
Unexpected Refuge



02-04-2013, 07:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2013, 01:45 AM by Ashtoreth.)
Quote:Her mind had long ago ceased to think, ceased to worry, ceased to process anything but the monotonous, repetitive action of setting one paw in front of the other. Breathing labored, the typically alert and active wolf's gold and purple eyes stared ahead as if unseeing, too exhausted to even attempt to make sense of the unfamiliar land she traversed, barely having the energy to keep themselves open. Her lips parted, Ashtoreth panted, having lost the capacity to even hope for a drink to wet her parched throat and merely willing every last ounce of energy her body possessed to keep walking. To stop would be to hand herself over to the mercy of the desert and its dangers, to give up on the pack and its wolves who she had grown to see as an extended family of sorts. And she could not in good conscience do that.

Where were they, she had wondered when she had still had the sense enough to think. Had they all made it safely away from the volcano as it exploded? Had anyone been lost? Was it anyone she knew personally? Her list of acquaintances was small and meager, but still she hoped that they had persevered, brandishing their strong wills and determination in the face of adversity and succeeded in living to band together wherever their frantic retreat took them.

So far Ashtoreth had seen no familiar - or even unfamiliar - faces, but those were all thoughts for a later time. Most important of all for the moment was finding herself a drink.

She could not say when, exactly, the sands beneath her paws had given way to grass. Nor could she say when the heavy, oppressive heat of the winter desert had given way to cold and chilly grasslands. The cold was like a balm to her body as she moved, her eyes blinking for what felt like the first time in hours as her jaws clicked closed together. It seemed her incessant march was paying off. Grass meant water; she was getting closer.

It was not much further before the small wolf quite literally stumbled into a creak. The jolt of the unexpectedly cold water caused her to clench her jaw in reaction, practically frozen in place as her over tired muscles seized up and cried out in protest. But it was water! She had found it at last!

Ignoring the ache in her legs, the tingling in her wet paws, Ashtoreth inclined her head and lapped eagerly at the cold creak, feeling the water travel down her throat and spread into her stomach. She was certain that she had never been so grateful to have a drink before, never so glad to feel the cold water numb the aching pads of her feet. It was wonderful, refreshing, exhilarating. The desert had not claimed her; she was free to rest and attempt to find her pack mates.

With her stomach near full enough to burst of the cold, delicious water, the little grey wolf lifted her head and licked at her lips greedily, not willing to spare a single drop. Her gold and purple eyes glanced around with renewed vigor, taking in at last the large expanse of tall, fertile grasses and the very tips of trees somewhere across the grasslands. Whatever this land was that she had ended up, it seemed promising for finding others, if not familiar faces from her home. Turning to drag herself at last out of the creak, Ashtoreth plopped down onto the creak's bank, just far enough to be out of the water. She had no intention of sleeping, but her legs complained that a rest was needed. Muzzle resting between outstretched paws, Ashtoreth sighed and closed her weary eyes, assuring herself that she would only just rest.

-- ashtoreth

OOC: Hopefully this works well enough for a starter involving the volcano and move. c:

Leon I


11 Years
02-04-2013, 09:37 PM (This post was last modified: 02-04-2013, 09:38 PM by Leon I.)

ooc; Thought I'd toss in good 'ol Leon since we didn't finish the meeting on the old site <3

Heat. All he'd felt was an incredible wave of heat. It had long since gone, as he had not stopped moving since the first wave. Sound. There had been so much sound, it had been deafening - almost - and yet had been quieter than he could have imagined. Smoke had filled the air, choked his lungs of vital oxygen. His body was lathered in sweat. Dirt, debris, and pieces of the smoke clung to his damp and now quite dank pelt. Still he pressed on, unwilling to cease until his mind convinced him he was out of danger. The man wasn't sure how long that would take, as every second flashes of the incident coursed through his mind. His tongue lolled out of his mouth, dry and parched from his heavy breathing and constant movement. His muscles and tendons were taut, aching and searing hot. He knew he couldn't carry on much longer, his physical being was not capable of running any farther. He'd gone miles and miles by now at a steady and quick lope, there was no way he could keep it up. And so, when he could push himself no more, Leon's frame left the grass he had been tramping over and fell rather ungracefully into a crisp and cool creek.

He lay limp in the water, covered up to his chin in it. Nostrils flared as his heavy breathing continued, sides heaving great breaths every second. He sputtered as a bit of the water splashed into his nostrils, tossing his head from side to side vigorously to clear his nose. He hoped desperately that the water would rise no higher, for he was sure that he would not have the strength to move into the shallower part. Icy blue eyes caught glimpse of something just before they were about to close. Another wolf. He hadn't seen one since the eruption, not for hours upon hours while he'd been running. What were the odds someone else had stopped in this very spot? Of course, it could be a native of this part of the continent, someone who knew this area well and might not like him being here. That thought was not pleasant, as he knew he could not fight this wolf off if it attacked. However, upon a closer and more purposeful glance, he noted that the wolf was smaller than he, and appeared just as tired as he was. Could this be someone from his old home? Maybe even someone he knew? They were only yards apart, but his eyes could not distinguish much about her due to his weary state. Leon shifted slightly so that more of his neck was out of the water, and then let out a weak bark.

