
Sweet Nothing [Open]


02-05-2013, 07:14 PM
The whispering caves... such a bizarre name. The thick granite stones did not speak. Their voices did not intermingle in the depths of darkness that shrouded the caverns. Foreign languages and murmurs did not reach her ears nor her mind... so why were they called as such. A twisted mockery of lies and deception, this is not but a date with the highway to hell. Barely there echoes in the back of her brain, the many different personalities loved to speak with one another. Such beautiful symphonies of opposing opinions and irony. She loved them, each and every one of the monstrosities inside her own psyche. Perhaps she was not more than these caverns. A twisted mockery of normalcy? Long ago her mind had spiraled into utter chaos. Her psyche had shattered into so many separate fragments, it was impossible to realign them. Her personality split and cracked into so many different directions... perhaps it was she who was constructed of lies.

Why was she here, how had she come to roam these desolate caverns? Wasn't she, before a lone soul wandering about the thick pack of Valhalla? It seemed she had gotten lost at some point during the journey. Lost? Intentionally deserted? Abandoned? Betrayed? Did it matter? When the cards were down and the volcano erupted the packs had shattered. Everyone had been out for themselves, souls were left behind to burn, to rot in the foul concoction left behind, nothing but ash. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust... kill a few wolves the volcano must! A coy smile curled her lips as the voices giggled amongst themselves at their poor, distasteful joke.

Perhaps these caverns called to her. Perhaps they did speak and she was simply too distracted by her own words voices to hear it clearly, but wasn't she always? Trapped inside her own mind watching the world spin by in a haze of emotions and memories? Comradery, friendship, love... outside of her own mind these things did not exist. Very few creatures, wolf or not, even knew she existed, much less were close enough to her to be considered an ally. Her mind was to cracked, to rotten, to decayed. She was lost, damned, alone. Light filtered through the rocks, accentuating a thick boulder that protruded from the wall and she scaled it easily, lying her bodice upon it with an unearthly grace. Her fur was perfect, her coat immaculate, her beauty untouchable, but her mind was gone.


02-05-2013, 07:45 PM
The male wandered through the strange new land with wonder and curiousity; he had never been here before and at the same time wondered where he was. The last thing he rememebered was the fiery explosion off into the distance and running like heck off into the forest. The brute sat down a moment to lick the burn on his side as he hoped it wouldn't leave a scar. The male perked up his black lined ears as he heard a giggle. He shook his head assuming he was imagining things; the wolf hadn't met face to face with another of his kind since.

With nothing else to do at the moment he decided to check it out and examine the area. Past some firs there were a few caves and one cave smelt oddly familiar. The male couldn't put his claw on it but he knew it was familiar. Hopefully there was another wolf here, someone he could talk to.

"Hello?" he called out, approaching the cave.

With his head low and ears perked up his white eyes fixated on a white female. His head went up straight away as his tail had a slight wag to it. It was the femme Ghost he had met before the eruption.

"Hello, I am Octavian, surely you remember me?" he said with a slight smile.

Ghost was the only wolf he had really known, he was glad she had made it out and was safe. his feelings obviously showed in the way his tail wagged and his smile brightened up the cave. Octavian waited for her to reply but hoped they could continue where they left off; he enjoyed being with her and he wasn't afraid to deny it.


02-05-2013, 08:47 PM
She had met very few creatures from her time on the land of Alacritis. She had clung to the shadows, danced in the darkness, had thrived on the sidelines, observing silently, unnoticed and untouched. Few wolves had dared to approach her, but she was forgetful, a mere reciprocal to pass the time for a few scarce minutes, nothing more and nothing less. She was a shadow, a ghost, she fit her own name perfectly. Tick, tick, tick, tick, something wicked this way comes, a demon, a monster! Run! Despite the voice that screamed and begged, mocking the resounding resonance of claws upon the cavern floor, she remained where she was, her tail gently batting up into the air and falling back down again. Patient, silent, keen, she watched the silhouette emerge from the darkness.

