
You Went Away



03-03-2013, 11:05 PM
Things were changing - quickly. With the new season, the secondary beta was starting to dole on her responsibilities. As Valhalla's beta, she was to protect her members as well as find new ones. She had the ability to claim others and fight for the right to keep others in her pack. Yet she couldn't help but wonder what happened to the male that she had invited to her pack before she had become a beta - before Valhalla was even established really. His eyes had stuck with her, even through her aggitation at him. He had said that he would give Valhalla a chance, give her a chance, and he had failed to come through. At first she figured that it didn't matter, being let down was a part of life and he was only a stranger to her. There was nothing to bind his words save for a promise made by a stranger. They knew each other's names, but other than that... she didn't know Demonio at all.

So who was he to distract her while she was taking a breather and doing a touch of exploring. Of course she was keeping an eye out for new members, as well as prey - because Soliel was a new mother even if she was an alpha and Chrysanthe liked to leave little things to eat by her den's opening. Her feelings toward the woman had been sharp at first, she was small and meek and new and taking up all of Collision's time without even trying... but now she saw her as her alpha, as well as a mother and a friend to her family above all else. A part of it even. Perhaps they could be friends on a more personal level once they both had the time to stop and really talk.

Her footsteps led her over the grassy plain. through the short pine trees that lay scattered about the area. There should be rabbits here at the very least, something for her to catch and bring back as a small accomplishment for Valhalla. She herself wasn't quite hungry yet,but if there was enough she would catch something for herself too.

"Talk like this"
ooc: I promised a thread, and so it appears <3


03-04-2013, 01:12 AM

He hadn't meant to abandon her, if you could call it that. He had told her he would give Valhalla a chance and maybe as a result give her a chance. But give her a chance at what? The ivory knight had spoken those words, he knew because he remembered, but when he'd met Desdemona, his mind had switched. He had no ties to the Valhalla pack, even if he had told the clay-faced youth he would accompany her. It was just the connection he felt with his she-twin was undeniable, at least on his side, and he wanted to go everywhere she went, even if it meant joining a different pack than he had originally thought to.

The young cream clay colored she-wolf, Chrysanthe as was her name, had been pushed aside for the moment, his thoughts enveloped in the beautiful warrior he'd come to consider a friend. It was only when he took his own time to himself away from Des, despite the aching feeling in his chest as being seperated from her, that Chrys, as he'd come to call her in his head, came wandering back in his thoughts. What had become of the young girl? Surely she was back within the ranks of the king Collision's pack, as he had assumed was her family? With each step he took into this unexplored territory of Alacritis, his guilt began to cloud his thoughts. How did she feel towards him? Angry? Hurt? Resentful? He wouldn't blame her if she held some anger against him for having in a sense abandoned her, despite it having not been on purpose. He deserved it, for having so inconsiderate about her feelings. She had at least deserved an explanation for having not joined her.

A quiet sight slipped past his ivory lips as he walked slowly through the thin forest, audits swiveling atop his head as he listened for any sign of activity nearby. Would Chrys even want to talk to him if he happened to run into her? It seemed fate was working in his favor, or maybe against him as he caught the faint thudding of pawsteps against the earth. Demonio halted his advance, pausing mid-stride, nostrils flaring. There it was, the familiar scent of young Chrys. She wasn't too far from his location and from what he could tell she was alone. Luck was on his side, having brought her too him instead of allowing him to have to search for her. Should he go to her? He owed her an apology and now it was a good time as any to apologize for having been so inconsiderate.

Gathering up his courage, the alabaster brute walked forward, his frame weaving easily through the thin timbers, his bi-colored gaze coming across Chrys' familiar figure as she strode towards the tree line. He approached slowly, noticing that there was a slight difference to the way she carried herself. It wasn't blatantly obvious, but the more he studied her, the more apparent it became. There was an aura about her, an aura that spoke of a new confidence, a new power. So she had acquired a new position in the pack? Demonio wasn't surprised. She was more than capable of handling it and from what he could see of the small scars now marring her pretty frame, she already been exercising her newfound power. Chrysanthe. He called out quietly, having stopped a few feet from her, crown lowering in a deep bow of respect, a sign to her that he was aware of the new change. He raised his head back, though noticeably keeping it lower than hers, audits pinned back against his head as he waited for her to notice him, if she even decided to in the first place.