You there! Did you escape from the blast as well?



02-05-2013, 02:03 AM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2013, 11:51 AM by Ashtoreth.)
Quote:With a jolt she came to, her thoughts picking up where they had left off before she had begun to uncontrollably doze. Just resting, her thoughts swiftly repeated in what felt like a mantra that she knew deep down was impossible to adhere to. She was physically and emotionally exhausted from the harrowing escape. Rest was truly the only thing she wished for in that moment, above finding her pack and above finding a more decent shelter than the open creek bank. Movement was simply beyond her; staying put seemed the best option.

Gold and purple eyes blinking, her vision blurry and out of focus, Ashtoreth lifted her tired muzzle from the cold earth and turned her head to stare down the length of the creek. For a moment she saw nothing within the unclear, swimming mess of rippling water and unnaturally tall grasses, at least until her vision cleared a little. There, plopped down in the center of the creek, body half soaked by the shallow water was another wolf, no doubt the one whose words were presently coursing back around through her mind again, ready to be heard this second time.

And she did hear him, if only a moment late. The blast? she wondered, her weary brow puckering just slightly as the little grey wolf tried to make her tired mind make sense of his inquiry. And suddenly she understood. The "blast" was the eruption. This must have been another of the refugees, seeking the same sort of comfort that she did amid the creek's soothing trickle.

Unbidden, she smiled, her bleary eyes closing as she rested her muzzle upon her outstretched foreleg while still facing the unrecognized stranger. "Yes," she answered hoarsely though with audible relief, somewhat embarrassed by the state of her voice now that she had heard it but too exhausted to truly care. Attempting to redeem herself, Ashtoreth quietly coughed and spoke again, "I'm guessing you did too?"

-- ashtoreth

OOC: Yaaay! c: Happy to have him join the thread.

Leon I


11 Years
02-05-2013, 11:45 AM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2013, 12:46 PM by Leon I.)


Leon could not believe how exhausted he was. Mentally and physically he felt as if he were years older than what he actually was. An old man, bones and ligaments creaking and crackling. That is what he felt like. All energy he'd once had was spent in a frenzy of trying to escape the flames, and now that he had gotten here, he was almost as discouraged with the fact that he would eventually have to move again. However, his spirits were only ever-so-slightly lifted by the fact that at least he was not alone. Whether or not this other wolf was happy with his presence was yet to be determined, but Leon was sure that he would know their intentions very soon.

His head dipped down to the water, eagerly - and somewhat selfishly - lapping up drop after drop in order to somehow quench his perpetual thirst. Words came eventually, but his ears were too lazy to swivel and focus in on them. However, he could detect what the gist of them was. She had escaped too, had been a refugee from the land he had lived in. Her voice, though dry and parched as he, seemed unique and familiar. She questioned him as well, and Leon merely huffed. The normally talkative male could not even muster a sentence at this point, though he would have to try.

"Yes, it was the most horrific thing I've ever seen. I only hope the rest of my pack managed to escape as well. Have you seen any others?"

Words were breathy and his level of exhaustion was audible, but he didn't care. Leon rested his chin in the water on his front paws, with his nose hovering over the surface of the water so that he could breathe normally. Slowly but surely his adrenaline was dissipating and his weary state was fading. Though he knew he would need a long rest to recuperate fully, he hoped he would at least gain back enough strength to find a suitable place to spend the night.



02-05-2013, 12:28 PM
Quote:Inexplicably, the small grey wolf released an airy chuckle, fighting back another wave of corrupted laughter before it could manifest itself in a way to be recognizable to her company. "Horrific" hardly began to cover what Ashtoreth remembered of the escape. It had been the most terrifyingly chaotic disaster she had ever been witness to, and no words seemed to do the extent of that event and all the tumultuous emotions that surrounded it justice. As far as she was concerned, there never would be.

But laughing, even to her weary, fatigued mind, seemed entirely inappropriate for the circumstances, and so she bit her tongue, an ear flickering vaguely as the wolf down the creek mentioned his pack. Like a flood gate had been opened, a torrent of emotions and thoughts came rushing back to her. She had been too exhausted to consider it, too distracted by outrunning the disaster, that she had put the well being of her pack mates and the pack as a whole behind her, something that she felt deeply ashamed of. All that they had held dear - their home, their beliefs, their tight-knit strength - was now gone to her, and she had no infinitesimal clue whether she might ever see it again.

Her already closed eyes shut more tightly, her brow furrowing as the unpleasantness of it all fell over her exhausted body. A chill rattled her small, slender frame, though it was not entirely from the cold air. Ashtoreth was alone. She had no pack, no friends to assist her. Even the unexpected company who lay yards away within the creek could not compensate for the extreme sense of loss that overcame her. She had never felt anything like it.

"No," she responded regretfully, a small tremor of a break within her voice. She hoped it would merely be overlooked within its still gruff tone, or that the stranger would fail to notice in his own exhaustion. She hesitated a moment, swallowing as she opened her tired eyes a sliver and peered down the creek bed at the still half submerged wolf. "Have you?"

