
Deep Inside [M]


03-07-2013, 11:09 PM

The lord moved at a brisky run, his breath heightened, his muscles quaking beneath his thick coat, it was a good run, it was a fresh evening. The canines was most pleased, shivering haunches would deliver the male from his run, his head throwing back and gathering air carefully. When his lungs filled a yawn would erupt, thrusting out all of the air he had gathered. Russet tail swishing behind him the brute would aim to the wall of a cave, leaning his mass to the edge leading to the mouth and moving along it, itching the length of his body.

Good. It was really good.

He was quite a ways from Seracia...a very long way, actually, and most wolves would probably be bothered having been pulled so far away from their duties, but to be honest, there really was no reason for him to yearn to be close. Seracia was, partially, under his control, of course, but that meant little, he was just standing in until his bro found something better, which was not going to be hard.

Remaining standing the colored brute would stretch his limbs out before continuing to press his entity against the rough edges of the cave. He had to admit, he liked the cave. It was dark, and while he was not dark aligned, he definitely like darkness, more so what you could do in it, a lot better than light. He thrived better. The sun, quite frankly, just got in his way.

table by Lutara



03-07-2013, 11:47 PM
These caves, they were unlike anywhere that the yearling had been thusfar. Dark and quiet, her footsteps seemed so loud beneath her feet. Valhalla boasted such a wide array of terrain, but there was nothing there that was anything like this. Darkness was different, complete and total darkness caused the hair along her spine to raise just so, unlike dakness that one was bathed in beneath the night time sky - there were no stars to guide her way - and fear of the unknown was something that she had not experienced before. Anyone and anything could be lurking within these stone walls, and as terrifying as that should be, it was oddly exciting. It summoned the explorer from deep within the girl, the part of her that was curious and confident, that wouldn't leave this place without discovering something.

Chrysanthe wandered further in, her tail brushing idly past a wall, which she remained somewhat close to so that she could find her way back, and so that she wouldn't run muzzle first into any walls. She could feel the air from the entrance slowly creep further into the cool cavern, sweeping a breeze slightly around her legs and over her growing figure. Any scents inside were being blown away from her - but at a pace so slow that she could faintly tell that she wasn't completely alone. There was someone here - or rather, someone may have been here. The trail could be hours, even days old and there would be no real way to measure that.

A soft hum escaped the female's throat, and she paused, before whispering into the darkness. "Is there anyone there?" It was like speaking to someone that wasn't truly there, and she waited for a moment, her breath held as to heighten the possibility of hearing a response. She wanted to know whether she was alone - and to know who or what was wandering these caves just as she.


03-08-2013, 12:05 AM

Not a sound could be hurt of the woman walking behind him, not a single sound, and yet, he found himself turning his ears upon his head as though there were. He was odd enough, like it would matter much throwing a few different movements into the mix. Yet, he was soon brought to the nicety that his endeavors were not wasted, oh not in the least. Coy simper drawled across his face at the slight sound of a feminine tone echoing in the background, with a soft turn the brute would raise his head, refine his stature, and peer inwardly. So, she was lost in the darkness? Interesting case.

Melodious tones would beckon to him, calling at his fancy telling him to just listen a bit closer and with adamant pleasure the male would coo out to her, echoing that he was actually there, "Not gonna hurt you," He cooed into the caves, his baritones irrevocably male he would wait to see what happened. Where was the little harpy? He wanted an introduction, not much time to just disregard one, was there? Besides, he was standing in the entry to the cave. It was him or the darkness. Eh, he'd choose himself.