He was familiar too her eyes, off shades of grays and whites with a vertical stripe of ebony black that also tipped his ears. She cocked her head to the side gently, allowing the voices to mingle and chirp a thousand ideas within her head. But one stood out predominantly. Octavian. She imagined it was his name. It was the one positive thing about having a plethora of voices. They all remembered different things, saw the world through different eyes, analyzed and came to their own conclusions. They were never silent, at the very best a dull thrum in the back of her head.

"Octavian... I remember. You were one of few wolves who spoke to me back on Alacritis." Even her voice was languid. Her tones soft and delicate, rising from her chest in a humming purr. "I believe we met at the Crystal Falls... I am glad to see you have survived the volcano. Do you fare well?" Civilized conversation was not beyond her, in fact it was key to bewitching those into believing she was nothing more than a dame who enjoyed life alone. It was nice, however, to see a familiar face. It was not often Ghost wished to recall memories, but the memories of him were quite pleasant and she allowed her lips to pull up into a delicate smile and her luxurious tail softly beat against the stone.


02-05-2013, 09:59 PM
Octavian nodded as Ghost spoke. He walked slowly over and sat down on his haunches not too close and not too far away from the femme.She asked him if he fared well after she recalled their first encounter.

"I fare well Ghost, but how do you fare as well?" he asked while moving sideways in an attempt to hide the burn on his side.

As Octavian sat there he recalled their first encounter at Crystal Falls as well. It was quite nice and he enjoyed it more than he thought he would have. Ghost seemed somewhat mysterious to him and probably a bit odd to others but that is what made her special in his eyes. The male smiled as he looked at her with his white orbs. As he sat there thinking about the past events his mind settled on Hureia for a brief moment. It was time for him to let her go, she was dead before they even had a chance but now he was somewhere new; a new place with new ways and a new wolf.

Perhaps Ghost would be his friend or just an ally but he wanted more than that. She was not invisible to him, she was here and he remembered her as clear as day. At that moment he let go of Hureia as something else started to fill his heart, something special. There was a new wolf entering his heart and he knew he was falling but Octavian kept himself at bay for he learned all too well to be cautious. The brute sat there with a smile hoping she would reply soon so he could hear her voice again.


02-05-2013, 11:36 PM
He moved closer to her, drifting nearer, his scent, something akin to pines swept about her, but he did not move close enough to be considered invading and the dame did not move, her muscles remained lax and sedated. The voices whispered, constantly speaking with her, clawing their opinions into her psyche. It was difficult for her sometimes... so many thoughts, so many ideas... it was a bit overwhelming. Perhaps her past really had cracked her beyond repair? The caverns creaked, water droplets creating a vast echo. This noise pulled some of the attention away from her sudden companion. How long had she been alone? How long had she lived locked away in her mind? She knew not... but it had taken its toll.

"I fare well enough I suppose... I have lost Valhalla. I cannot say I am saddened by the prospect, I was not close to its vast majority nor its rulers. A bit of a always." Her voice was light, whimsical, the voices in her head had not yet claimed her, they held no sway over her actions or her speech, at least not right now. Not in the darkness of these caves, not in the company of a... friend? Ally? Companion? What was he too her? What was she to him?

She frowned as she caught the awkward movement in his gait. He was wounded. Not horribly so but enough to hinder him, and more than likely, cause him pain. Rising to her pads with grace and delicacy, she slipped from her perch, hitting the rock with a dull thud. He was larger than her, but then again a vast majority of wolves were larger than her.

You are wounded... where?"


02-06-2013, 04:28 PM
Octavian listened to ghost as she replied; she did not seem too fond of her life in Valhalla. Perhaps she just didn't have someone who actually cared about her. Octavian knew what that felt like, he remembered being abused and discriminated. The Femme's words seemed distant almost but they were soothing in a way. The male watched as Ghost cuaght sight of his attmept to hide his wound. As she watched he listened to the whispers of the caves. His black lined ears perked up as he closed his eyes for a moment. He decided he did not like Valhalla either. Perhaps the brute could grow to like it but this land was only an escape from the betrayal, and darkness that seemed to run through his family blood. He sweared to himself that he wouldn't be like them, he was the complete opposite of his father and brother.