Talk like this



03-04-2013, 03:56 PM
Imagine her surprise when the male on her mind appeared before her, calling her name in the most painfully gentle of tones. The white brute bowed to her - and she was confused for a moment, the respect not something that she had expected from him first thing. Did he already know about her rank shift within Valhalla? The yearling blinked, watching him carefully, not quite sure what to say to him first thing. She was agitated with him, and a part of her wanted to simply belittle him the way that he had her. The thought was enough to put a small frown on her dark lips, and she sighed with her response. "Demonio." Yet there was a spark of mischeif within her words, teasing - because no matter how upset she was at the brute he was just too polite for her to be rude with. There was simply no reason. "Imagine meeting you out here." Yes, imagine. Where had he gone that was so important that he would wander off without even a word of goodbye.

"You smell of a new pack, as well as a new woman." Ah, well that explained it. He didn't even need to go into detail if he didn't want to. A male was nothing without his prized dame, and as she was only a yearling she was nothing in comparison and never would be. Pity, he was interesting enough to take on as a friend but it seemed that his mind was preoccupied. As for the pack, it smelled familiar - like the place the little girl that she had taken home did. Tikaani's little russet face flashed in her mind and her expression softened ever so slightly. "I do hope that Tortuga is treating you well." She smiled, just barely an upward curve to her lips now - but it seemed that she wasn't as sharp with him as she was moments ago. Yet she still wanted to hear from him what had happened, why he had left, why she wasn't important enough to say goodbye.

It was becoming apparent to her that she was jealous. Not necessarily of Demonio himself - he was polite and pleasant company but she wouldn't place her feelings as that of longing or loss. It was more that he had blown her off, and that he had blown her off for who could quite possibly be his mate, much like her eldest brother did and had to. With Collision she dealt with it herself, ignoring it until she could look both he and Soliel in the eye and ignore the nagging feeling of being less important. She hated doing it with a stranger as well. "When did you decide to leave? You didn't show up at the meeting - Collision was willing to give you a rank to start. He trusted you." 'I trusted you.' And she felt like a fool for doing so.

"Talk like this."
ooc: She's a little pissy, but I'm sure it will wear off c:


03-04-2013, 05:14 PM

He'd left her and the pack, unintentionally, but he'd left regardless. In the moment he hadn't thought much about it, just he had an urge to leave and he was going to do it and that's what he'd done. Even after he'd left, thoughts of having in a sense abandoend Chrys never crossed his mind. And especially when he was with his she-twin, any thoughts that didn't pertain to her didn't matter. But now that he'd parted ways with her, at least for the time being since he didn't want to be away from her for too long, all the previously pushed away thoughts came rushing back, Chrys at the forefront of them all. It was like his younger sister Luna all over again.

His bi-colored gaze registered the surprise that flashed across her clayed facade. She obviously hadn't been expecting to run into him, just as he hadn't been expecting to run into her. Fate worked in funny ways. She blinked her azure gaze as she watched him, darkened lips parting as she spoke a single syllable; his name. Just his name, the way she spoke it, made him cringe inwardly. She was upset with him, though not as much as she could be. Imagine meeting you out here. You smell of a new pack as well as a new woman. she spoke, metioning Desdemona, his friend, nothing more, nothing less, at least not at the moment. She hadn't reprimanded him yet, but she might as well have from how horrible he felt just being in her presence. He didn't feel deserving of her attention anymore. Hindquarters folded beneath the massive brute, lowering him into a sitting position, shoulders hunched, head held low, gaze downcast. He was completely ashamed of himself.

What was he supposed to say? The damage had already been done. He couldn't take it back even if wanted to. It was just like his sister's death; he couldn't go back and stop it from happening. It was in the past. And then she was speaking again, commenting about how she wished Tortuga was treating him well. I have not joined Tortuga yet and Desdemona is not my woman. She is my friend. he breathed finally, his voice barely above a whisper. Demonio lifted his icy and maroon eyes, spotting the slight smile that curved her lips yet didn't touch her azure gems. Yes, she was hurt and it had been all his fault. Even if he apologized a million times, he would never be able to take away what he did. He'd been stupid and inconsiderate, just as he had been with little Luna. Was the history repeating itself all over again, only this time allowing him some way to somewhat repair the damage he'd cost?

