
A Dead Wolf Tells No Tales [P]


03-08-2013, 03:41 PM

After talking to Destruction, her mentor, SwiftKill struggled to the wall. The snow was thick, and came up to her chest, making it seem as if she were swimming. Now the yearling just had to wonder why she had ever came here. Maybe it she could get on the wall, she would be safe from the never-ending piles of snow in the North. That was the small dame's thinking, anyway. Panting as she staggered up, wondering where Destruction was now. But did it matter? Her mentor knew where she was. Destruction wouldn't worry about her unless she died suddenly: not going to happen. The wall had to be at least ten feet tall: there was no way SwiftKill could get but a few feet on the wall. But there was a thing about SwiftKill: she wasn't going to give up. Not now, not ever, and not even if she had pups. But what was with pups, anyways? They were nothing but whining balls of fur. SwiftKill seemed to forget that she was a pup at one time, instead of being a yearling wolf forever. The wall got closer, and SwiftKill leapt onto it, not making a sound as she brushed the snow free with her long tail. It was a long way up, even though she was on the wall: about another nine feet. So, it wasn't the best place to be right now. Forgetting that she wanted to be alone, SwiftKill raised her head and let out a loud howl. It echoed against the quiet skies, scaring a few birds into flight. SwiftKill licked her lips, running after them. With her long legs she jumped into the air, barely missing one, as it called out to whatever. Finally, she whipped around and turned back, letting her vocals ring out in the air again.
"Destruction is my mentor,
I cannot be killed,
For my name is SwiftKill.
Try to stop me from what I want to do.
I tell you, you're dead.
But you didn't listen.
So now you have no head.
I told you what would happen.
But no one seemed to care.
Now you're dead.
You have no family.
I killed them all, too.
So just stand back, and let me walk through.
Never heard of me?
Why, I'm SwiftKill.
The best killer ever.
For Destruction is my mentor!"



03-08-2013, 04:04 PM

Where in the hell was I? This was nothing like the ship that had become a home to me. Nothing about this place was familiar. Rather than being surrounded by vast waters that never seemed to end.. I was surrounded by stalky things, and green shit. And that green stuff seemed to fade to white stuff... It was almost like the sand on the shores.. except.. well it was wet and cold. A sigh escaped my lips as my own blue orbs scanned here and there. I was lost, well actually I had been lost from the very beginning to come to think of it. Since I washed up on shore... Hell I almost wish I would've drowned. Nothing is as bad as what I'm going through right now. Lost and confused. Almost like I'm a blasted pup again. None of this stuff was familiar to me. None of it all..

I longed to feel the salty air blanketing my canvas, the rocking of the thick mound of wood beneath me, all was lost. But never forgotten. I was the only one that lived through that horrible incident. None of my ship mates were to be found. Even the leader himself had vanished. It was just then that I was ripped from my thoughts and thrown back into reality.. The sound of a howl echoes through my ear drums, which of course caused my heart to pound within my very chest! Never had I heard another make a sound that I used to make late at night... As far as I knew I was the only one that howled. This indeed truly sparked my interest, however I would not let it get the best of me. It could be the opposite pulling a foolish trick on me, they could be waiting to sever my head off with a single swipe of their silvery sword. Ain't gonna be that easy, fella's.

My body began to slink in the direction. Muscles shifting vigorously beneath my gray and black blotchy canvas. Lips curled upwards to bare off those aged, yet blood stained canines. My stomach growled and I was cold to the bones.. But I wouldn't let it get the best of me. Oh no sir ree. Come out come out where ever you are... I continued to trudge in the direction in which the noise had erupted from.. Only I didn't find two leggers with their swords unsheathed.... What the hell....

Light blue eyes locked upon the other, who almost resembled me.. although smaller, and scrawnier but this other also had large triangular ears... A snout... Walked on four legs... Had a tail... It made me question her a bit. Perhaps a trickster is amongst us! I searched the woods behind her, waiting to see if anyone would pop out.... Nothing... My lips remained curled upwards before I simply cleared my throat.. interrupting her playful notion to the birds.

Aye' Lass! Thur be plenty a time for 'orse play after ye tell me where I be.