-- ashtoreth

Leon I


11 Years
02-05-2013, 12:59 PM


The weight of what had happened had not yet hit him, but he could feel its presence. It was lingering all around him, draped on his shoulders and holding him hostage, but not yet having the courage to reveal itself to him in its entirety. Some part of him was thankful for this, knowing that at this precise moment he could not handle the weight of the situation. If it all bore down on him at once - at this very second - he would lose everything he was desperately clinging to. The air fell silent besides the soft cackling of the creek. The crisp water continued to flow over his frame, leaving him chilled to the core. The winter air would certainly bite when he exited the watery depths, but at this time he didn't really care about that. In fact, he might grow to like the bitter cold if it meant he could stay void of all emotion for the time being. Yes, he was grateful for the cold.

Icy blue eyes drifted shut, trying to recollect his home, trying to bring him back to a day before when things had been calm and peaceful. His past flickered in front of his eyes, small snippets of his short time in Valhalla. He had only been there a few months at best, had just been fully integrated and had begun meeting more and more wolves when disaster had struck. Who knew if he'd ever get back there, if he'd ever see them again? Faces began to flash in and out, lingering for mere seconds before dissolving into his subconscious. He watched them as they came, frowning now and again, trying to recall their names. Erani's face came up twice, for they'd had two nice encounters together. Another face came up after hers, one that was unique and familiar. His eyes shot open. It was her face. He stared at her for a moment, bewildered and thankful that her eyes were closed so she would not see him gawking.

She was a Valhallan, he knew it in his gut. Her name.. it was on the tip of his tongue. Ashtoreth, that was it! Before he could say anything else, she spoke up and he shook his head before making his claim audible. No, I haven't seen anyone but you. He paused, wondering if he should venture to guess that her name really was Ashtoreth. If it was her.. it would be so nice to have at least someone familiar around. Ashtoreth? He waited for a second. It's me, Leon.. from Valhalla. He shifted again, his shoulders now out of the water, head tilted toward her with a slight smile on his face. His tail tapped the bottom of the creek lightly, but was inaudible.



02-05-2013, 01:55 PM
Quote:Her stinging eyes closed again as the wolf informed her of having found no other survivors himself. That was unfortunate. More than unfortunate, it was disheartening. Where had everyone gone when they fled? Had they all stuck together while she raced off on her own? Could she have followed them to wherever it was that they sought shelter? And could she possibly find them now, in this unfamiliar, unpredictable land? There were far too many questions and too few answers.

Drawing a breath and releasing it in a slow, measured sigh, Ashtoreth tried not to let it overwhelm her. It would do no good in the end. She needed to keep her wits, her strength, in order to even attempt to locate the pack she had lost. If she gave in to despair before even setting off on her mission, then there was no chance of her ever succeeding. She needed to cling to hope for as long as she could.

On reflex, her gold and purple eyes fluttered open again, an ear turning upon her head as she caught her name. Working sluggishly, it took a second for her tired mind to realize that she had not, in fact, given her name at all. A furrow appeared upon her brow as she lifted her head inches from her paw, her eyes squinted to attempt to make them see more clearly at this stranger. How does he...?

His name rang like a crystal bell through her mind, immediately plunging her into a memory of standing beside a half frozen river within the Valhallan land, making small talk with a fellow pack mate, a pack mate named Leon. Her gold and purple eyes sparked with recognition as a sleepy smile drifted across her face, her own tail managing a few wags of greeting. "Hey," she responded slowly, her sense of relief renewed. Not all of the Valhallan wolves had perished after all. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes," she added with an attempt at her usual good humor, resting her muzzle again upon her paw with her smile still in place as her eyes closed once more. "I'd come over to greet you properly, but I'm afraid my paws might fall off and be carried down stream."

A little breathy chuckle slipped from her muzzle at her own joke, relieved to know that she still had it in her to laugh, and for a proper reason. Through all of the chaos of escaping their home, she had felt quite lost and not herself. But given the chance to ease the mind of one of her fellow pack mates, even if it was only one, allowed her to feel more like the old Ashtoreth she thought she might have left behind.

-- ashtoreth

Leon I


11 Years
02-05-2013, 04:31 PM


More faces came after hers, as his weary eyes fell shut once more. The mere effort of trying to keep them open was not worth the struggle, and he gave in. However, he was getting quite chilled in the constantly moving water, and Leon knew he couldn't stand the cold much longer. He was beginning to feel the soreness creep over his legs, wrapping them in a vice grip of moderate and lingering pain. He would feel it much more tomorrow. It was surprising really, how exhausted he was. Leon was in excellent shape - prime, even - given that he almost always ran for miles every morning and evening. Running was his thing and yet this time his stamina had failed him. He had a thought that the mental exhaustion and fear had played into the scenario leaving him more tired than usual, but he would never know for sure. He forced his eyes open, a feat that he never would have noticed before he'd worn himself down so much. Lifting his head to its regular position was another thing entirely. He felt every ligament, every tendon as they flexed and relaxed, sending shooting pains to their respective locations.

