
It's a Sunny Day


05-02-2013, 06:38 PM
It had been a busy couple of days since Finn?s traveling mishap, and he was more than ready to take a break from introductory manners. His paws were barely touching the ground as he mightily ran through a quiet meadow. The cool air kissed his cheeks and lifted them from their stale resting place. Rich songs from birds flooded his ears and brought him a sense of utter peace. This was when Finn was in his element. The world was tenderly wrapping a hand around his timid body, welcoming him back into the fold of a beautiful day.

Finn could have run for ages, but a tiny unsuspecting root had sprouted and then arched back into the earth causing a tripping point that sent Finn literally flying atop the grass. His own speed had been his unlikely downfall in escaping the trickery of the plants root for as soon as Finn saw it he was already in the air and aiming dangerously toward the ground.
BAM The crash caused the tiny grey wolf to uncontrollably tumble over the grass. Eventually Finn was able to stable himself, but not without consequence. The world was spinning and so was his stomach.


05-02-2013, 06:55 PM

Running wasn?t one of her favorite pass-times but it seemed as if the dame had ran a lot in her lifetime. Because of her size, she would often end up running from other wolves to avoid conflict or because of her profession she?d run to help. As for running for sheer enjoyment, for her that was a rare occurrence. Today was one of those exceptions, she was running just because it felt good. The lingering summer warmth, warmed the cool autumn breeze that gently billowed in the air and she felt at ease.

She ran, her strides eating the ground beneath her, and muscles flexing in her small frame. The wind ripped through her hair, and she let out happy barks. She wasn?t paying much attention to her direction, just closing her eyes and letting herself be wild. In the middle of her stride, her left front paw caught the edge of an unruly tree root, that unbeknownst to her, had caught it?s first victim moments before. She tumbled forward, her small frame rolling across the land and into another?s soft frame.

One word tumbled from her jaws, in a sort of whine and growl mix, "Ouch."



05-06-2013, 05:45 PM

Finn?s stomach was doing somersaults through his organs as his balance was returning. He could feel the remnants of his breakfast attempting to reemerge, and it took everything in him to contain his nausea to a mere gag. Had Finn not been completely self indulged at the moment he may have been able to predict what was going to happen. Though to him not even the joyous barks would have been enough warning when the other wolf came barreling into him.

Finn?s finally straightened out body was thrown backwards again, and as he laid with legs curled atop him he couldn?t help but take a moment to sigh about his misfortune. Slowly he unraveled himself and with blinking eyes looked at the fallen companion beside him. ?Y-you okay?? He said, still a bit delirious from the impact. ?You?re not hurt are you?? He continued to speak while beginning to look up and down his own body. A few minor scraps and bruises adorned his side, but nothing was too serious.

Once Finn had deemed himself mostly okay he looked back at the wolf. He noted her feminine features and seemingly small size though nothing could be concretely determined with her still spinning inside his head.


05-07-2013, 01:19 PM


That one word that she had uttered from her mouth seem to cover it all. She was sore and had a few bruises but nothing was broken. She?d be alright, just a bit more cautious next time. When the wolf next to her spoke, she quickly rolled over and looked at him. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind from her tumble. She pushed herself away from the wolf she had rolled into and struggled to her paws, to get a respectful distance away before speaking.

?I?m? Fine? Oh, yes, I?m f-fine. Are you okay? I?m sorry I didn?t see that root and I caught my leg on it?? She broke off her voice dropping at the end of her ramble before trying to study the wolf before her through her golden eyes. The world was still spinning, so she sank to allow her haunches to rest on the ground. Her paw was throbbing, and she eased her weight on her other legs to relieve it of the pressure. She may not have broken it, but it seemed that she may have sprained it.



05-08-2013, 04:22 PM
It was a nice day and the young brute quite enjoyed the nice weather. No more creepy swamps with mysterious wolves asking questions or falling into the Rio Grande. A small hmph was given as shoulders shrugged....where was he anyway. Vladimir was quite the traveler in his mind; he was always on the move. Sky blue eyes then averted to a sudden movement up ahead from afar.

It seemed like two wolves were tumbling towards each other....interesting. Vladimir broke into a small run, as he then slowed down to a casual jog right before arriving on the scene. A small smirk was portrayed on the young brutes face.

"Well Well lookie what we got here! What are you two doing all tangled up!" he said with a small humorous smile.

Of course Vlad was just joking since he saw the both of them trip. Then did he go to what really mattered.

"You two are ok right? No broken limbs? hurten(hurting) bodices(bodies)? I saw you both trip or fall. Quite a tumble the both of yer(you)did." he said with a small casual smile.

Vladimir was confused at this age. He looked like almost a full grown brute now but was still two and thought himself of a pup still. Yet that had to be let go as he aged and started to mature a bit more. Being all cocky was just so damn fun! The only reason he wanted to change his attitude was because his parents would frown upon such things he assumed. Well in a few other words Vlad would frown too if he was his own father. Perhaps he was a bit confused on how to act as of now; maybe later he would get his act together.

There was no way the young male was going to pass up this chance to have a bit of fun. No way! Of course he might even make a few new friends...perhaps some as devious as he right now. But yet with a sigh he knew that had to change or go as well.

With curious sky blue eyes Vladimir looked back and forth between the two wolves before him awaiting an answer.

"Oh and do pardon my manners, the names Vladimir, Vladimir Bellator." he said with a casual nod.

Then again why not start now with a small polite introduction....although he may have to work on that as well.