
Cross My Heart



03-08-2013, 10:57 PM
Set before - This No mention of what happened as we are not finished.

Had had gotten past his little endeavor with Gargoyle, and regardless of what was truly going on in the King's mind at the moment he knew that he still had something he had to do before he left Glaciem to return to where his loyalties were truly lain. Valhalla. Heavy paws barreling through the snow the giant male would raise his head to the heavens, demanding an audience with the girl. He missed her so much. If there truly was something he cared about, it was Arcane, she was a near spitting image of himself, and he was more than proud to say she was a member of the family he was not even close to disappointed in.

Wry simper would curl his inky lips and the sire would press his rear to the cold ground, it was different, Glaciem, even when he knew he was going to have to prepare for more ludicrous conditions, and admittedly he was more well equipped for them, he found that it was still a bit rough. Flesh would tickle at the cold, salmon tongue would constantly cross his chops to avoid immediate dehydration, and lastly, xanthous eyes would remain blinking persistently in heavy attempts to keen, after all, he wanted to see Arcane when she did come to him. He would not leave without her at least greeting him.



03-11-2013, 08:16 PM

The girl fared no better than when the pack meeting had ended. She kept to herself. Perhaps she was taking the death of her mate and pups a bit harshly. Then again it was the way they had died that played over and over in her head. They traumatized her. She was a sweet thing. One that didn't like to harm others unless absolutely needed. She could still fight well. She just chose not to use her strength if she didn't have to.

The move had done little to ease her mental torment. Even though they were away from their old home, she was constantly reminded that she no longer had her three children or loving mate. She'd been told there were other fish in the sea. What if she didn't want those fish?

A howl brought her from her dark thoughts. Ears pricked forward and her head raised. Blue eyes peered out of her den with curiosity. She hadn't heard that voice since she was a child. Could it really be?

The mottled gray lass exited her den and then began to ran. All thoughts focused onto that one happy thought. Collision had finally returned to them. That or he was at least making a visit. Soon she could see his brown and gray form. He was much larger now. So much larger than she. His markings were much like hers and were the same as when they were kids.

A happy sparkle entered her eyes and a smile broke out upon her visage as she came upon him. She disregarded any thought of personal space and then continued to try and wrap her front legs around his neck in a hug if she let him. God she had missed him so much.

"Collision! I've missed you!" The girl exclaimed. It'd been years since their last encounter. They had so much to catch up on.




03-23-2013, 02:29 PM

He honestly had not expected such a quick answer to his summons, but it seemed his sister came without too much deliberation and he could not have been more pleased. The Valhallan king would allow a broad smile to grace his inky lips and he would brace his shoulders back just a bit as the woman came towards him. She had morphed into an elegant lass, one very much fitting to their family stature. Even if he didn't have anything to do with them, and had taken on the Adravendi Surname, he couldn't deny the blood that flowed through his veins.

Her body would raise up against his, two legs capturing him around the neck and the boy would laugh lightly. "I missed you too, Arcane," Inky kissers were politely pulled back as the lord released her for a moment to examine his sibling. "How have you been?" His warm tones portrayed the pleasure to be in her presence, and his soft expression represented the calmness it gave him to merely be around someone in his family he could stand. His mother and father had been cast aside. His older sister and him could barely stand communication, and to be honest, it had made things with all of his siblings, foreign, for lack of a better word.

Tail bantering behind him gently the slate male would press his haunches towards the Earth a welcoming smile remaining dormant upon his visage and he waited with easily coming patience for the woman to speak.



03-24-2013, 03:24 AM

The woman's tail waved ecstatically behind her as he allowed her to wrap her arms around him in an odd sort of hug. She pulled away to see him smile. She returned it ten fold revealing pearly white teeth. He tail waved faster. It'd been ages since she'd seen her beloved brother. It pleased her to know that he still cared for her as much as she cared for him. The fact that he was happy to see her increased her mood tremendously.

"How have you been?"

Her tail slowed its crazy bantering and the grin on her visage faded a little at the dreaded question. How could she even begin to answer that. She couldn't lie to him. That would be wrong. She couldn't be another siblings that would fit under the category of betrayal. She had an idea of how he still felt about Crusade and their parents. She didn't want to be cast aside like they had. So many of their family had perished already. She didn't want to go through the pain of losing him too. She also didn't want him to know of her complete misery either.

Soft blue eyes flecked with green drifted downwards and the girl's paws shuffled nervously in the snow. She was reluctant to answer but she would give him one nonetheless.

"I could have fared much better. I had a mate..... and kids..... unfortunately they all perished."

Her voice began to choke at the end and the mere thought of it forced her head to remain lowered. She couldn't meet the gaze of her brother for fear that she might lose it. She'd been trying to avoid such depressing thoughts. It seemed as though it was a futile attempt. Such a thing was impossible.

Regaining her composure she offered him a weak smile and then dared to return the question. It was an attempt to turn the focus from her onto him. Surely things would be far more happy and interesting for him.

"How about you, how have things been on your end?"
