him and the two strangers. Play time was over.

He watched the two interact, forgetting Banshee and he quickly scampered down her neck, burying himself in the thick fur of her neck. Nobody ignored Banshee. It began with a single lift of one paw, the squelch of the muck and the suction as the paw sank back into the grime. Her bones creaked and grinded, grating against one another as she shifted, her ears flickered backwards and her jaws splayed wide. Rows of jagged white teeth drenched and stained in blood, bodily fluid, and entrails gleamed in the fading sunlight.

"A maggot like you does not deserve an explanation."Her voice was a twisted mockery of the English language, words were spoken in a heavy drawl, broken and fragmented, letters were punctuated and exaggerated with no real meaning or point behind them. A deep heavy baritone that rumbled through the air like shards of glass.



03-12-2013, 07:11 AM


Champion's red gaze shifted. Her fluff-filled ears twitched at the black male's words. A runaway? Well she was always predisposed to like those - as she was quite proudly one herself. But his next words... She didn't understand them quite so well. They were a tad bold for just being introduced. What did Banshee have against her? For one thing, some wolves are edgy sorts, they don't need to have anything against you in particular, and for another, they'd only just met, Champion hadn't been expecting a lick on the nose. From such a vision as this she would've recoiled if she'd tried. Ah well, social lessons later, for now, Champion's full attention returned hastily to the other monstrous female. How would she react?

Not pleasantly.

The fae's method of speaking was as grotesque as her figure. And yet, pity, wasn't the word to describe what it filled Champion with. Apprehension, cation, but that darned excitement too. Still, the board had changed now. And Champion wasn't certain that the new player understood the rules. No doubt if she'd staid for a while longer Champion herself would've drawn out the beast, but today that honor went to Roman and Champion glanced at him warily wondering if the cost of that honor would be that "today" was his last day.

Maybe it was because was also a runaway, maybe it was because he'd sort of stuck up for her, but Champion quickly made up her mind that if it came to blows between the monster in the mist and the black male, she'd step in on the side of the second. Normally one on one was something she approved of. She'd had plenty of her own deadly spats and would've detested outside help. But one wolf to another - a fight like that was honorable (not to mention fun)... this creature? could it even be called a wolf? There was something far too unnatural about her. A sense that made Champion all the more a-thrill, and all the more cautious.

"Quite right, Miss." Champion said with a curt inclining of the head and a pointed gaze. "I do believe that the male here - and myself as well - have intruded on your time long enough. As neither yourself nor your companion seem to be enjoying our presence, we shall rid you of it."

The words were said in a tone no different that the bold, genial one she'd been using, but it was very clearly meant as a warning to Roman. As much as Champion did love a good brawl, it was different when the one endangering their life wasn't her. She backed up a few squelching steps and then turned slightly, glancing at the male to see if he would make the wiser decision. Champion was more than happy to lead him out of there - and perhaps once in a more clean-aired (though admittedly less thrilling) place, they could have a chat, these two runaways.

But of course this was all assuming the half dead creature didn't make a new move of her own. Aware of this, Champion kept one red eye on the haunting outlines of her form.


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


03-12-2013, 07:23 PM
"Looking" at champion and banshee and listening to the wise words of champion thinking it would be the right thing to leave find some where new and have a good conversation with champion and see what she knows and didn't want to intrude any longer here especially with this beast thinking he didn't wanna die young and didn't if he could stand a chance against this beast for he thought if he lost what would happen? "will he be devoured by this beast?" "will his soul be syphoned out of him?" "what will happen" he turned to banshee and asked "You beast what is your business here or with this kind wolf and are you the reaper of this place?" and then turned to champion and said "we need to leave something feels uneasy about this place? i want to leave and have a talk with you and ask you where can i head next? i don't want to be apart of anything where is the way out?" asking with a small nervous feeling thinking if he wasn't asking for too much? and hoping i don't fall with the wrong person or wrong place with these thoughts running through his head. he started to back away little by little getting out from the mud and started to turn in any direction and turned and asked champion
"you coming?" and also asked "which way are we or should be going?"
with a smile on his face feeling that she is friendly and a good trustworthy wolf and thinking she can get him somewhere else.