Octavian opened his eyes as he let his white eyes show in the somewhat dark cave. This was a new life and he enjoyed this moment. He enjoyed it as he was with Ghost, his only friend or perhaps even more which was how he felt towards her but he can't predict the future. The time goes by as it wants and things change as they desire. There is nothing they can do to rewind or go back or fix anything. Hopefully Ghost and him would have a chance. Octavian watched as Ghost hit her leg on the rock as she stood up but then she asked him where he was hurt. The male was surprised by the gesture. No wolf has ever shown hospitality towards him or let alone show concern. He was sued tot he beatings and pain but this time maybe he could let one wound heal, his heart.

"On my side..." he was able to muster as he turned to give Ghost a better view.


02-06-2013, 07:01 PM
There were many things in life Ghost could not grasp. At one point, she was like any other wolf. A loving family, siblings, a home... and perhaps such common emotions had been easy for her to understand, to connect with. But then her brother had fallen ill, and she had been forced to stay back with him. In his delusional fever he had recognized the scent of her heat but not the fact that she was his sister, and that memory... she could not take it. Her psyche had cracked, shattered, been obliterated into a million pieces until nothing made sense, nothing coincided. Her family was lost to her, their memories nothing more than tattered dreams. Her personality had split, driving her to such insane lengths so she did not simply deteriorate and fall to pieces.

She drew closer too Octavian. Whether out of curiosity, or command of the very many voices in her head, it was impossible to say. She invaded his personal space, her eyes darting back and forth as the voices screamed and bellowed in her head. Her tail consistently battered back and forth, flickering this way and that. What are you doing? He's dangerous run! It screamed at her and before Ghost could form an opinion another bellowed. Oh! He's harmless! Just look at him! Stop being so harsh And thus began the internal war. Screams and shouts, Bellows and hollows, the echoed about her empty cranium filling her head with noises that weren't there. She remained stock still, even her tail froze midswing. A statue, immoveable, unreachable, and then after a rather long pause she moved again.

"You should not be moving with such an injury. Such an affliction could grow contaminated." Her words were whispered, barely there. Her ears swung around, lying flat against her skull and she lowered her head, gingerly stepping forward. She pressed her tongue against the burn and gently lapped at the wound. Ridding it of foreign debris, dirt, and bacteria. The voices fell silent and grew utterly still. Ghost never touched anyone willingly.


02-07-2013, 07:39 AM
As Octavian sat there he watched Ghost advance towards him. She started to come closer and closer until she seemed to close the space between them. The Brute's white gaze settled on the femme that suddenly stood still. He wondered what she was thinking about, did she think he would hurt her, and was she unsure if he was friend or foe. He promised himself there that he would never lay a claw on her, no matter the situation. Octavian didn't believe in spilling blood for no good reason, he had seen enough of that and was tired of all of the death and dispute between wolves in this world. As the wolf sat there he looked Ghost over; her past was something he did not know about but he was sure there was something in it that pained her.

Octavian's thoughts settled as Ghost spoke once more. She told him that his wound may come contaminated. The brute watched closely with his white gaze as the femme gently leaned down and began to clean his wound of debris. The male shivered for a moment as his tongue met his wound at first; he had never been touched in a kind way since he was ripped away from his mother, denied kind and gentle comforting touches by his father. As soon as the surprise came it disappeared; Octavian sat there and his eyes closed as he relished the warm feeling. Warm memories came back to him of how everything was before his family became power hungry. He opened his eyes and looked back at the femme before him.

"Thank you." he said in a sincere voice.

"Where will you be going after the havoc is done, will you go back to Valhalla if they regroup?"

Octavian truly wondered where Ghost would go next, he wanted to know because he wanted to accompany her to wherever she was going, it seemed like she needed some company for however long she would let him stay.