Perfect English I did not master that was a fact. My whole accent was a bit off, words slurred together. Never really had to talk much though. My facial expressions remained sturn much like an abusive fathers would. Not even the hint of a smile tugged at my lips. Body stood up straight as ever. Twin towers perked upright.


03-08-2013, 04:23 PM

At first, there seemed to be no wolf around this cold and frosty place. SwiftKill didn't blame them: it was wet, and cold. The cold was the worst thing about this place: shivers racked the yearling's body suddenly, as she paused to sniff the air. What was that strange scent SwiftKill was smelling: water, with a tang, blood... Was this a wolf? If so, there was nothing around her that could emit the scent, however strange it was. Ears pricked as the owner of the scent spoke, leaving SwiftKill confused. "Aye' Lass! Thur be plenty a time for 'orse play after ye tell me where I be." As the wolf spoke, gray and white ears pricked up, showing that SwiftKill had just noticed the wolf. She could step back with a snarl and be attacked, or she could tell the wolf where he was. The second seemed smart, but SwiftKill wanted a fight. She wanted to crunch into a wolf's skull, wanted to hear them whimper one last time. Wanted to break their spine and crunch their throat and.... Slice them open. So, with that thought in mind, SwiftKill whipped around, letting a snarl drawl from her lips. "You are in the Northern Free Lands. The Wall, to be exact. And the wolf you are talking to is SwiftKill, who is being trained by the best killer here, just so you know. Her name is Destruction. And before you so RUDELY interrupted me, I was going to try and climb the wall. Now shut up, get back, and let me climb this wall." Bi-colored eyes narrowed slightly, and lips curled back to show sharp canines. "Before I make you." SwiftKill added, turning her back on the wolf and stalking away. Some wolves just had NO manners, stopping a dame like that! Did he know who he was messing with? And what was with that accent? "Aye! I be killing you now." SwiftKill said, sniggering at the accent. After all, it was only habit. SwiftKill had never met a wolf like that.



03-08-2013, 05:27 PM
Destruction had followed closely behind the young SwiftKill, though she'd allowed enough room for the child to wander her own. In a sense, the dark dame had adopted the young killer-to-be, even if she was old enough to strike out on her own. She figured she could use the practice, having realized that she'd never eaten the smartweed leaves Bane had told her tp, consequently leading to the pregnancy now stirring in her blood-soaked belly. Pups meant nothing for her and she would have killed them had the thought of rearing more blood-thirsty killers like herself not crossed her mind. Perhaps this pregnancy could benefit her after all.

Limbs moved surely on the wet ground, the signs of winter slowly fading into spring. It was somewhat of a relief that the ground would no longer be covered in the irritable white substance, but now she could no longer enjoy her skills or paint the ivory fluff with their life's blood. No matter, she would find a way to work it out in the approaching spring. She'd trailed the girl's scent to an unknown area of the freelands, one the she-devil had yet to explore. A sudden howl caught her attention, breaking her from her thoughts. SwiftKill was calling out. The charcoal dame had all the time in the world and so she was in no hurry as she moved towards the origin of Swift's call, her alabaster, crimson ringed eyes spotting the young thing attempting to climb what appeared to be a wall. To her surprise, another wolf had also shown up, a brute by his scent. Hackles bristled as he spoke to Swift, asking her where he was.

SwiftKill! Get down from there you foolish child or you will surely break a limb and all your desire for killing will be for naught! the massive dame boomed, frame halting not to far from the white youth, gaze flickering to the intruder. Who are you brute? Why do choose to speak to SwiftKill? What are you looking for? A bit of possesiveness coated her words as she spoke, not liking the idea of another wolf being around the young killer. Destruction had found her first.