Auditory system rotated forward atop his crown, listening as she questioned his reason for having left, adding how Collision had been willing to give him a rank to start in the pack. Collision. The king. How did he feel towards the ivory knight? Did he too resent his having not attended the meeting as he had said he would? I will never be able to forgive myself for having done such a thing to you Chrys, for having left without a goodbye. It had not been my intention; I had not thought things through. I can't tell you the exact reason why I left because I myself am not sure. Perhaps I was still trying to deal with the ghosts of my past and I did not want to bring such things upon Valhalla. I deeply regret having gone back on my word to the king and not attending the meeting. I hope to perhaps find him soon and apologize for my mistake. I understand if you are upset with me, you have every right to be. I apologize a million times for my idiocy, you did not deserve my having left you. If you can, I would ask for your humble forgiveness for my stupidity. He let out a long breath, lowering his gaze, allowing his shoulders to sag even more, crown dropping nearly to the ground, audits pinned absolutely flat against his skull as he waited for her verdict.

OOC: ahh poor Demonio, he feels like such a jerk and don't worry about it, he totally deserves it ._.

Talk like this



03-06-2013, 11:19 AM
Chrysanthe nearly laughed - that was how he chose to defend himself? Deny everything? The girl only watched him though, not commenting on his whispered words at first. His eyes though, when she met them her own softened just slightly, because although she didn't believe that he hadn't run off with some woman he wanted to make his mate, he... wasn't the type that wanted anyone hurt in the princess. She sighed, her mouth open to respond, yet it seemed that he had something to say first. And so her mouth gently closed as she watched him, listened to him, and realized that he was now - rather formally - apologizing.

It was an apology that she hadn't been expecting. He... she had been hurt but he had every right to run off and do whatever he wanted with his life. There was not a rule in question that he was breaking by choosing to leave, it was up to him after all. Yet he seemed to know that she would have preferred he said goodbye before vanishing the way that he did. "Everyone has their ghosts Demonio, Collision wouldn't have turned you away for that." She paused, looking him in the eye. "I wouldn't have either." Yet he had left before she could even get a gist of what had been plaguing him so - taking comfort elsewhere.

He went on to say that he... expected for her to be upset with him. She shook her head no, because she wasn't angry with him. At this points he was more upset with herself for being so angry with the male to begin with. "You are fine, I forgive you but it..." Figuring out how these next thoughts would translate into words was difficult at first but - "You should have more confidence in your choices. You were not stupid for leaving, so long as that was what you truly wanted. If a different pack and a supportive dame is what you are looking for then be glad that you found it. There is no reason you should... feel as if you made the wrong choice because of me." Collision certainly wouldn't have. If he felt that Valhalla and Soliel came first, which they did, he would stand by that opinion regardless of Chrysanthe's feelings.

Yet he would feel a bit bad for upsetting her she assumed.

"I wanted you there, because I wanted to get to know you. You are unlike many that I have come across, and I was looking forward to you exploring the territory and possibly calling Valhalla home." Collision may have recruited him because he was building a pack, but Chrysanthe extended her offer because she was attemtping to build a friendship. Him leaving her so quickly and without a word left the girl feeling like there wasn't any chance at comradeship to begin with and it was all in her head. "When you left, I assumed you had simply changed your mind and that I had been silly to think that you were actually interested at all."

"Which is half right, you don't seem to know exactly why you left at all." His own words too. Maybe he really hadn't left for a pretty girl - because if he had, wouldn't he be a bit more proud of that? That was an assumption that she wouldn't dwell too much on though, because she didn't know the ivory male well enough to truly know the answer.

"Talk like this."


03-06-2013, 05:58 PM

He knew how it would sound when he told Chrys that Desdemona was just a friend of his. He knew it was the truth. His white she-wolf counterpart was just a friend, a good one at that despite just recently having met. But that was the assumption anytime a brute was found with an unmated female; they were mates. That wasn't the truth though, as much as he wanted it to be. He liked Desdemona, he really honestly did. She was beautiful and powerful and amazing despite whatever happened in her past. Yes, she seemed to be a little older than him, but she never made him feel like that. To him, it was like they were equals. He was comfortable around her which made him want to be around her whenever he could. And in his obsession with his twin he'd forgotten all about the young clayed faced youngster. Huge mistake on his part, big time.