Bit conceited, but he was smart, gallant, downright a privilege to have time dedicated towards, even more so when it was reciprocated, tongue dancing across his chops the sovereign would wait in quite the bout of anxiety for the damsel to dance forth.

table by Lutara



03-08-2013, 12:46 AM (This post was last modified: 03-08-2013, 12:50 AM by Chrysanthe.)
You?re no good for me

But baby I want you, I w a n t y o u

She paused, her head tilting as she realized that the scent laid out before her wasn't leading into the cave - it was leading out of it. She turned within the darkness, her blue eyes gazing at the direction of the entrance. Head tilted, ears perked as she heard the voice of another. Smooth baritone nearly made her jump at first, but his words were what pulled the coy smile onto her face. "You couldn't if you tried." She barked back. Confidence, she was not afraid of the darkness, why should she be afraid of him? Her tail swayed, before gently sweeping alongside the cave wall - and she quickly stepped toward the source of the voice. Her pawsteps were quiet in her graceful gait, only able to be heard because of the stone surface beneath her. When she caught flickers of sunlight, she could fainly make out the figure of another male - smell him more clearly, he was not a figmant of her imagination within the blackness of the cave. He was very real, very there, and very much a stranger to her.

"I was hoping to find something inside of the caves, not lurking near the entrance." She spoke, before waltzing over to him, standing before him and letting their blue eyes meet. He was a bit taller than she was, but he was filled out. More muscular because he was older and male. She offered him a small smile anyways, peering at him from behind dark lids with bright blue eyes. "What are you doing out here?" She questioned, curiosity getting the better of her. He didn't look malicious, in fact, his figure was more relaxed than anyone that she had seen in a while. She herself was getting used to holding herself like a royal, a beta - and her family was all royalty within Valhalla so they were often the same way. A part of her wondered whether his apparent attitude was contagious - and if it was, would she enjoy it herself?


03-08-2013, 10:09 PM

silence would consume the arena for just a moment until her little tones danced back out to him. Taunting him, and as she emerged, seemingly glowing in the light, he had to admit the mere sight of her was daunting. Her simple cream coloration accentuated the russet tips of her head, and that of her foot. Her bright blue eyes following elegant contours of her face, truly created a remarkable embodiment. With a nod of the head he would leave her little quip without a response from himself. She'd find herself begging for pain from him if he had it his way.

Normally one would have qualms about such an evidently youthful creature, but his own age surely couldn't surpass her by much. Without a doubt the young lady had to be on the verge of hitting maturity. She'd be mighty fine fun on the way if she wasn't. Her statement would requite a salacious grin spreading across his face as the lacksadaisacal male purred in delighted contempt, "You like it inside, hm?" he would smirk, his joke too amusing to himself. He wasn't lurking anyways, he was merely resting a moment before he want back to his Kingdom and traipsed around with canines looking at him like he actually was something. Huh, guess he was, ey?

"Just resting m'dear, keeping myself in shape for the ladies," A wink would escape his richly colored facade as he attempted a step towards her, straightforward, a hit with 'em all, "And I must admit, babe, you got exactly the argument to keep me running," His head would not deep, his hopefully close proximity to her bringing his bow to cross his nose just inches from her own, "Gideon James Mathias, beautiful," His coy smirked would remain pressed on his cheeks, the brute indifferent to how she reacted, he had more than one method of persuasion.

table by Lutara



03-10-2013, 11:23 PM
You?re no good for me

But baby I want you, I w a n t y o u

She watched him, watched him smirk and tell jokes that were only funny or appropriate in his own head. He was a strange brute, of that she was sure - but only strange because he was unlike what she was used to. Perhaps this was what males of lesser upbringing turned out like? Although... upbringing had little to do with it, Neo turned out the way he had and he was given the same treatment as she and her blood siblings. "I do - there is something tempting about the darkness that the sunlight and all it touches does not have." She spoke simply, although it was in a less proper fashion than it would have been if she were in Valhalla.

"I doubt women want to know that resting is what the regimine for your perfect body consists of." She chuckled at his wink, a smirk gracing her kissers all of the same. Chrysanthe was not looking down on the male, only teasing in a way that she didn't get to much at home. His flirting wasn't something that the female was quite used to - as she wasn't of age, or all that pretty in comparison to her siblings, there was no reason for any Valhallan male to take interest in the young Adravendi. "But, I am glad to be the cause of your lazy afternoon." She didn't move, let him saunter around her - watching him with curious azure eyes.

