
Safety in the Unnatural


02-05-2013, 01:25 PM
Quote:Though typically one in favor of chaos, Snap was completely fed up with it now. The turmoil of the volcanic eruptions that had ripped through the lands as a whole and destroyed the new home that she had gotten had been mind numbing, catastrophic enough for her to think of nothing but herself and getting away from the destruction before it claimed her as it had the lands. Driven from home, driven from those still unnamed strangers that made up her pack, Snap was angry at nature's unfair, uncaring ways. A cruel mistress unlike any other.

She knew it a little too well. As she traveled across the chilly, snowy lands, she limped. Somewhere behind her was a tricky field of ice and snow, covered with holes that ranged in many sizes. She thought she had been doing a more than decent job of avoiding them for feeling so run down and tired, but just as she was having her small moment of pride she had stepped wrong and tumbled. Missing the small divot within the snow that hinted at a covered whole, the lithe grey wolf had turned her ankle wrong and was now paying the price for her small moment of inattention.

A dark, irritated scowl sat upon her sharply defined face, her pale yellow eyes staring ahead and carefully marking her progress. Her right forepaw was held aloft, favored now that too much weight place on it caused it to protest painfully in response. Running on the last reserves of energy she possessed, she knew she would need to find shelter here soon. Otherwise she would be a sitting duck to anything large enough to mistake her as an easy meal, which she likely would be with her lame leg.

The imposing figure of the ship had risen up like the shadow of an unthinkable monster at first, but now that it was closer all Snap could see was a likely good candidate for rest. What creature in their right mind would think to go looking for someone near something as unnatural and unheard of as this? The left edge of her dry lips pulled upward into a weary smirk as she hobbled over toward it, hoping to get close enough to maybe find somewhere near its base - or better yet, within - that might house her safely while she caught her breath and regained a little strength to continue.

-- snap

OOC: Can't decide if I want to stick with this gold or find another color for Snap. /: Her old color doesn't show on the background well, and I don't want to make fancy tables with background colors yet. Will have to seeeee.


02-05-2013, 05:39 PM
Quote:((wants to roleplay with the snap))

She was to the point of simply giving up, this had been her third natural in her 4 years of life and she was sick of it. Sick of constantly relocating and restating her life. Sick of worrying about friends and family. Her sister, whom she had just found, had been in Tortuga lands when the volcano had erupted. Was she alive? What about her pack? Zara had only been the Tarkein of Lentajin for a few weeks and then this happened of course. Maybe she was cursed, after the first earthquake in Taiyae when she was one her mother had fled to new Taiyae with the rest of the refugees. And then the flood a year ago had destroyed their new home. Lux had told her of the devastation but Zara had chosen to block those mental images out. Lux had told her that Joker and Friction were alive as well and though the thought of her eldest brothers survival warmed her heart the news of Joker had almost stilled it. Still a tightness latched around her throat at that thought, heart heavy as she wandered through these new lands. There had been a flood of wolves fleeing Alacratis and Zara had followed them, used to the evacuation of a land all too well now.

Head lifted at the strange smell of musky wood and the large imposing shape forming before her. Though any other wolf standing where she was might have been able to identify the large mass as a ship her eyes were slowly becoming worse and worse. They had always been bad, though she had never noticed before, but now she was noticing that things in the distance that had once been clear were now causing her trouble and were becoming blurred. But from the salt soaked wood scent Zara knew exactly what this was. Taiya had been home to exactly 6 stranded vessels and something called a plane which her brother had found crashed in the desert. Zara was no stranger to man made things, had even once come across a strange land called Eden where a great metal beast had risen from the ground. Someone had told her that it was called a roller coster...

Head was low as the massive female sauntered her way towards the massive beast frozen to the ground. The wind was chilly but not entirely unpleasant. For the female who had grown up in mountain passes this was nothing too unbearable. The scars that had not yet been covered with silver fur were chilly, the flesh feeling taunt and uncomfortable as she moved. Fur was thick, especially around her scruff to ward off the cold but it wasn't helping. This ship would be a much needed shelter. She was coming towards the ship when a familiar scent hit her. Well not particularly familiar but it was the scent of a wolf she had met before. Snap was it? She had been at the pack meeting briefly before the volcano had erupted. "Snap?" Zara called, picking up her pace to an easy trot as she tilted her head and pricked ears forward. She slowed as she approached the female, noticing that her paw was held awkwardly. "Are you okay?" she asked, concern lacing her voice as she slowed near the female, glassy white eyes flicking over the female's form to check for any other wounds. No doubt others would have gotten hurt in the evacuation.


02-05-2013, 11:33 PM
Quote:The broad side of the ship loomed ahead, haunting and yet inviting, and Snap answered the call only she could hear. Her aching paw and aching body both urged her to hurry, to find some sense of shelter in or around the ship so that the strength she had nearly worn down to nothing could be replenished. Not once in here lifetime could she remember feeling this worn out, though she knew it was not for nothing. Had she hesitated any longer, she might not have made it at all and been lost amid the smoking remains of the land she had only just started to become familiar with. But as she limped along, she knew deep down it was really nothing to truly fret over. She had been alone and wandering before; she could easily survive that way again.