Audits twtiched, bi-colored gaze lifting to meet her azure gaze as she spoke. He knew Collision would have accepted him regardless of whatever was plaguing him, but now that he thought about it, he just wasn't ready to join a pack yet. He'd been so caught up with Chrysanthe and how she reminded him so much of his sister that he hadn't thought it out entirely. It was only when he'd actually gotten to the meeting that he'd realized he'd jumped into a bit too quickly. His ears pinned themselves flat against his skull as Chrys spoke of she too not having rejected him. Damn, he was the biggest douche bag in the world right now. It consoles me to know that you wouldn't have, but in all honesty Chrysanthe, I don't believe I was truly ready to commit to a pack. It's just... He took a deep breath, straightening out his shoulders, lifting his head so it was level with them before he continued. You remind me so much of my sister, Luna, who died about a year ago. She was very much like you in personality, always happy and very, very curious. You would've liked her if you'd met her. Everyone did. The way she died wasn't exactly how I would've liked for my baby sister to have gone. In my mind it was my fault and it will always be my fault, no matter what anyone says. I left my homeland because it was too much for me and I struck out, trying to start fresh and that's how I ended up here in Valhalla, consequently running into you. I was so surprised at the similiarity between you and Luna that I automatically took a liking to you. To me, it was like you were my little sister, only in a different body. I was so caught up with that fact that I didn't think things through. I wanted to join you and start a friendship with you and I thought going along with your invitation was the best way to set that in motion. It wasn't until I got there that I realized that I really wasn't ready and so I left. It was the biggest mistake for me not to have bid you goodbye before I left and I will always hold that against myself. After I left I ran into Desdemona and we started talking and she...she was just different. There's something between us, something I don't know how to explain that just draws me to her. My feelings for her were unexpected and developed quickly, yet I have not acted on them for fear of moving too fast and the uncertainty of them being reciprocated. We are truly just friends for now, I can assure you. Only time will tell if this friendship will turn into more.

He lowered his head once again once he'd finished talking, realizing that he'd basically just poured his heart out to her, something he hadn't done with anyone else, not even Desdemona. He wasn't about to take it back though, it felt somewhat liberating to have finally talked about Luna. His ears swiveled forward as her voice breached the atmosphere, speaking of how she forgave him and that he should be more confident in his choices. It's not that I feel I made the wrong choice because I don't think I did. The thing is that I went about the wrong way of executing that choice and as a result unintentionally hurt you, something I never wanted to do. She continued on to say that she had wanted him there because she'd never run into someone like him. So he was different? From the way she spoke it sounded like that was something she liked about him enough to want to start some kind of kinship with him. His crown lowered again as she spoke of having thought he'd lost interest; in her maybe? I had changed my mind about joining Valhalla, but I had never changed my mind about you Chrysanthe. I know my stupidity probably makes you think twice now about wanting to get to know me, but I still want to get to know you, if you're willing. I appreciate your forgiveness and if you're willing, I'd like to start over again. If the offer is still up, I'd love to go exploring with you, whether it be your new home or some other place, whatever you want to do I'll do it. Or if you decide you don't want to anymore, I completely understand. Whatever you decide I will accept wholeheartedly.

Damn, he'd practically stripped himself of all his dignity and thrown himself on the ground for her forgiveness. And yet, he didn't care. She'd been the first wolf ever in Alacritis to take interest in him and he had treated her horribly. He would do everything and anything to repair the damage he'd done. He didn't want to loose Chrys, even she really hadn't been his to loose in the first place.

Talk like this



03-08-2013, 12:52 PM
So it wasn't the others that he was worried about - it was he himself. Chrysanthe watched him take a breath - trying to regain his composure and think through his next words. The beta would wait, giving Demonio all of the time in the world that he needed to speak. She was upset with him earlier, but now she only wanted to know why he had left so suddenly. Why he had changed his mind and gone away, run off without a word. An answer to that was all that Chrys had wanted - and she got that and so much more. Apparently she... she was a reminder of the brute's sister. A sibling that had past, her heart felt a pang of empathy for him - because as much family as they had, they had lost Eos... she was her blood sister, and had not been seen since the eruption. Pain like that didn't easily go away, and reminders were always hard to deal with. She smiled though, when he spoke of their similarities - happy and curious - was that really what others saw in her? Chrysanthe wasn't sure what others thought of her, she had never truly stopped to consider it.