He introduced himself, and she nearly kicked back into the mindset of that of a princess - prepared to dip her head and tell him her name and rank. But his face was so close to her own, she could smell his breath - and if she leaned just a little closer she would be able to swipe her tongue across his dark lips and taste him as well. His compliment was enough to elict a moment of silence from the girl - and she was feeling - dare she say it, quite bashful in and of that moment. But it was a moment short lived, and she barely contained her snicker. "Chrysanthe." Her name, plain and simple and clear as day - and for once, without her last name and all that was attached to it. "You say that you're resting, is life at home really so tiresome?" She questioned, this time it was her turn to speak, and her words danced around him like she wanted to - she wanted, at that moment, to know the male that was so different from the rest.

A male so charmingly arrogant should not have a problem speaking a bit about himself, right?

Or maybe, just maybe, she had him pegged wrong.


03-11-2013, 04:49 PM

If there had been some law that by Seracian standards it was mandated for him to be prim and proper at all times, he had been lost unto it and was probably going to be exiled far sooner than later. Serious games and lack of enthusiasm didn't bode well with him, there was no rhyme, no reason, and no pleasure in sitting around brooding and wondering what darling tasks needed to be completed before more work was attacked. He shuddered at the thought of becoming some slave to what he wanted, he ruled his desires, and what he desired most was the little cherub before him.

She was a young little thing. It all practically screamed trouble.

She had either missed or ignored his clear innuendo and he would stifle a warm chuckle, poor little girl. She really didn't have a clue. How daunting. Her continuing words would roll from her little kissers and the lord would smile, "Oh, I can assure you, my regimen is far past that of rest, maybe I'll show you," A salacious grin was worn across his face and the emperor found himself enjoying her company the most out of any sap or "sap-ess" he had met in these lands. Seracia itself was full of stuck-up tight wads.

"Chrysanthe, the pleasure is mine. Gideon, Gideon James, myself," he cooed. He had left off his last name, saying his short in comparison title in a very suave manner. She seemed to ask him, in a sincere manner, about his life back home, and with a shrug of the shoulders the sire replied to her, "I actually live in Seracia, Right now I'm the heir, my brother claimed the lands, got to back up my peeps, but, it's really not all it's made out to be," He had his brothers back, he was a warrior, through and through, even in stature he was gargantuan, firm, ridden with thew, there was no denial in capability. "I'm really not home a lot though," He shrugged his shoulders as a coy simper drawled his facade yet again,"What can I say, sexy ladies drive me crazy," He winked at the young woman playfully before reclining back to his haunches and the close proximity to her.
table by Lutara



03-14-2013, 09:42 AM
You?re no good for me

But baby I want you, I w a n t y o u

The female wasn't a complete stranger to compliments, but when it came to outward flirting that Gideon was treating her with, she wasn't quite sure what to think. Surely he was teasing, surely he wasn't truly interested in her. She was too young, too new, and... perhaps too easy? Would she be easy for the male to influence? Chrysanthe wasn't sure. His ragged personality and easy going attitude were defintely charming. A plus in a strange sort of way, and she found herself drawn in by the male. As he spoke, she listened - he had rank in Seracia, the heir to a pack, he should be proud of that right? Yet as he spoke, he sounded so offhanded about the subject, as if it wasn't too big a deal at all. Apparently he didn't even spend much time at home.

His compliment caught her off guard, and Chrysanthe's azure gaze dropped from his pools of blue, falling to the ground as he fell back on his haunches and got even more comfortable. "You sound so responsible." She commented, half teasing with the comment, but there was something about it that was strange. He was a strong wolf, a male with rank and... he didn't seem to let that define him at all. Even without Seracia, she felt like Gideon James would still be Gideon James at the end of the day. "You tell of a rank, but speak like a rogue." She wasn't trying to insult him - not in the least. "You hold a rank that many would fight tooth and claw for, and you don't... let it get to you. You're the heir without worrying about becoming the heir."

She smiled. "I admire that Gideon. In Valhalla things are... different." She herself was a perpetrator, working so hard to become the beta that she felt that she should be. Fighting and patrolling, getting a better grip on the lands of Alacritis, making allies as often as she very well could. "You're so much different from me. A regular mutt if you ask me." She pressed her nose into his cheek and lightly laughed. "I can't help but be somewhat taken by you, you know."