03-09-2013, 02:04 PM

No sooner had SwiftKill turned around than her mentor had appeared, and the yearling in front of her turned around. It had been the first time SwiftKill had saw her after their last meeting, and she noticed something about her. The ivory yearling examined her mentor closely, noticing the plump stomach that meant only one thing: her mentor was expecting. For some reason, SwiftKill wagged her tail at this piece of news: new pups meant new killers, possibly her apprentice. But considering Destruction, it would probably be another five years before she let SwiftKill near her pups. Only one exception. "SwiftKill! Get down from there you foolish child or you will surely break a limb and all your desire for killing will be for naught!" The words made the yearling jump, and she turned around to greet her mentor with a thin smile. I see you have pups? Maybe, if you'd let me, I could train one of those pups?" SwiftKill only wagged her tail, only to stop as Destruction spoke to the brute. "Who are you brute? Why do choose to speak to SwiftKill? What are you looking for?" SwiftKill couldn't help but growl at the posessiveness coating her mentor's words. She wasn't a pup! She could take care of herself! And why didn't Destruction believe that? Although she wasn't showing it. SwiftKill was fuming, silently howling her fury to the world. "Destruction, I can take care my myself. And I was already handling this. You didn't need to come along and start firing questions at this wolf. I WAS going to make him leave. But it's too late now, right?" SwiftKill snarled the words out in a "friendly" tone. It was more b****y than friendly, so the yearling might have made a bad mistake.



03-09-2013, 02:45 PM
If this child wanted Destruction to mentor her, then she would have to learn that she do everything her way or the white wolf could forget about she-devil teaching her anything. She had already hit the realization that she was going to have pups and now she had to deal with an insubordinate yearling? That just wasn't the way things rolled around here.

Audits swiveled forward, catching the girl's words as she commented about her having pups. A snarl burst from her curled lips at the child's words. Like I hell will. the charcoal female answered, audits pinning themselves against her skull at the youth's tone of voice. Do you realize who you're talking to pup? who are you to question my motives? You're nothing but a child. I could have killed you the moment I saw you, but I didn't. The way you're talking to me now makes me want to take back my earlier deicions. She snarled angrily, launching herself towards the yearling.

Talons reached out, swiping at the girl, knocking her smaller frame into the snow, yet not breaking the surface of the skin. Destruction was on her in an instant, jowls parted, a deep snarl errupting from her larynx. The child had pissed her off with her tone of voice and now look where she was.


03-09-2013, 03:12 PM

The yearling had waited patiently for Destruction to move. At first, she had let out a low growl, and SwiftKill flattened her ears. Just thinking she would let the yearling go with words, SwiftKill had relaxed her body in that instant. "Do you realize who you're talking to pup? who are you to question my motives? You're nothing but a child. I could have killed you the moment I saw you, but I didn't. The way you're talking to me now makes me want to take back my earlier deicions." The words her mentor spoke made her snarl, audits flattening theirselves to her slender skull. The charcoal femme in front of her leapt, knocking her to the ground. SwiftKill snarled, ignoring the pain from the talons in her side. The snow around her seemed to melt, and Destruction seemed ready to kill her. SwiftKill couldn't hide the pain from flashing in her eyes for just a moment, but it was over as soon as it came. Smirking, the femme struggled from under her, growling to herself. She whipped around and let a loud snarl emit from her throat. Destruction needed to know that her apprentice wasn't afraid of her. No, SwiftKill wasn't afraid of her, or this brute. SwiftKill wanted to say something scathing about Destruction's pups, unborn in her stomach. But she simply circled around her. Quick as a fish, she aimed to dart under her and bite into her stomach. If she managed, she would surely kill Destruction and her to be pups.
Full Dodge: Unused
Half Dodges: Unused
Attack: Biting at Destruction's stomach
Defense: Slid from under Destruction
Round: 1/4
[Not sure if we need this, but posting it anyway.]

You cannot kill me. Nobody can kill me.


03-10-2013, 07:40 AM

Instantly the one dubbed Swift kill had begun to talk... The northern lands, eh? The wall? My eyes traveled over towards the wall that was perfectly placed upon the ground. And in invisible brow could only rise as I looked it up and down. Rather sturdy lookin' it was if I do say so myself. Finally I spoked up after hearing her little mark of being trained. A bellowing laugh formed from the depths of my chest causing my entire rib cage to vibrate in annoyance. The thunderous laughter landed for only a brief second before I went on to speak again.

And I see this 'trainer' ne'er taught ye the cardinal rule, such a thing is to be secretive ne'er spok'n aloud.