02-07-2013, 07:21 PM
She cleaned his mood almost robotically, her body moved of its own accord, Ghost, herself ignored the voices, moving to...touch? Is that what this contact was? She couldn't remember the last time she had touched anyone. Her tongue took the dirt and dried blood, she could taste the bitterness of the infection and cleaned it with a soft tenderness, until she felt nothing but flesh beneath her tongue. She was not sure why she did such things, perhaps it was an impulse, one of the voices may have whispered the idea to her softly... or perhaps she had helped him solely because he remembered her. She tried to be invisible, the silent shadow among the damned. Always there and never seen, just as her name suggested, but he had spoken with her, he had remembered her. That was new for her, she wasn't sure how to respond and the voices were naught but a kaleidoscope of half formed ideas. They were of no use.

She released him, gliding past him and slowly turning around. Her body was a lanky thing. Thin, border lining almost on unhealthy, but with immaculate fur. It was clear she took care of her grooming but that was about it. Silver hued orbs glanced around the blackened caverns, her ears flickering this way and that with every drip of water, analyzing, thinking. She was always thinking, the voices always speaking, but Octavian was speaking to her and she really ought try to pay attention. Focus Ghost... you can at least do that much, the poor boy is attempting to speak with you

"You are welcome. Keeping a wound clean is vital, lest it get infected and you be forced to lose the limb." She frowned a bit as she thought of such things. Where had that come from, it seemed familiar... her father perhaps? No she never thought of her family, never remembered them. Shut up Ghost... you were not built to think! They were correct of course, they always were.

"Havoc is never done. There is always something waiting around the next bend to pounce upon you unexpected, for better or for worse still has yet to be seen. Valhalla holds no draw for me. I was no one of pressing importance, I only joined to see how wolves in packs work, it is not much different than remaining a loner, the only difference is the cage you find yourself in. I have not decided if I wish to return... and yourself? Do you have any plans for the future?" It was probably the longest talk that Ghost had ever made, but he intrigued her, and if he wished to speak with her... who was she to deny him?


02-08-2013, 10:34 AM
Octavian sat there as he listened to Ghost's words. They were wise and well chosen with a calm feeling to them. The femme sometimes seemed distant but he was always here when she came back. His black lined ears perked up as he listened to Ghost's other remarks. She was a loner and she had stated herself that valhalla was not as good to her as it seemed for others. He himself hadn't met anyone else besides her yet. His white eyes focused on her as she asked him his future plans. He had not thought of it often but now could be a better time than later. The fur on his neck started to stand up as he thought. Should he stay or should he go. WOuld he enjoy living alone as a loner , no one to harm him and just to be surrounded by nature? Or would the wolf be content with pack life, having duties to keep him busy, having a part in something. Octavian did not know for he favored both.

"I am unsure of what my whereabouts will be but I just want to ask one thing for I do not mind where I go next. Would you mind if I accompany you to wherever you go as well?" as the brute finished his ears grew hot as he sat there.

Octavian did not know what to say next so he waited for the femme to reply or lash out at him. Perhaps he would experience both but he was ready for whatever she had to throw at him, or was he?


02-08-2013, 11:13 AM
Her head cocked this way and that, trying to get her thoughts to focus on the wolf, rather than the incessant drips of water. It was difficult for her. To focus, to concentrate. The voices were scattered, speaking their opinions on both until they became indescribable. White noise in the back of her skull. She hated this feeling, when they became confused, speaking of different things and suddenly these caverns held no appeal to her. She was disoriented, the voices needed to be able to focus, if they could not... she could not figure out herself from...well herself. It was all very complex and complicated. Ghost had never thought of the future, she was far too busy living amongst her own mental illness to really worry about tomorrow. Her joining Valhalla... it had been a spur of the moment decision, something that had peeked her interest at the time and little more. She had figured one day she would simply vanish and no one would be the wiser, for all of their talk of family and the bond, they had made no effort to include her in anything. Only assigned her tasks and expected them completed. Perhaps it had been for the better. When she was silent, a lingering presence, she was ignored. No one could see how utterly screwed her mind really was.