03-14-2013, 05:47 PM

Gideon was much, well not much but notably, older than the woman before her. The heir's tail wavered behind him ever so slightly as the masked princess seemed to timidly take in his compliments, still, she had a vibrancy about her he enjoyed very much. He was definitely not, so to speak, Mr. family man, but he was definitely around to offer a good time, and he had to let the playful thoughts of wondering how he could coax the girl into his games consume his mind.

"Well, someone's got to keep my brother in line. I'll actually be Grand Duke or the Infante upon my nephew Maverick rising to my spot, running a pack doesn't suit my fancy Rolling his shoulders he couldn't deny that when necessary he upheld a higher level of conduct, but unless it was absolutely needed, he really didn't bother with any of it. After all, what could was life when one could not act or portray themselves as the true character they were?

"A rank shouldn't define ya, girly, a personality should," His was far from deserving of that of a prince. "Places are different, doesn't make one better than the other, doesn't make me being here mean I have to be any different than I would anywhere else," A sultry smile would slip over his inky lips and the arkhos would feel her cold nose press into his cheek. "Funny, my little belle, I was just about to say the same thing," and with that he would try to plant a deliberate kiss on her cheek.

table by Lutara



03-14-2013, 06:11 PM
You?re no good for me

But baby I want you, I w a n t y o u

Ah, so he was in a similar position to her own alpha and brother, Collision. He was taking the rank until a younger male could step up and handle it himself. She would remember the boy's name - Maverick, and continue to listen to Gideon speak, watching the twinge of movement as he rolled his shoulders, wondering just why she was so fixated on the male before her. His words were tried and true - a rank should never define the lupine that held it. Yet it was something that she saw in so many, and even in herself when it came to Valhalla. She wondered whether underneath the underneath, that the wolves that held those positions deserved them.

Did she deserve to be a beta? Would she after she finished her training with Aislyn?

The train of thought caused the girl to press ever so gently against the brute beside her. His words were gentle, soothing because they managed to tell her exactly what she wanted, needed to hear without holding true authority over her. They weren't quite the words of a friend, but she would hold them close all the same. No matter where he was or what rank he held, he was him - and in that moment Chrysanthe wanted more than to be the same. Her blue eyes held a more gentle gaze than the teasing glint from moments before, and she leaned into the male's touch as he kissed her on the cheek. Her heart gave a strange jump within her chest, and she let her eyes shut as she pondered just why it had happened.

It didn't take more than a moment of thought.

She liked the male she was sitting beside. He was different, he was so sure of himself and laid back and she could say just about anything to him and he would still remain the same. It was something that made her smile just so - and she wanted more of it. More of him - and it only made her smile broaden as she took in his words - that he felt the same way about her. Was it foolish? For her to think that he could, despite his age and different pack, want to be around her in a similar manner? As smart as the secondary beta could be she had never dealt with an encounter such as this.

"I'm Chrysanthe Adravendi, beta of Valhalla. But... being with you is the first time I've just felt like Chrysanthe in a long while." She leaned against him, her tail sweeping to the side, just touching her front paws. "I suppose this is the part where I should thank you Gideon? You don't look like the sort that gives a whole lot of life changing advice, but you've certainly made a difference to me." Her lips split into a grin, her ivories just showing past her dark lips.

"Maybe you're more of a ladies man than I gave you credit for." She laughed, the gentle sound bubbling from her throat and passing her kissers. This was where she should have started feeling doubts - if he could make her feel so comfortable, so warm and safe in such a short time, surely he could and had done the same for many others. Yet she had no experience in the ways of a womanizer, so she fell right into his paws.


03-22-2013, 10:06 AM

Gideon could easily admit that with everything he was doing for his family, yeah, it did hold importance to him, but it didn't rule his life. His devotion was solid, strong, but he wasn't going to change who he wanted to be just because he had to protect his family. He could do both, couldn't he? He didn't know, and to be honest, there was an inability to care, for nothing had proven him otherwise in his time ruling, as a vagabond, and quite frankly, alive.