With a massive amount of effort, the man managed to lift himself to his paws - shaky and rubbery as they were - and move to the shoreline where he quickly flopped back down just a few feet from her. He had no more energy to move any farther just yet, but at least this way he might be able to dry off. Stretching his muzzle forward and facing her, he rested his chin on his paws as she spoke. I know the feeling. I feel like I've just run across an entire continent - and in a way.. I guess I did. The effort of speech was almost too much for him. He felt weak, pathetic, useless. But he knew those feelings would pass. Leon was anything but a downtrodden soul, he always saw things optimistically, and this - in time - would be no exception. Lifting his head up once more, he spoke. I wonder where the rest of Valhalla got off to. I hope they all managed to escape.. He didn't want to dwell on that. His family was there, several of them, and though he'd just been united with them he wasn't ready to lose them just yet. Cairo,
Guinevere, and the rest of them.. He knew Guin had been in bad health, and Cairo as well. Collision had taken over for the most part. Leon regretted not putting forth more effort to spend time with his cousin. And then there were Cairo and Guin's pups.. Leon's eyes shut at the thought of his tiny nephews and nieces having to face the eruption. No. Cairo would die before he let them get hurt. I know he got them out. Leon rested his head back on his paws, wanting to say more but not feeling the desire to.



02-05-2013, 10:42 PM
Quote:The sound of water dripping dragged Ashtoreth's eyes open once more to watch as Leon miraculously picked himself up out of the creek and padded with weary, unstable legs to the bank. If he was even remotely as tired as she felt, she knew the small movement was actually a feat to be applauded. Though she wished she did not feel so pitifully weak, she doubted her own ability to get anywhere without first resting and then waiting until her surely sore and aching legs finally stopped their complaining long enough for her to do so. In acknowledgement of his small shift, she lifted her smile a little higher, her bright eyes blinking slowly as she tried to keep them open.

She felt the impulse to nod her head in agreement regarding the idea of running the length of a continent, but with her muzzle still resting against her paw the motion was mostly awkward and lost. A little murmur of agreement slipped from her muzzle instead, following by a heavy sigh. And as Leon voiced his hopes aloud, the little grey wolf nearly sighed again. I sure hope so, she worried silently to herself, and after a second was glad she had chosen not to speak aloud.

Her tired eyes sought out the blue ones of the wolf across from her, seeing in them the blood line connection that tied him with the wolves that were lost. While she felt pain in the loss of the substitute family unit that she could not find, his was an actual pain of lost family. Those were his relations out there, not just friends. The stakes for him were considerably higher depending on whether he found those wolves or not.

Suddenly voicing any sense of optimism sounded like the right thing to do. Despite her own doubts and worries, Ashtoreth spoke up. "I'm sure they're fine. Hey, if we could make it, why couldn't they?" she prompted with a reassuring smile. It was questionable just how worn down and beaten up they might be if both she and Leon, in their current states, could hardly stand to be on their feet for more than a few seconds at a time, but that was insignificant compared to knowing they were alive. And she hoped they were. For both of their sakes, and the hope that, somehow, their tight-knit familial unit could regroup and overcome the rather large obstacle thrown their way.

-- ashtoreth

Leon I


11 Years
02-06-2013, 04:08 PM


He forced his eyes open, unable to continue looking at the endless slideshow of faces. As the two cerulean pools greeted the world once more, he noted how very petite she was. In his mind, she looked.. almost breakable. Now normally Leon would see this as something to be upset over, as he believed that strength was a key factor in a wolf's life, but her size was in some strange way, attractive to him. He knew that brute strength was not completely necessary, and figured that most likely she was quick and agile, where as he was more built for power. Her coat was something to speak of as well, a gentle gray that faded and darkened respectively. But the part of her that intrigued him the most was her eyes, which were gold in the middle and purple around the edges. Fascinating.

Her speech brought him out of his intrigued moment of checking her out and a faint smile appeared on his face for no real reason at all. You're probably right. I'm sure they got out just as quickly as we did, they probably just took a different path. The only question was.. how different? If they had just barely gone off course, they could be just miles away, a quick days' travel. But if they had gone in a vastly different direction, Leon and Ashtoreth might never be reunited with them. That was something he didn't want to think about. There were more important things to dwell on at this point in time.

Is this the first place you've stopped? Perhaps.. if she had stopped elsewhere, she would know a bit more about the land and whether or not there was a safe place to spend the night. Leon knew nothing of the weather here, and given that it was winter, he wasn't really keen on staying out in the open all night long. He had more questions to ask, but would try to pace them so that he didn't overwhelm her. Not every wolf was as talkative as he.



02-06-2013, 06:27 PM
Quote:He smiled. Perhaps her own optimism was catching, leading him to believe her words and be put at ease, but whatever the case she was more than happy to claim a small victory for it. They hardly knew each other, and yet, knowing that he had so much at stake, renewing his hope seemed important to her. Ashtoreth knew very few others within her pack, and had only met Leon once, but, even with everything in chaos around them, she was still more than happy to assist another of her pack in whatever way she could, even it was with something as silly as causing a few smiles. Not to mention he had a very nice smile.

It seemed, though neither had outright acknowledged it, that they were in this together, and would likely from here on out be in search of their missing pack as a single unit. And considering neither of them seemed to have the slightest clue where the pack as a whole had gone, Ashtoreth knew keeping faith and hope alive was going to be key. Which would likely mean as many false smiles and wishful assurances as it took to get them there, but that was a small price to pay if they made it in the end.