He had ended up here, less than a year after his loss, after running away from the land that had become too painful for him to reside in. He blamed himself for everything and... Chrysanthe's eyes softened into a gentle expression - she had been upset with him and he blamed himself for everything. "No Demonio it's alright. You said you were sorry and I've put it behind me. There isn't a reason to hold that mistake close to your heart. You might not have said goodbye then, but you are here now. It's in the past." She softly explained, not wanting to interrupt the brute. He continued to speak of Desdemona - the female that he had met after he decided to leave Valhalla. She nodded, understanding what it was like to find someone that was just... different compared to what they were used to. She felt something similar for the ivory brute before her - but as she listened to him speak of Des, she knew that the feeling was similar, but definitely not the same. "I don't think you have anything to fear in rejection with her. You speak of her so highly, I know you feel something for this female. Something she may not get to experience in the eyes of another brute. She would be wise to realize that despite what you have been through, it has only made you stronger - and you are a catch Demonio." She laughed quietly, moving over to gently nudge his shoulder. She had confidence in him, he should have it in himself."Well if only time will tell - you and time had better come to me soon and tell me you won the heart of your fair maiden."

His head was lowered once again, and Chrysanthe was touched that he thought so highly of her feelings, but she didn't want to be the one to drag him down. He really had no obligation or reason to worry about her. She was fine. Yet he continued, saying that he had never changed his mind about her - that he still wanted to get to know her. It made her smile - yet at the same time she froze within her thoughts. Would it be best for them to be friends when... when she reminded him so much of his sister? He was so worried about her feelings, but what of his own? "I haven't a single doubt about getting to know you. I don't think... I did before either." She had been hurt, but she still wondered where he went and wanted to know why he had left. "Please don't worry about what happened before anymore, it's fine. We're friends." Friends - that word felt strange upon the female's tongue, because it wasn't something that she used often. Family was more something that she was used to - but friendship? She was a bit new to it herself.

To go along with the newly forged friendship, she reached up and gave the brute a kiss on the cheek - and her dark lips spread into a genuine smile. "No matter where you end up - or with who, we will remain that way." But he had better keep her updated on Desdemona - he really seemed to pine for her. And if the female hurt him? Oh, she would have all of the anger and protective nature in the world to deal with from Chrysanthe. "Now - are you up for a little hunt? My sister in law has a litter to feed and I wanted to catch something for her before I headed home."

"Talk like this."


03-08-2013, 05:06 PM

It was another mistake to add to his list, as small as it was. It hadn't been a life-threatening mistake as Luna's had been, but it was a mistake all the same. He knew he shouldn't be too hard on himself, after all, what was life without a few mistakes on the way? Everyone made mistakes, he knew that, but in his eyes his mistakes were huge. He was just the type of guy to beat himself up for even upsetting someone, regardless if it had been on purpose or not. He never wanted to wrong another being like he had his little sister and so the ivory knight took each mistake to heart, unable to bear failing another creature.

And then Chrysanthe was speaking once again, forgiving Demonio and having put his mistake in the past. Crown was lifted, icy and maroon eyes following suit as he gazed at Chrys, her voice continuing to invade his audits as she spoke of knowing he had feelings for Des, which in fact he did, and that he was a catch, a nudge to his shoulders emphasizing her point. A light chuckle rumbled in his chest, his somber mood evaporating slowly as the clay-faced youth spoke of him returning to her to update her on how his conquest of his she-twin was going. Thank you Chrys. If you have put it in the past, then I will do the same. No use on lingering on it, I can't change it now. As for being a catch, I'm not too sure about that, but if you think so then I won't disagree. And of course, I'll keep you updated with everything that goes on between us. Hopefully soon I'll come to you with news of my new mate. He really hoped Des would be at his side soon for more than just company.

A warmth blossomed in his chest as she spoke up again of still wanting to get to know him, going as far as even calling him friend. A friend...his second friend on all of Alacritis. A pretty good one to boot. really see me as your friend? Slight disbelief colored his words. It was crazy that she wanted to still be friends with him after he had treated her so bad. But like she'd said earlier, it was in the past now; their becoming friends was them moving on. And then to his surprise he felt her kiss his cheek, an unexpected blush creeping across his cheeks, kissers curling into a half smile. Another light laugh errupted from his maw as she confirmed their lasting friendship, offering up a hunt for the king's wife and children. Demonio rose from the ground, ivory pelt shaken to loosen any collected debri, limbs carrying him forward a few paces ahead of her, nape arching to glance back at her. What will we be hunting my friend? he asked playfully, glad that he had fixed his situation with the young she-wolf.