Her bodice would slowly slink towards his own, her warmth gliding against his own, and a pleasurable smile would dance on his lips. Would she come to him? He was definitely testing the bounds of the impressionable female. His kiss would meet her cheek and she would seem to respond in a most gratifying manner. "You are incredibly beautiful, Chrysanthe," His vocals were warm, welcoming, tainted with the teasing only he could offer the woman. He wanted to make her feel special, admittedly, she was, and yet, he still knew he was taking advantage of her.

"It is hard to just be yourself in this place, isn't it?" His husky breath would flow forth towards her nape as he ducked his head beneath her own, his staggering height demanding he bend his knees substantially. The beast of height, before a yearling. Would she find the same information leading to treasure? Or would she feel the need to deny him as his urges grew for the woman? He had his mind made up long ago, her touch only making him decide it could be possible to get accomplished.

"Chrysanthe, you are so beautiful, it is I that should thank you for allowing me your time," His words flowed out, the secrets he was going for hidden, his tongue attempting to grace her neck again and the male attempting to press his muscular chest closer to her own body. "Ladies man, maybe, I know how to treat a lady," He purred, the lord cooing into her ear finally, "Do you know how to be treated?"

table by Lutara Code by Sam



03-22-2013, 11:46 AM
You?re no good for me

But baby I want you, I w a n t y o u

His compliment seemed so sickeningly sincere. Beautiful - did he really believe that she was such? It seemed improbable, or at least - it normally would, but his warm, gentle words struck her as truth. Sticky sweet, honey scented, they fell from his lips with ease and slid just as easily down her throat as she swallowed his compliment down. A smile blossomed on her lips, and she held back a nervous chuckle. Why was it so hot? He was so warm, his breath, his body, it all seemed to warm her down to her toes and make her heart beat faster. Imagine that - Gideon James thought that she was something special. He had no reason to lie, did he?

She glanced at him, tilting her head slightly as he tucked his head beneath hers. With fluid ease he could end her right then and there, snap his jaws around her throat and no one would ever know what happened to her near the entrance of these caves. Yet that never crossed her mind - not once - she felt safe with him, and regardless of her many thoughts regarding being herself, being true to her pack and family, becoming someone that both she and they could be proud of... he made it feel like everything would be okay. "It is, it really is." She whispered, not moving away from him, only responding to his touches by leaning into them more. "But now I believe it doesn't have to be. It depends on who you're with." She whispered, trying to mask that she had come to a small, somewhat delicate epiphany.

She laughed slightly, but this time it wasn't nerves that stemmed the gentle sound. He was thanking her - a yearling, a beta in training, when he was heir to a pack that Valhalla knew little about. He was a grown male, one that could have anyone he wanted and... she couldn't help but let the chiming laughter go - only for it to hitch in her throat as his tongue lapped at her neck.

His name nearly left her lips.

His breath was silk over her skin, his velvet words the only thing that her ears were aware of. Did she know how to be treated? Certainly - with respect and kindness and definitely not this. There was something wrong about this, very wrong. Wrong enough for her to keep it a secret from anyone who dared to ask where she had been. Her next words would be important, she was sure - and somewhere tightly knit within her stomach, flittering fast against her chest, trembling with excitement in her legs, she was afraid. Fear that she pushed away as she leaned closer to the other's lips, and she closed her eyes as she felt him against her ear.

No, she didn't know how to be treated.

"Show me." It came out as more of a question than she wanted, but she was warm and wanted to be closer to Gideon, melt further into him should he let her. Azure eyes met with blue, and she swore there was something of a spark as she did. Perhaps it was just her.

There was a chance that this was all her.

Yet the yearling didn't seem to care as she nestled further himto him, their fur tangled, skin touching. Simple feelings that seemed so much different than the gentle affection she graced her siblings with. Although she wasn't completely sure what it was, she knew that she wanted more. 'Show me...'


03-22-2013, 12:34 PM

Honestly, Gideon was a bit promiscuous, though, he certainly had his limitations, he didn't just ache to sleep with everything like most canines did, but Chrysanthe, she truly was beautiful, and yet, he wanted in no way to profess truth to her. Yes. She would make a formidable wife he so chose to fight for his right to her, but fact of the matter was, most did not fall akin to beliefs of polygamy like the male did. Monogamy had taken it's toll, everyone's wish for a happy ever after with just one person, and yet what no one seemed to realize, was the happiness, that polygamy offered. Not just a husband, or just a wife, but friends.