"Yeah. Probably," she agreed willingly, still smiling as she allowed her gold and purple eyes to close once more. Oh, how nice it would have been to just give in to sleep here and now and rest knowing that another set of ears was nearby. True, Leon was just as exhausted as she felt, but it was still some comfort, knowing she knew someone within this unfamiliar land. Knowing she did not have to get through this alone.

For a second time, the little grey wolf nearly nodded her head, but with an airy breath of a laugh she stopped herself. "Yeah. I only stopped 'cause I couldn't go on. I wasn't exaggerating about my paws being ready to fall off," she added with a gentle shake of her head, managing to get her eyes open just enough to peek at Leon where he lay mere feet down the creek bank. "Did you see anything when you came over here?" she queried, wishing she had had sense enough to look around longer when she still had her feet. Aside from grass and sparse trees, she could recollect nothing of significance about the territory they were laying in. For all she knew, danger could have just been waiting out of sight.

-- ashtoreth

Leon I


11 Years
02-06-2013, 07:39 PM


Stop looking at her, you idiot! Sooner or later she'll open her eyes and see you staring. Cerulean orbs fell shut once more, but it took a bit more force this time to make them close. He rested his chin on his paws once more, his body feeling stiff and exhausted. Would this feeling ever go away? Leon wasn't used to this sort of thing. He began to think ahead, trying to keep his mind off of the rest of Valhalla. He had to focus on the things he could see and feel. She was here, with him. That was something he knew. They were in a strange bit of land. This was something else he knew. They had no food and no shelter. This was the worst thing he knew. So what first? He personally was not starving, but how long could she last without eating? And what about rest? They would need somewhere else to hunker down. When the sun fell below the horizon the air would take on a dangerous chill.

Her laugh brought his eyes back open again. It didn't linger long, but the sound was nice, friendly. A smile flickered to his lips and lingered there while she spoke. I stopped for the same reason. He shifted slightly onto his side, all four limbs stretched out parallel to the ground. His head was facing up, turned toward her. Ahhh.. that's better. As she spoke up he began to recollect on what he had seen in his journey here. Nothing really of significance. Grass, dirt, a few shallow hills, nothing that one could hole up in for the night. He thought a bit harder.. surely there had been somewhere, anywhere that a wolf could stay for a night. He pictured a hill, just a short walk away from here. When he'd gotten to the top of it he'd noted that the other side was hollowed out into an oblong form. The wind that had previously battered him had been blocked completely when he'd been on that side of the hill. Perhaps a bed could be made there, at least to keep the night's wind off. Now that you mention it.. there was a hill where one side was carved out, it worked well as a wind shelter when I passed through. He looked up at the sky, it was clear, not a cloud in it. It would work for tonight as long as it doesn't rain.

He paused, thinking about how he'd just phrased that. They really were in this together, weren't they? How much sense would it make for them to not be in it together? After all, they both had the same goal, to get back to their pack - and for him - to get back to his family. Another smile curled on his lips as he decided to lighten the moment. That is, if our paws don't fall off before we get there. He smirked.



02-06-2013, 09:36 PM
Quote:She watched silently as Leon shifted to lay himself down upon his side and stretch his legs out away from him, a position that looked considerably more comfortable than her own. With her hind legs curled and her front ones only partially extended, Asthoreth knew mimicking her companion's shift would do her some good, but she was hardly ready for the assured cries that her muscles would make in protest. Unless she had to, she had no plans to move just yet.

He became thoughtful for a moment, and she quietly studied him in his inattention. Though he still seemed to favor his legs as much as she did, the brown based wolf appeared to be regaining a little bit of his strength. It was good news since she had a feeling that sooner rather than later they would be on the move. At least we'll have each other to push us into moving, she thought with relief, sure that, if left to her own devices, she would likely have stayed there on the creek bank all night if she could.

With her expectations low, Ashtoreth was extremely surprised to hear Leon suggest a possible resting place. Her ears perking of their own free will, she managed to open her eyes a little wider and lift her head from her paw to more properly look at him, listening as he described the hollowed out hillside. "That sounds promising," she murmured. It was definitely the best news she had heard so far - aside from learning who the stranger down the creek bed had been.

And, unexpectedly, he made his own joke. A wide smile stretched across her face as she laughed, struck suddenly by the humor of it, before she quieted enough to answer, the laughter still in her voice. "You better hope yours don't fall off. I can't carry you." Still smiling, she rolled her neck, her body bracing for a second before she gave up and relaxed once again on the creek bank. "How far away is this hill?" Ashtoreth asked, prolonging the moment when she needed to get up for a second longer with a little question.

-- ashtoreth

Leon I


11 Years
02-06-2013, 10:15 PM


His positioning was far more comfortable than it was before. His limbs were now able to stretch out, and though they groaned in protest it brought sweet relief to be able to elongate the muscles and tendons that had temporarily locked into position. His head lay sideways while facing her, so it took a minute to orient himself to the fact that he was sideways, and she was not. Cerulean eyes opened and closed periodically, neither roving over her frame as before, or staring blankly at the back of his eyelids either. He was feeling a bit better, not sure if it was attributed to the fact that he was no longer alone, or if it was because he was regaining strength. He was completely dry now, not feeling quite as much chill in the air as before. His coat was stuck to him in places, and in other areas it had managed to fluff out and jut off in strange directions. But these were things he didn't care much about. Oh it was nice to look nice, but at this time he had many more important things on his mind.. like survival.

