
Alone in the Wilderness, Again.



02-05-2013, 02:41 PM

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A black wolf meandered about this peaceful frontier from a far away place, holding his only possession, a piece of glinting orange gemstone, in his mouth. He walked alone, but alone is what he was accustomed to. He searched for any other signs of life around, but was finding none. He might have had more luck if his mind hadn't been riddled with the flood of thoughts about the tragic fate of his previous homeland. Frayer got away from the eruption with no injuries because he hadn't stuck around to help out his old pack that he thought was doomed because they would be slowed down by helping each other, but now his lean body was getting exhausted, and he would have to rest.

After much wandering, he came across a peculiar place in these new lands. The land itself was almost perfectly flat all around, but out of the green expanse enormous boulders jutted up and reached for the heavens. Many of them were tall jagged spires, but others were shaped as if carved into obscure statues of things that existed not as stone. If that one were green, it could be a pine tree, and this one might be an enormous bird!

Frayer marveled at these spectacular stones, and wondered at how they had evaded the erosion that flattened the rest of the landscape. Perhaps these rocks had slept beneath the ground, and only recently poked their heads out to the sky, maybe because of the great seismic power that had destroyed this wolf's previous home. Or maybe these things weren't landscape at all, but creatures of stone that could move about, and would sleep when strangers approached?

The tired wolf picked out a tall sharp rock with a somewhat flat top, like a giant back tooth, and perched himself atop it, sitting to rest his legs. "A great idea!" he thought, "From here, I can rest and look for other wolves a great distance around at the same time!" So he lay there for hours, watching the horizon and continuing to think on past events. He had been a loner for most of his adult life, then when he had finally found a pack to be with, they had to be destroyed by a volcano! Maybe it was his fate to be alone? He was basically a stranger amongst Lentajin, anyway. He thought about giving up on looking for other wolves, and just making this rock his home. He did so enjoy being perched on tall rocks.
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02-05-2013, 06:16 PM

Silence was this male's best advocacy. The dark hue of his coat often made it extremely difficult for him to see at darker times. Being that he was large was a slight disadvantage, though he usually worked it off by keeping close to the ground. He had been traveling for about six days, and eventually came along these flat lands.

After being transferred to the familiar area when he was a younger brute, he had begun to adapt to the horrifying surroundings that he had been throw into. He was strong and muscular, agile and brave. He had to hunt by himself, being that he had no one to hunt with. It was a painfully lonely life. Something, though, told him that this area would be different. The idea of seeing another wolf sent him into a flurry of uneasiness. He had been living solo for two years, and wasn't exactly keen on being social. He had no need to, after all. Sighing, he narrowed his eyes and continued to walk onwards. The land around him had flattened significantly, and it was only changed by a peak of stone that sat on the area near the horizon.

"Perhaps there is someone living there," Diablo grumbled to himself, placing each of his white fore-paws in front of one another. The journey was annoyingly slow. The constant movement had caused the usually rough, black paws of his paw-pads to ache significantly, and each step sent a rivet of pain through his muscles.

There had ought to be something living there. The grass was lively there, and the area was littered with trees and underbrush. It seemed like the perfect place for something - or someone, to be hiding. Suddenly, each tendon and every fibre in his body froze. The light breeze that had been going in his direction had sent in the scent of another male. Instinctively, he raised his hackles and erected his ears forwards. He had nothing to be aggressive about, but the scent had made him nervous. He couldn't see this wolf.. but could it see him?



02-05-2013, 09:35 PM

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As Frayer sat upon his great throne of stone, a noise from below fell upon his red-tipped ears and made them twitch. He arose and quietly and jumped to the side of his rock facing the sound and peered below, finding a dark wolf marked with stark white standing about nervously, completely oblivious to the one above. "What is he so afraid of?" thought Frayer. Maybe he is still shell-shocked from the destruction of Alacritis, or maybe he was just a natural coward.

So here was a wolf, just as this black-furred one had been looking for since he abandoned his old home continent, so now he should go make introductions... But Frayer was thinking up other things. He had an instinct that other wolves didn't - one that told him to use trickery and cunning words to make a fool of all he met. His lips cracked a smile as he started thinking of how he might abuse this stranger's apparent fear, though he knew that he might be driving away the only living company he may have for weeks. Even after weighing the consequences, his mind was made up to try to scare this fellow. He found inspiration for his trick in how he thought that these giant boulders looked like living things.

Frayer backed away from the edge to the center of his enormous plateau-ish boulder where he couldn't be seen from below and gently placed down the chunk of tigerseye he carried. He then lifted his head to the sky, and spoke loudly from deep in his throat to sound as mighty as he could: "WHO IS THIS, WHO TRESPASSES IN THE HOME OF THE GREAT STONE GIANTS? SPEAK, PUNY CREATURE!" The black wolf was trying as hard as he could not to laugh at this situation!

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02-06-2013, 02:36 PM

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The male's gaze shifted upward as the voice of another being entered his ears. Narrowing his eyes as the few words became recognizable, he brought himself to a steady lope. He wasn't going to be fooled that easily. Eventually, Diablo brought himself to the small grassy area beneath the peak of the boulders.

"You must be one in the wrong mind if you think you could send me running off like a scared pup."

Diablo growled to the invisible animal, his tail standing erect on the base of his spine. This was the first time another wolf would hear his voice - his matured voice, that is. The sound of the male's aggressive words were low in tone, yet ridden with the coldness of being fearful for so long. These petty fears were of no matter to him now, though. What mattered as of now was the fact that another cocky bully thought that he was an idiot... and he wasn't one to let that past calmly.




02-06-2013, 05:58 PM

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Frayer heard his opponent's words coming closer, heard his defiance to the trickster's plan. The wolf below may not be fearful yet, but the black and red wolf was not giving up yet! Frayer racked his brain for something he could do to really tilt the scales while he subconsciously paced around the enormous rock he was atop of.

By accident, he put all his weight onto a spike of stone that protruded from the flat-top and hung up and over the edge, one of several like it on this rock alone. It was not connected to the rest of the structure so adamantly, and started to crack under Frayer's weight with a deep audible pop! It looked to weigh a thousand pounds, and if it were to give way completely, would crash to the ground with a great thunderous clatter. "Perfect!" thought the trickster.

He set to work at pushing the rock spike, putting his weight into displacing it, while trying to remain silent to the other wolf. He continued to shout as the "stone giant" to cover the sounds of his work. "YOU SHOULD BE AFRAID, TINY THING! YOU TREAD IN THE PRESENCE OF THE GREAT STONE-LORD TORSTEN!" The crack stretched out a bit more as Frayer rammed into the stone spike with his full weight, but it still wasn't enough. He would have to keep this up a bit longer... "SHOW ME RESPECT, OR BE CRUSHED LIKE THE OTHER INVADER-RATS!" he bellowed aloud. The black trickster still worked diligently, and the rock protrusion was getting closer and closer to falling...

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