The lean grey wolf lifted her head slightly to peer upward at the tall, curved side of the ship as she approached it, her hobbling steps hesitating while she got her first real look at it up close. Never before had she seen anything like it, but sensing no smells or suggestions of life she knew it was nothing to be feared. Whatever it was was long dead, half buried in snow, and not likely to cause her any troubles. Her hopes of finding a decent place to rest had been answered.

And another hope, one that she had not entirely admitted to herself, was surprisingly answered as well as a voice spoke up, addressing her by name. Though instinct told her she should feel cautious and react accordingly, all she could feel was a strong sense of curiosity. She had not handed her name out to very many wolves, even within her pack, and so whoever this was surely must have met her at some point. An ear turning upon her head first, Snap turned her head to look over her shoulder at the speaker and blinked her pale yellow eyes in surprise.

The Tarkein of the Lentajin pack hurried over to stand with her, voicing her concern for the limping wolf's well being. For a brief moment, Snap's pale eyes shifted downward to take in her own favored paw and then rested her half lidded gaze upon her once Alpha. For having raced out of a land ravaged by volcanic explosions, she certainly looked better than Snap felt. Just the customary scars and eerie white eyes. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Feeling almost rebellious against the destruction that she had played witness to, and subsequently ran from, and the strong sense of exhaustion that plagued her, the lithe grey wolf stretched her lips into a wide grin. "Never better," Snap answered with bold and humorous sarcasm, knowing full well the falsehood of her statement. But upon realizing that the Tarkein traveled alone, her expression sobered, as did her tone. "Where are the others?" she asked shortly, assuming the worst but willing to give the other wolf a moment to possibly correct her.

-- snap


02-07-2013, 01:58 AM
Quote:It was colder here then it had ever been in the old Alacritis, the wind had a bit of a bite to it that she had never noticed before. Then again she hadn't joined Lentajin until Spring and had spent last winter traveling by herself and here she was, once again alone when winter had hit. Mother nature was cruel it seemed, though a volcano eruption was... Quite uncalled for in her opinion. But she had to look past it, focus on trying to rebuild or if that was even in the cards for that matter. She would have to spend the winter searching for friends and pack mates. Though Snap was a good start it also wasn't exactly where she wanted to start. She had been desperately hoping for her sister to be the first wolf to greet Zara in these new lands. Not that she wasn't happy to see Snap alive but there were others for her to worry about as well. She was sick of loosing everyone she had ever known over and over again. Maybe it would just be better for her to go back to being a loner...

Head was tilted in concern as she studied the female who in turn studied her. Zara had remained fairly unscathed, a few burns on her paws and a little mussing fur on her legs but unless someone had known her exceedingly well before the eruption they wouldn't have known a few extras bald patches on the already battle hardened female. The wide grin that stretched across the female's lips brought a slight smirk to the Tarkein's frayed lips. Somehow the fact that Snap could sit here and joke after they had just survived lightened her mood considerably. Though the somber question that followed forced the massive female's eyes to the ground. "I... I don't know..." she murmured, all that lightheartedness gone as fears for her friends and family returned. She sighed and slowly shook herself, trying to focus on the task at hand. Snap wasn't in the best condition and no doubt she was just as tired if not more so then Zara.

"Your the first one I've seen since..." she said slowly before sighing and turning her attention towards the ship that still loomed before them. She wondered if there was a fracture in the metal exterior that they could get into. "Come on, lets find some shelter and rest. We can talk more after" she said as she motioned for Snap to follow and started towards the ship. Snap was hurt and it looked like she had been traveling for quite some time where as Zara was more mentally exhausted. She needed a good night rest before she could even think about trying to rebuild. Though it was comforting to have found a familiar face and it would be nice to bounce ideas off her tomorrow. Though unfortunately the little Zara new of herbs told her that the plants that would help ease Snap's pain did not grow in this area.


02-10-2013, 03:14 AM
Quote:As the Tarkein of her pack lowered her gaze and answered Snap's question, the lithe grey wolf followed suit and looked away herself. "Damn," she murmured under her breath, a look of cold annoyance marring her sharp features. Though she had been expecting bad news, it was still difficult to take. Their pack, while not so large and prestigious as the others, had still been large enough to boast of a considerable following, and now each and every one of them, save the two present, were unaccounted for, missing, or dead. Snap shook her head as she released a steaming breath from her lungs, wondering just how many of those faces she had never bothered placing a name to she would never see again.

Shifting her weight a little, right foreleg still held gingerly off the snow covered ground, she listened as Zara informed her that she was the first one located, her words failing her after a moment. Snap nodded curtly yet understandingly. "Yeah. Same," she responded, a hint of disappointment held somewhere within her tone. Real shame. I was so looking forward to this pack, she thought. Perhaps with time, she guessed, she might be given another chance of seeing the Lentajin in all its shining glory.

To her gratitude and relief, the Tarkein suggested they search for shelter amid the ruins of the ship, and Snap managed another stubborn smile.
Without a word, she nodded her head once more and hobbled in the wake of the smoother walking, pale eyed wolf. It was a little awkward, and slower than she was used to, but she was moving on her own. And soon, she assured herself, soon she would be able to rest her tired body and aching paw.

-- snap