As she commented on his idea, he was glad to hear that she agreed with him. It did sound promising. Though it would offer no help should a storm break out, there were too many perks to not at least try it out. His brow furrowed slightly, gazing at her once more with a critical eye. She still seemed just as exhausted as when they'd first met. Perhaps she would take longer to recuperate. Leon still didn't feel great himself. The very thought of moving to the hill, which was only a short walk away, was too much to think about. As the laughter returned to her voice at his joke, Leon's smirk grew in size. He was so glad he wasn't in this alone. Though he could make it by himself, it was so much better to just have someone to mentally lean on in a situation like this. He watched her attempt at moving her neck and furrowed his brow slightly as her head fell back to its original position. She really was worn out.

As she questioned how far away the hill was, Leon began to calculate in his mind how long it would take them to get there with their current exhausted state of being. Normally it would only be a minute or two, but he suspected it would be longer given their level of fatigue. It's not far at all, if we hadn't just run across the whole continent it would only take us a minute or two. He winked at her, which took far more effort than he thought it should. Finally, when he couldn't talk himself out of it any more, Leon shifted onto his belly, with his legs beneath him. He grunted and groaned as he lifted himself onto wobbly paws and glanced down at her. Coming? It was more of a method of encouragement rather than an actual question, he knew she wasn't about to stay here all night. At least.. he didn't think so.



02-07-2013, 01:39 AM
Quote:He was thoughtful again for another minute as he made his mental calculations regarding time. And, of course, when he answered he factored in the fact neither of them were likely up for the trip, no matter how short it was. She could have rolled her eyes at his wink but only managed to blink as her smile stretched across her face again, shaking her head slightly at his jest. In all honesty, though, she was absolutely certain that he had a very good point. It would likely take them double the time it should have, if not longer, to reach their destination. What a sorry state we're in, she wondered, wishing it had been possible to simply pace herself when she had madly dashed off for safety. If only nature had been that considerate.

Without further hesitation, the brown wolf was dragging himself quite noisily to his feet, and Ashtoreth watched the process with a growing reluctance. Could her legs support her half as well as Leon's did? Would she possibly embarrass herself by lacking the strength to even stand? She tried assuring herself that she had been resting long enough, that standing was a simple and easy feat compared to the reckless marathon they had completed. It's just standing, she told herself. Nothing too difficult. But walking on the other hand...

He looked her way with a prompting inquiry, and the little grey wolf knew that there was no turning back anymore. It was her turn. Lifting her head completely, she rocked a little and managed to shift her body off of the ground with an audible grunt of her own. Her legs protested at the sudden sense of weight and muscle use, the pads of her paws throbbing with a dull ache, but though she felt considerably wobbly and unstable she managed to keep her feet once she had gained them. She blinked her gold and purple eyes with a touch of surprise. "That's not so bad," she remarked aloud, unsure whether it was to herself or Leon.

Before she could give herself any time to possibly collapse, she turned her two-toned gaze to Leon with an expectant look. "Lead the way?"

-- ashtoreth

Leon I


11 Years
02-08-2013, 12:13 PM


He began to think about how tired he was, and just how long logistically it would take he and Ashtoreth to get to their chosen shelter. It was already growing colder, and the light in the sky was fading quickly. By the time they got there it would be nearly pitch black - he estimated. As she struggled to her paws he mentally cursed himself for making her move, but he knew that it was necessary or they'd freeze tonight. The wind chill would bring the temperature down by twenty or thirty degrees, and since it was likely to fall to the low forties tonight, a chill like that would be unbearable. He wavered on his paws slightly as she took to hers, remarking that it wasn't so bad. Leon stifled a laugh, it was pretty bad for him. He wasn't used to feeling like this. Glad it's not bad for you, heh, I feel like i'm ten years old.

As she prodded him on by asking if he would lead, Leon nodded his head once and then took a tentative step, wincing slightly as his paw touched the earth and shifted his weight forward. He turned his head back slightly toward her. If you need to.. you can lean on me. It was the least he could offer. After all, she must be feeling as bad, if not worse than, he was. He had a feeling that they would end up leaning on each other just to make it there. Funny, how just an hour or so before they'd been strangers who'd happened across one another in a creek, and now they were reunited friends who were depending on one another to survive in this foreign land. Oh how the tides had shifted.

When he could pause no longer he took another step, then another until his paws were moving rhythmically - albeit painfully. He winced every now and then, when his paws fell upon a particularly hard or otherwise uncomfortable bit of earth. The grassy areas weren't as bad, and he was thankful that they were able to stay on it for most of their journey. When they'd crossed the last part of grass and continued to pad on open dirt toward the hill - which was now in view - Leon's steps slowed ever so slightly. He was thrilled to be getting so close, but the labor of the journey was taking its toll on him. His head and tail hung limply, so unlike he would normally carry them. A determined frown crossed his features. You've got to go on.. you're almost there. Just get yourself to the hill and you can rest.