03-13-2013, 11:50 AM

He spoke to her, the exact same line he just had... was he daft? Or just insane? Banshee did not make a habit of repeating herself and she grew bored with this encounter. The two toned dame was intriguing, but she would not deal with the ebony male to discover word. With a lingering squelch, Banshee turned, vanishing back into the swamp.

-exit Banshee-



03-18-2013, 11:59 AM


From the distance of a few paces Champion watched what would transpire. She'd hoped that the male calling himself Roman would take her hint and politeness of her tone and back off along with her. Even then there could be a scrap. But to Champion's surprise the male barked back an insult and more questions to the Banshee and then turned right about and started speaking to Champion.Not a wise move by the she-wolf's guess, and her eyes focused on the monster rather than the man.

The massive, dark stranger was turning. Champion tarried, watching that zombified figure rack and lurch it's way into the distance and the deeper mists. She was...gone? Something loosened in Champion's chest - a breath she'd been holding whether for danger or thrill. A bit of a let-down this...and yet a relief at the same time.

Or was it too early to call off her guard? The dame's burgundy eyes searched the shreds of fog and swamp gas. No, she'd been brought too close to the verge of a heart-pounding, blood-letting brawl to calm down so quickly. Champion's paws remained light, her ears remained perked, and her eyes remained bright. She'd be a fool if she thought that just because the black wolf was out of sight there was no danger to be feared.

With something between a smirk and grin, Champion turned to sidle up along with the black male. "You've got quite a mouth on you, you know that?" she asked with a chuckle. Course she was always getting herself into trouble too - hence why she was here - but at least she did so with an observant eye and a friendly tongue. Still, she wasn't about to presume to chasten the male. She hated anything that resembled a lecture for, despite her huge size she was just a two year old. And on top of that, this male seemed to have taken a fancy to her just as quickly as he'd taken a dislike to the Banshee.

Squelch. Squish. Squelch. Champion fell in step with the male and her great, curled tail gave a wag. "We're headed in the right direction. It's wet and muddy here but it's not sinking mud - see how there's still a bunch of grasses growing in these parts - that means thicker soil. -Ooh!- what out for that place over there - that pool with the log on it - I saw a pointy headed snake on that log on my way in."

As she spoke Champion locked gazes, or tried to, with this wolf. Roman's eyes were strange. The thought of blindness dawned on her again, and in truth it would make sense. If he had no eyes, it would explain why he was unphased by the sight of the Banshee.

"Um, I realize it might be rude of me to ask but - are you blind?"


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


03-20-2013, 10:13 PM
Feeling content that the evil presence was gone champion and roman walked on towards the grassy area where everything seemed easier to walk on he thanked champion and ask where was she going and what was she doing here? -thanks for guiding me out of here i don't what i wouldve done and why did you come here what are you doing here in such a dreaery place like this? are you running away from something too?- he asked in a serious child like manor wondering why would someone like her runaway or come here? as the two walked on foward to further explore this vast place.

while walking out of the mud and on he did feel that champion asked and was curious about roman's blindness and kindly he answered to her without hesitation or rudeness as she did seem to wonder about his eyes which she might've thought that it was a mere eyecolor perhaps-well you do seem curious about my eyes and yes indeed you're right i am blind and always have been since i was born i don't see like you do but i see in my own way by using my other senses to be aware of my surroundings it's a rather sad fate but ive learned to accept it- feeling that i seemed correct to tell champion about his blindness made him happy as his tail wagged thinking that champion seems trust worthy but had to becareful too but in his mind ge thought he might have a new friend...for once someone he can call a friend since he was a pup because growing up he remembered he didn't have friend due to the others ridiculing him for not being able to see.


03-28-2013, 07:19 PM


As Champion had noted before, the male had quite a mouth -- One question after another ? but then, she - who could politely converse the ears off a caribou - had no right to judge him for it. What was she doing here? Oh I have an interesting definition of beauty, I suppose. To me, the best places are those wherein I find something to spice up my life. The swamp, by those terms, is absolutely lovely.? The hulking she-wolf grunted a few wry notes of a chuckle. And running away? ?Perceptive,? she muttered, glancing in his direction. ?I ran away from my pack a long time ago,? she shrugged off any suspicion that it might bother her in anyway. She was born with an itch in her paws and a light in her eyes. She wasn?t meant to stay in those snowbound plains forever. ?They wanted me to stop training to fight - to settle down, become a medic, and find a mate like every other female in the pack.? Champion shook her head. ?Not for me.?