That was of course, save for Octavian. He hadn't even been a wolf of Valhalla. They had met fleetingly somewhere in no man's land, and she had clearly sparked his interest, something that had no happened since she had abandoned her family. She was polite, quiet, gentle, but these traits made her easily forgettable. But he saw something within her... what exactly that was she was almost afraid to ask. She was an utter mess and she knew it.

"You wish to accompany me?" Her voice, airy, light, gentle, did little to hide her bewilderment at such a statement. A gentle smile curled her maw and her tail brushed back and forth. "I would be...honored to have your company, Octavian." How odd it would be to have a companion once more.


02-08-2013, 11:42 AM
As Octavian watched the femme think he wondered what she would say and wondered what she was thinking. The water dripping from the cave almost gave the sense of time. plop...plop...plop...plop, every fall of the water droplets was every passing of time. Like life, it would go on in time and then the time would run out.Everything changes in time as did the conversation. Octavian's ears perked up as Ghost replied. She asked him in somewhat of surprise until she said that it would be an honor. The brute's heart warmed up as he smiled at the reply.

"It would be my honor as well." he said with a smile on his muzzle

"Perhaps we should decide where we wouldgo next?" he said as he looked at Ghost with curious white eyes.

Octavian wondered where th eother wolves of Valhalla were. Mayber they should go lookfor others from their pack and regroup. Honestly he didn't know where to go but he knew he would be with GHost so that was all that mattered to him.
The wolf listened as water fell drop by drop. The time had changed and something new had been created, something good.


02-09-2013, 12:03 AM
Ghost glided back through the caverns, her claws ticking ever so daintily upon the rough stone. Her languid and loose fur absorbed the water upon the floor like a sponge, drenching the bottom half of her legs within the seconds. She did not, for the most part, enjoy water. It ruined the languid, fluid movement of her fur. As much as she was loathe to admit it, it had become a bit of a compulsive disorder to keep her appearance absolutely flawless. She groomed while listening to the voices drone on and on inside the back of her head. She did it instinctively now, habitually and it was difficult to resist the urge as she maneuvered through the caves. She still had enough of her mind to realize that even if she did as such, the moisture and the filth would only return, she needed to be out of the caverns first. She almost jumped as Octavian pulled up alongside her, she had almost forgotten he was here. It was the fatal downside to her disorder. She was forever lost inside of her mind, she often lost sight of reality. She feared one day some cruel soul would chance upon her and end her life before she even realized they were there.

"I have... little to no idea where the wolves of Valhalla have scattered too. The eruption scattered the pack to the winds. I.... I wandered, I stumbled upon these caverns quite by chance... it's what ghosts typically do." She smiled a bit at her own pun. "We wander until we find something of interest and then the world forgets us again, and we wait for the next new thing." As much as she was describing the legend of the typical Ghost, she was very much describing her own self. No one had really known of her in Valhalla, she had been a passing face, a stranger with the same scent. She was forgotten to everyone it seemed, except Octavian.


02-09-2013, 12:19 AM
As the brute sat still observing the scenery he waited for Ghost's response. He was reluctant she had let him accompany her and was happy to have actually met another soul so far. The femme was graceful and was a thing of beauty nonetheless but there was something about her that drew him towards her.He did not know what it was but he let himself be lured in and he did not mind at all. The male observed as Ghost did not show liking to the water on her fur. Octavian did not mind the way she looked or the way she was, she was special to him and he liked her for her and not all gussied up and well groomed even though it did look nice. As he stood up he almost surprised her which he did not intend but at the same time wondered how she had been surprised .

As Ghost replied she then toldhim how she did not knwow where the rest of the pack was. After she said that she continued on about ghosts, or perhaps she seemed to be explaining herself. When the femme said the word forget OCtavian realized how he had not forgotten her.

"Others may forget but I won't,...I promise." he said in a meaningful tone.