02-10-2013, 02:51 AM
Quote:A thankful, partially embarrassed smile skirted across Ashtoreth's face as Leon left the option open to her of using him for support. While it was very generous considering their combined deteriorated states, it only told her just how bad she must have looked. Was it so very obvious that her legs just might give out at any moment should their tentative strength weaken in just the right spot? Could her fatigue be written so clearly and precisely upon her face that, with a glance, he could tell she might need assistance somewhere during their two to three minute journey? Well, at least he hasn't given me a pitiful look yet, she consoled herself, though was unsure just how reassuring it truly was.

With only another second's pause, the brown colored wolf started on what would seem like the longest leg of their journey, and without giving herself time enough to consider just how much she might regret that first step, the small grey wolf followed suit. No sooner had her paw touched the ground, she felt the answering ache and throb glow within her paw pads, wincing herself as she lifted her other paw to place it down, and then the other, and the other, until, hobbling a little from the pain, she kept up a slow but steady tread behind him. Her legs, for the most part, felt numb as the mechanics of the motions drew them into a monotonous routine for which she was grateful. Her paws, on the other hand, were less forgiving.

Her expression drawn into one of discomfort and weariness, Ashtoreth drew her gaze upward from the ground before her, which she had been watching closely for misshaped rocks to further cause her pain, to stare after her companion with mild curiosity. Ten years old he had said he felt. If he felt ten, then she felt thirteen. Her gait was uneven and wobbly, her legs stiff and uncooperative. Combined with the fact her paws did honestly feel ready to fall off, she could only remind herself that this journey would be a short one and rest would follow soon. Just a little further now, only a little further, she instructed, lowering her gaze again and focusing her energy on maintaining her wobbly but steady gait.

As the grasses gave way to dirt under her paws, she managed to lift her tired gold and purple eyes again, this time looking beyond Leon toward what she suspected to be their destination beginning to rise up out of the ground where it waited for them. Her ears perked faintly, the indiscernible brow above her eyes rising with interest. "Is that it?" she managed to ask, unable to care anymore that her own exhaustion had begun to creep into her voice.

-- ashtoreth

OOC: If this reads weird in comparison to the others, I blame the lateness of the hour. xP

Leon I


11 Years
02-11-2013, 11:33 AM


The pair pressed on, moving slothfully but steadily. His legs were growing more and more wobbly by the second, feeling as great pistons of rubber rather than a composition of bones, muscle, and tendons. His tongue would have lolled out of his mouth had he not put in a great amount of effort to keep his jowls tightly clamped together. Her question brought him out of his robotic stupor as his vision cleared and focused in on the hill once more. Yes, we're nearly there. With the last few ounces of energy he had left, Leon staggered to the carved out side of the hill and collapsed to the earth in a heap of cinnamon. A grunt escaped him as his body finally relaxed completely, going limp upon the cool dirt. He lifted his head only slightly to gaze at her. It's not perfect, but it'll work. His breathing was ragged, but soon slowed enough so that he could relax completely. With a last glimpse before his eyes shut completely, he noted that the darkness had slipped over the earth. Goodnight, Ashtoreth. He practically whispered before he fell into the deepest sleep he'd ever experienced.

----- ( time skip because he's asleep ) -----

Hours upon hours passed, dreams did not come, thoughts did not come. Nothing but hours of glorious and satisfying sleep. Cyan eyes blinked open hesitantly, and he winced instinctively as he stretched. However, he found no reason for it, as when his muscles stretched they did not scream in protest as the day before. Oh yes, there was a hollow sort of dull pain still lingering in his joints, but he no longer felt like a geriatric wolf who needed all four legs replaced. He tilted his head toward her, still too lazy to lift it for a better angle, but he couldn't tell if she was asleep or just resting. He stretched once more, relishing in the fact that he could move comfortably now. Curious as to how far he could take it, Leon curled his paws and rolled from his side to his belly and pushed upward with his legs until he was standing. The man wavered for a moment, but soon steadied himself.

A few steps led to a few more, and a few more until he had made it to a small bubbling creek he guessed would lead to the river they had found each other in. Dipping his head down low, Leon lapped up enough water to satiate his thirst. Judging by the location of the sun, Leon guessed that they had slept through early and mid-morning, and it was now well into late morning or early afternoon. He was used to being an early riser, so this was quite unusual for him. He sighed and then took a few more laps of water before turning back to check on Ashtoreth. Though he knew she was an adult wolf and could care for herself, he couldn't help but want to be sure she was safe while she rested.

Ooc; this is probably really lame, sorry :c



02-11-2013, 03:59 PM
Quote:A renewed sense of urgency took over Ahstoreth when she learned that the hill they sought was just within reach now. Though it had truly only been minutes that they had walked, the trek had felt immensely longer, each step a mile that she was proud to have crossed. And there, just over there where the hill sat awkwardly upright with half of it missing, was their destination for the night, the place that they would at last be able to rest. Her lips twitched, pulling themselves for a brief moment into a faint, exhausted suggestion of a smile that quickly slipped away, her happiness instead having to stay within.