His next words intrigued her. He was blind. And yet, but for the color of his eyes, she never would?ve guessed it. In her upbringing, such a trait would?ve been seen as a terrible misfortune ? a condemnation to a half life moping about the dens. But this male was doing fine on his own! ? Or mostly so. Stumbling into a swamp and nearly getting his fur ripped off by a zombie woman probably didn?t count as ?fine? to most.

But Champion wasn?t most. Roman impressed her! And she was happy to see his tail wag. She returned the gesture with her big fluffy curl of a tail ? then remembered he couldn?t see it. ?ahh, but perhaps he could hear it. ?You?re able to find your way around by your nose and ears ? what an amazing talent! An ability like that would be an advantage in a fight!? (Of course her mind went straight to that) ?I wonder? could you give me a few pointers?? Imagine if she and the balance and collection to travel without the need for eyes? It was really something to think about.


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


03-28-2013, 08:57 PM
He could here the sound of the fluffyness of her tail wagging in happiness as well and was happy that she was happy as well and he found interest of her definition of beauty -Thats very interesting i like your viewe on beauty because that is true you one can seek or find beauty in anything there hearts desire- what roman found more interesting is the fact that she wanted to learn how he can travel without sight and only be hearing and smell but it was more than that he travels by more than normal senses even though they maybe heightend and he though how could he teacher when he himself didn't know how to be a tutor or mentor in anyway? -well see i don't just rely on sound amd smell it's more than that i can sense the earth and environment around me by simply walking like vibrations i listen to the earth and "see" where i am going and "see" where everything is in a way-
he eloborated on that and there was certian ways to also sense others around by energy or the feel in the air such as aura you could say-but see i also sense the energy around the environment as well and can sense the danger or other things around me- though he still felt sad that he didn't know how to mentor her in he way he is or his art -sadly i am sorry id like to teach you but i don't know how to teach i apologize although if youd like or want you can study me and then we'll see where we can take it from there? sound good- as he asked champion in a happy tone as the two kept strolling around to where ever seeing where there journey would take them.


03-31-2013, 09:20 PM


Aura? Feeling? Well Champion had heard of such things - back in the Far North just about all the females were healers, and some were very much into those sort of beliefs. A bit too much for Champion's taste. Forget 'essences' of snow and ice and herbs. Wounds could be ripped with claws. They could be healed with time and plants. (Or not and then you were dead) The end.

Champion was a bit disappointed about not being about to learn something new - and yet it made her all the more impressed by this blind rogue. "It's like a whole other sense," Champion murmured. "Incredible."

When he offered a demonstration she leapt at the idea. "Could we go hunting? I'd love to watch you hunt! And then perhaps you'd like to see how I hunt?" the she-wolf grinned, her competitive spirit showing through in her beaming burgundy eyes. They were safely out of the swamp's heart now - just meandering about the woods and plains that made up the no-man's land of a border. There was still plenty of life around - birds cawed in the trees, fish rippled the streams that fed into the swamp, and Champion had even spied some mule deer tracks in the moist earth.

"What you say,Roman? Up for a challenge?"


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


03-31-2013, 09:33 PM
his words of vision sounded crazy but true to how it works it's the only way he could comply -yes i kind of do have another sense since you put it that way haha- laughing at the mice thought champion has put it in. hearing the sounds of birds,the river flow,the wind running softly,the birds chirping filled him with joy and sort of free as to enjoyig his freedom with a new friend.

hearing her question of hunting fascinated him and he couldn't turned it down and how could he with such a lovely female and interesting oerson and someone willing to learn the same senses he has and without hesitating he answered -Yes! You're on ill hunt with you id love to see how you hunt! but of course though ladies first pick your target- as he acknowledge her challenge -this is goning to be good-


04-01-2013, 12:59 PM


The she-wolf nodded her head happily at Roman?s conscent ? and then graciously at his offer of her going first. Ah chivalry. When used properly it was such a pleasant thing ? bringing worth and respect to both genders. It was refreshing. Back in the Far North, the young, idiotic males had preferred to use it more as a way to alienate and belittle. No time for memories now, though. Champion needed to focus on the scents about her. Which one was she most hungry for? ?Alright,? the timber cross muttered with a grin. ?We?ll let this be judged more on style, than on size.? She grinned. ?Because I tend to go after large game.?