...Granted with benefits.

With wanton lust the beast would run his tongue along the nape of her neck again and again, breathing heavily upon her. He wanted her, the tension in his loins growing, the need to sate his thirst with the young belle, to show her what there was out there for her. Perhaps he was teaching her a wretched lesson, perhaps she would crave it like too many did. Perhaps she would seek him out. His words had long since offered inquiry, her answer flying on silver wings, beckoning to come to him. Salmon tongue would wet his own inky jowls as her words climbed from her jowls, the ache and burn he wanted her to feel for him seeming to be reciprocated through her eyes.

His muscular legs would swift, pivoting his body to the side, and as he walked behind the maiden, he kept his firm body pressing towards hers, his teeth delivering nips along her haunches, he wanted her to feel everything. His head would rest over her leg for a moment, giving her a chance to decline him as he approached, fire like a demon wiring through him. His front legs would attempt to raise on top of her, his arms aiming to lock around her hips, and his teeth reaching out to grasp the scruff of her neck and pull her back into him. Gently he would introduce her to it all, if having been allowed, his body connecting with hers, allowing her to feel the warmth and passion only a male could provide her, and it was safe to say, that while he broke her in easy, it necessarily didn't stay that way.


table by Lutara code by Sam



03-28-2013, 12:17 AM
You?re no good for me

But baby I want you, I w a n t y o u

She had asked and he had given her what she wanted. The yearling's breath had quickened, and each movement that the male made quaked her entire being. She shuddered as he worked at her neck, closing her eyes at the gentle touch. Although gentle barely seemed to describe it anymore - his actions were sweet, but no longer did his caresses match the honey tones his voice held. There was something in them that was stronger, more harsh, more raw. And she wanted to know what it was - she wanted it badly.

He walked behind her and something within her sparked. Over her hammering heart there was a strike of fear. Yet it was too late to take it back, she couldn't, wouldn't back out of this now. She wanted to know, she wanted to be closer to this renegade male that somehow held rank within his own pack. This male who made her wonder whether ranks and packs and all of their inner workings were all there was to this world. He had made her think, made her wonder, question herself in a way that she never had before. She wanted more of him. More - she was selfish wasn't she? Greedy. She wanted to know this male inside and out.

And as soon as his front legs were on top of her, she knew that he would be inside of her.

It was as gentle as it could be - somewhere she knew. Nerves caught hold of her with the first sparks of pain - but those nerves bubbled into something smoother as he went, and the fire in her blood replaced the feeling to flee. This may not have been what she had in mind when she had pleaded, begged for more of him - but it had been her fault for being so wanton and not knowing what she had wanted to begin with. Her eyes slipped closed, and soft noises fell from her lips, broken sentences and gasps and moans that meant so much 'more!' 'wait.' 'please...' and in the end meant nothing at all.


Afterward she basked in the glow as any other would. But where most couples had only love and passion between them, the yearling felt as if she had commited a crime. Blue eyes took in Gideon's face, his frame. He... he was beautiful and different and had given her everything she had wanted and more. "You certainly know how to treat a lady." She said, trying to be light hearted, but between her doubts and quiet panting the humor failed to make itself known. "Gideon..." She still... wanted more of him - and it was now starting to scare her because what else could she want from the male after what he had already done? "I should go." Her family they were close, they might start looking for her.

But she knew that the first place that she went wouldn't be home.

"Thank you, for everything." She said, forcing a smile. Trying not to panic. "Seracia, I must see it. Valhalla needs ties with other packs anyways." She was the beta, she would visit. Perhaps soon, perhaps weeks from now... "This won't be the last time we see each other." It wasn't supposed to come out like that - like a question. Like she was scared that he would disappear when it was her that was leaving. She didn't want this to be the last time that they met but... she wasn't sure what she would do if each time they met ended up like this.

She needed to speak with someone - perhaps Epiphron. Confiding in her sister had never been hard... but what if she told Syrinx? Or their father?

She had to go.

-exit Chrys unless stopped by Gideon-