Leon reached the hill just before she did, and as he collapsed onto the ground she felt a strong tug of pity inside. He might have gone on looking like he head a sliver more energy than she did, but it seemed his own last stores had been spent. Without the least bit of self-consciousness she followed suit, falling to the ground in stages until she lay sprawled upon the cool earth as it seeped into her body to ease her overworked muscles. The pads of her feet still ached, but in a moment, once sleep claimed her, she knew it would be an issue no longer. Her gold and purple eyes blinked a few times as she felt her muscles relax, spent beyond consciousness any longer, and as she heard a whispered goodnight, her lips just faintly twitched into another smile before her eyes closed and she too drifted toward sleep.

Sometime during the night she had grown cold and had curled up, and woke in that same position. Her body was bound around itself, her tail tucked close to her dark nose. Consciousness came before she even opened her eyes, and for a moment she merely enjoyed the quiet, the peace. Blinking her two-toned eyes open, she quickly shut them against the unexpected glare of sunlight, this time opening them with more care and caution. She saw first her own dusty, ashy tail, and beyond that a wide stretch of grassy hills that seemed to go on for miles. Though the air possessed a chill, her still body had soaked in some of the warmth from the sun, and she felt quite cozy upon the ground. But recalling the trek from the previous day, and the hard last struggle she had made to reach here in the presence of company, she knew there was still a possibility of feeling out of sorts yet.

Drawing in a quick, deep breath, the little grey wolf stretched her head back and flexed her legs outward, drawing herself onto her side and out of her curled up position. Her muscles ached, but mostly from the cramped position she had kept during the night, a dull pain the only souvenir she had acquired during the race from danger and subsequent journey for shelter. Overall, she felt wonderful, refreshed, if not still a little dazed from having just woken up. Given another day or two, she supposed she could be back up to her old self in no time.

Recalling suddenly her company, she turned her head and glanced somewhat behind her, not entirely surprised to see Leon there but a little embarrassed because she had acted as if she was alone. Her smile a touch sheepish, she rolled to her stomach, hind legs curling up with her front paws still outstretched, and regarded him after a wide yawn claimed her. "Good morning," Ashtoreth greeted, smiling gently with her eyes still half lidded. She hesitated for only a moment, still attempting to shake the sleep from her sluggish mind, before she found her voice again. "Sleep well?" she asked, though her true curiosities rested elsewhere. Did he feel as better as she did? With an untold amount of trekking still in their futures, she hoped that their rest during the night had been enough. "I feel like I could run across another continent," she joked with obvious good humor, stretching her legs a little where she lay.

-- ashtoreth

Leon I


11 Years
02-11-2013, 06:17 PM


As he came near, Leon settled onto his haunches, cerulean eyes scanning the area around where they'd slept and occasionally falling across Ashtoreth's silver frame. The night had been restful, peaceful. Only a few times had he jolted awake, and those times were results of bad dreams, memories of the eruption. He hoped that these dreams would not linger long, he would need all the rest he could get in order to see to it that they were eventually reunited with Valhalla. That was the ultimate goal, right? Yes, he knew it was. He had to get back to his family, to know that they were all safe and sound. The sound of her yawn brought him back to reality as he set his cyan gaze upon her once more, watching her stir. She too seemed to be revitalized and energized. He nodded to her as she greeted him, offering out his own speech. Good morning, Her voice was a welcome relief to the morning's overall silence, and a reminder that he was not alone in this situation. She questioned him, and again he nodded. I did, had a few nightmares I could have lived without, but overall it was a restful night. He paused, letting it sink in that he'd just willingly admitted to having nightmares. Oh what a fool you are. In effort to save himself some dignity, he questioned her. And you? But then her answer came as she recalled his jest from the night before. She remembered that? A smirk fluttered onto his face.

Well that's good, there's a good chance we might have to do it again. He tried to look serious, worried - even. For just a moment he wanted her to think that they would have to repeat the events of yesterday. But then he couldn't keep his charade up any longer and let a chuckle slip out. I'm only joking. But we will need to find somewhere a bit warmer to sleep tonight.. I don't know about you but I got a little chilly. He shifted his weight slightly and his stomach lurched a bit. He curled his tail around his hips. Sooner or later he'd have to really get moving, if he wanted them to have something to eat to bring back even more energy. Not to mention Leon was itching to explore just a little bit more. Who knew what was waiting for them just around the bend, and who knew where Valhalla was lurking? Perhaps he could find someone who could lead him to them, or at least give him an idea of where they might be. Slow down. Leon was getting ahead of himself, he was thinking too much on the solo mission, and forgetting that he had Ashtoreth with him. He wasn't about to ditch her now, and he surely wasn't going to go off without her. Though this land had endless possibilities, it also had endless dangers, and that was not something he was going to let happen to either of them.

Deciding to start off slow, he twisted his head toward the creek where he'd gotten his drink. If you're thirsty there's a creek just over there. I can show you if you're up to it? He was trying not to make her think he thought too little of her, but at the same time be as supportive as possible. He knew there was a fine line there, and he would just have to balance on it as best he could. Leon wanted to stand just then, but feeling as if it might appear he was pushing her to move, he decided it would be best to remain sitting and let her decide what she wanted to do. Leon would gladly wait here if she desired, though eventually he would have to get up and do something. He was a go-getter and that was something that even a volcano couldn't change.