That was when it wafted up to her. The scent of wild pig. She hadn?t had that in?. well forever. But she?d watched a wild cat bring on down once. Nasty buisness for both creatures, but it had peaked the girl?s interest. If it was a boar, or a full grown pig she might consider leaving it be, but if the scents denoted anything ? it was a young, fat critter with plenty of padding on it?s ribs.

?This way,? Champion said, wagging her tail in the direction before setting off. They?d been holding an easy pace for the time, but now the she-wolf threw herself into a lope. All those leg and back muscles built up from plowing through snow made moving through southern turf more like flying. So long as things weren?t too warm. There was Champion?s achiles heel as it were. Luckily, this day the sun had picked to surround itself in cloud, and the thick canopy of swamp trees made the world a bit too cool for most.

The timber-wolf led the way across the damp country, leaping over tangles of roots, splashing through puddles of mud and ducking under low branches hung with moss. As the pig scent grew stronger, Champion?s steps were slower. And lighter. ?Crouching? did do much good when a wolf was her size. She had to reply on the undergrowth, the wind, and her own patience. Three times out of five ? that was enough.

Champion cautiously peeked her head through a thin gap in the bushes. Sure enough, pittering in and out of the shades, a wild peccary looking creature made itself seen. It was about the size of a badger, with a dark brown hide that bristled with ugly back hairs on his head and tail. It was impossible to tell from this angle whether it was male or female, but it did have small tusks on either side of it?s nose ? no bigger than Champion?s own sizable claws. Eiether a female or a young male. Champion didn?t care ? so long as it would taste good.

She glanced back at Roman, whishing she had some way to gesture for him to stay put here. She could make any sort of sound or the pig might here. In the end, she silently shifted a hind paw back to brush one of his forepaws ?sort of pressing it into the earth. ?Stay there? she wanted to convey.

Then she shifted away through the braken, melding as best she could with what shreds of fog were still about.

Even a blind wolf, without Roman?s talents, couldn?t guessed at what came next. There was nothing but the sound of the pig snuffling about at the roots of the trees ? rooting about. And then there was a crash of foliage and a thud as Champion spring in barely a stride from the creature?s broadside. Growling like the beast she was, the she-wolf charged the pig which scampered as quick as lightning. It tried ducking under a thorn bush ? but Champion crashed through it. It tried going through a hollow, rotting log ? Champion crushed it with the weight of her running. It tried a hairpin turn, hoping to evade such a large creature with it?s agility. But this was Champion. The she wolf seemed for a moment like she was going too fast ? like she was going to miss the turn and crash head first into a tree. But instead she used it, practically spring-boarded a turn off it and the next second, was tumbling over with the pig trapped in her paws. One swift crunch to the next and it?s squeals were ended.

The she-wolf came trotting back with the creature ?which was pretty much all meat ? clutched in her jaws. She dropped it with a thud between her paws and Roman?s. ?Beat that.?


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


04-01-2013, 01:33 PM
following at the acceptance of her challenge champion went along and listened to her amd while stalking her pray he remained silent,still,and waited for champion to return.a moment passed and roman heard the sound of a squeal he knew she had went after the boar and once caught she brought it back and dropped it in front of roman and her paws -wow that's impressive and quick that will be a but tough to beat- he acknowledge champion with congratulitory pat on the head. thinking he knew where to go next for his prey -while hearing you hunt and going after that boar a herd of deer approached nearby to the left of you not to far from let's go and let me show you how i hunt and play this game- he showed champion a gesture of ladie's first if you would and both dashed ahead past a couple of trees and roman slowed down as a sign to champion that they were here and close by he spoke softly -watch listen and learn what you can see the big buck to the farthest left of you- he pointed to the buck -watch me take him down without much hesitation and free dinner too haha- roman ran back a little and began picking up speed till he was in a full charge then leaped in the air and aimed for the neck of the buck.once he got the buck by the neck he put his whole weight down and tackled the animal down and bit the neck till it was lifeless and didn't stop till the other deer ran off once all the deer were gone roman dragged the buck and put it in front of champion and offered champion fresh deer -you hungry?- with a smile on his face and wag in his tail and knew this was un and wanted to keep hunting.