Atleast that was the rule of the oceans. One was never to announce when being a merciless killer. After all what was the point in telling your prey that they were in fact prey? It was much better to see the surprise tainted with fear in their eyes. The younger once continued to speak of trying to climb the wall and that intrigued me, the stoney mass was rather large. Something that even I wouldn't attempt to do. Now see, I had jumped from one ship to the other but that was distance, not height. And although she spoke rather harshly with her words, I did nothing but ignore them. If there was one thing I've learned killing a woman was not as rewarding as the males. Even my mates wouldn't do such a thing. They simply took advantage of the weaker sex in different ways. Of course I'm sure my species was nothing like the two leggers but it was possible. Her mockery words once more struck my ear drums and I continued to watch her, a but stunned by the spunk in which she possessed.

Mockery my dear, 's the main cause of tongue removal where I be from.

I couldn't help but snicker. She was kinda cute though, in her own cocky and demented twisted kind of way. The spunky ones were always the best I remember my captain saying. It was just then another voice, not belonging to me nor Swift was heard, my thick cranium swiftly turning to see where it had originated from. Personally I was still a but astonished to now see that there were two just like me! How many more could there be? Light blue occulars were sent to examine the other female, taking in her delicate features. And although I say delicate that may not be her case but she did lack the 'rough' look that males often carried.

They cursed me Diabolitio, Was simply askin' where I be. A bit uncertain of these'ere areas.

Judging by perhaps the over protectivness the other female had possessed I'd come to the assumption that maybe Swift was indeed her daughter. Even though the darker fae really didn't seem all that much older. And judging by the looks of it she was with child as well. Not to far along but the little minions were growing slowly. A crooked grin was offered as I listened to Swift speak in her dames (Which was what I'm considering her) directions. A chuckle was broken into the silence that was coming from my direction and that was it. This was far to intriguing to inturrupt.

And then a bit of a brawl broke out between the two. The darker femme instantly knocking the other the ground in such a fury I couldn't help but shake my own cranium side to side. The adventures of the hormonial roller coaster. Fun fun. I watched as the younger one from beneath lunged towards the dame like ones belly region and I couldn't help but take a step closer clearing my own throat.

Now now ladies. 'ow 'bout we act more like adults than scavangers, aye?



03-10-2013, 01:01 PM
The damn child was trying to go against her, trying to fight her? It had been a good while since she last been in a fight, but that didn't mean she had forgotten. It wasn't like that at all. She should've killed the yearling and left her useless carcass for any passing scavengers to devour. But no, for some damn reason she had allowed the girl to keep her life, even so much as taking her under her wing. She asked for a new name, the she-devil had given it to her. She'd asked to be trained and that was what Destruction was doing, at least that was what she'd originally planned to do. Now with this, the stupid child could forget it.

A snarl errupted from her curled lips, audits pinning themselves against her skull, frame shifting into a defensive stance. This was absolutely ridiculous. Despite the complete disrespect, the charcoal dame wasn't going to kill the damn kid, despite how much she wanted to. Despite how much the girl was asking for it at the moment. Before she'd launched herself at the child the onyx and earthy brute had spoken up, introducing himself Diabolitio. An odd name, yet one befitting of a drake who spoke with a tongue from another land. She simply nodded in his direction, her attention already taken up SwiftKill as the girl squirmed from beneath her, wiggling herself out from under Destruction, only to turn aroud, trying to clamp down at her underbelly.

A roar of a snarl boomed from the hell-sent vixen's larynx, bodice remaining frozen until the last second. Destruction curved her body away from Swift's jaws, thought the child was stil able to snag her with a tooth, leaving a thin scratch behind which only served to anger her more. Propelling herself forward, the dame craned her neck, jaws widening. If the child didn't move, then she would clamp down hard on her shoulder, consequently knocking her to the ground to push her to submmit. Auds twitched, catching Diabolitio's words, yet not bothering to answer. If he wanted to break up the fight, then he could jump in at his own risk. Otherwise, he could just stand there and watch.

Injuries: slight scratch to her underbelly

Attacks: snapping towards Swift, attempting to bite her shoulder

Defense: ears pinned back, body shifted into a defensive stance

Round 2/4?


03-10-2013, 01:52 PM
[Actually, this is just starting round two.]