02-10-2013, 10:52 AM
They escaped the caverns and she blinked rapidly, blinking back the sun that filtered into her sensitive eyes. Crazy or not, the sun was never a welcome thing. She preferred the covering of trees, the shade over the blinding glare of the sun. In the shadows she remained a phantom, a forgettable visage in the distance. Her gaze drifted over to her sudden companion, watching him silently with curious eyes... but did she want to remain invisible? Why had she remained so distant in the first place? That was easy... she was mentally disturbed and she didn't want people to know. So she put on the facade of a loner and it seemed to work. She wasn't sure she missed the company of many, the voices kept her well occupied and bit away her loneliness, but this companionship, with a single soul who wished to understand her, to know her better it was... nice.

"Clever..." She murmured quietly, stepping out of the moist caves and into the grass. "Tell me a bit about yourself Octavian, do you have a family? Friends? Allies? Enemies?" It had been a long time since she had engaged in true conversation. She was a bit at a loss on how to hold a proper conversation with etiquette, tact, and tastefulness, but she tried, it was all she could do to keep trying.


02-10-2013, 11:57 AM
While the brute stepped out into teh sunlight he relished the crisp air. The male only turned to focus his white eyes on GHost as she asked him a question. Octavian thought about his reply and it seemed simple yet deep.

"I have recently found my long lost sister Loccian, it took a while for us to make up for the time we had lost. She is the only family I have eleft that I know of unless if my vbrother Pontifex is still alive somewhere. I'm sure my old pack has fallen under the cruelty of my brother. And friends...I am not sure for you are the only wolf that I consider as a friend but then again I am confused at where you stand on that line. Then allies, Thane, he is the son of the alpha of the pack that used to be my old pack's ally but we have met up and put aside the dreadful things that have happened between our packs. And enemies, I have no enemies that I know of for my father was my enemy but he had been killed in battle.

Octavian perked up his black lined ears and patiently waited for Ghost's reply. He had been honest and hoped she would correct him about where she stood. He had no idea for he knew nothing of her feelings or what went on inside her mind; but he knew what went on inside his own.

Besides memories good and bad he was able to sit here and listen to the femme who had shown kindness and hospitality to him, and he was very greatful.


02-11-2013, 11:14 PM
She moved like a phantom, her gait at such a fluent pace she appeared almost to float, rather than walk. Her gait was silent, her paws barely touching the ground before they were lifted once more. A steady trot, she made sure he could keep up with his wound, she did not wish to aggravate his injury. She was not heartless, just odd.

Octavian was speaking and she was taken by surprise at how much he was willing to share with her. She had not meant for him to answer every last one of her questions. They were mere suggestions, she enjoyed hearing another voice aside from her own filtering through the air, it distracted her from...well... herself. She listened intently, different parts of her personalities memorizing certain parts. Her ears swirled this way and that, catching the rising and falling pitches in his tone. He was intriguing and she knew not what to say.

"I am glad, at least, that you were able to find your sister. I would think we are friends... we have agreed to accompany one another, does that not make us friends?" Her whimsical voice danced on the winds, innocent curiosity lighting her tones. She couldn't remember what friendship was supposed to consist of. She could scarcely remember anything of her past, what was a friend? What was family? No... family was taboo... she didn't think of that word anymore.

I would offer you the same knowledge but I... She frowned, her eyes narrowing as she concentrated. "I can't remember much. My memories they are... broken. It was the best description she could give. They came back to her, in flashes sometimes, glimpses of the past but nothing more.


02-12-2013, 10:42 AM
Octavian then sat down on his haunches as he listened to Ghost's reply. Time went by and so did chances. He knew there would be plenty but the opportunity slipped further and further away. Each moment made the emotions become more distant but the male would not let them go until they were pulled from his grasp and far out of reach. He still had a hold on them yet but it seemed to be pulling away ever so slightly and slowly. It wasn't sudden but he knew he had time but the action had to take place sooner or later.

He kept still and watched Ghost with his white eyes as she stated her opinion on the two. Oh how the tug was becoming stronger and he would have to take action.

As for Ghost she said she had no knowledge and described her memories as broken.