Talk like this



03-14-2013, 09:27 AM
The brute agreed that his mistake was something in the past, a touch of laughter breaking past the boundary of his tongue. He seemed to be in a better mood, and that was enough to make Chrysanthe smile. She wished that he would have more confidence in himself - he was an impressive interesting brute. At the very least he agreed to tell her whether he was victorious in his conquest and the princess grinned as he told her that he would give her a heads up as to whether the woman became his mate. She wished him all of the best - and could barely contain her curiosity about the female. The jealousy that she had previously felt was either gone or placed on the backburner, out of sight and out of mind.

She was happy to have a friend, a friend that was loyal to boot and easy to talk with. The red faced girl laughed as he repeated the word, surprised that she would consider him someone close to her. She nodded, despite his disbelief, and held back another string of giggles as he blushed at her chaste kiss. He was such a sweetheart, if only she were older and he less infatuated with another. Yet she would not fret - there were plenty of wolves within these lands she was sure. It was too soon for her to worry about romance and all that went with it. Right now, she had a rank to live up to and a family to live for.

As well as a damn good friend to hunt beside her.

Demonio asked what they would be hunting and Chrysanthe rose to the challenge, jumping to her feet and moving to stand before the brute, her blue eyes meeting his mismatched ones. "Rabbits! They're everywhere, don't you smell them?" She barked, although she also kept her voice relatively quiet because she didn't want to scare off their prey before they even had the chance to hunt. "They're tough to catch, but there aren't many places for them to hide here - the trees are short and the bushes are pretty far apart." Which meant... "We have to outrun them and out maneuver them. But luckily there are two of us." The girl grinned at Demonio, before turning around to face the swaying grass.

"So what do you say? Should we try and cut a couple off? Or just look for one of their holes and start digging?" They were both interesting plans, and she was up for either form of hunting. Maybe they could do both and make this a sort of competition.

"Talk like this."


03-14-2013, 05:59 PM

All the negative thoughts that had been circling around in his head were all but gone now, Chrysanthe's apology having succesfully chased away his resurfacing self-hatred, pushing it back into its box for the time being, perhaps to be let out at another time or maybe to not be let out again. No one would know for certain. What did he know right now was that he officially had his first real friend although techinically Desdemona was the first, she was quickly falling into a different category, one with a heavier attachment than just a friend.

She was younger than him, by two years at the most and yet he scarcely remembered her age. She didn't act her age. Had he met her now, after gaining a position of rank in her pack, Demonio would have never guessed that she was but just a yearling. She gave off the aura of responsiblity, of maturity, of possesing knowledge and insight that was perhaps beyond her years. Regardless of her age or how she portrayed it, the ivory brute was just glad he could call her a friend. He could feel that she would remain his friend for years to come. In his mind she seemed to be someone he could come to consult on whatever the matter was that troubled him, even though he was the older of the two. He dismissed the idea at the first sign of it, knowing there was no way he would worry the young woman with his troubles. She had enough responsibility to deal with for him to add his problems to the mix.

Her excitement at the prospect of him hunting with her was hardly concealed, her voice loud, though was quick to hush it as to not scare their potential prey. A quiet chuckle rumbled in his chest as her antics. She was growing up but obviously not too fast. Audits rotated forward, listening intently as Chrys suggested they hunt rabbits, warning that they were a bit quick but their being two of them would even things out a big more, a huge grin accompanying her words as she turned to gaze at the field behind him, throwing out the idea of tag-teaming or going one-on-one and escavating their homes. As fun as digging through their holes sounds, it would probably be useless to go after their holes, given the fact that they could have miles of underground tunnels to where they could escape too. I say our best bet would be for one to be hidden in a certain location while the other goes to flush them out and drive in the direction of the hidden one and then snag 'em. What do you think? Sounds pretty efficient to me.

A playful smirk curled his kissers, plume wagging with contained excitement at the prospect of a hunt with Chrysanthe. It had been a while since he'd been on a hunt with someone else.

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