Audits pricked once more as the brute spoke, although SwiftKill couldn't quite understand him. "And I see this 'trainer' ne'er taught ye the cardinal rule, such a thing is to be secretive ne'er spok'n aloud." After a few moments, SwiftKill figured out what the brute was saying, and shook her head slightly. Destruction snarled, although SwiftKill had not yet saw her canines, as she was under her stomach. Suddenly, the femme moved into what was a defensive stance. Then the brute spoke up once more, saying that his name was Diabolitio. That was an odd name, but it was much better than whatever the other wolves were named. The nod was simple, but SwiftKill saw her head dip towards the wolf. The loud snarl that boomed from her former mentor's throat would be enough to make a wolf yip, but SwiftKill didn't move. The femme moved away, but SwiftKill's canine barely scratched her, not even enough to break the skin. Before SwiftKill could move, jaws clamped on her shoulder, and she dipped towards the ground. As the yearling saw what she was doing, she moved sideways with a low growl. It wasn't enough to unhinge Destruction's jaws: in fact, she only pushed herself against the sharp canines of the femme. There was a short moment in which skin broke, and blood leaked from SwiftKill's wounds. Sure, it wasn't Destruction's move that had caused this: it had been the yearling's fault. But who cared about that? Snarling, SwiftKill twisted away, and stood glaring at Destruction. Blood dripped from her shoulder, but it only enraged the yearling. "No wonder you have no mate. They know you'll kill them and the pups. And I know why. It's because you are a heartless, good for nothing...." The words came from pain, not anger. But the thing SwiftKill did next WAS because of anger. Ignoring the sharp pain in her shoulder, she limped around Destruction, finally pausing. She lunged towards Destruction's shoulder, eyes not betraying where she was looking. In fact, the yearling was looking at Destruction's throat. If SwiftKill's attack hut, she would sink her teeth deep into Destruction's shoulder. If not, she would back off and try again.

I will not submit!

Injuries: Deep bite in shoulder, bleeding badly, definate problem
Full Dodge: 1/1
Half Dodges: 4/4
Defense: None
Attack: Lunging towards Destruction's shoulder
Summary: The wound on her shoulder might get infected if not treated after battle.


03-10-2013, 05:54 PM

I had said what I needed to say and the charcoal laced femora did offer a nod but that was it, which was completely understandable to be honest. After all they were sort of in the process if tearing into one another. Can't really say time out and have a talking session. And even I had to admit that even I enjoyed watching the two females little corel, it was infact interesting. The only disturbing part was the fact that one was with child and risking alot just to put the younger one back in her place. A bit foolish, but even I had to admit that I would do the same if in the same situation. Bitter anger sometimes gets the best of one. When easily infuriated it was simple to forgot alot of things. I do believe they used to refer to it as 'blacking' out. I recall that happening to me once or twice. Hell one time I didn't even recall feeling the sharp blade slicing through my own flesh until I came too.

All though these two didn't seem to be having that sort of fight. You know the kind that brews up the blacking out, this was more of a bicker to put one back into their place, and at first I didn't want to interrupt, this was their beef not mine. It was none of my business to be honest. And so, so far I remained quiet and rather calm, watching it all unravel before me. The fresh scent of blood, the sweet yet bitter aroma filling my nostrils. Causing my own jowls to salivate. I could feel the drool practically slipping free from my lips and yet I still controlled the irresistible urge to give in to it. Instead I waited.

Finally I came to the simple conclusion that I was getting sick of the lovely blood bath going on. The younger should have submitted by now rather then being so foolish as to continue on with the childish antics. If this older one truly was her mentor, as she had mentioned, then she should have bowed down long before. I know when it came to my captain I never went against his words. No matter how blood thirsty I was and a ruthless killer indeed, I remembered my place, and who I should respect. As for the rest of the mates I had no problems lashing out, causing severe damage... But I always knew where my loyalty layed. And so I took a step fore ward this time my lips curling upwards to bare off my own blood stained, dull canines. A blood curdling growl erupted from the depths of my chest only to free itself into the open air. Words now harsh, and spoken through clenched teeth as I watched the younger one.

Regardless of 'ow ye feel, learn your place kid.