"I don't think they are that broken if you are able to remember me as I have so."

He stood up and walked over to the femme as he swished his tail as he moved closer. It was ok to get closer for a close conversation wasn't it? He smiled at his failed attempt of thinking of a good reason to move closer but his mistakes would fade as did more come into view. He then sat back down next to her and ontinued his own reply.

"It isn't the brains or the looks of a wolf that makes them perfect, it is the heart. And if that is broken too....then I would like to fix it." he said as he ended the sentence as he gently touched his nose to her ear.

The brute waited as he was not sure how she would react. Good, bad, perhaps something different but it was still killing him with the suspense. But he would take it and the male would wait a life time to hear what she had to say in return. He knew he had done it as he grasped the emotions with one last final tug and he had done it. They then spread all over him as his heart warmed and a charming smile appeared on his muzzle as his calm white eyes focused on the femme beside him.


02-15-2013, 01:56 PM
Life for her, was a kaleidoscope of colors. She saw everything, recognized familiar faces, places, things, but instead of identifying things and moving on, her personality, the splitting of her mind analyzed everything, they were always talking, always whispering, it was a never ending stream of white noise that flooded her head. They called to her like a siren, whispering, pleading, begging. very tree that crossed her path, every shrub, every creature. She had grown accustomed to the incessant noises but they never let her be. Octavian, she feared he wished to know her a great deal more than he should. Once he discovered her disease, her mental illness... what would he do? If he continued to remain with her, he would discover it eventually and then he would leave her and she would be alone with herself once again, perhaps it was for the best, he was sweet and true he deserved someone beautiful, smart, intelligent sane.

"You are too kind to me Octavian. I fear I am not worthy of such words." Her voice, forever languid, gentle, oozed from her mouth, bewitching all it encountered. She had a whimsy aura too her, it was calming, relaxing, it helped her blend among the shadows, unnoticed to all save for the male beside her. He was moving towards her, drawing closer... but why? They were maintaining a respectable distance where they not? He seemed confident, cool, collected, he didn't appear to host any dark secrets. He sat beside her, so close, too close. She could feel the heat radiating off of his fur. Her muscles spasmed.

His words reached her ears, soft and gentle and his nose, cold and wet pressed against the base of her ear. He was touching her. Someone was touching her. She could not remember the last time someone had so much as brushed against her let alone touched her. She wasn't sure what to do, how to respond, how to act. It was foreign. She understood nothing, it made no sense.

"My heart? I cannot remember why it's so lonely. I've been like this forever." She muttered back. Subconsciously she leaned into his chest, he was so utterly warm... what was this feeling? Contentment? She could not identify such things, but she liked his companionship. For now she would content herself with a touch.


02-17-2013, 08:43 PM
It was only when Ghost had said she does not deserve his words when he became confused.

"Why, but every wolf deserves kind words." he said with reassurance.

The brute smiled as Ghost leaned into him against hhis chest. He was gentle and calm for he did not want to disturb the peace that seemed to fall upon the land at this time and moment. The air was clear and the sky was blue. The clouds were white and fluffy as the trees stood still and rigid. There was no breeze and no bad weather. The air had a chill to it but it felt good. It reminded him of the tundra a bit. Of course the past was in the past but what lie ahead in the future. His family had been murderous and cruel but alas his sister had not been like them either. The two siblings were very much alike but different at the same time. She was sort of quite and a bit shy while he was outgoing but it took a while for him to trust another wolf. The brute could only wonder where his brother Pontifex was at the moment. Either still ruling the pack he Octavian had been destined to rule before his brother or roaming foreign lands. Perhaps that was what made Octavian the wolf he was today. The peaceful side of the family, or the smart one. Octavian smiled at that thought as he contained a small laugh, what was done was done and he was ready to move on.

Octavian looked down at the white femme before him and smiled, this was a great day and he would cherish it for as long as he could. It was always the small things that counted.

OOC: we can end here unless if you want to keep going then I'm fine with it :) just PM me if you want to continue.