Of course I wouldn't bother to harm her that was not my place. I did not know her like the other dark one did. But when it came to disrespecting one in which you were following beneath that was unacceptable and where I'm from that lead to a tortured death. A fate that no one deserves to see. The fur upon my neck rose as I continued to speak in Swift's direction. She had alot of spunk, but she was using it at all the wrong times. One had to learn to control their anger to rise up on the totem pole of life. Other wise, your life would be cut rather short.

Respect gets ye a long way if used. The path in which ye be choosin' may just cut ye life short.

Of course I meant no disrespect, I was just speaking what I had learned along the way.


03-10-2013, 11:33 PM
No one had taught the damn child respect for her elder, given she'd murdered the only elders she's had. Well lucky for her, Destruction was here to give her the lesson of her life. Had she simply stayed down after Destruction's first swipe then it would've ended there. But no, the little wench kept fighting, kept coming at her, trying to hurt the she-devil. Her children would never be this stupid, she would make sure of it.

Much to the she-demon's satisfaction, her incisors found purchase, digging into the yearling's shoulder, easily puncturing the white fur, crimson liquid seeping easily from the wound. It wouldn't have been so bad for the kid had she not tried to pull away, deepening Destruction's fangs within her shoulder. The she-devil did nothing to make the wound more severe allowing the child to pull away. Swift moved away to stand not to far from her, eyes narrowed in a glare as she flung what she thought to be insults. A bellowing laugh boomed from her massive chest. You stupid child! You think your pathetic words insult me?! You merely speak what I already know foolish girl. I should severe your damn head from your shoulders for speaking to me in such a way!

Nostrils flared wide, Swift's blood pungent in the air, chest expanding and deflating in an attempt to control her blood-lust. It was becoming difficult for to restrain herself, wanting nothing more than to clamp her powerful jaws about the youth's neck and listen to the sickening crunch of her spine severing. She held herself back though, for reasons unknown to her at the moment. And the. The white she-wolf was circling her, coming around to her right shoulder before she launched herself towards the massive onyx dame, aiming for her shoulder. Destruction was ready for her. Frame was dropped quickly to the ground, allowing the girl's teeth to find small purchase against her shoulder, fangs scraping against her skin before the vixen rose to her feet quickly, using the youth's momentum to propel her up and over Destruction's powerful body to land in a heap nearby.

Crown whipped around, lips curled back in a blood-thirsty snarl, ready to rip into her downed opponent when suddenly Diabolitio spoke up, his own blood-curling snarl erupting into the atmosphere as be strode forward, reprimanding Swift and siding with the dark dame. Wise words for a stranger. the dame spoke, his having agreed that disrespect was unacceptable winning him points in her book. Gaze was returned to the fallen youth, awaiting her next move.

Round 2/4

No dodges used

Injuries: shallow scratch to her underbelly, another shallow scrape to her shoulder

Attack: none

Defense: dropped to the ground to avoid a full bite before suddenly standing up to ram into swift and knock her over


03-12-2013, 03:19 PM

Although pain was shooting through her shoulder at this point, SwiftKill didn't care: until the male who called himself Diabolitio spoke up. "Regardless of 'ow ye feel, learn your place kid." The words were harsh, and the yearling's audits pricked in interest as she stopped for a moment. The brute WAS speaking through clenched teeth now: it seemed that he actually liked Destruction. Not that it would matter to her. If Destruction knew, the brute would be dead within a few days. And there would be nothing he could do about it. Destruction is horrible, now that I think about- Thoughts were broke off as SwiftKill was hurled into the air. The yearling landed into the ground nearby, without being able to stop what Destruction was doing. She WAS weak. And to think, all this time, she was strong. But she wasn't strong. Not at all. Why had she thought she was? Pain and sadness overwhelmed the yearling, but only for a few moments. After all, she still had a battle to tend to. But the pain in her shoulder was overwhelming, and Destruction was waiting for her next move. Grunting in pain, she struggled up, glaring at Destruction as she did so. It wasn't enough to seem too threatening, but it might have been enough to warn Destruction. Then her leg trembled. The next thing SwiftKill knew, she was looking up to glare at Destruction.
